Targum Torah Portions Week 2: Noach נֹחַ “Noah”

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Targum Jonathan on Genesis

Chapters 6-11


Chapter 6ו׳


וַהֲוָה אֲרֵי שְׁרִיאוּ בְּנֵי נְשָׁא לְמִסְגֵי עַל אַנְפֵּי אַרְעָא וּבְנָתָא שַׁפִּירְתָּא אִיתְיְלִידוּ לְהוֹן

1 And it was when the sons of men began to multiply upon the face of the earth, and fair daughters were born to them;


וְחָמוֹן בְּנֵי רַבְרְבַיָא יַת בְּנַת אֱנָשָׁא אֲרוּם שַׁפִּירָן הִינוּן וְכַחֲלָן וּפַקְסָן וּמְהַלְכִין בְּגִילוּי בִּשְׁרָא וְהִרְהִירוּ לִזְנוּ וּנְסִיבוּ לְהוֹן נְשִׁין מִכָּל דְאִתְרְעִיוּ

2 and the sons of the great saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and painted, and curled, walking with revelation of the flesh, and with imaginations of wickedness; that they took them wives of all who pleased them.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ בְּמֵימְרֵיהּ לָא יִתְדְנוּן כָּל דָרַיָא בִּשַׁיָא דַעֲתִידִין לְמֵיקָם בְּסֵדֶר דַיָנַיָא דְדָרָא דְמַבּוּלָא לְמוֹבְדָא וּלְמִשְׁתֵּיצֵי מִגוֹ עַלְמָא הֲלָא יְהָבִית רוּחַ קָדְשִׁי בְּהוֹם מִן בִּגְלַל דִי יַעֲבְדוּן עוֹבָדִין טָבִין וְהָא אַבְאִישׁוּ עוֹבָדֵיהוֹן הָא יְהָבִית לְהוֹן אַרְכָּא מְאָה וְעַשְרִין שְׁנִין מִן בִּגְלַל דְיַעֲבְדוּן תְּתוּבָא וְלָא עָבָדוּ

3 And the Lord said by His Word, All the generations of the wicked which are to arise shall not be purged after the order of the judgments of the generation of the deluge, which shall be destroyed and exterminated from the midst of the world. Have I not imparted My Holy Spirit to them, (or, placed My Holy Spirit in them,) that they may work good works? And, behold, their works are wicked. Behold, I will give them a prolongment of a hundred and twenty years, that they may work repentance, and not perish.


שַׁמְחַזָאֵי וְעוּזִיאֵל הִינוּן נְפִילִין מִן שְׁמַיָא וַהֲווֹ בְּאַרְעָא בְּיוֹמַיָא הָאִינוּן וְאוּף בָּתַר כֵּן דַעֲלוּן בְּנֵי רַבְרְבַיָא לְוַת בְּנַת אֱנָשָׁא וִילִידַן לְהוֹן וְהִינוּן מִתְקְרִין גַבְרִין דִמְעַלְמָא אִינְשֵׁי שְׁמָהָן

4 Schamchazai and Uzziel, who fell from heaven, were on the earth in those days; and also, after the sons of the Great had gone in with the daughters of men, they bare to them: and these are they who are called men who are of the world, men of names.


וַחֲמָא יְיָ אֲרוּם סְגִיאַת בִּישַׁת אֱנָשָׁא בְּאַרְעָא וְכָל יִצְרָא דִמְחַשְׁבַת לִבֵּיהּ לְחוֹד בִּישׁ כָּל יוֹמָא

5 And the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and all the imagery of the thought of his heart was only evil every day.


וְתַב יְיָ בְּמֵימְרֵיהּ אֲרוּם עֲבַד יַת אֶנָשָׁא בְּאַרְעָא וְאֵידְיָין עֲלֵיהוֹן בְּמֵימְרֵיהּ

6 And it repented the Lord in His Word that He had made man upon the earth; and He passed judgment upon them by His Word.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ אַבְטִיל אֱנָשָׁא בְּמֵימְרִי דִבְרֵיתִי מֵעַל אַנְפֵּי אַרְעָא מֵאֱנָשָׁא עַד בְּעִירָא עַד רִיחֲשָׁא וְעַד עוֹפָא דִשְׁמַיָא אַרוּם תָּבִית בְּמֵימְרִי אֲרוּם עֲבַדְתִּינוּן

7 And the Lord said, I will abolish by My Word man, whom I have created upon the face of the earth, from man to cattle, to the reptile, and to the fowl of the heavens; because I have repented in My Word that I have made them.


וְנח דַהֲוָה צַדִיק אַשְׁכַּח חִינָא קֳדָם יְיָ

8 But Noah, who was righteous, found favour before the Lord.


אלה תּוֹלְדוֹת נח אִלֵין יְחוּסִין דִגְנִיסַת נחַ נחַ הֲוָה גְבַר זַכְּאַי שְׁלִים בְּעוֹבְדִין טָבִין הֲוָה בְּדָרוֹהִי בְּדַחַלְתָּא דַיְיָ הֲלִיךְ נחַ

9 These are the genealogies of the race of Noah. Noah was a just man, complete in good works in his generation, (and) in the fear of the Lord walked Noah.


וְאוֹלִיד נחַ תְּלָתָא בְּנִין יַת שֵׁם יַת חָם וְיַת יָפֶת

10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Cham, and Japheth.


וְאִתְחַבָּלַת אַרְעָא בְּגִין דַיְירָהָא דְסָטוּ מִן אָרְחָן דְתַקְנָן קֳדָם יְיָ וְאִיתְמְלִיאַת אַרְעָא חֲטוּפִין

11 And the earth was corrupted through the inhabitants thereof, who had declined from the ways of righteousness before the Lord; and the earth was filled with rapine.


וַחֲמָא יְיָ יַת אַרְעָא וְהָא אִתְחַבָּלַת אֲרוּם חַבִּילוּ כָּל בִּשְרָא כָּל חַד וְחַד יַת אוֹרְחֵיהּ עַל אַרְעָא

12 And the Lord beheld the earth; and, lo, it was corrupt; for all flesh had every one corrupted his way upon the earth.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְנחַ סוֹפָא דְכָל בִּשְרָא מָטָא מִן קֳדָמַי אֲרוּם אִתְמְלִיאַת אַרְעָא חֲטוּפִין מִן עוֹבְדֵיהוֹן בִּישַׁיָא וְהָא אֲנָא מְחַבֵּלְהוֹן עִם אַרְעָא

13 And the Lord said to Noah, The end of all flesh cometh before Me, because the earth is filled with rapine by their evil works; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.


עִיבַד לָךְ תֵיבוֹתָא דְקִיסִין קַדְרוּנִין מְאָה וְחַמְשִׁין קוֹלִין תַּעֲבֵיד לְתֵיבוּתָא בִּשְמָאלָהּ וּתְלָתִין וְשִׁית בְּפוּתְיָהּ וַעֲשָרָה בָּתִּין בִּמְצִיעָא לְאַצְנְעָא בְּהוֹן מְזוֹנָא וַחֲמֵשׁ אַפוּטְנִיוּתָא בִּימִינָא וַחֲמֵשׁ בִּשְמָאלָהּ וְתֵשׁוּעַ יָתָהּ מִן גֵיו וּמִבָּרָא בְּחֵימְרָא

14 Make thee an ark of the wood of cedars; a hundred and fifty cells shalt thou make to the ark in its left side, and thirty and six in its breadth; and ten cabins in the midst, to lay up in them provision; and five repositories on the right, and five on the left; and thou shalt protect it within and without a pitch.


אִיזֵל לְפִישׁוֹן וְסַב מִתַּמָן יוֹהֲרָא וְתִשְׁוִנֵיהּ בְּתֵיבוּתָא לְאַנְהָרָא לְכוֹן וּלְגַרְמִידָא תְשֵׁצִינֵיהּ מִלְעֵיל וְתַרְעָא דְתֵיבוּתָא בְּצִטְרָא תְשַׁוֵי מְדוֹרִין תַּתָּאִין תִּנְיָנִין וּתְלִיתָאִין תַּעַבְדִינֵהּ

15 Go thou unto Phison, and take from thence a precious stone, and fix it in the ark to illuminate you: with the measure of a cubit (or span) shalt thou complete it above. And a door shalt thou set in the side of the ark; and with dwelling-places, inferior, second, and third, shalt thou make it.


וַאֲנָא הָאֲנָא מַיְתֵי יַת טוּבְעָנָא מַיָא עַל אַרְעָא לְמִכְלָא כָּל בִּשְרָא דְבֵיהּ רוּחָא דְחַיֵי מִן תְּחוֹת שְׁמַיָא כָּל דִבְאַרְעָא יִתְנְגַד

16 And I, behold, I bring a flood of waters upon the earth to swallow up all flesh which hath in it the spirit of life from under the heavens: whatever is upon the earth shall be swept away.


וְאָקִים יַת קְיָימִי עִמָךְ וְתֵיעוֹל לְתֵיבוּתָא אַנְתְּ וּבְנָךְ וְאִנְתְּתָךְ וּנְשֵׁי בְנָךְ עִמָּךְ

17 But I will establish my covenant with thee; and thou shalt go into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and the wives of thy sons with thee.


וּמִן כָּל דְחַי מִכָּל בִּשְרָא תְּרֵין מִכּוֹלָא תֵּיעוּל לְתֵיבוּתָא לְקַיְימָא עִמָךְ דְכַר וְנוּקְבָא יְהוֹן

18 And of all that liveth of all flesh, two of every (kind) shall go into the ark, to be preserved alive with thee: male and female shall they be.


מֵעוֹפָא לִזְנֵיהּ וּמִבְּעִירָה לִזְנֵיהּ וּמִכָּל רִיחֲשָׁא דְאַרְעָא לִזְנֵיהּ תְּרֵין מִכּוֹלָא יַעֲלוּן לְוָותָךְ עַל יַד מַלְאָכָא דְאָחַד וּמֵיעַל יַתְהוֹן לָךְ לְקַיְימָא

19 Of the fowl after its kind, and of all cattle after its kind, and of every reptile of the earth after its kind, two of every (sort) shall enter to thee by the hand of the angel, who will take and cause them to enter to thee, to be preserved.


וְאַתְּ סַב לָךְ מִכָּל מֵיכַל דְמִיתְאָכִיל וִיהֵי לָךְ וּלְהוֹן לְמֵיכָל

20 And thou, take to thee of all food that is eaten, and let it be to thee and to them for food.


וַעֲבַד נחַ כְּכָל דְפַקְדֵיהּ יְיָ

21 And Noah did according to all that the Lord had instructed him.



Chapter 7ז׳



וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְנחַ עוֹל אַנְתְּ וְכָל אֵינַשׁ בֵּיתָךְ לְתֵבוּתָא אֲרוּם יָתָךְ חֲמִיתִי זַכַּאי קֳדָמַי בְּדָרָא הָדֵין

1 And the Lord said to Noah, Enter, thou, and every one of thy house, into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.


מִכָּל בְּעִירָא דַכְיָא תִּסַב לָךְ שׁוּבְעָא שׁוּבְעָא דְכַר וְנוּקְבָא וּמִן בְּעִירָא דְלֵיתֵיהּ דַכְיָא תְּרֵין דְכַר וְנוּקְבָא

2 Of all clean cattle take thou seven by seven, male and female, and of all cattle not clean, two (and two), male and female.


בְּרַם מִן צִפְּרֵי שְׁמַיָא שׁוּבְעָא שׁוּבְעָא דְכַר וְנֻקְבָא לְקַיָימָא מִנְהוֹן זַרְעָא עַל אַרְעָא

3 But of birds of the heaven, seven by seven, male and female, to preserve from them seed upon the earth.


אֲרוּם הָא אֲנָא יָהִיב לְכוֹן אַרְכָּא שׁוּבְעָא יוֹמִין אִין יְתוּבוּן יִשְׁתְּבַק לְהוֹן וְאִין לָא יְתוּבוּן לִזְמַן יוֹמִין תּוּב שׁוּבְעָא אֲנָא מָחִית מִטְרָא עַל אַרְעָא אַרְבְּעִין יְמָמִין וְאַרְבְּעִין לֵילְוָן וְאֵישֵׁיצֵי יַת כָּל גְוִיַת אֵינַשׁ וּבְעִיר מִן אַרְעָא

4 For, behold, I give you space of seven days; if they will be converted, it shall be forgiven them; but if they will not be converted, after a time of days yet seven, I will cause rain to come down upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and will destroy all bodies of man and of beast upon the earth.


וְעָבַד נחַ כְּכָל דְפַקְדֵיהּ יְיָ

5 And Noah did according to all that the Lord had commanded him.


וְנחַ בַּר שִׁית מְאָה שְׁנִין וְטוּבְעָנָא הֲוָה מַיָא עַל אַרְעָא

6 And Noah was the son of six hundred years when the deluge of waters was upon the earth.


וְעַל נחַ וּבְנוֹהִי וְאִינְתְּתֵיהּ וּנְשֵׁי בְנוֹי עִמֵיהּ לְתֵיבוּתָא מִן קֳדָם מוֹי דְטוּבְעָנָא

7 And Noah entered, with his sons and his wife and the wives of his sons with him, into the ark, from before the waters of the deluge.


מִן בְּעִירָא דַכְיָא וּמִן בְּעִירָא דְלֵיתָא דַכְיָא וּמִן עוֹפָא וְכָל דְרָחִישׁ עַל אַרְעָא

8 Of all cattle clean, and of cattle unclean, of birds, and of whatever creepeth upon the earth,


תְּרֵין תְּרֵין עָאלוּ לְנחַ לְתֵבוּתָא דְכַר וְנוּקְבָא הֵיכְמָא דְפַקֵיד יְיָ יַת נחַ

9 two and two they entered unto Noah into the ark, male and female, as the Lord had instructed Noah.


וַהֲוָה לִזְמַן שׁוּבְעָא יוֹמִין מִן בָּתַר דִשְׁלִים אוּבְלֵיהּ דִמְתוּשֶׁלַח חֲמָא יְיָ וְהָא לָא תָּבָן בְּנֵי נְשָׁא וּמוֹי דְטוּבְעָנָא הֲווֹ נַחְתִין רְתִיחִין מִן שְׁמַיָא עִילוֹי אַרְעָא

10 And it was at the time of seven days after the conclusion of the mourning for Methushelach, that the Lord beheld, and, lo, the sons of men had not turned. And the waters of the deluge came down hotly from the heavens upon the earth.


בִּשְׁנַת שִׁית מְאָה שְׁנִין לְחַיֵי נחַ בְּיַרְחָא תִנְיָינָא הוּא יְרַח מַרְחֶשְׁוָן דְעַד כְּדוֹן לָא הֲווֹ מִתְמַנָן יַרְחַיָא אֱלָהֵן מִתִּשְׁרֵי דַהֲוָה רֵישׁ שַׁתָּא לְשִׁכְלוֹל עַלְמָא בְּשֶׁבְסְרֵי יוֹמִין לְיַרְחָא בְּיוֹמָא הָדֵין אִתְבְּזָעוּ כָּל מַבּוּעֵי תְהוֹמָא רַבָּא וַהֲווֹן בְּנֵי גוּבְרַיָא מְשַׁוְויָן תַּמָן בְּנֵיהוֹן וּסְתָּמִין יַתְהוֹן וּבָתַר הָכִי חֲרַכֵּי שְׁמַיָא אִתְפַּתָּחוּ

11 In the six-hundredth year of the life of Noah, in the second month, which was the month of Marchesvan, for hitherto the months had been numbered from Tishri which was the beginning of the year at the completion of the world, in the seventeenth day of the month, in that day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up. And the giants were gathered there together with their sons and perturbed them, and afterwards the windows of heaven were opened.


וַהֲוָה מִטְרָא נָחִית עַל אַרְעָא אַרְבְּעִין יְמָמִין וְאַרְבְּעִין לֵילַוָן

12 And the rain came down upon the earth forty days and forty nights.


בִּכְרַן יוֹמָא הָדֵין עַל נחַ שֵׁם וְחָם וְיָפֶת בְּנֵי נחַ וְאִתַּת נחַ וּתְלַת נְשֵׁי בְּנוֹהִי עִמֵיהּ לְתֵיבוּתָא

13 In that same day entered Noah, and Shem, and Cham, and Yapheth, the sons of Noah, and the wife of Noah, and the three wives of his sons with him, into the ark:


הִינוּן וְכָל חַיְיתָא לִזְנָהָא וְכָל בְּעִירָא לִזְנָהָא וְכָל רִיחֲשָׁא דִרְחִישׁ עַל אַרְעָא לִזְנֵיהּ כָּל עוֹפָא לִזְנֵיהּ כָּל צִפּוֹר כָּל דְפָרָח

14 they, and every animal after his kind, and all cattle after their kind, and every reptile that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after its kind, every bird which flieth.


וְעָלוּ לְוַת נחַ לְתֵיבוּתָא תְּרֵין תְּרֵין מִכָּל בִּישְרָא דְבֵיהּ רוּחָא דְחַיֵי

15 And they entered to Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh in which was the breath of life.


וְעָלַיָא דְכַר וְנוּקְבָא מִן כָּל בִּשְרָא אָעְלוּ הֵיכְמָא דְפַקֵיד יָתֵיהּ יְיָ וְאַגִין מֵימְרָא דַיְיָ יַת תַּרְעָא דְתֵיבוּתָא בְּאַנְפֵּיהּ

16 And they coming entered, male and female, of all flesh unto him, as the Lord had instructed him; and the Word of the Lord covered over the door of the ark upon the face thereof.


וַהֲוָה טוּבְעָנָא אַרְבְּעִין יְמָמִין עַל אַרְעָא וּסְגִיאוּ מַיָא וּנְטָלוּ יַת תֵּיבוּתָא וְאִיתְרָמַת מֵעַל אַרְעָא

17 And there was a flood forty days upon the earth, and the waters were multiplied and bare up the ark, and it was lifted from the earth.


וְתַקִיפוּ מַיָא וּסְגִיאוּ לַחֲדָא עַל אַרְעָא וַהֲוַת תֵּיבוּתָא מְהַלְכָא סַחֲיָא עַל אַפֵּי מַיָא

18 And the waters waxed mighty and increased greatly upon the earth, and the ark went floating upon the face of the waters.


וּמַיָא תַקִיפוּ לַחֲדָא עַל אַרְעָא וְאִתְחַפִיאוּ כָּל טוּרַיָא רָמַיָא דִתְּחוֹת כָּל שְׁמַיָא

19 And the waters prevailed greatly upon the earth, and all the high hills which were under the heavens were covered:


חֲמִיסְרֵי גַרְמִידִין מִלְעֵיל תָּקְפוּ מַיָא וְאִתְחַפִּיאוּ טוּרַיָא

20 fifteen cubits higher did the waters prevail, and the mountains were covered.


וְאִתְחַמְסִי כָּל בִּשְרָא דִרְחֵישׁ עַל אַרְעָא בְּעוֹפָא וּבִבְעִירָא וּבְחַיְתָא וּבְכָל רִיחֲשָׁא דְרָחֵישׁ עַל אַרְעָא וְכָל בְּנֵי נְשָׁא

21 And all flesh expired which moveth upon the earth; of fowl, and of cattle, and of wild beasts, and every moving thing that moveth upon the earth, and all the sons of men,


כָּל דְנִשְׁמַת רוּחַ חַיִין בְּאַנְפּוֹי מִכָּל דְיַבֶּשְׁתָּא מִיתוּ

22 every thing in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all on the dry land, died.


וְשֵׁיצֵי יַת כָּל גְוִויַית אֵינַשׁ וּבְעִיר דְעַל אַנְפֵּי אַרְעָא מֵאֵינָשָׁא עַד בְּעִירָא עַד רִיחֲשָׁא וְעַד עוֹפָא דְפָרַח בְּאַוֵיר שְׁמַיָא וְאִשְׁתֵּיצֵי מִן אַרְעָא וְאִשְׁתְּאַר בְּרַם נחַ וּדְעִמֵיהּ בְּתֵיבוּתָא

23 And all the bodies of men and of beasts upon the face of the earth, from man to cattle, to creeping thing, and to the fowl which wingeth in the air of heaven, perished from the earth; and Noah only was left, and they who were with him in the ark.


וּתְקִיפוּ מַיָא עַל אַרְעָא מְאָה וְחַמְשִׁין יוֹמִין

24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.



Chapter 8ח׳



וּדְכִיר יְיָ בְּמֵימְרֵיהּ יַת נחַ וְיַת כָּל חַיְתָא וְיַת כָּל בְּעִירָא דְעִמֵיהּ בְּתֵיבוּתָא וְאַעֲבֵר יְיָ רוּחַ רַחֲמִין עַל אַרְעָא וְאִשְׁתַּדְכוּ מַיָא

1 And the Lord in His Word remembered Noah, and all the animals and the cattle which were with him in the ark; and the Lord caused the wind of mercies to pass over the earth, and the waters were dried.


וְאִסְתַּגְרוּ מַבּוּעֵי תְּהוֹמָא וַחֲרַכֵּי שְׁמַיָא וְאִתְמְנַע מִטְרָא מִלְמֵיחַת מִן שְׁמַיָא

2 And the fountains of the deep were shut up, and the windows of heaven, and the rain was forbidden to descend from heaven.


וּתְאִיבוּ מַיָא מֵעֲלוֹי אַרְעָא אָזְלִין וְתַיְיבִין וְחָסְרוּ מַיָא מִסוֹף מְאָה וְחַמְשִׁין יוֹמִין

3 And the waters returned from being on the earth, going and returning. And the waters were minished at the end of a hundred and fifty days.


וּנְחַת תֵּיבוּתָא בְּיַרְחָא שְׁבִיעָאָה הוּא יַרְחָא דְנִיסָן בְּשֶׁבְסְרֵי יוֹמִין לְיַרְחָא עַל טַוְורֵי דְקַדְרוֹן שׁוּם טַוְורָא חַד קַרְדַנְיָא וְשׁוּם טַוְורָא חַד אַרְמִינְיָא וְתַּמָן מִתְבַּנְיָא קַרְתָּא דְאַרְמַנְיָא בְּאַרְעָא מַדִינְחָא

4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, which is the month of Nisan, in the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Qadron; the name of the one mountain is Qardania, and the name of the other mountain Irmenia; and there was builded the city of Armenia in the land of the east.


וּמַיָא הֲווֹ אָזְלִין וְחַסְרִין עַד יָרַח עֲשִירִיִי יֶרַח תַּמוּז בְּתַמוּז בְּחַד לְיַרְחָא אִתְחֲמִיאוּ רֵישֵׁי טוּרַיָא

5 And the waters went and diminished until the tenth month, the month Tammuz. In Tammuz, in the first of the month, the heads of the mountains were seen.


וַהֲוָה מִסוֹף אַרְבְּעִין יוֹמִין וּפְתַח נחַ יַת כַּוַות תֵּיבוּתָא דְעָבַד

6 And it was at the end of forty days, and Noah opened the aperture of the ark which he had made.


וְשָׁדַר יַת עוֹרְבָא וּנְפַק מֵיפַק וְתָאֵיב עַד דִיבִיאִישׁוּ מַיָא מֵעִילוֹי אַרְעָא

7 And he sent out a raven; and it went forth, going forth and returning, until the waters had dried from the earth.


וְשַׁדַר יַת יוֹנְתָא דְבַּיְיתָא מִלְוָותֵיהּ לְמֶחֱמֵי אִין אִתְקוֹלָלוּ מַיָא מֵעִילוֹי אַנְפָּא אַרְעָא

8 And he sent forth a house-dove from being with him, to see whether the waters were lightened from off the faces of the earth.


וְלָא אַשְׁכַּחַת יוֹנְתָא נַיְיחָא לְפַרְסַת רִיגְלָהּ וְתָבַת לְוָתֵיהּ לְתֵיבוּתָא וְאוֹדָעַת אֲרוּם מוֹי עַל אַנְפֵּי כָּל אַרְעָא וְאוֹשִׁיט יְדֵיהּ וּנְסֵיבְתָּהּ וְאָעֵיל יָתָהּ לְוָתֵיהּ לְתֵיבוּתָא

9 And the dove found no rest for the sole of the foot, and returned unto him to the ark; and he knew that the waters were (yet) upon the face of all the earth. And he reached out his hand, and took and brought her unto him into the ark.


וְאוֹרִיךְ תּוּב שׁוּבְעָא יוֹמִין וְאוֹסִיף לְשַׁדְרָא יַת יוֹנָתָא מִן תֵּיבָתָא

10 And he prolonged (waited) yet seven days, and again he sent the dove from the ark.


וְאָתַת לְוָתֵיהּ יוֹנָתָא לְעִדוּנָא רַמְשָׁא וְהָא טַרְפָא דְזֵיתָא לָקִיט תִּבִיר וּמְחִית בְּפוּמָהּ דִנְסַבְתֵּיהּ מִן טַוָור מִישְׁחָא וִידַע נחַ אֲרוּם אִיתְקוֹלָלוּ מַיָא מֵעִילוֹי אַרְעָא

11 And the dove came to him at the evening time, and, behold, a leaf of olive gathered, broken off, she brought in her mouth, and which she had taken from the Mount of the Meshiha. And Noah understood that the waters had lightened from being on the earth.


וְאוֹרִיךְ תּוּב שׁוּבְעָא יוֹמִין וְאוֹסִיף לְשַׁדְרָא יַת יוֹנָתָא וְלָא אוֹסִיפַת לְמֵיתַב לְוָתֵיהּ תּוּב

12 And he prolonged yet seven days, and added to send forth the dove; but she added not to return to him again.


וַהֲוָה בְּשִׁית מְאָה וַחֲדָא שְׁנִין בְּתִּשְׁרִי בְּחַד לְיַרְחָא בְּרֵישׁ שַׁתָּא נְגוּבוּ מַיָא מֵעַל אַרְעָא וְאַעֲדֵי נחַ יַת חוֹפָאָה דְתֵיבוּתָא וַחֲמָא וְהָא נִגוּבוּ אַפֵּי אַרְעָא

13 And it was in the six hundred and first year, in Tishri, in the first of the month, in the beginning of the year, that the waters were dried from upon the earth. And Noah removed the covering of the ark, and saw the faces of the ground to be dried.


וּבְיֶרַח מַרְחֶשְׁוָן בְּעַשְרִין וְשׁוּבְעָה יוֹמִין לְיַרְחָא אִיתְיַבְּשַׁת אַרְעָא

14 And in the month Marchesvan, in the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry.


וּמַלֵיל יְיָ עִם נחַ לְמֵימָר

15 And the Lord spake with Noah, saying:


פּוּק מִן תֵּיבוּתָא אַנְתְּ וְאִנְתְּתָךְ וּבְנָךְ וּנְשֵׁי בְנָךְ עִמָךְ

19 Go forth from the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and the wives of thy sons, with thee.


כָּל חַיְתָא דְעִמָךְ מִכָּל בִּשְרָא בְּעוֹפָא וּבִבְעִירָא וּבְכָל רִיחֲשָׁא דַרְחֵישׁ עַל אַרְעָא הַנְפֵּק עִמָךְ וְיִתְיַלְדוּן בְּאַרְעָא וְיִפְשׁוּן וְיִסְגוּן עַל אַרְעָא

20 Every living animal that is with thee of all flesh, of fowl, of cattle, and of every reptile that creepeth on the earth, bring forth with thee, that they may produce in the earth, and spread abroad and multiply on the earth.


וּנְפַק נחַ וּבְנוֹי וְאִנְתְּתֵיהּ וּנְשֵׁי בְנוֹי עִמֵיהּ

21 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and the wives of his sons, with him.


כָּל חַיְתָא כָּל רִיחֲשָׁא וְכָל עוֹפָא דִרְחִישׁ עַל אַרְעָא לְזַרְעֲיַתְהוֹן נְפָקוּ מִן תֵּיבוּתָא

22 Every animal, every reptile, and every bird, which moveth upon the earth, according to its seed, went forth from the ark.


וּבְנָא נחַ מַדְבְּחָא קֳדָם יְיָ הוּא מַדְבְּחָא דְבָנָא אָדָם בְּעִידָן דְאִיטְרַד מִן גִנְתָא דְעֵדֶן וְאַקְרִיב עֲלוֹי קָרְבָּנָא וְעִלוֹי אַקְרִיבוּ קַיִן וְהֶבֶל יַת קָרְבָּנֵיהוֹן וְכַד נַחְתוּ מוֹי דְטוֹבְעָנָא אִיתְצַד וּבַנְיֵיהּ נחַ וְנָסָב מִכָּל בְּעִירָא דַכְיָא וּמִן כָּל עוֹף דְכֵי וְאַסֵיק אַרְבַּע עַל הַהוּא מַדְבְּחָא

23 And Noah builded the altar before the Lord; that altar which Adam had builded in the time when he was cast forth from the garden of Eden, and had offered an oblation upon it; and upon it had Kain and Habel offered their oblations. But when the waters of the deluge descended, it was destroyed, and Noah rebuilded it; and he took of all clean cattle, and of all clean fowl, and sacrificed four upon that altar. And the Lord accepted his oblation with favour:


וְקַבֵּל יְיָ בְּרַעֲוָא קוּרְבָנֵיהּ וַאֲמַר יְיָ בְּמֵימְרֵיהּ לָא אוֹסִיף לְמֵילִיט תּוּב יַת אַרְעָא בְּגִין חוֹבֵי בְּנֵי אֱנָשָׁא אֲרוּם יִצְרָא דְלִבָּא דְאֵינָשָׁא בִּישׁ מִטַלְיוּתֵיהּ וְלָא אוֹסִיף תּוּב לְמִמְחֵי יַת כָּל דְחַי הֵיכְמָא דְעוֹבָדִית

24 and the Lord said in His Word, I will not add again to curse the earth on account of the sin of the children of men; for the imagination of the heart of man is evil from his youth; neither will I add to destroy whatever liveth as I have done.


עוֹד כָּל יוֹמֵי אַרְעָא דְרוֹעָא בִּתְקוּפַת תִּשְׁרֵי וַחֲצָדָא בִּתְקוּפַת נִיסָן וְקוֹרָא בִּתְקוּפַת טֵבַת וְחוֹמָא בִּתְקוּפַת תַּמוּז וְקַיְטָא וְסִתְוָא וִימָמֵי וְלֵילֵי לָא יִתְבַּטְלוּן

25 Until all the days of the earth, sowing in the season of Tishri, and harvest in the season of Nisan, and coldness in the season of Tebeth, and warmth in the season of Tammuz, and summer and winter, and days and nights shall not fail.



Chapter 9ט׳



וּבְרִיךְ יְיָ יַת נחַ וְיַת בְּנוֹי וַאֲמַר לְהוֹם פּוּשוּ וּסְגוּ וּמְלוּ יַת אַרְעָא

1 And the Lord blessed Noah, and his sons, and said to them, Spread forth and multiply, and replenish the earth.


וְדַחֲלַתְכוֹן וְאֵימַתְכוֹן יְהֵי עַל כָּל חֵיוַת אַרְעָא וְעַל כָּל עוֹפָא דִשְׁמַיָא מִכָּל דְתַרְחֵשׁ אַרְעָא וּבְכָל נוּנֵי יַמָא בְּיֶדְכֶם יִתְמַסְרוּן

2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and on every fowl of the heavens; of all that the earth swarmeth forth, and all the fishes of the sea, into your hand are they delivered.


כָּל רִיחֲשָׁא דְהוּא חַי דִלְכוֹן יְהֵי לְמֵיכַל כִּירוֹק עִסְבָּא יְהָבִית לְכוֹן יַת כּוֹלָא

3 Every moving thing which liveth to you shall be for food: as the green herb have I given to you the whole.


בְּרַם בִּשְרָא דְתָלִישׁ מִן חַיוּתָא חַיָא בִּזְמַן דִבְנַפְשֵׁיהּ בֵּיהּ אוֹ דְתָלִישׁ מִן חַיוּתָא נְכִיסְתָּא וְעַד דְלָא נַפְקָא כּוֹלָא נִשְׁמָתָא לָא תֵיכְלוּן

4 But flesh which is torn of the living beast, what time the life is in it, or that torn from a slaughtered animal before all the breath has gone forth, you shall not eat.


וּבְרַם יַת דִמְכוֹן לְנַפְשָׁתֵיכוֹן אֵתְבּוֹעַ מִן יְדָא דְכָל חַיְתָא דְקַטְלָא לְבַר נְשָׁא אִיתְבּוֹעִינֵיהּ לְאִיתְקַטְלָא עֲלֵיהּ וּמִידָא דְאֵינָשָׁא מִיַד גְבַר דְיֵישׁוֹד יַת דְמָא דְאָחוֹי אִתְבַּע יַת נַפְשָׁא דְאֵינָשָׁא

5 But the blood of your lives I will I require of every animal which hath killed a man, I will require that it be put to death on his account. And from the hand of the human being, from the hand of the man who hath shed the blood of his brother, will I require the life of man.


דְיֵישׁוֹד דְמָא דְאֵינָשָׁא בְּסַהֲדִין דְיָינַיָא מְחַיְיבִין לֵיהּ קְטוֹל וּדְיֵישׁוֹד בְּלָא סַהֲדִין מָרֵי עָלְמָא עָתִיד לְאִתְפַּרְעָא מִנֵיהּ לְיוֹם דִינָא רַבָּא אֲרוּם בִּדְיוֹקְנָא דַיְיָ עֲבַד יַת אֵינָשָׁא

6 Whoso sheddeth the blood of man, the judges, by witnesses, shall condemn him unto death; but he who sheddeth it without witnesses, the Lord of the world will bring punishment on him in the day of the great judgment; because in the image of the Lord He made man.


וְאַתּוּן פּוּשׁוּ וּסְגוּ אִיתְיְלִידוּ בְּאַרְעָא וּסְגוּ בָהּ

7 And you, spread yourselves abroad and multiply; bring forth in the earth, and increase in it.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְנחַ וְלִבְנוֹי עִמֵיהּ לְמֵימַר

8 And the Lord spake to Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,


אֲנָא הָא אֲנָא מְקַיֵים קְיָמַי עִמְכוֹן וְעִם בְּנֵיכוֹן בַּתְרֵיכוֹן

9 I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your children after you;


וְעִם כָּל נַפְשָׁא חַיְיתָא דְעִמְכוֹן בְּעוֹפָא וּבִבְעִירָא וּבְכָל חַיַת אַרְעָא דְעִמְכוֹן מִכָּל נַפְקֵי תֵיבוּתָא לְכָל חַיַת אַרְעָא

10 and with every living soul that is with you, of birds, and of cattle, and of every beast of the earth that is with you, of all that go forth from the ark, of every beast of the earth.


וַאֲקַיֵים יַת קְיָימַי עִמְכוֹן וְלָא יִשְׁתֵּצֵי כָּל בִּשְרָא עוֹד מִמוֹי דְטוּבְעָנָא וְלָא יְהִי עוֹד טוּבְעָנָא לְחַבָּלָא אַרְעָא

11 And I will establish my covenant with you, and will not again cause all flesh to perish by the waters of a flood; and there shall not again be a flood to destroy the earth.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ דָא אַת קַיָימָא דַאֲנָא מְקַיֵים בֵּין מֵימְרִי וּבֵינֵיכוֹן וּבֵין כָּל נַפְשַׁת חַיְתָא דְעִמְכוֹן לְדָרֵי עַלְמָא

12 And the Lord said, This is the sign of the covenant which I establish between My Word and between you and every living soul that is with you, unto the generations of the world.


יַת קַשְׁתִּי יְהָבִית בַּעֲנָנָא וּתְהֵי לְסִימָן קְיַים בֵּין מֵימְרִי וּבֵינֵי אַרְעָא

13 I have set My Bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of the covenant between My Word and the earth.


וִיהֵי כַּד אֶפְרוֹס עֲנָנֵי יְקָרָא עֲלוֹי אַרְעָא וְתִתְחַמֵי קַשְׁתָּא בִּימָמָא עַד לָא יִטְמַע שִׁמְשָׁא בַּעֲנָנָא

14 And it shall be that when I spread forth My glorious cloud over the earth, the bow shall be seen in the day (time), while the sun is not sunk (or hidden) in a cloud.


וּדְכִירְנָא יַת קְיָימִי דְבֵין מֵימְרִי וּבֵינֵיכוֹן וּבֵין כָּל נַפְשַׁת חַיְתָא בְּכָל בִּיסְרָא וְלָא יְהִי תּוּב מַיָא לְטוּבְעָנָא לְחַבָּלָא כָּל בִּישְרָא

15 And I will remember My covenant which is between My Word and between you and every living soul of all flesh, that there shall not be the waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.


וּתְהִי קַשְׁתָּא בַּעֲנָנָא וְאַחְמִינָהּ לְמִדְכַּר קְיַים עֲלַם בֵּין מֵימְרָא דַיְיָ וּבֵין כָּל נַפְשַׁת חַיְיתָא בְּכָל בִּסְרָא דְעַל אַרְעָא

16 And the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between the Word of the Lord and every living soul of all flesh that is upon the earth.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְנחַ דָא אָת קְיַים דְקַיְימִית בֵּין מֵימְרִי וּבֵין מֵימַר כָּל בִּסְרָא דְעַל אַרְעָא

17 And the Lord said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant that I have covenanted between My Word and between the word for all flesh that is upon the earth.


וַהֲווֹ בְנֵי נחַ דִנְפָקוּ מִן תֵּיבוּתָא שֵׁם וְחָם וְיָפֶת וְחָם הוּא אֲבוֹי דִכְנָעַן

18 And the sons of Noah who went forth from the ark were Shem, Cham, and Japhet; and Cham is the father of Kenaan.


תְּלָתָא אִלֵין בְּנוֹי דְנחַ וּמֵאִילֵין אִתְבְּדָרוּ לְמֵיתַב בְּכָל אַרְעָא

19 These are the three sons of Noah, and from them they were spread abroad to dwell in all the earth.


וּשְׁרֵי נחַ לְמֶהֱוֵי גְבַר פְּלַח בְּאַרְעָא וְאַשְׁכַּח גוּפְנָא דְמוֹשְׁכֵיהּ נַהֲרָא מִן גִינוּנִיתָא דְעֵדֶן וְנַצְבֵיהּ לְכַרְמָא וּבֵיהּ בְּיוֹמָא אֲנֵיצַת וּבְשִׁילַת עִנְבִין וְעַצְרִינוּן

20 And Noah began to be a man working in the earth. And he found a vine which the river had brought away from the garden of Eden; and he planted it in a vineyard, and it flouished in a day; and its grapes became ripe, and he pressed them out.


וְשָׁתֵי מִן חַמְרָא וְרָוֵי וְאִתְעַרְטַל בְּגוֹ מַשְׁכְּנֵיהּ

21 And he drank of the wine and was drunken; and he made himself naked in the midst of his tent.


וַחֲמָא חָם אֲבוֹי דִכְנָעַן יַת עֶרְיְיתָא דַאֲבוֹי וְחַוֵי לִתְרֵי אֲחוֹהִי בְּשׁוֹקָא

22 And Cham, the father of Kenaan, beheld the nakedness of his father, and showed to his brethren without.


וּנְסֵב שֵׁם וְיֶפֶת יַת אִסְטְלָא וְשַׁוִיוּ עַל כְּתַף תַּרְוֵיהוֹן וְאָזְלוּ מְאַחְזַרְיָן וְכַסִיאוּ יַת עִירְיְיתָא דַאֲבוּהוֹן וְאַפֵּיהוֹם מֵאַחְזְרִין וְעֶרְיְתָא דַאֲבוּהוֹן לָא חָמוּן

23 And Shem and Japhet took a mantle, and bare it upon the shoulders of each, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were turned back, and the nakedness of their father they did not behold.


וְאִתְעַר נחַ מִן חַמְרֵיהּ וִידַע בְּאִשְׁתָּעוֹת חֶלְמָא יַת דְעָבַד לֵיהּ חָם בְּרֵיהּ דְהוּא קָלִיל בִּזְכוּתָא דְגָרַם לֵיהּ דְלָא יוֹלִיד בַּר רְבִיעָיֵי

24 And Noach awoke from his wine, and knew, by the relation of a dream, what had been done to him by Cham his son, who was inferior in worth, on the account that he had not begotten a fourth son.


וַאֲמַר לִיט כְּנָעַן דְהוּא בְּרֵיהּ רְבִיעָיֵי עֲבִיד מְשַׁעֲבֵּד יְהִי לְאָחוֹי

25 And he said, Accursed is Kenaan who is his fourth son, a serving servant shall he be to his brethren.


וַאֲמַר בְּרִיךְ יְיָ אֱלָהָא דְשֵׁם דַעֲבִידְתֵּיהּ צַדִיקָא וּבְגִין יֶהֱוֵי כְּנָעַן עֲבִיד לֵיהּ

26 And he said, Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem, whose work is righteous; and therefore shall Kenaan be servant unto him.


יַשְׁפַּר יְיָ תְּחוּמֵיהּ דְיֶפֶת וְיִתְגַיְירוּן בְּנוֹי וְיִשְׁרוּן בְּמֶדְרָשָׁא דְשֵׁם וִיהֵי כְנָעַן עֲבִיד לְהוֹן

27 The Lord shall beautify the borders of Japhet, and his sons shall be proselyted and dwell in the schools of Shem, and Kenaan shall be a servant to them.


וַחֲיָא נחַ בָּתַר טוּבְעָנָא תְּלַת מְאָה וְחַמְשִׁין שְׁנִין

28 And Noach lived after the deluge three hundred and fifty years.


וַהֲווֹ כָּל יוֹמֵי נחַ תְּשַׁע מְאָה וְחַמְשִׁין שְׁנִין וּמִית

29 And all the days of Noach were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died.



Chapter 10י׳



אִלֵין תּוּלְדַת בְּנוֹי דְנחַ וְאִיתְיְלִידוּ לְהוֹן בְּנִין בָּתַר טוּבְעָנָא

1 These are the generations of the sons of Noach, and (of the) sons (who) were born to them after the deluge.


בְּנוֹי דְיֶפֶת גוֹמֶר וּמָגוֹג וּמָדַי וְיָוָן וְתוּבָל וּמֶשֶׁךְ וְתִירָס וְשׁוּם אַפַּרְכְיוּתְהוֹן אַפְרִיקֵי וְגַרְמַנְיָא וְתַמְדִיֵי וּמַקֵדוֹנִיָא וְיַתִינְיָא וְאוּסְיָא וְתַרְקֵי

2 The sons of Japheth, Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Thubal, and Meshek, and Thiras. And the names of their provinces, Afriki, and Germania, and Medi, and Makadonia, and Iatinia, and Asia, and Tharki.


וּבְנוֹי דְגוֹמֶר אַשְׁכְּנַז וְרִיפַת וְתוֹגַרְמָא

3 And the sons of Gomer, Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarma.


וּבְנוֹי דְיָוָן אֱלִישָׁה אַלַס וְטַרְסַס אַכַזְיָא וְדוֹרְדַנְיָא

4 And the sons of Javan, Elisha, Alas, and Tarsas, Akazia, and Dordonia.


מֵאִילֵן אִתְפַּרְשׁוּ גְנִיסֵי נַגְוַות עַמְמַיָא כָל חַד לְלִישְׁנֵיהּ לְיִחוּסֵיהוֹם בְּעַמְמֵיהוֹם

5 From these were distributed the tribes of the islands of the Gentiles, every one according to his language, to his kindred in their nations.


וּבְנוֹי דְחָם כּוּשׁ וּמִצְרַיִם וּפוּט וּכְנָעַן וְשׁוּם אַרְכָיוֹתְהוֹם עַרְבַיָא וּמִצְרַיִם וְאַלִיחְרוֹק וּכְנָעַן

6 And the sons of Cham, Kush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Kenaan. And the name of their provinces, Arabia, and Mizraim, and Alichrok, and Kenaan.


וּבְנוֹי דְכוּשׁ סְבָא וַחֲוִילָה וְסַבְתָּ וְרַעֲמָא וְסַבְתְּכָא וְשׁוּם אַפַרְכָיוֹתְהוֹם סִינִירָאֵי וְהִנְדְקִי וּסְמִידָאֵי וְלוּבָּאֵי וְזִינְגָאֵי וּבְנוֹי דִמְוָרִיטִינוֹס זִמְדְגַד וּמְזָג

7 And the sons of Kush, Seba, and Havilah, and Sabta, and Raama, and Sabteka, and the name of their provinces, Sinirai, and Hindiki, and Semadi, and Lubai, and Zingai. And the sons of Mauritinos, Zmargad and Mezag.


וְכוּשׁ אוֹלִיד יַת נִמְרוֹד הוּא שָׁרֵי לְמֶהֱוֵי גִבַר בְּחֶטְאָה וּלְמֵרְדָא קֳדָם יְיָ בְּאַרְעָא

8 And Kush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty in sin, and to rebel before the Lord in the earth.


הוּא הֲוָה גִבַּר מְרוֹדָא קֳדָם יְיָ בְּגִין כֵּן יִתְאַמֵר מִן יוֹמָא דְאִיתְבְּרִי עַלְמָא לָא הֲוָה כְּנִמְרוֹד גִבַּר בְּצֵידָא וּמְרוֹדָא קֳדָם יְיָ

9 He was a mighty rebel before the Lord; therefore it is said, From the day that the world was created there hath not been as Nimrod, mighty in hunting, and a rebel before the Lord.


וַהֲוָה שְׁרוֹי מַלְכוּתֵיהּ בָּבֶל רַבְּתִי וַהֲדָס וּנְצִיבִין וּקְטִסְפּוֹן בְּאַרְעָא דְפוּנְטוֹס

10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Bavel the Great, and Hadas, and Netsibin, and Ketispon, in the land of Pontos.


מִן אַרְעָא הַהוּא נְפַק נִמְרוֹד וּמְלַךְ בְּאַתּוּר דְלָא בְּעָא לְמֶהֱוֵי בְּעֵטַת דָרָא דִפְלוֹגִתָּא וּשְׁבַק אַרְבַּע קוּרְיָן אִילֵן וִיהַב לֵיהּ יְיָ בְּגִין כֵּן אַתְרָא וּבְנָא אַרְבַּע קוּרְיָן אַחְרָנִין יַת נִינְוֵה וְיַת פַּלְטִאַת קַּרְתָּא וְיַת פַּרְיוֹת

11 From that land went forth Nimrod, and reigned in Athur, because he would not be in the counsel of a divided generation. And he left those four cities; and the Lord thereupon gave him a place; and he builded four other cities, Nineveh and Pelatiath, Kartha and Parioth.


וְיַת תַּלְסַר דְמִתְבַּנְיָא בֵּינֵי נִינְוֵה וּבֵינֵי חַרְיַית אִיהִי קַרְתָּא רַבְּתָא

12 And Talesar, which was builded between Nineveh and Hadiath; that is a great city.


וּמִצְרַיִם אוֹלִיד יַת גִיוַוטָאֵי וְיַת מַרְטִיוֹטָאֵי וְיַת לִיוַוקָאֵי וְיַת פַּנְטַסְכִּינָאֵי

13 And Mizraim begat the Nivatee, and the Mariotee, and the Livakee, and the Pantascinee,


וְיַת נַסְיוֹטָאֵי וְיַת פַּנְטְפּוֹלוֹטָאֵי דִנְפָקוּ מִתַּמָן פְּלִישְׁתָּאֵי וְיַת קַפּוּדְקָאֵי

14 and the Pathrosim, and the Nasiotaee, and the Pantapolotee, from whom went forth the Philistaee and the Kaphodikaee.


וּכְנָעַן אוֹלִיד יַת צִידוֹן בּוּכְרֵיהּ וְיַת חֵת

15 And Kenaan begat Zidon his firstborn, and Heth,


וְיַת יְבוּסָאֵי וְיַת אֱמוֹרָאֵי וְיַת גִרְגָשָׁאֵי

16 and the Jebusaee, and the Emoraee, and the Gergeshaee,


וְיַת חִוָאֵי וְיַת עַרְקָאֵי וְיַת אַנְטוֹסָאֵי

17 and the Hivaee, and the Irkaee, and the Antosaee,


וְיַת לוֹטְסָאֵי וְיַת חוֹמְצָאֵי וְיַת אַנְטְכוֹאֵי וּבָתַר כְּדֵין אִתְבַּדְרוּ זַרְעֲיַתְהוֹן דִכְנַעֲנָאֵי

18 and the Lutasaee, and the Chomtsaee, and the Antekoee; and after then the seed of the Kenaanaee were scattered.


וַהֲוָא תְּחוּם כְּנַעֲנָאֵי מִן כּוֹתְנַיִים מַעֲלָךְ לִגְרָר עַד עַזָה מַעֲלָךְ לִסְדוֹם וַעֲמוֹרָה אַדְמָא וּצְבוֹיִים עַד קַלְדָהִי

19 And the limit of the Kenaanaee was from Kothanis, going up to Gerar, unto Azah, unto Sedom and Amorah, Admah and Zeboim, unto Kaldahi.


אִילֵין בְּנוֹי דְחָם לְזַרְעִית יִחוּסֵיהֶם לְלִישַׁנְהוֹם בְּמוֹתַב אַרְעָתֵיהוֹן בִּגְנִיסַת עַמְמֵיהוֹן

20 These are the sons of Cham, according to the seed of their genealogies, after their languages, in the dwelling of their lands, in the kindred of their people.


וּלְשֵׁם אִיתְיְלִיד אַף הוּא בַּר הוּא אַבוּהוֹן דְכָל בְּנֵי עִיבְרָאֵי אָחוֹי דְיֶפֶת רַבָּא בִּדְחַלְתָּא דַיְיָ

21 And to Shem also was born a son. He is the father of all the sons of the Hebrews, the brother of Japheth, great in the fear of the Lord.


בְּנוֹי דְשֵׁם עֵילָם וְאַתּוּר וְאַרְפַּכְשַׁד וְלוּד וַאֲרָם

22 The sons of Shem: Elim, and Athur, and Arphakshad, and Lud, and Aram.


וְאַרְפַּכְשַׁד אוֹלִיד יַת שֶׁלַח וְשֶׁלַח אוֹלִיד יַת עֵבֶר

23 Arphakshad begat Shelach, and Shelach begat Eber.


וּלְעֵבֶר אִיתְיְלִידוּ תְּרֵין בְּנִין שׁוּם חַד פֶּלֶג אַרוּם בְּיוֹמוֹי אִתְפְּלִיגַת אַרְעָא וְשׁוּם אָחוֹי יָקְטָן

24 And to Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided; and the name of the other Joktan.


וְיָקְטָן אוֹלִיד יַת אַלְמוֹדָד דִמָשַׁח יַת אַרְעָא בְּאַשַׁלְוָן וְיַת שָׁלֶף דְשָׁלֶף מוֹי דְנַהַרְוָותָא וְיַת חַצַרְמָוֶת וְיַת יָרַח

25 And Joktan begat Elmodad, who measured (or lined) the earth with lines; and Shaleph, who led forth the waters of rivers, and Chatsarmaveth, and Jarach, and


וְיַת הֲדוֹרָם וְיַת אוּזָל וְיַת דִיקְלָה

26 Harodam, and Uzal, and Dikla,


וְיַת עוֹבָל וְיַת אֲבִימָאֵל וְיַת שְׁבָא

27 and Oval, and Avimael, and Sheba,


וְיַת אוֹפִיר וְיַת חֲוִילָא וְיַת יוֹבָב כָּל אִילֵין בְּנוֹי דְיָקְטָן

28 and Ophir, and Havila, and Jobab. All these are the sons of Joktan.


וַהֲוָה בֵּית מוֹתְבָנֵיהוֹן מִן מֵישָׁא מַעֲלַךְ לִסְפַּרְוָואֵי טַוָור מַדִינְחָא

29 And the house of their dwelling was from Mesha, by which thou goest up to Sepharvae, a mountain of the east.


אִלֵין בְּנוֹי דְשֵׁם לְיִחוּסֵיהוֹן בְּמוֹתַב אַרְעֲיַתְהוֹן לִגְנִיסַת עַמְמֵיהוֹן

30 These are the sons of Shem, according to their houses, in the dwelling of their lands, according to the kindred of their people.


אִלֵין יְחוּסֵי בְּנוֹי דְנחַ לְיִחוּסֵהוֹן בְּעַמְמֵיהוֹן וּמֵאִלֵין אִתְפָּרָשׁוּ עַמְמַיָא בְּאַרְעָא בָּתַר טוּבְעָנָא

31 These are the houses of the sons of Noah, according to their houses in their peoples, and from them are the peoples distinguished in the earth after the deluge.



Chapter 11י״א



וַהֲוָה כָּל אַרְעָא לִישַׁן חָד וּמַמְלַל חָד וְעִיטָא חֲדָא בְּלִישָׁן קוּדְשָׁא הֲווֹ מְמַלְלִין דְאִתְבָּרַיָא בֵּיה עַלְמָא מִן שֵׁרוּיָא

1 And all the earth was (of) one language, and one speech, and one counsel. In the holy language spake they, that by which the world had been created at the beginning.


וַהֲוָה בְּמֵיטַלְהוֹן מִמַדִינְחָא וְאַשְׁכָּחוּ בִּקְעֲתָא בְּאַרְעָא דְבָּבֶל וְיָתִיבוּ תַּמָן

2 And it was while they were journeying from the east that they found a plain in the land of Bavel, and dwelt there.


וַאֲמָרוּ גְבַר לְחַבְרֵיהּ הָבוּ נִרְמֵי לִיבְנִין וְנִשְׁוֵי יַתְהוֹן בְּאַתּוּנָא וַהֲוָה לְהוֹן לְבִינְתָּא לְאַבְנָא וְטִינָא הֲוַות לְהוֹם לְשִׁיעַ

3 And they said, a man to his fellow, Come, we will cast bricks, and put them in the furnace. And they had brick for stone, and slime for cement.


וַאֲמָרוּ הָבוּ נִבְנֵי לָנָא קַרְתָּא וּמִגְדְלָא וְרֵישֵׁיהּ מָטֵי עַד צֵית שְׁמַיָא וְנַעֲבֵד לָנָא סִגְדוּ בְּרֵישֵׁיהּ וְנִשְׁוֵי חַרְבָּא בִּידֵהּ וּתְהֵי עַבְדָא לְקִיבְלֵהּ סִדְרֵי קְרָבָא קָדָם עַד לָא נִתְבַּדַר מֵעִלַוֵי אַנְפֵּי אַרְעָא

And they said, Come, we will build us a city and a tower, and the head of it shall come to the summit of the heavens; and we will make us (an image for) worship on the top of it, and put a sword in his hand to act against the array of war, before that we be scattered on the face of the earth.


וְאִתְגְלֵי יְיָ לְאִיתְפַּרְעָא מִנְהוֹן עַל עוֹבַד קַרְתָּא וּמַגְדְלָא דְבָנוּ בְּנֵי נְשָׁא

5 And the Lord was revealed to punish them for the work of the city and the tower which the sons of men builded.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ הָא עַמָא חָד וְלִישָׁן חָד לְכֻלְהוֹם וְדָא אִתְחַשְׁבוּ לְמֶעֱבַד וּכְדוֹן לָא יִתְמְנַע מִנְהוֹן כָּל דַחֲשִׁיבוּ לְמֶעֱבָד

6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and the language of all of them one: and this they have thought to do: and now they will not be restrained from doing whatever they imagine.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְשַׁבְעִין מַלְאָכַיָא דְקַיְימִין קוֹמוֹי אִיתוּן כְּדֵין וְנָחִית וּנְעַרְבְּבָא תַּמָן לִישַׁנְהוֹן דְלָא יִשְׁמְעוּן אֱינַשׁ לִישָׁן חַבְרֵיהּ

7 And the Lord said to the seventy angels which stand before Him, Come, we will descend and will there commingle their language, that a man shall not understand the speech of his neighbour.


וְאִגְלִיאַת מֵימְרָא דַיְיָ עֲלוֹי קַרְתָּא וְעִמֵיהּ שׁוּבְעִין מַלְאָכַיָא כָּל קְבֵל שׁוּבְעִין עַמְמַיָא וְכָל חַד וְחַד לִישָׁן עַמְמֵיהּ (נ”א וְרוֹשָׁם כַּתְבֵיהּ) (וּמִשָׁם כַּפְתֵיהּ) בִּידֵיהּ וּבַדְרִינוּן מִתַּמָן עַל אַנְפֵּי כָּל אַרְעָא לְשַׁבְעִין לִישְׁנִין וְלָא הֲוָה יָדַע חַד מַה דְיֵימַר חַבְרֵיהּ וַהֲווֹ קַטְלִין דֵין לְדֵין וּפְסָקוּ מִלִמִבְנֵי קַרְתָּא

8 And the Word of the Lord was revealed against the city, and with Him seventy angels, having reference to seventy nations, each having its own language, and thence the writing of its own hand: and He dispersed them from thence upon the face of all the earth into seventy languages. And one knew not what his neighbour would say: but one slew the other; and they ceased from building the city.


בְּגִין כֵּן קְרָא שְׁמָהּ בָּבֶל אֲרוּם תַּמָן עַרְבִּיב יְיָ לִישָׁן כָּל דַיְירֵי אַרְעָא וּמִתַּמָן בַּדְרִינוּן יְיָ עַל אַפֵּי כָּל אַרְעָא

9 Therefore He called the name of it Bavel, because there did the Lord commingle the speech of all the inhabitants of the earth, and from thence did the Lord disperse them upon the faces of all the earth.


אִילֵין גְנִיסַת שֵׁם שֵׁם בַּר מְאָה שְׁנִין כַּד דְאוֹלִיד יַת אַרְפַּכְשַׁד תַּרְתֵּין שְׁנִין בָּתַר טוּבְעָנָא

10 These are the generations of Shem. Shem was a son of a hundred years, and he begat Arphakshad, two years after the deluge.


וַחֲיָא שֵׁם בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת אַרְפַּכְשַׁד חֲמֵשׁ מְאָה שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

11 And Shem lived after he had begotten Arphakshad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.


וְאַרְפַּכְשַׁד חֲיָא תְּלָתִין וַחֲמֵשׁ שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת שֶׁלַח

12 And Arphakshad lived thirty and five years, and begat Shelach.


וַחֲיָא אַרְפַּכְשַׁד בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת שֶׁלַח אַרְבַּע מְאָה וּתְלַת שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

13 And Arphakshad lived after he had begotten Shelach four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters.


וְשֶׁלַח חֲיָא תְּלָתִין שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת עֵבֶר

14 And Shelach lived thirty years, and begat Eber.


וַחֲיָא שֶׁלַח בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת עֵבֶר אַרְבַּע מְאָה וּתְלַת שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

15 And Shelach lived after he had begotten Eber four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.


וַחֲיָא עֵבֶר תְּלָתִין וְאַרְבַּע שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת פָּלֶג

16 And Eber lived thirty-four years, and begat Peleg.


וַחֲיָא עֵבֶר בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת פֶּלֶג אַרְבַּע מְאָה וּתְלָתִין שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

17 And Eber lived after he had begotten Peleg four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters.


וַחֲיָא פֶּלֶג תְּלָתִין שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת רְעוּ

18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu.


וַחֲיָא פֶּלֶג בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת רְעוּ מָאתָן וּתְשַׁע שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

19 And Peleg lived after he had begotten Reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters.


וַחֲיָא רְעוּ תְּלָתִין וְתַרְתֵּין שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת שְרוּג

20 And Reu lived thirty-two years, and begat Serug.


וַחֲיָא רְעוּ בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת שְרוּג מָאתָן וּשְׁבַע שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

21 And Reu lived after he had begotten Serug two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters.


וַחֲיָא שְרוּג תְּלָתִין שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת נָחוֹר

22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor.


וַחֲיָא שְרוּג בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת נָחוֹר מָאתָן שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

23 And Serug lived after he had begotten Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.


וַחֲיָא נָחוֹר עַשְרִין וּתְשַׁע שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת תָּרַח

24 And Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and begat Terah.


וַחֲיָא נָחוֹר בָּתַר דְאוֹלִיד יַת תֶּרַח מְאָה וְתִּשְׁסְרֵי שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד בְּנִין וּבְנָן

25 And Nahor lived after he had begotten Terah one hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons and daughters.


וַחֲיָא תֶּרַח שַׁבְעִין שְׁנִין וְאוֹלִיד יַת אַבְרָם יַת נָחוֹר וְיַת הָרָן

26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram and Nahor and Haran.


וְאִילֵן גְנִיסַת תֶּרַח תֶּרַח אוֹלִיד יַת אַבְרָם יַת נָחוֹר וְיַת הָרָן וְהָרָן אוֹלִיד יַת לוֹט

27 These are the generations of Terah. Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.


וַהֲוָה כַּד רָמָא נִמְרוֹד יַת אַבְרָם לְאַתּוּנָא דְנוּרָא דְלָא פְלַח לְטַעֲוָותֵיהּ וְלָא הֲוָה רְשׁוּתָא לְנוּרָא לְמוֹקְדֵיהּ וּבְכֵן אִתְפְּלַג לִבָּא דְהָרָן לְמֵימַר אִילוּ נָצַח נִמְרוֹד אֱהֵא מִן סִיַעְתֵּהּ וְאִלוּ נָצַח אַבְרָם אֱהֵא מִן סִיַעֲתֵּהּ וּכְדִי חָמוּן כָּל עַמְמַיָא דַהֲווֹ תַמָן דְלָא שָׁלְטַת נוּרָא בְּאַבְרָם אָמְרוּ בְּלִבְּהוֹן הֲלָא הָרָן אֲחוֹי דְאַבְרָם מָלֵא קוּסְמִין וְחַרְשִׁין וְאִיהוּ לָחַשׁ עֲלוֹי אֵישָׁתָא דְלָא לְמֵיקַד יַת אָחוֹי מִן יַד נָפְלַת אֵישָׁתָא מִן שְׁמֵי מְרוֹמָא וּגְמַרְתֵּיהּ וּמִית הָרָן לְמֵיחְמֵי תֶּרַח אֲבוֹי הֵיךְ אִתּוֹקָד בְּאַרְעָא יַלְדוּתֵיהּ בְּאַתּוּן נוּרָא דְעָבְדוּ כַּשְדָאֵי לְאַבְרָם אָחוֹי

28 And it was when Nimrod had cast Abram into the furnace of fire because he would not worship his idol, and the fire had no power to burn him, that Haran’s heart became doubtful, saying, If Nimrod overcome, I will be on his side: but if Abram overcome, I will be on his side. And when all the people who were there saw that the fire had no power over Abram, they said in their hearts, Is not Haran the brother of Abram full of divinations and charms, and has he not uttered spells over the fire that it should not burn his brother? Immediately (min yad, out of hand) there fell fire from the high heavens and consumed him; and Haran died in the sight of Terah his father, where he was burned in the land of his nativity, in the furnace of fire which the Kasdai had made for Abram his brother.


וּנְסִיב אַבְרָם וְנָחוֹר לְהוֹן נְשִׁין שׁוּם אִתַּת אַבְרָם שָרַי וְשׁוּם אִתַּת נָחוֹר מִלְכָּה בְּרַת הָרָן אֲבוֹי דְמִלְכָּא וַאֲבוֹי דְיִסְכָּה הִיא שָרַי

29 And Abram and Nahor took to them wives: the name of Abram’s wife was Sara, and the name of the wife of Nahor, Milcha, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcha and the father of Iska, who is Sara.


וַהֲוַת שָרַי עַקְרָא לֵית לָהּ וָלָד

30 And Sara was barren, she had no child.


וּדְבַר תֶּרַח יַת אַבְרָם בְּרֵיהּ וְיַת לוֹט בַּר הָרָן בַּר בְּרֵיהּ וְיַת שָרַי כַּלָתֵיהּ אִתַּת אַבְרָם בְּרֵיהּ וּנְפָקוּ עִמְהוֹן מֵאוּרָא דְכַשְדָאֵי לְמֵיעַל לְאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן וַאֲתוֹ עַד חָרָן וְיָתִיבוּ תַּמָן

31 And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot bar Haran, the son of his son, and his daughter-in-law Sara the wife of Abram his son, and went forth with them from Ura of the Kasdai, to go to the land of Kenaan. And they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.


וַהֲווֹ יוֹמֵי תֶּרַח מָאתָן וַחֲמֵשׁ שְׁנִין וּמִית תֶּרַח בְּחָרָן

32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years. And Terah died in Haran.