Targum Torah Portions Week 5: Chayei Sarah חַיֵּי שָׂרָה “Life of Sarah”

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Targum Jonathan on Genesis

Week 5

Chapters 23 – 25:18



Chapter 23כ״ג



ויהיו חיי שׁרה וַהֲווֹ חַיֵי שָרָה מְאָה וְעֶשְרִין וּשְׁבַע שְׁנִין שְׁנֵי חַיָיהָא דְשָרָה

1 And the days of the life of Sarah were an hundred and twenty and seven years, the years of the life of Sarah.


וּמִיתַת שָרָה בְּקִרְיַית אַרְבַּע הוּא חֶבְרוֹן בְּאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן וְאָתָא אַבְרָהָם מִן טַוָור פּוּלְחָנָא וְאַשְׁכְּחָהּ דְמִיתַת וְיָתִיב לְמִסְפַּד לְשָרָה וּלְמִבְכְּיָיהּ

2 And Sarah died in Kiryath Arba, which is Hebron. And Abraham came from the mountain of worship, and found that she was dead; and he sat to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.


וְקָם אַבְרָהָם מִן מַחֲמֵי אַפִּין עַל מֵיתֵיהּ וּמַלֵיל עִם בְּנֵי חִתָּאָה לְמֵימַר

3 And Abraham rose up from the sight of the face of his dead, and spake with the sons of Hittah, saying,


דַיָיר וְתוֹתָב אֲנָא עִמְכוֹן בְּבָעוּ זַבּוּנִי לִי אַחֲסָנַת קְבוּרְתָּא עִמְכוֹן וְאִיקְבַּר יַת מֵיתִי תַּמָן

4 I am a sojourner and dweller with you; I pray sell me the inheritance of a sepulchre among you, and I will bury my dead there.


וְאָתִיבוּ בְּנֵי חִתָּאָה יַת אַבְרָהָם לְמֵימַר לֵיהּ

5 And the sons of Hittah responded unto Abraham, saying to him,


קַבֵּל מִנָנָא רוֹבָּנָנָא רַב קֳדָם יְיָ אַתְּ בֵּינָנָא בִּשְׁפַר קִיבְרָנָא קְבַר יַת מִיתָךְ אִינַשׁ מִינָנָא יַת קְבוּרְתֵּיהּ לָא יִמְנַע מִינָךְ בְּגִין דְלָא לְמִיקְבַּר מִיתָךְ

6 Attend to us, our lord. Great before the Lord art thou among us, in the best of our sepulchres bury thy dead: there is not a man of us who will refuse thee his sepulchre, that thou mayest bury thy dead.


וְקָם אַבְרָהָם וְגָחַן לְעַמָא דְאַרְעָא לִבְנֵי חִתָּאָה

7 And Abraham rose and bowed to the people of the land, the sons of Hittah.


וּמַלֵיל עִמְהוֹן לְמֵימַר אִין אִית רְעוּ עִם נַפְשֵׁיכוֹן לְמִיקְבַּר יַת מֵיתִי מִן מֶחֱמֵי אַפַּיַי קַבְּלוּ מִינִי וּבְעוּ עָלַי קֳדָם עֶפְרוֹן בַּר צוֹחַר

8 And he spake with them, saying, If it be with the consent of your mind that I bury my dead from before my face, receive of me, and intercede for me before Ephron bar Zochar


וְיִזְבּוּן לִי יַת מְעָרַת כָּפֵילְתָּא דִילֵיהּ דְמִתְבַּנְיָא בִּסְטַר חַקְלֵיהּ בִּכְסַף שְׁלִים יִתְּנִינָהּ לִי בֵּינֵיכוֹן לְאַחְסָנַת קְבוּרְתָּא

9 that he sell me his double cave which is built in the side of his field, for the full price in silver let him give it me among you, for an inheritance of sepulture.


וְעֶפְרוֹן יָתֵיב בְּגוֹ בְּנֵי חִיתָּאָה וְאָתֵיב עֶפְרוֹן חִיתָּאָה יַת אַבְרָהָם בְּאַנְפֵּי בְּנֵי חִיתָּאָה לְכָל עָלֵי תְרַע קַרְתֵּיהּ לְמֵימַר

10 But Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham in the presence of the sons of Hittah, of all who entered the gate of his city, saying,


בְּבָעוּ רִבּוֹנִי קַבֵּיל מִינִי חַקְלָא יְהָבִית לָךְ וּמְעַרְתָּא דְבֵיהּ לָךְ יְהַבְתָּהּ לְמַתְּנָא בְּאַנְפֵּי בְּנֵי עַמִי יְהַבְתָּהּ לָךְ אִיזֵל קְבַר מִיתָךְ

11 My lord, listen to me: the field I give thee, and the cave which is in it, to thee I give it, as a gift before the sons of my people I give it to thee; go, bury thy dead.


וְגָחַן לֵיהּ אַבְרָהָם בְּאַנְפֵּי בְּנֵי חִיתָּאָה

12 And Abraham bowed before the sons of Hittah.


וּמַלֵיל עִם עֶפְרוֹן בְּאַנְפֵּי עַמָא דְאַרְעָא לְמֵימַר בְּרַם אִם אַנְתְּ צָבֵי לְמֶעֱבַד לִי טִיבוּ קַבֵּל מִינִי אֶתֵּן כַּסְפָּא דְמֵי חַקְלָא סַב מִנִי וְאֶקְבּוֹר יַת מִיתִי תַּמָן

13 And he spake with Ephron before the people of the land, saying, Nevertheless, if thou art willing to do me a favour, hear me: I will give thee in silver the price of the field; take (it) of me, and I will bury my dead there. And


וְאָתִיב עֶפְרוֹן יַת אַבְרָהָם לְמֵימַר לֵיהּ

14 Ephron answered Abraham, saying to him,


רִבּוֹנִי קַבֵּל מִנִי אֲרַע דְטִימִין דִילֵהּ אַרְבַּע מְאָה סַלְעִין דִכְסַף בֵּינָא וּבֵינָךְ מַה הוּא וְיַת מִיתָךְ קְבַר

15 My lord, hear me: the land, as to its price, would be four hundred sileen of silver; between me and thee what is that? Bury thy dead.


וְקַבֵּל אַבְרָהָם מִן עֶפְרוֹן וּתְקַל אַבְרָהָם לְעֶפְרוֹן יַת כַּסְפָּא דְמַלֵיל בְּאַנְפֵּיהּ בְּנֵי חִתָּאָה אַרְבַּע מְאָה סִלְעִין דִכְסַף טַב עָבְרִין בְּכָל פְּתוֹר וּמִתְקַבְּלִין בְּכָל פְּרַקְמַטְיָא

16 And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron, and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver which he had named before the sons of Hittah, four hundred sileen of silver, good, passing at every table, and receivable in all transactions.


וְקָם זַבִּין חֲקַל עֶפְרוֹן דִי בְכָפֶלְתָּא דִקְדָם מַמְרֵא חַקְלָא וּמְעַרְתָּא דְבֵיהּ וְכָל אִילָנָא דִבְחַקְלָא דִבְכָל תְּחוּמֵיהּ חֲזוֹר חֲזוֹר

17 And he confirmed the purchase of the field of Ephron, in which (was) the double (cave) which is before Mamre, The field, and the cave that is therein, and all the trees that were in the field, in all the boundaries thereof round about,


לְאַבְרָהָם לִזְבִינוֹי בְּאַנְפֵּי בְּנֵי חִתָּאָה לְכָל עָלֵי תְּרַע קַרְתֵּיהּ

18 Unto Abraham, for a purchased possession, in the presence of the sons of Hittah, (even) of all who entered in at the gate of the city.


וּמִן בָּתַר כְּדֵין קְבַר אַבְרָהָם יַת שָרָה אִנְתְּתֵיהּ לִמְעָרַת חֲקֵיל כָּפֶלְתָּא דְעַל אַנְפֵּי מַמְרֵא הוּא חֶבְרוֹן בְּאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן

19 And afterwards Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field Kapheilta which is before Mamre, that is, Hebron in the land of Kenaan.


וְקָם חַקְלָא וּמְעָרְתָּא דְבֵיהּ לְאַבְרָהָם לְאַחֲסָנַת קְבוּרְתָּא מִן בְּנֵי חִיתָּאָה

20 And the field and the cave therein were confirmed unto Abraham for an inheritance of sepulture from the sons of Hittah.



Chapter 24כ״ד



וְאַבְרָהָם סִיב עַל בְּיוֹמִין וּמֵימְרָא דַיְיָ בְּרִיךְ יַת אַבְרָהָם בְּכָל מִינֵי בִּרְכָתָא

1 And Abraham was old with days, and the Word of the Lord had blessed Abraham with every kind of blessing.


וַאֲמַר אַבְרָהָם לֶאֱלִיעֶזֶר עַבְדֵיהּ סָבָא דְבֵיתֵיהּ דְשַׁלִיט בְּכָל אַפּוֹתִּיקֵי דִלֵיהּ שַׁוִי כְדוֹן יְדָךְ בִּגְזֵירַת מְהוּלְתִּי

2 And Abraham said to Eliezer his servant, the senior of his house, who had rule over all his property, Put now thy hand upon the section of my circumcision.


וְאוֹמִינָךְ בְּשׁוּם מֵימְרָא דַיְיָ אֱלָהָא דְמוֹתְבֵיהּ בִּשְׁמֵי מְרוֹמָא הוּא אֱלָהָא דְשׁוּלְטָנֵיהּ עַל אַרְעָא דִי לָא תִיסַב אִיתָא לִבְרִי מִבְּנַתְהוֹן דִכְנַעֲנָאֵי דִי אֲנָא יָתִיב בֵּינֵיהוֹן

3 And swear to me in the name of the Word of the Lord God, whose habitation is in heaven on high, the God whose dominion is over the earth, that thou wilt not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Kenaanites among whom I dwell;


אֱלָהֵין לְאַרְעִי וּלְבֵית גְנִיסָתִי תֵּיזֵיל וְתִסַב אִתְּתָא לִבְרִי יִצְחָק

4 but that thou wilt go to the land and the house of my kindred, and take a wife for my son, for Izhak.


וַאֲמַר לֵיהּ עַבְדָא מָאִים לֵית צְבוּת אִתְּתָא לְמֵיתֵי בַּתְרַיי לְאַרְעָא הָדָא הַאֲתָבָא אָתֵיב יַת בְּרָךְ לְאַרְעָא דִי נְפַקְתָּא מִתַּמָן

5 And the domestic said to him, suppose the woman may not be willing to come after me to this land; shall I, returning make thy son return to the land from whence thou camest?


וַאֲמַר לֵיהּ אַבְרָהָם אִסְתַּמַר לָךְ דִילְמָא תָתֵיב יַת בְּרִי לְתַמָן

6 And Abraham said to him, Beware, lest thou make my some return thither!


יְיָ אֱלָהָא דְמוֹתְבֵיהּ בִּשְׁמֵי מְרוֹמָא דְדַבְּרַנִי מִן בֵּית אַבָּא וּמִן אֲרַע יַלְדוּתִי וּדְמַלֵיל לִי וּדְקַיֵים עָלַי לְמֵימַר לִבְנָךְ אֶתֵּן יַת אַרְעָא הָדָא הוּא יַזְמִין מַלְאֲכִי לְקָמָךְ וְתִיסַב אִיתָא לִבְרִי מִתַּמָן

7 The Lord God, whose seat is in heaven on high, who took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my birth; and who spake to me, and sware to me, saying, To thy son will I give this land; He will seasonably send His angel, and thou shalt take a wife for my sone from thence.


וְאִם לֵית צְבוּת אִתְּתָא לְמֵיתֵי בַּתְרָךְ וְתִזְדְכִי מִמוֹמָתִי דָא לְחוֹד יַת בְּרִי לָא תָתֵיב לְתַמָן

8 But if the woman be not willing to come after thee, thou shalt be innocent from this my oath; only make not my son return thither.


וְשַׁוֵי עַבְדָא יַת יְדֵיהּ בְּגִזְרַת מְהוּלְתָּא דְאַבְרָהָם רִבּוֹנֵיהּ וְקַיֵים לֵיהּ (עַל) עֵיסַק פִּתְגָמָא הָדֵין

9 And the servant put his hand upon the circumcised part of Abraham his lord, and sware to him according to this thing.


וּדְבַר עַבְדָא עֲשָרָה גַמְלִין מִן גַמְלֵי רִבּוֹנֵיהּ וַאֲזַל וְכָל שְׁפַר אַפּוֹתִּיקִי דְרִיבּוֹנֵיהּ בִּידֵיהּ וְקָם וַאֲזַל לַאֲרַם דְעַל פְּרָת לְקַרְתָּא דְנָחוֹר

10 And the servant took ten camels from the camels of his lord, and went: for all the goodly treasures of his lord were in his hand; and he arose and went unto Aram, which was by the Pherat, to the city of Nachor.


וְאַרְבַּע גַמְלַיָא מִבָּרָא לְקַרְתָּא לְבֵירָא דְמַיָא לְעִידָן רַמְשָׁא לְעִדָן דְנַפְקַן מַלְיָאתָא

11 And he made the camels lie down without the city by the fountain of waters, at the time of evening, the time when the fillers (of water) come forth.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ אֱלָהָא דְרִיבּוֹנִי אַבְרָהָם זַמִין כְּעַן אִיתָא מְהַגְנָא קוּמִי יוֹמָנָא וְעִיבַד טִיבוֹי עִם רִבּוֹנִי אַבְרָהָם

12 And he said, Lord God of my master Abraham, prepare thou a proper woman before me today, and deal graciously with my master Abraham.


הָא אֲנָא קָאִי עַל עֵינָא דְמַיָא וּבְנַתְהוֹן דְאַנְשֵׁי קַרְתָּא נַפְקַן לְמִמְלֵי מוֹי

13 Behold I stand at the well of waters, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming forth to fill waters.


וּתְהֵי רִיבָא דַאֲמַר לָהּ אַרְכִינִי כְדוֹן לְגִינִיךְ וְאֵשְׁתִּי וְתֵימַר שְׁתֵי וְאוּף גַמְלִיךְ אַשְׁקֵי יָתָהּ זְמִינְתָּא בְּמַזָלָא לְעַבְדָךְ לְיִצְחָק וּבָהּ אִינְדַע אֲרוּם עֲבַדְתְּ טִיבוּ עִם רִיבּוֹנִי

14 Let the damsel to whom I say, Reach me now thy pitcher, that I may drink, and she say, Drink, and I will also make my camels drink, be she whom thou hast provided to go to thy servant Izhak; and herein shall I know that Thou hast dealt graciously with my master.


וַהֲוָה בְּשָׁעָא קַלִילָא הוּא עַד כְּדוֹן לָא פָּסַק לְמַלָלָא וְהָא רִבְקָה נַפְקַת דְאִתְיְלִידָא לִבְתוּאֵל בַּר מִלְכָּה אִנְתְּתֵיהּ דְנָחוֹר אָחוֹי דְאַבְרָהָם וּלְגִינְתָא עַל כַּתְפָהָא

15 And it was in that little hour, while he had not ceased to speak, that, behold, Rivekah came forth, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcha, the wife of Nachor, the brother of Abraham, and her pitcher was upon her shoulder.


וְרִיבָא שַׁפִּירָא לְמֵיחֲמֵי לַחֲדָא בְּתוּלְתָּא וּגְבַר לָא יָדָעָהּ בְּמַשְׁכְּבָהּ וּנְחָתַת לְעַיְינָא וּמְלַת לְגִנְתָהּ וּסְלִיקַת

16 And the damsel was a virgin, very beautiful to behold, and she descended to the fountain and filled her pitcher, and came up.


וּרְהַט עַבְדָא לִקְדָמוּתָהָא וַאֲמַר אַטְעִמְנִי כְּדוֹן קַלֵיל מוֹי מִן לְגִינִיתִיךְ

17 And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me taste now a little water from thy pitcher.


וַאֲמָרַת שְׁתִי רִבּוֹנִי וְאוֹחִיאַת וַאֲחִיתַת לְגִינְתָא עַל יָדָהּ וְאַשְׁקִיתֵהּ

18 And she said, Drink, my lord; and hastened to let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink.


וּפְסָקַת לְאֲשְׁקִיוּתֵיהּ וַאֲמַרַת אוּף לְגַמְלָךְ אִימְלִי עַד דִי סַפְקוּן לְמִשְׁתֵּי

19 And she finished giving him drink, and said, Also for thy camels I will fill until they be satisfied with drinking.


וְאוֹחִיאַת וְרוֹקִינַת לְגִינְתָא לְמוֹרְבִּיוֹת בֵּית שִׁקְתֵי וּרְהָטַת תּוּב לְבֵירָא לְמִימְלֵי וּמְלַת לְכָל גַמְלוֹי

20 And she hastened and emptied the pitcher into the canal, the place of drinking, and ran again to the well to fill; and she filled for all his camels.


וְגַבְרָא הֲוָה מַמְתִּין לָהּ וּשְׁתֵיק לְמִנְדַע הַאַצְלַח יְיָ אָרְחֵיהּ אִין לָא

21 But the man waited, and was silent, to know whether the Lord had prospered his way or not.


וַהֲוָה כַּד סְפִּיקַן גַמְלַיָא לְמִמְלֵי וּנְסִיב גַבְרָא קָדָשָׁא דְדַהֲבָא דַרְכְּמוֹנָא מַתְקְלֵיהּ קֳבֵל דַרְכְּמוֹנָא לְגַלְגֶלְתָּא דְאִיטְמוּסִין בְּנָהָא לְמֵיתַב לְעִיבִידַת מַשְׁכְּנָא וּתְרֵין שִׁירִין יְהַב עַל יְדָהָא מַתְקַל עֲשַר סַלְעִין דְדַהֲבָא סְכוּם מַתְקַלְהוֹן קֳבֵל תְּרֵין לוּחַיָא דִכְתִיבִין בְהוֹן עֲשַרְתִּי דִבְּרַיָא

22 And it was when the camels had been satisfied with drink, that the man took an earring of gold, of a drachma in weight, the counterpart of the drachma of the head (money) which her children presented for the work of the sanctuary; and he set two golden bracelets upon her hands, in weight ten sileen of gold; the sum of their weight being the counterpart of the two tables on which were inscribed the Ten Words.


וַאֲמַר בְּרַת מַאן אַתְּ תַּנִי כְדוֹן לִי הַאִית בֵּית אָבוּךְ אֲתַר כָּשַר לָנָא לִמְבָת

23 And he said, Whose daughter art thou? Tell me now, if in thy father’s house there be room for us to lodge.


וַאֲמַרַת לֵיהּ בְּרַת בְּתוּאֵל אֲנָא בַּר מִלְכָּה דִילֵידַת לְנָחוֹר

24 And she said, I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcha, whom she bare to Nachor.


וְתָנַת לְמֵימַר לֵיהּ אוּף תִּיבְנָא אוּף אַסְפַּסְתָּא סַגִי עִמָנָא אוּף אָתַר כָּשַׁר לִמְבָת

25 And she told him, saying, There is also straw and provender in plenty with us, as also proper room to lodge.


וְגָחַן גַבְרָא וּסְגִיד קֳדָם יְיָ דְזַמִין קֳדָמוֹי אִתְּתָא מְהַגְנָא

26 And the man bowed and worshipped before the Lord, who had thus prepared before him a suitable wife.


וַאֲמַר בְּרִיךְ שְׁמָא דַיְיָ אֱלָהֵיהּ דְרִיבּוֹנִי אַבְרָהָם דִי לָא מְנַע טֵיבוּתֵיהּ וְקוּשְׁטֵיהּ מִן רִבּוֹנִי אֲנָא בִּזְכוּתֵיהּ בְּאוֹרַח תַּקְנָא דַבְּרַנִי יְיָ בֵּית אָחוֹי דְרִבּוֹנִי

27 And he said, Blessed be the Name of the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who hath not restrained His mercy and His truth from my master; for the sake of his righteousness in the right way hath the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brother.


וּרְהִיטַת הָרִיבָא וְחַוִי לְבֵית אִימָהּ כְּפִתְגָמָא הָאִילֵין

וּלְרִבְקָה אָחָא וּשְׁמֵיהּ לָבָן וּרְהַט לָבָן לְוַת גַבְרָא לְבָרָא לְעַיְינָא

28 And Rivekah had a brother whose name was Laban. And Laban ran towards the man without at the fountain.


וַהֲוָה כְּדִי חָמָא יַת קָדָשָׁא וְיַת שֵׁרַיָא עַל יְדֵי אַחְתֵיהּ וְכַד שְׁמַע יַת פִּתְגָמֵי רִבְקָה אַחְתֵיהּ לְמֵימָר כְּדוּן מַלֵיל עִמִי גַבְרָא וְאָתָא לְוַת גַבְרָא וְהָא קָאֵי עֲלוֹי גַמְלַיָא עַל עֵינָא

29 And when Laban saw the ring and the bracelets upon the hands of his sister, and heard the words of Rivekah his sister, saying, Thus hath the man spoken with me; he came to the man, and behold, he stood by the camels at the fountain.


וְחָשִׁיב לָבָן דְהוּא אַבְרָהָם וְאָמַר עוּל בְּרִיכָא דַיְיָ לְמָא אַנְתְּ קָאֵי בְּבָרָא וַאֲנָא פַּנְיַת בֵּיתָא מִפּוּלְחָנָא נוּכְרָאָה וַאֲתַר אַתְקִינַת לְגַמְלַיָא

30 And Laban thought that this was Abraham, and said, Come in, thou blessed of the Lord: wherefore standest thou without, when I have purified the house from strange worship, and have prepared a place for the camels?


וְעַל גַבְרָא לְבֵיתָא וְשָׁרֵי זְמָמֵי גַמְלַיָא וִיהַב (לָבָן) תִּבְנָא וְאַסְפַּסְתָּא לְגַמְלַיָא וּמוֹי לְמִשְׁזוּג רַגְלוֹי וְרַגְלֵי גוּבְרַיָא דִי עִמֵיהּ

31 And the man entered the house, and Laban undid the gear of the camels, and gave the camels straw and provender; and water (to Eliezer) to wash his feet, and the feet of the men who were with him.


וְסַדָרוּ קוּמֵיהּ לְמֵכוּל תַּבְשִׁילָה דְבֵיהּ סַמָא דִקְטוֹל וְאַרְגִישׁ בֵּיהּ וַאֲמַר לָא אֵיכוּל עַד דַאֲמַלֵיל פִּתְגָמָי וַאֲמַר מַלֵיל

32 And he set in order before him to eat, prepared food in which was poison to kill; but he objected to it, and said, I will not eat, until I have spoken my words. And he said, Speak.


וַאֲמַר עַבְדָא דְאַבְרָהָם אֲנָא

33 And he said, I am the servant of Abraham.


וַיְיָ בְּרִיךְ יַת רִבּוֹנִי לַחֲדָא וּרְבָא וִיהַב לֵיהּ עָאן וְתוֹרִין וְכַסְפָּא וְדַהֲבָא וְעַבְדִין וְאַמְהָן וְגַמְלִין וְחַמְרִין

34 And the Lord hath blessed my master greatly, and hath increased, and given him sheep and oxen, silver and gold, servants and handmaids, and camels and asses.


וִילֵדַת שָרָה אִיתַּת רִבּוֹנִי בַּר לְרִבּוֹנִי בָּתַר דְסֵיבַת וִיהַב לֵיהּ יַת כָּל דִילֵיהּ

35 And Sarah; my master’s wife, bare a son after she was old, and he hath given to him all that he hath.


וְאוֹמֵי יָתִי רִבּוֹנִי לְמֵימָר לָא תִסַב אִיתְּתָא לִבְרִי מִבְּנַת כְּנַעֲנָאֵי דַאֲנָא יָתִיב בְּאַרְעֲהוֹן

36 And my master made me swear, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Kenaanites in whose land I dwell,


אֱלָהֵן לְבֵית אִיבָּא תֵּזִיל וּלְיִיחוּסִי וְתִסַב אִיתָא לִבְרִי

37 but shall go to my kindred, and take a wife for my son.


וַאֲמָרִית לְרִבּוֹנִי מָאִים לָא תֵיתֵי אִתְּתָא בַּתְרָי

38 But I said to my master, Perhaps the woman will not come after me.


וַאֲמַר לִי יְיָ דִפְלָחִית קוּמוֹי יַזְמִין מַלְאָכֵיהּ עִמָךְ וְיַצְלַח אָרְחָךְ וְתִסַב אִיתְּתָא לִבְרִי מִן יְחוּסִי וּמִגְנִיסַת בֵּית אִיבָּא

39 And he said to me, The Lord before whom I worship will appoint His angel to be with thee, and will prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son from my household, from the race of my father’s house.


בְּכֵין תִּזְדְכִי מִמוֹמָתִי אִין תֵיעוֹל לְבֵית יִחוּסִי וְאִין לָא יִנָתְנוּן לָךְ וּתְהִי זַכָּאִי מִמוּמָתִי

40 Then shalt thou be free from my oath: if, when thou art come to the house of my kindred, they give not to thee, thou shalt be free from thy oath.


וְאָתִית יוֹמָנָא לְעֵינָא וַאֲמָרִית יְיָ אֱלָהֵיהּ דְרִבּוֹנִי אַבְרָהָם אִין אִיתָךְ כְּדוֹן מַצְלַח אָרְחִי דַאֲנָא אָזִיל עֲלָהּ

41 And I came today to the fountain, and said, Lord God of my master ABraham, if now Thou hast prospered the journey upon which I have come,


הָא אֲנָא קָאִים עַל עֵינָא דְמַיָא וּתְהֵי רִיבָא דְתִיפּוֹק לְמִמְלֵי וְאֵימַר לָהּ אַשְׁקִינִי כְדוֹן קָלִיל מוֹי מִן לְגִינִיתִיךְ

42 behold, I stand at the fountain of water,–let the damsel who may come forth to fill, to whom I will say, Give me now a little water to drink from thy pitcher,


וְתֵימַר לִי אוּף אַנְתְּ שְׁתִי וְאוּף לְגַמְלָךְ אַמְלֵי הִיא אִנְתְּתָא דְזַמִין יְיָ בְּמַזָלָא לְבַר רִבּוֹנִי

43 and she say, Drink, and for thy camels also will I draw, be the wife whom the Lord hath prepared by His decree for my master’s son.


אֲנָא עַד לָא פַּסְקִית לְמַלָלָא עִם הִרְהוּרֵי לִבִּי וְהָא רִבְקָה נַפְקַת וּלְגִינְתָהּ עַל כַּתְפָהּ וּנְחָתַת לְעַיְינָא וּמְלַת וַאֲמָרִית לָהּ אַשְׁקִינִי כְדוּן

44 I had not yet finished speaking in the thoughts of my heart, when, behold, Rivekah came forth with the pitcher upon (her) shoulder, and went down to the fountain, and filled. And I said, Let me now drink.


וְאוֹחִיאַת וַאֲחִיתַת לְגִינְתָהּ מִינָהּ וַאֲמָרִית שְׁתִי וְאוּף גַמְלִיךְ אַשְׁקִי וְשָׁתִיתִי וְאוּף גַמְלַיָיא אַשְׁקִיַית

45 And she hastened and let down her pitcher from her, and said, Drink, and I will also give thy camels drink.


וּשְׁאִילַת יָתָהּ וַאֲמָרִית בְּרַתְּ מָאן אַנְתְּ וַאֲמַרַת בְּרַת בְּתוּאֵל בַּר נָחוֹר דִלֵידַת לֵיהּ מִלְכָּה וְשַׁוִיַת קָדָשָׁא עַל אַפָּהּ וְשִׁירַיָא עַל יָדָהָא

46 And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nachor, whom Milcha bare to him. And I set the jewel upon her brow, and the bracelets on her hand,


וּגְחָנִית וּסְגִידִית קֳדָם יְיָ וּבְרִיכִית יַת יְיָ אֱלָהֵיהּ דְרִיבּוֹנִי אַבְרָהָם דְדַבְּרַנִי בְּאוֹרַח קְשׁוֹט לְמֵיסַב יַת בְּרַת אָחוֹי דְרִבּוֹנִי לִבְרֵיהּ

47 and bowed and worshipped before the Lord; and I blessed the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me in the true way to take the daughter of master’s brother for his son.


וּכְדוֹן אִין אִיתֵיכוֹן עָבְדִין טִיבוּ וּקְשׁוֹט עִם רִבּוֹנִי תָּנוּ לִי וְאִין לָא תָּנוּ לִי וְאִיפְנֵי עַל דָרוֹמָא אוֹ עַל צִפוּנָא

48 And now, if you will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me; and if not, tell me, that I may turn to the south or to the north.


וְאָתֵיב לָבָן וּבְתוּאֵל וְאָמְרוּ מִן קֳדָם יְיָ נְפַק פִּתְגָמָא דְרִבְקָה אִתְיְהִיבַת לְיִצְחָק אֲנַן לָא נֵיכוֹל לְמַלָלָא לָךְ בִּישׁ אוֹ טָב

49 And Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing hath come forth from before the Lord that Rivekah should be given to Izhak, and we cannot say to thee either evil or good.


הָא רִבְקָה קוּמָךְ דְבַר וְאֵיזִיל וּתְהֵי אִיתָא לְבַר רִבּוֹנָךְ כְּמָא דְמַלֵיל יְיָ

50 Behold, Rivekah is before thee, take and go, and let her be the wife of thy master’s son, as the Lord hath spoken.


וַהֲוָה כַּד שְׁמַע עַבְדָא דְאַבְרָהָם יַת פִּתְגָמֵיהוֹן וּסְגִיד עַל אַרְעָא קֳדָם יְיָ

51 And when Abraham’s servant heard these words, he worshipped on the ground before the Lord.


וְהַנְפַק עַבְדָא מָנִין דִכְסַף וּמָנִין דִדְהַב וּלְבוּשִׁין וִיהַב לְרִבְקָה וְדוֹרוֹנִין יְהַב לְאָחוּהָא וּלְאִמָהּ

52 And the servant brought forth vessels of silver and of gold, and vestments, and gave them to Rivekah; and presents give he to her brother and to her mother.


וְאָכְלוּ וְשָׁתוּ הוּא וְגוּבְרַיָא דְעִמֵיהּ וּבָתוּ וְקָמוּ בְּצַפְרָא וַאֲמַר שַׁדְרוּנִי לְרִבּוֹנִי

53 And they ate and drank, he and the men who were with him, and passed the night. And he arose in the morning, and said, Send me away to my master.


וְעַל דִהֲווֹ מְמַלְלִין בְּרַמְשָׁא בְּתוּאֵל הֲוָה אָכִיל מֵהַהוּא תַבְשִׁילָא וְאַשְׁכְּחוּנוֹהִי בִּקְרִיצְתָּא דְהָא מִית וַאֲמַר אֲחוּהָא וְאִימָא תִּיתַב רִיבָא עִמָנָא יוֹמֵי שַׁתָּא חֲדָא אוֹ עֲשַר יַרְחִין וּבָתַר כְּדֵין תֵּיזִיל

54 But as they were talking in the evening, Bethuel had eaten of that prepared food; and in the morning they found that he was dead. And the brother and mother said therefore, Let the damsel dwell with us the days of one year or ten months, and then she shall go.


וַאֲמַר לְהוֹם לָא תְעַכְּבוּן יָתִי וַיְיָ אַצְלַח אוֹרְחִי אִלְוְויוּנִי וְאֵיזִיל לְרִבּוֹנִי

55 And he said, Hinder me not, when the Lord hath prospered my way; let me depart, and I will go to my master.


וַאֲמָרוּ נִקְרֵי לְרִיבָא וְנִשְׁמַע מַה דְהִיא אָמְרָה

56 And they said, We will call Rivekah, and hear what she says.


וּקְרוֹ לְרִבְקָה וַאֲמָרוּ לָהּ הֲתֵיזְלִי עִם גַבְרָא הָדֵין וַאֲמָרַת אִיזֵיל

57 And they called Rivekah, and said to her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go.


וְאַלְוִיוּ יַת רִבְקָה אֲחַתְהוֹם וְיַת פַּדְגְוָותָהּ וְיַת עַבְדָא דְאַבְרָהָם וְיַת גוּבְרוֹי

58 And they let Rivekah their sister go, and her nurse, and the servant of Abraham, and his men.


וּבָרִיכוּ יַת רִבְקָה וְאָמָרוּ לָהּ עַד כְּדוּן הֲוֵית אַחְתַן וּכְדוֹן אַתְּ אָזְלָא וּמִתְנַסְבָא לְצַדִיקָא יְהֵי רַעֲוָא דְמִינִיךְ יִפְקוּן אַלְפִין דְרִיבְוָון וְיֵירְתוּן בְּנַיְיכִי יַת קוּרְיֵי סַנְאֵיהוֹם

59 And they blessed Rivekah, and said to her, Hitherto thou wast our sister; and now thou art going and art wedded to the righteous; so prosper thou, that from thee may come thousands of myriads; and may thy sons inherit the cities of those who hate them.


וְקָמַת רִבְקָה וְרִבְתָהָא וּרְכָבָן עַל גַמְלַיָא וְאָזְלַן בָּתַר גַבְרָא וּדְבַר עַבְדָא יַת רִבְקָה בַּהֲדֵיהּ וְטַיֵיל וְהֵיכְמָא דְאִתְקְטָעָא לֵיהּ אָרְחָא בְּמֵיזְלֵיהּ לְפַדָן אֲרָם הֵיכְדֵין אִתְקְטָעָא לֵיהּ בְּמִיתְבֵיהּ דִבְיוֹמָא חַד אָזֵיל וּבְיוֹמָא חַד תַּב

60 And Rivekah arose, and her damsel, and they rode upon camels, and went after the man. And the servant took Rivekah with him and journeyed. And as the way was shortened to him in his journey to Padan Aram, so was it shortened to him in his return, that in one day he went, and in one day he returned.


וְיִצְחָק הֲוָה אָתִי מִבֵּי מֶדְרָשָׁא דְשֵׁם רַבָּא מַעֲלָנָא דְבֵירָא דְאִתְגְלֵי עֲלוֹי חַי וְקַיָם דְחָמֵי וְלָא מִתְחָמֵי וְהוּא הֲוָה יָתֵיב בְּאַרַע דָרוֹמָא

61 And Izhak was coming from the school of the Rabba Shem, by the way of the fountain where had been revealed to him the Living and Eternal One, who seeth, and is not seen; and he resided in the land of the south.


וּנְפַק יִצְחָק לְצַלָאָה בְּאַנְפֵּי בְרָא לְעִדוּנַי רַמְשָׁא וּזְקַף עֵינוֹהִי וַחֲמָא וְהָא גַמְלַיָא אָתִין

62 And Izhak went forth to pray upon the face of the field at the time of evening; and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were approaching.


וְזָקְפַת רִבְקָה יַת עֵינָהָא וְחָמַת יַת יִצְחָק וְאִתְרְכִינַת מֵעַל גַמְלָא

63 And Rivekah lifted up her eyes, and saw Izhak, and she bowed upon the camel.


וַאֲמָרַת לְעַבְדָא מַן גַבְרָא הֲדוֹר וְיָאִי דִמְטַיֵיל בְּחַקְלָא לִקְדָמוּתָנָא וַאֲמַר עַבְדָא הוּא רִבּוֹנִי וּנְסִיבַת רְדִידָא וְאִתְעֲטִיפַת בֵּיהּ

64 And she said to the servant, Who is the man (so) majestic and graceful, who walks in the field before us? And the servant said, He is my master. And she took a veil and covered herself.


וְתַנִי עַבְדָא לְיִצְחָק יַת כָּל פִּתְגָמַיָא דְעָבָד

65 And the servant related to Izhak everything he had done.


וְאָעֲלָהּ יִצְחָק לְמַשְׁכְּנָא דְשָרָה אִמֵיהּ וּמִן יַד נַהֲרַת בּוֹצִינָא דִטְפַת בִּזְמַן דְמִיתַת שָרָה וּנְסֵיב יַת רִבְקָה וַהֲוָת לֵיהּ לְאִנְתּוּ וְרִחֲמָהּ בְּגִין דְחָמָא עוּבְדָהָא דְתַקְנָן כְּעוּבְדֵי אִמֵיהּ וְאִתְנְחָם יִצְחָק בָּתַר דְמִיתַת אִמֵיהּ

66 And Izhak introduced her into the tabernacle of Sarah his mother, and thereupon the light (again) shined which had gone out at the time of Sarah’s death. And he took Rivekah, and she was his wife, and he loved her; for he saw her works that they were upright as the works of his mother. And Izhak was consoled after his mother’s death.



Chapter 25כ״ה



וְאוֹסִיף אַבְרָהָם וּנְסַב אִיתָא וּשְׁמָהּ קְטוּרָה הִיא הָגָר דִקְטִירָא לֵיהּ מִן שֵׁרוּיָא

1 And Abraham added and took a wife, and her name was Keturah; she is Hagar, who had been bound to him from the beginning.


וִילֵידַת לֵיהּ יַת זִמְרָן וְיַת יָקְשָׁן וְיַת מְדָן וְיַת מִדְיָן וְיַת יִשְׁבָּק וְיַת שׁוּחַ

2 And she bare to him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midyan, and Yishbak, and Shovack.


וְיָקְשָׁן אוֹלִיד יַת שְׁבָא וְיַת דְדָן וּבְנֵי דְדָן הֲווֹן תַּגָרִין וְאִמְפּוּרִין וְרֵישֵׁי אוּמִין

3 And Jokshan begat Sheva and Dedan; and the sons of Dedan were merchants, and negotiators, and chiefs of peoples.


וּבְנוֹי דְמִדְיָן עֵיפָא וְעֵפֶר וַחֲנוֹךְ וַאֲבִידָע וְאֶלְדְעָה כָּל אִלֵין בְּנָהָא דִקְטוּרָה

4 And the sons of Midyan, Eipher, and Ephher, and Honok, and Abida, and Aldaah, all these were the sons of Keturah.


וִיהַב אַבְרָהָם בְּמַתָּנָא יַת כָּל דִילֵיהּ לְיִצְחָק

5 And Abraham gave the gift of all he had to Izhak.


וְלִבְנֵיהוֹם דִפְלַקְתּוּן דִלְאַבְרָהָם יְהַב אַבְרָהָם נִכְסִין וּמְטַלְטְלִין לְמַתְּנָן וְתַרְכִינוּן מֵעִילוֹי יִצְחָק בְּרֵיהּ עַד דְהוּא בְּחַיֵי וְאָזְלַן לְמֵיתַב קִידוּמָא לְאַרַע מַדִינְחָא

6 And to the sons of the concubines of Abraham gave Abraham riches and moveable property as gifts, and sent them away from Izhak his son while he (yet) lived; and they went and dwelt eastward in the land of the orient.


וְאִלֵין סְכוּם יוֹמֵי חַיֵי אַבְרָהָם דְחַיֵי מְאָה וְשׁוּבְעִין וַחֲמֵשׁ שְׁנִין

7 And this is the number of the days of the life of Abraham, who lived a hundred and seventy and five years.


וְאִתְנְגִיד וּמִית אַבְרָהָם בְּשֵיבוּ טָבָא סִיב וּשְבַע כָּל טוּבָא בְּרַם יִשְׁמָעֵאל עֲבַד תְּתוּבָא בְּיוֹמֵיהּ וּבָתַר כֵּן אִתְכְּנַשׁ לְעַמֵיהּ

8 And Abraham expired, and died in a good old age, aged and satisfied with all good. (Also Ishmael wrought repentance in his days, and afterwards was gathered to his people.)


וּקְבָרוּ יָתֵיהּ יִצְחָק וְיִשְׁמָעֵאל בְּנוֹי לִמְעָרַת כָּפֵילְתָּא לַחֲקַל עֶפְרוֹן בַּר צוֹחַר חִיתָּאָה דְעַל אַנְפֵּי מַמְרֵא

9 And Izhak and Ishmael his sons buried him in the double cavern, at the field of Ephran bar Zochar, the Hittite, which is before Mamre;


חַקְלָא דִזְבַן אַבְרָהָם מִן בְּנֵי חִתָּאָה תַּמָן אִתְקְבַר אַבְרָהָם וְשָרָה אִנְתְּתֵיהּ

10 the field that Abraham purchased of the sons of Hittah: there was Abraham buried and Sarah his wife.


וּמִן בִּגְלַל דְלָא הֲוָה אַבְרָהָם צָבֵי לִבְרָכָא יַת יִשְׁמָעֵאל בְּגִין כֵּן לָא בְּרִיךְ יַת יִצְחָק דְאִין הֲוָה מְבָרֵךְ לְיִצְחָק וְלָא מְבָרֵךְ לְיִשְׁמָעֵאל הֲוָה נְטִיר לֵיהּ בָּבוֹי וּבָתַר דְמִית אַבְרָהָם בְּרִיךְ יְיָ יַת יִצְחָק וְיָתֵב יִצְחָק סָמִיךְ לְבֵירָא דְאִתְגְלֵי עֲלוֹי יְקַר חַי וְקַיָים דְחָמֵי וְלָא אִתְחָמֵי

11 And because Abraham had not designed to bless Ishmael, therefore he blessed not Izhak; for had he blessed Izhak and not Ishmael, it would have kept them in enmity. But, after the death of Abraham, the Lord blessed Izhak; and Izhak dwelt near the well at which was revealed the glory of the Living and Eternal One, who seeth and is not seen.


וְאִלֵין תּוּלְדַת יִשְׁמָעֵאל בַּר אַבְרָהָם דִילֵידַת הָגָר מִצְרֵיתָא אַמְתָא דְשָרָה לְאַבְרָהָם

12 And these are the generations of Ishmael bar Abraham, whom Hagar the Mizreitha, the handmaid of Sarah, bare unto Abraham.


וְאִלֵין שְׁמָהַת בְּנֵי יִשְׁמָעֵאל בְּשׁוּמְהוֹן לְתוּלְדַתְהוֹן בּוּכְרָא דְיִשְׁמָעֵאל נְבוֹי וַעֲרַב וְאַדְבְּאֵל וּמִבְשָם

13 And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael by their names, according to their generations. The firstborn of Ishmael, Neboi, and Arab, and Abdeel, and Mibsham,


וּצְמִיתָא וּשְׁתּוּקָא וְסוֹבָרָא

14 Hearing, Silence, Patience,


חֲרִיפָא וְתֵימָא יְטוּר נָפִישׁ וָקֵדְמָה

15 and Sharpness: and Tema, Yetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.


אִלֵין הִינוּן בְּנוֹי דְיִשְׁמָעֵאל וְאִילֵין שׁוּמְהוֹן בְּכַּפְרָנֵיהוֹן וּבְקַסְטְרָוַותְהוֹן תְּרֵיסַר רַבְרְבִין לְאוּמַתְהוֹן

16 These were the sons of Ishmael, and these their names in their villages, and in their fenced dwellings, twelve chiefs of their peoples.


וְאִלֵין שְׁנֵי חַיֵי יִשְׁמָעֵאל מְאָה וּתְלָתִין וּשְׁבַע שְׁנִין וְהָדַר בִּתְיוּבְתָּא וְאִתְנְגִיד וְאִתְכְּנִישׁ לְעַמֵיהּ

17 And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and seven years; and he was coverted in repentance, and expired, and was gathered to his people.


וּשְׁרוֹ מִן הִנְדְקִי עַד חֲלוּצָה דְעַל אַנְפֵּי מִצְרַיִם מַעֲלָךְ לְאַתּוּר עַל אַנְפֵּי כָּל אָחוֹי שְׁרָא בְּאַחֲסַנְתֵּיהּ

18 And they dwelt from Hindiki unto Chalutsa, which is in face of Mizraim from going up to Athur. Before the face of all his brethren he dwelt in his possession.


ואלה וְאִלֵין תּוּלְדַת יִצְחָק בַּר אַבְרָהָם וּמִן בִּגְלַל דַהֲוָה אִיקוּנִין דְיִצְחָק מְדַמְיַין לְאִיקוּנִין דְאַבְרָהָם הֲווֹן בְּנֵי נְשָׁא אָמְרִין בְּקוּשְׁטָא אַבְרָהָם אוֹלִיד יַת יִצְחָק

19 These are the generations of Izhak bar Abraham. And because the appearance of Izhak resembled the appearance of Abraham, the sons of men said, In truth Abraham begat Izhak.


וַהֲוָה יִצְחָק בַּר אַרְבְּעִין שְׁנִין בְּמִסְבֵיהּ יַת רִבְקָה בְּרַת בְּתוּאֵל אֲרָמָאָה דְמִן פַּדַן אֲרָם אַחְתֵיהּ דְלָבָן אֲרָמָאָה לֵיהּ לְאִנְתּוּ

20 And Izhak was the son of forty years when he took Rivekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramite, who was of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Aramite, unto him for a wife.


וַאֲזַל יִצְחָק לְטַוָור פּוּלְחָנָא אֲתַר דְכַפְתֵיהּ אֲבוֹי וְהָפַךְ יִצְחָק בִּצְלוּתֵיהּ דַעֲתֵּיה דְקֻבָּ”ה מִמַה דִגְזַר עַל אִנְתְּתֵיהּ אֲרוּם עַקְרָא הֲוַת גַבֵּיהּ עֶשְרִין וְתַרְתֵּין שְׁנִין וְאִתְהֲפִּיךְ בְּגִינֵיהּ דַעֲתֵּיה דְקֻבָּ”ה מִמַה דִגְזַר עֲלֵיהּ דְאַף הוּא הֲוָה עָקָר וְאִתְרָוַח וְאִתְעַבָּרַת רִבְקָה אִנְתְּתֵיהּ

21 And Izhak went to the mountain of worship, the place where his father had bound him. And Izhak in his prayer turned the attention of the Holy One, blessed be He! from that which He had decreed concerning him who had been childless. And he was enlarged, and Rivekah his wife was with child.


וְאַדְחִיקוּ בְּנַיָא בְּמֵיעָהָא הֵי כְּגוּבְרִין עָבְדוּ קְרָבָא וַאֲמָרַת אִם כְּדֵין הוּא צַעֲרָא דִילִדְתָּא לְמָא דֵין לִי בְּנִין וַאֲזָלַת לְבֵי מֶדְרָשָׁא דְשֵׁם רַבָּא לְמִבְעֵיהּ רַחֲמִין מִן קֳדָם יְיָ

22 And the children pressed in her womb as men doing battle. And she said, If this is the anguish of a mother, what then are children to me? And she went into the school of Shem Rabba to supplicate mercy before the Lord.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ לָהּ תְּרֵין עַמְמִין בִּמְעַיְיכִי וּתְרֵין מַלְכְּוָן מִמַעַיְיכִי יִתְפַּרְשׁוּן וּמַלְכוּ מִמַלְכוּ יְיהִי אַלִים וְרַבָּא יֶהֱוֵי מִשְׁתַּעֲבֵּיד לִזְעֵירָא אִם בְּנוֹי דִזְעֵירָא נַטְרִין פִּקוּדַיָא דְאוֹרַיְתָא

23 And the Lord said to her, Two peoples are in thy womb, and two kingdoms from thy womb shall be separated; and one kingdom shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger, if the children of the younger will keep the commandments of the Law.


וּשְׁלִימוּ מָאתָן וְשׁוּבְעִין יוֹמֵי עִבּוּרָהָא לְמֵילַד וְהָא תְיוֹמִין בִּמְעָהָא

24 And the two hundred and seventy days of her being with child were completed to bring forth; and, behold, twins were in her womb.


וּנְפַק קַדְמָאָה סוּמוּקְרַיי כּוּלֵיהּ כְּכִילַן דְשֵיעַר וּקְרוֹי שְׁמֵיהּ עֵשָו מִן בִּגְלַל דְאִתְיְלִיד כּוּלֵיהּ גְמִיר בְּשֵעָר רֵישָׁא וְדִיקְנָא וְשִׁינִין וְכַּכִין

25 And the first came forth wholly red, as a garment of hair: and they called his name Esau, because he was born altogether complete, with the hair of the head, and the beard, and teeth, and grinders.


וּבָתַר כְּדֵין נְפַק אָחוֹי וִידֵיהּ אֲחִידָא בַּעֲקֵיבָא דְעֵשָו וּקְרָא שְׁמֵיהּ יַעֲקב וְיִצְחָק בַּר שִׁתִּין שְׁנִין כַּד יְלֵידַת יַתְהוֹם

26 Afterward came forth his brother, and his hand had hold on the heel of Esau. And they called his name Jakob (Yaakov). And Izhak was a son of sixty years when he beget them.


וְרָבִיאוּ טַלְיָא וַהֲוָה עֵשָו גְבַר נַחְשִׁירְכָן לְמִצוֹד עוֹפַן וְחֵיוַון גְבַר נְפִיק חֲקַל קְטֵיל נַפְשִׁין דְהוּא קָטַל יַת נִמְרוֹד וְיַת חֲנוֹךְ בְּרֵיהּ וְיַעֲקב גְבַר שְׁלִים בְּעוֹבָדוֹי וּמְשַׁמֵשׁ בְּבֵית מֶדְרָשָׁא דְעֵבֶר תְּבַע אוּלְפַן מִן קֳדָם יְיָ

27 And the lads grew; and Esau was a man of idleness to catch birds and beasts, a man going forth into the field to kill lives, as Nimrod had killed, and Hanok his son. But Jakob was a man peaceful in his words, a minister of the instruction-house of Eber, seeking instruction before the Lord.


וְרָחֵים יִצְחָק יַת עֵשָו אֲרוּם מִלֵי רַמְיוּתָא בְּפוּמֵיהּ וְרִבְקָה רְחֵימַת יַת יַעֲקב

28 And Izhak loved Esau, for words of deceit were in his mouth; but Rivekah loved Jakob.


וּבְהַהוּא יוֹמָא דְמִית אַבְרָהָם בָּשִׁיל יַעֲקב תַּבְשִׁילֵי דִטְלוֹפְחֵי וַאֲזַל לְנַחֲמָא לְאָבוֹי וְאָתָא עֵשָו מִן בָּרָא וְהוּא מְשַׁלְהֵי אֲרוּם חֲמֵשׁ עֲבֵרְיַן עֲבַר בְּהַהוּא יוֹמָא פְּלַח פּוּלְחָנָא נוּכְרָאָה שָׁפַךְ אַדְמָה זַכְיָא וְעָל עַל עוּלֵימְתָּא מְאַרְשָא וְכָּפַר בְּחַיֵי עַלְמָא דְאָתֵי וּבְזָא יַת בְּכֵירוּתָא

29 On the day that Abraham died, Jakob dressed pottage of lentiles, and was going to comfort his father. And Esau came from the wilderness, exhausted; for in that day he had committed five transgressions: he had worshipped with strange worship, he had shed innocent blood, he had gone in unto a betrothed damsel, he had denied the life of the world to come, and had despised the birthright.


וַאֲמַר עֵשָו לְיַעֲקב אַטְעִים יָתִי כְּדוֹן מִן תַּבְשִׁילָא סִמוּקָא סִמוּקָא הָדֵין אֲרוּם מְשַׁלְהֵי אֲנָא בְּגִין כֵּן קְרָא שְׁמֵיהּ אֱדוֹם

30 And Esau said to Jakob, Let me now taste that red pottage, for I am faint, — therefore he called his name Edom.


וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב זַבִּין יוּמָנָא כְּיוֹם דִאַנְתְּ עָתִיד לְמֵיחְסָן יַת בְּכֵירוּתָךְ לִי

31 And Jakob said, Sell today, as (on this very) day, what thou wouldst hereafter appropriate, thy birthright, unto me.


וַאֲמַר עֵשָו הָא אֲנָא אַזִיל לִמְמַת וְלֵית אֲנָא חֲיַי תּוּב בְּעָלַם אָחְרַן וְלָמָה דְנַן לִי בְּכֵרוּתָא וְחוּלְקָא בְעָלְמָא דְאַתְּ אָמַר

32 And Esau said, Behold, I am going to die, and in another world I shall have no life; and what then to me is the birthright, or the portion in the world of which thou speakest?


וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב קַיֵים לִי כְּיוֹם דֵיהִי וְקַיֵים לֵיהּ וְזַבִּין יַת בְּכֵירוּתֵיהּ לְיַעֲקב

33 And Jakob said, Swear to me today that so it shall be. And he sware to him, and sold his birthright to Jakob.


וְיַעֲקב נָתַן לְעֵשָו לֶחֶם וְתַבְשִׁיל דִטְלוֹפְחִי וְאָכַל וּשְׁתִי וְקָם וַאֲזַל וְשַׁט עֵשָו יַת בְּכֵירוּתָא וְחוֹלַק עַלְמָא דְאָתִי

34 And Jakob gave to Esau bread and pottage fo lentiles. And he ate and drank, and arose and went. And Esau scorned the birthright, and the portion of the world that commeth.