Mandela Effect

The Time Traveling Trumps

AND so, with time travel potentially already being a thing of the past, it really shouldn’t surprise anyone to find traces of residue. More like sudden emergences in the pages of history. Like Marty McFly’s tampering with George McFly the science fiction novelist in...

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The Mandela Effect: Field of Dreams

YET another entry has been added to my Mandela Effect paper, and in so short a time. This one has to do with a certain famous line from Field of Dreams. You know which one. Even if you happen to disagree with The Mandela Effect, which is morely likelier the case than...

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The Mandela Effect: C3-PO’s Silver Leg

THE MANDELA Effect was a pasion of mine several years ago. Some of the earliest articles here at The Unexpected Cosmology delved into various changes. Then about six years went by without ever bringing it up again, and so, what happened? It would surprise my readers...

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