Noel Joshua Hadley

The Psalm Project: Psalm 5

Adapted from a Mizmor of David (Psalm 5)   Preeminent Musician, Superintendent of Temple Services: To be performed on the woodwind instrument (flute) To the Melody “Behold the Divided Inheritance”   Hearken to my words. Listen, O, AHAYAH, Self-Existent, Eternal One,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 4

To the Preeminent Musician, To the Superintendent of Temple Services, To the Musicians on Stringed Instruments, Singers:   A Mizmor of David (Psalm Four)   Ha’qarai aneni ALOHIM tsedeki     I cry out for help! Answer me tunefully, O, ALOHIM, Tsedeki, My Righteous EL,...

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Targum Obadiah

  1 1 The prophecy of Obadiah. Thus saith Yahuah Elohim to Edom – A report have we heard from before Yahuah and a messenger into the nations has he sent. Arise and let us prepare ourselves for battle against her. 2 Behold, I will make you weak among the nations....

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 18

Psalm 18 Adapted from a Mizmor of David   Preeminent Musician, Superintendent of Temple Services, Levites, Israelites, Worshippers of He Who Breathes Life:   Words which David sang, Lyrics and music, Which during the period Between sunrise and sunset, In the time When...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 3

Psalm 3 Adapted from a Mizmor of David When he bolted from before the face of Absalom, his son   YAHUAH mah-rabab tsar   O, Self-Existent One— YAHUAH! How my adversary has increased! Like raindrops, Accumulating, Building, Growing into a flood, Multiplying into...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 2

Psalm 2 Adapted from a Mizmor of David   Goyim Radash   Those nations who have no covenant with AHAYAH make a tumult. They rage. They gather into a community. They meditate. They study Worthless things. In vain, Moloch (melek) of earth Takes position The noble princes...

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Joseph and Aseneth

1 It came to pass in the first year of the seven years of plenty, in the second month, that Pharaoh sent out Yoceph to go round the whole land of Egypt. 2 And Yoceph came, in the fourth month of the first year, on the eighteenth day of the month, into the district of...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 1

Psalm 1 Adapted from the Words of DavidAsher ha’ishe   Asher ha’ishe, happy the man Who makes no plans, Who charts no voyage According to the advice or counsel Of the condemned and wicked, The fallen ones.   Asher ha’ishe, happy the man Who does not arise to...

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The Revelation of Moses

  ACCOUNT and life of Adam and Eve, the first-created, revealed by Elohim to His servant Moses, when he received from the hand of Yahuah the tables of the law of the covenant, instructed by the archangel Michael. This is the account of Adam and Eve. After they...

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The Book of Adam

Discovery of Expulsion   1.1 It came to pass, when Adam went out from paradise with his wife Eve, they went out at the eastern part of paradise. And Adam made a hut to live in. They both entered (it) and resided there for seven days. They both wept with abundant...

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