MY latest article is a spin-off from the presentation I gave at the Sacred Word Publishing Conference last weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. Really, you had to have been there. If you weren’t then don’t sweat it. The talk regarded my research into the Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood topic, and was the first time I’d ever done so before a live audience. Attempting to present stacks of research proving that we’re inhabiting Satan’s short season of deception (via Revelation 20) in a short 50 minute span wasn’t easy, particularly to a group of attendees who’d never looked into the possibility before, but I think I did alright in the end. I won’t say much more because I talk about it in this paper. Hot off the press, The Watchers Released involves the, well, you know who, particularly the timing of their return. If you would like to read it for yourself then a $5 donation gives you an all access pass. I appreciate your support.
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Afterwards, ‘The Watchers Released’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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