Noel Joshua Hadley

The Psalm Project: Psalm 63

A Mizmor of David When He Existed In the Wilderness Of Yahudah   (Psalm 63)     O, ALOHIM, You are my EL. For Thee will I seek, Early, Rising in the morning, Searching earnestly, My nephesh Thristing, Suffering, In a barren, parched land, A solitary place, Devoid...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 15

A Mizmor of David (Psalm 15)   YeHOWAH, Self-Existent, Eternal One, Who shall sojourn Or seek hospitality In Your dwelling place, The Tent of Your habitation?   Who shall Settle down Or establish his home In Your Qodesh, Set-Apart Mountain?   The one who...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 13

To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services   A Mizmor Of David (Psalm 13)   How long will You ignore me, O, YeHOWAH? Will it continue without ceasing? Have you forgotten me? Have you ceased to care? O, Self-Existent, Eternal One, How long will...

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1 Maccabees

1 And it came to pass, after the triumph of Alexandros the Makedonian, son 2 of Philippos, who first reigned in Hellas, who came out of the land of Khettiim, had defeated Dareios king of the Persians and the Medes: 3 And He fought a lot of battles, and took almost all...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 11

To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services The Chief Singer:   Of David (Psalm 11)   In the Self-Existent, Eternal One— YAHUAH— Do I take refuge. I flee to His protection. In Him, I confide. How dare you speak proudly To my nephesh, My living,...

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What Is the Definition of Sin According to the Bible?

GOOD THING the writers of Scripture finally got around to defining sin for us. When left to the boys down at Seminary, they’ll manage to cook something else up entirely. Whatever they offer on the menu almost always smells of GMO though. I said finally, and that is...

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