USUALLY whenever I get around to an article update it is one fix rather than two but today’s is kind of like one of those stones that takes out multiple birds with one throw. Try not to get confused when I tell you that ‘The End of the Millennial Kingdom’ was a spin-off of ‘Wastelands of the Seraphiym,’ but that the later has now been integrated into the former. Still confused? Don’t be, though you wouldn’t be the first I’ve added ten new pages of totally cutting edge research to my ‘Seraphiym’ paper detailing why the Occult needs art work and pop culture to manifest the spiritual realm within our mind’s eye. But also, how the same art makers pushed away from Medieval artwork to promote the divine within rather than Elohiym above. I am adding the updated version of that paper as well as the much larger ‘End of the MK’ paper. Choose your journey.
PDF [UPDATE]: The End of the Millennial Kingdom: Wastelands of the Serephiym
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