Noel Joshua Hadley

Sin No More

[…] I was covered by grace after all. Doesn’t that mean I can sin as many times as I want and just ask for forgiveness before I die to gain access to my eternal mansion? Looking back, I will admit I was lost. Considering that I believed […]

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 17

A Tephillah Of David (Psalm 17)     Shamah, YaHUWaH   Hear and answer, O, YaHUWaH, From the straight paths, Prick up Your ears, Sharpen Your hearing; Listen to my mournful cry, My wailing. Hear now my tephillah– My prayer– Which is not muffled Within my mouth, Nor...

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The Letter of Lentulus

BUT the scholars, you tell me. No true scholar would ever give the Letter of Lentulus a second glance, you say.  The scholars have proven it to be a medieval forgery and we should listen to the scholars more often. Because the scholars understand His-Story better than...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 16

A Michtam of David (Psalm 16)   Shamar   Guard me, O, my EL.   Strong Leader, You Who are the Power and Authority Over Yashar’EL, Hedge me in with thorns. Keep watch over my life. I will declare of YeHOWAH, My ADONAI: You exist Upright, Rich, Bountiful,...

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The Lost History of Charleston

THIS week's article isn't actually an article at all. Rather than clapping out a paper on the typewriter, I tried something new. Pictures. Mostly just me talking about pictures. Sometimes a change of scenery can be a good thing, and I think this is one of those...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 91

Psalm 91   yo-seb be-seter el-yown     He will sit down in quiet. And abide In the hidden place, The covert of the mountain Of ELYON. Turn aside, Weary traveler, Rest, Find lodging In the shadow and protection Of SHADDAI, The Most Powerful EL,   I will boast Of...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 26

Of David (Psalm 26)     Enter into the controversy, YeHOWAH. Vindicate me, O, Self-Existent, Eternal One, For I, in innocence of heart And integrity of mind Have taken staff in hand To travel the correct path. And in YeHOWAH Have I got placed confidence— I lay upon...

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Behold, Tomorrow Is New Moon Day

BEHOLD, TOMORROW IS NEW MOON The placing of the new moon dayYHWH’s timepiece and calendar is a finely tuned watch with the main spring and cogs and wheels.  Having the correct day for the beginning of each of His months is one of those cogs.  This is what we will be...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 117

Adapted from Psalm 117   HalleluYAH! Hallelu eth-YeHOWAH! Praise YeHOWAH! All you goyim, Who not numbered Among the congregation! Praise YeHOWAH! All ha’ummiym, You who draw near, Who have taken hold Of HIS covenant! For the beauty Of HIS kindness, For HIS covenant...

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The Importance of the Aleph and the Tav

That’s Gen 1:1 in the Hebrew text. Here is the king Jimmy translation.“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJVNow you may not have noticed but the two letters I have highlighted in the Hebrew are missing from the King James. In fact...

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