Noel Joshua Hadley

The Psalm Project: Psalm 21

To the Preeminent Musician, The Superintendent of Temple Services   A Mizmor of David (Psalm 21)   YaHUWaH, In Your splendor and strength Melek, the King, Will leap for joy! In Your YESHUAH— How You set at liberty, How You enlarge the space For the feet— How, in this,...

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The Book of Nakash

The Book of Nakash   1 In the beginning was a seraph of the order of the heavenly hosts of Yahuah. His name was Nakash. He was given authority over the earth generations before man. 2 This is the book of Nakash and how he became null and void. 3 Nakash led the...

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The Genesis Reset

WHAT official history doesn't want you to know about is that His-Story is a series of resets. It always comes down to sin and rebellion against the Most-High, and the Intel community can't have that. They want you unclean and living in sin. Best to cover up the past...

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Prophecy of Shem

1 He said, My days are coming to an end and I must prophesy what Yahuah has revealed unto me. In the end of days, Elohiym will send his word to die. Many will obey the word and wash themselves in its blood. However, Nimrud will return with his prostitute on top of man...

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The Book of the Giants

The Book of the Giants Reconstructed from the Dead Sea Scrolls[These fallen angels] knew the secrets of [all things]. [At this time] sin was great on the earth. The wicked angels killed many people and begot giants [with mortal women]. The wicked (former) angels...

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Boost Your Immune System 101

If you are reading this article, then chances are good that you are aware of all the toxins and poisons that we come into contact with on a daily basis. The tap water provided to us contains things such as dissolved pharmaceuticals and poisonous fluoride. The air...

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The Seven Firmaments of Heaven

APOLOGIES if you haven’t any clue what the firmament is. I certainly don’t want to assume everyone reading my work is intimately aware of it. But know this: I won’t be laying the groundwork here. Contrarily, a pre-knowledge of the firmament, or raqia in Hebrew, is the...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 20

 To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services   A Mizmor Of David (Psalm 20)     YaHUWaH, He will sing, He will answer tunefully. In the time period Between the rising Of the sun And the going down thereof, When the adversary Presses you Into a...

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1948: The Year Gog Invaded Israel

YOU may recall that I came out with an article nearly a year ago claiming the 1948 invasion of Israel was Edom, not Gog, and now you have questions. Why the switcheroo? I’ve scratched Edom’s involvement in the 1948 creation of Israel, but only after coming to learn...

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It’s Groundhog Day, Again

I NEARLY made a video yesterday talking about how today would be Groundhog Day but then decided I might as well just wait around until Groundhog Day to see what happens. Well, something happened. As I'm writing this, the day is only halfway over. More is developing....

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