Targum Torah Portion Week 18: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

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Targum Jonathan on Exodus

Week 18

Chapters 21:1 – 24:18




Chapter 21כ״א




ואלה וְאִלֵּין הִינוּן סִדְרֵי דִינַיָא דִי תְסַדֵּר קֳדָמֵיהוֹן

AND these are the orders of judgments which thou shalt order before them.


אֲרוּם תִּיזְבוּן בִּגְנֵיבוּתֵיהּ לְעַבְדָא בַּר יִשְרָאֵל שִׁית שְׁנִין יִפְלַח וּבְמַעֲלֵי שְׁבִיעָתָא יִפּוֹק לְבַר חוֹרִין מַגָּן

If thou shalt have bought a son of Israel, on account of his theft, six years he shall serve, and at the incoming of the seventh he shall go out free without price.


אִין בִּלְחוֹדוֹי יֵיעוֹל בִּלְחוֹדוֹי יִפּוֹק וְאִין מָרֵי אִינְתְּתָא בַּת יִשְרָאֵל הוּא וְתִיפּוֹק אִינְתְּתֵיהּ עִמֵּיהּ

If he came in alone, he shall go out alone: but if (he be) the husband of a wife, a daughter of Israel, his wife shall go out with him.


אִין רִבּוֹנֵיהּ יִתֵּן לֵיהּ אִתְּתָא אַמְתָא וְתֵילִיד לֵיהּ בְּנִין אוֹ בְּנָן אִתְּתָא וּבְנָהָא תְּהֵא לְרִבּוֹנָהּ וְהוּא יִפּוֹק בִּלְחוֹדוֹי

If his master give him a wife, an handmaid, and she bear him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall belong to his master, and he may go out alone.


וְאִין יַתְנֵי וְיֵימַר עַבְדָא רְחֵימְנָא יַת רִבּוֹנִי יַת אִנְתְּתִי וְיַת בְּנַי לָא אֵיפּוֹק לְבַר חוֹרִין

But if the servant shall affirm and say, I love my master, my wife, and my children, (and) I will not go out free,


וִיקַרְבִינֵיהּ רִבּוֹנֵיהּ לִקְדָם דַּיָּינַיָא וְיִסַּב מִנְהוֹן רְשׁוּתָא וִיקַרְבִינֵיהּ לְוַת דָּשָׁא דְּלוּחַ מְזוּזְתָא וִיחַיֵּיט רִבּוֹנֵיהּ יַת אוּדְנֵיהּ יַמִּינָא בְּמַחְטָא וִיהֵי לֵיהּ עָבַד פְּלַח עַד יוּבְלָא

then his master shall bring him before the judges, and shall receive from them the power, and bring him to the door that hath posts; and his master shall pierce his right ear with an awl; and he shall be a servant to serve him until the jubela.


וַאֲרוּם יִזְבּוֹן גְּבַר בַּר יִשְרָאֵל יַת בְּרַתֵּיהּ זְעֵירְתָּא לְאַמְהוּ לָא תִיפּוֹק כְּמַפְקָנוּת עַבְדַיָא כְּנַעֲנָאֵי דְּמִשְׁתַּחְרְרִין בְּשִׁינָא וְעֵינָא אֱלָהֵן בִּשְׁנִין דִּשְׁמִיטָתָא וּבְסִימָנַיָא וּבְיוּבְלָא וּבְמוֹתַת רִבּוֹנָהָא וּפוּרְעַן כַּסְפָּא

And if a man of Israel sell his daughter, a little handmaid, she shall not go forth according to the going forth of the servants of the Kenaanaee, who are set at liberty on account of the tooth or the eye; but in the years of remission, and with tokens, and at the jubela, and on the death of her master, and by redemption with money.


אִין לָא אַשְׁכַּחַת חִינָא קֳדָם רִבּוֹנָהָא דְּזַבִּין יָתָהּ וְיִפְרוֹק יָתָהּ אָבוּהָא לִגְבַר אוֹחֲרָן לֵית לֵיהּ רְשׁוּ לִזְבּוֹנָהּ חֲלַף דְּמַנִי מָרָהּ רְשׁוּתֵיהּ עֲלָהּ

If she hath not found favor before her master who bought her, then her father may redeem her; but to a foreigner he shall not have power to sell her; for as a vessel of her Yahuah he hath power over her.


וְאִין לְצֵיד בְּרֵיהּ זַמִּין יָתָהּ כְּהִלְכַת בְּנַת יִשְרָאֵל יַעֲבִיד לָהּ

And if he had intended her for the side of his son, he shall do by her after the manner of the daughters of Israel.


אִין אוֹחֲרַנְתָּא בַּת יִשְרָאֵל יִסַב לֵיהּ עֲלָהּ מְזוֹנָהּ וְתַכְשִׁיטָהּ וּמְעַיֵּל לָהּ לָא יִמְנַע לָהּ

If he take another daughter of Israel to him beside her, her food, her adorning, and her conjugal rights, he shall not withhold from her.


אִין תְּלַת מִילַיָיא הָאִלֵּין לָא יַעֲבֵיד לָהּ לִמְזַמְנָא יָתָהּ לֵיהּ אוֹ לִבְרֵיהּ אוֹ לְמִפְרְקָא לְבַר אָבוּהָא וְתִיפּוֹק מַגָּן בְּלָא כְסַף בְּרַם גֵּט פְּטוּרִין יָהִיב לָהּ

And if these three things he doth not for her, to covenant her to himself, or to his son, or to release her into the hand of her father, she shall go free without payment, and a writing of release he shall give her.


דְּיִמְחֵי לְבַר יִשְרָאֵל אוֹ לְבַת יִשְרָאֵל וְיִקְטְלִינֵיהּ אִתְקְטָלָא יִתְקְטֵיל בִּסְיָיפָא

Whosoever smiteth a son or a daughter of Israel, so as to cause death, shall be put to death with the sword.


וְדִי לָא אִיזְדַוֵּיג לֵיהּ וּמִן קֳדָם יְיָ אֲרַע עִיקְתֵיהּ לִידוֹי וַאֲזַמֵן לָךְ אֲתַר דְּיַעֲרוֹק לְתַמָּן

But he who did not attack him, but mischance from before Yahuah befell him at his hand, I will appoint thee a place where he may flee.


וַאֲרוּם יִרְשַׁע גְּבַר עַל חַבְרֵיהּ לְמִקְטְלֵיהּ בִּנְכִילוּ אֲפִילּוּ כַּהֲנָא הוּא וּמְשַׁמֵּשׁ עַל גַּבֵּי מַדְבְּחִי מִתַּמָּן תִּסְבוּנֵיהּ וְתִקְטְלִינֵיהּ בְּסַיָּיפָא

But if a man come maliciously upon his neighbor to kill him with craft, though the priests are ministering at My altar, thence thou shalt take him, and slay him with the sword.


וּדְחַבֵּל בְּאָבוֹי וּבְאִימֵיהּ אִתְקְטָלָא יִתְקְטֵיל בְּשִׁינוּקָא דְסוּדְרָא

And he who woundeth his father or his mother shall die by strangling.


וּדְיִגְנוֹב נֶפֶשׁ מִבְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל וִיזַבְּנִינֵיהּ וְיִשְׁתַּכַּח בִּרְשׁוּתֵיהּ אִתְקְטָלָא יִתְקְטֵיל בְּשִׁינוּקָא דְסוּדְרָא

And he who stealeth a soul of the children of Israel, and selleth him, or if he be found in his possession, shall die by strangling.


וּדְיֵילוּט לְאָבוּי וּלְאִימֵיהּ בִּשְׁמָא מְפַרְשָׁא אִתְקְטָלָא יִתְקְטֵיל בְּאַטְלוּת אַבְנִין

And he who curseth his father or his mother by the Great Name, dying he shall die by being stoned with stones.


וַאֲרוּם יִנְצוּן גּוּבְרִין וְיִמְחוּן חַד לְחַבְרֵיהּ בְּאַבְנָא אוֹ בְּמַרְתּוֹקָא (נ”א מוֹרְנִיתָא) וְלָא יְמוּת וְיִפּוֹל לְמֵירַע

And when men strive together, and one smite his neighbor with a stone, or with his fist, so that he die not, but fall ill,


אִין יְקוּם מִמַּרְעֵיהּ וּמְהֲלֵךְ בְּשׁוּקָא עַל מוֹרְנִיתֵיהּ וִיהֵי זַכְיַי מַחְיָיא מִדִּין קְטוֹל לְחוֹד בּוּטְלִין עִיבִידְתֵּיהּ וְצַעֲרֵיהּ וְנִזְקֵיהּ וּבַהֲתֵיהּ יִתֵּן וַאֲגַר אַסְיָא יְשַׁלֵּם עַד דְּמִתְּסֵי

if he rise again from his illness, and walk in the street upon his staff, he who smote him shall be acquitted from the penalty of death; only for his cessation from labor, his affliction, his injury, his disgrace, and the hire of the physician, he shall make good until he be cured.


וַאֲרוּם יִמְחֵי גְבַר יַת עַבְדֵיהּ כְּנַעֲנָאָה אוֹ יַת אַמְתֵיהּ כְּנַעֲנִיתָא בְּשַׁרְבִיטָא וִימוּת בְּהַהוּא יוֹמָא תְּחוֹת יְדֵיהּ יִתְדְּנָא יִתְדַן דִּין קְטִילַת סַיְיפָא

And when a man hath smitten his Kenaanite man-servant or maid-servant with a staff, and he die the same day under his hand, he shall be judged with the judgment of death by the sword.


בְּרַם אִין יוֹמָא חַד מֵעִידַן לְעִידַן אוֹ תְּרֵין יוֹמִין קְטִיעִין יִתְקַיֵּים לָא יִתְדַן מְטוֹל דִּכְסַף זְבִינֵיהּ הוּא

But if the wounded person continue one or two days from time to time, he shall not be (so) judged; because with money he had bought him.


וַאֲרוּם יִנְצוּן גַּבְרִין וְיִמְחוּן אִתְּתָא מְעַבְּרָא וְאַפִּילַת יַת וַולְדָהָא וְלָא יְהֵי בָהּ מוֹתָא מִתְקַנְסָא יִתְקְנֵיס דְּמֵי וַולְדָא הֵיכְמָא דִמְשַׁוֵי עֲלֵיהּ בַּעֲלֵיהּ דְּאִינְתְּתָא וְיִתֵּן עַל מֵימַר דַּיָינַיָא

If men when striving strike a woman with child, and cause her to miscarry, but not to lose her life, the fine on account of the infant which the husband of the woman shall lay upon him, he shall pay according to the sentence of the judges.


וְאִין מוֹתָא יְהֵי בָהּ וּתְדִינוּן נַפְשָׁא דִקְטוֹלָא חוֹלַף נַפְשָׁא דְאִתְּתָא

But if death befall her, then thou shalt judge the life of the killer for the life of the woman.


דְּמֵי עֵינָא חוֹלַף עֵינָא דְּמֵי שִׁינָא חוֹלַף שִׁינָא דְּמֵי יְדָא חוֹלַף יְדָא דְּמֵי רִיגְלָא חוֹלַף רִיגְלָא

The value of an eye for an eye, the value of a tooth for a tooth, the value of a hand for a hand, the value of a foot for a foot,


דְּמֵי צַעַר מֵחֲרוֹךְ חוֹלַף מֵחֲרוֹךְ דְּמֵי פּוּדְעָא חוֹלַף פּוּדְעָא דְּמֵי הַלְכְשִׁישׁ חוֹלַף הַלְכְשִׁישׁ

all equivalent of the pain of burning for burning, and of wounding for wounding, and of blow for blow.


וַאֲרוּם יִמְחֵי גְּבַר יַת עֵינָא דְעַבְדֵיהּ כְּנַעֲנָאֵי אוֹ יַת עֵינָא דְאַמְתֵיהּ כְּנַעֲנִיתָא וְסָמִינָהּ לְבַר חוֹרִין יִפְטְרִינֵיהּ חוֹלַף עֵינֵיהּ

And when a man strikes the eye of his Kenaanite servant or handmaid, and causeth blindness, he shall let him go free, on account of the eye.


וְאִין שִׁינָא דְעַבְדֵיהּ כְּנַעֲנָאֵי אוֹ שִׁינָא דְאַמְתֵיהּ כְּנַעֲנִיתָא יַפִּיל לְבַר חוֹרִין יִפְטְרִינֵיהּ חוֹלַף שִׁינֵיהּ

And if he strike out the tooth of his Kenaanite man or maid-servant, he shall make the servant free on account of the tooth.


וַאֲרוּם יִנְגַשׁ תּוֹר יַת גְּבַר אוֹ יַת אִיתָא וִימוּת יִתְרְגָמָא יִתְרְגֵם תּוֹרָא וְלָא יִתְנְכֵס לְמֵיכוּל יַת בִּשְרֵיהּ וּמָרֵיהּ דְּתוֹרָא יְהֵי זַכְּאַי מִדִּין קְטוֹל וְאוּף מִדְמֵי עַבְדָא וְאַמְהוּ

And if an ox goreth a man or woman to cause death, the ox must be stoned, but shall not be killed that his flesh may be eaten; and the owner of the ox shall be exempt from the condemnation of death, and also from the price of the servant or handmaid.


וְאִין תּוֹר נַגְשָׁן הוּא מֵאִתְמְלֵי וּמִדְקֳדָמוֹי וְאִתַּסְהַד עַל אַנְפֵּי מָרֵיהּ תְּלָתֵי זִמְנֵי וְלָא נַטְרֵיהּ וּמִבָּתַר כֵּן קָטֵל גַּבְרָא אוֹ אִיתָא תּוֹרָא יִתְרְגֵם וְאוּף מָרֵיהּ יִתְקְטֵיל בְּמִיתוּתָא דְמִשְׁתַּלְחָא עֲלוֹי מִן שְׁמַיָא

But if the ox (had been wont) to gore yesterday and before, and it had been attested before his owner three times, and he (had neglected) to restrain him, the ox, when he killeth man or woman, shall be stoned, and his master also shall die with a death sent upon him from heaven.


בְּרַם אִין קְנָסָא דְמָמוֹנָא יִתְשַׁוֵּי עֲלוֹי וְיִתֵּן פּוּרְקַן נַפְשֵׁיהּ כְּכָל מַה דִּישַׁווּן עֲלוֹי סַנְהֶדְרִין דְּיִשְרָאֵל

Yet if a fine of money be laid upon him, he may give a ransom for his life, according to what shall be imposed on him by the sanhedrin of Israel.


אִין בַּר יִשְרָאֵל יְנַגַּח תּוֹרָא אוֹ לְבַת יִשְרָאֵל יְנַגַּח כְּדִינָא הָדֵין יִתְעֲבֵד לֵיהּ

Whether the ox hath gored a son or a daughter of Israel, according to that judgment it shall be done to him.


בְּרַם אִין עֶבֶד כְּנַעֲנָאֵי נְגַשׁ תּוֹרָא אוֹ אַמְתָא כְּנַעֲנִיתָא כְּסַף תְּלָתִין סִלְעִין יִתֵּן לְמָרֵיהּ דְּעַבְדָא אוֹ דְאַמְתָא וְתוֹרָא יִתְרְגָם

If an ox goreth a Kenaanite man-servant or handmaid, the master of the man or woman-servant shall give thirty sileen of silver, and the ox shall be stoned.


וַאֲרוּם יִפְתָּח אֵינַשׁ גּוּב אוֹ אֲרוּם יַחְפֵּס אֵינָשׁ גּוּב בְּשׁוּקָא וְלָא יְכַסִּינֵיהּ וּנְפוֹל תַּמָּן תּוֹרָא אוֹ חַמָרָא

And if a man openeth a pit in the street, and doth not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein;


מָרֵיהּ דְּגוֹבָא יְשַׁלֵּם כְּסַף יָתֵיב לְמָרֵיהּ דְּמֵי תּוֹרֵיהּ וְחַמְרֵיהּ וּנְבֵילְתָּא יְהֵי דִילֵיהּ

the master of the pit shall deliver silver to give to its owner the price of the ox or the ass, and the dead body shall be his.


וַאֲרוּם יִנְגוֹף תּוֹר דִּגְבַר יַת תּוֹרָא דְּחַבְרֵיהּ וִימוּת וִיזַבְּנוּן יַת תּוֹרָה חַיָיא וְיִפְלְגוּן יַת דְּמֵיהּ וְאוּף יַת דְּמֵי מוֹתָא יִפְלְגוּן

And when an ox woundeth his neighbor’s ox, and he die, they shall sell the living ox, and divide the price, and the price of the dead one shall they also divide.


אִין אִישְׁתְּמוֹדַע אֲרוּם תּוֹר נַגְחָן הוּא מֵאִתְמְלֵי וּמִדְקֳדָמוֹי וְלָא נַטְרֵיהּ מָרֵיהּ שַׁלְמָא יְשַׁלֵם תּוֹרָא חוֹלַף תּוֹרָא וּנְבֵילְתָּא וּמוֹשְׁכָא יְהֵי דִילֵיהּ

But if it hath been known that the ox was wont to gore in time past, and his master did not restrain him, he shall surely deliver ox for ox; but the carcase and the skin shall be his.


אֲרוּם יִגְנוֹב גְּבַר תּוֹר אוֹ אִימַר וְיִכְסִינֵיהּ אוֹ זַבִּינֵיהּ חַמְשָׁא תּוֹרָא יְשַׁלֵם חוֹלַף תּוֹר חַד מִן בִּגְלַל דְּבַטְלֵי מִן רַדְיֵיה וְאַרְבַּע עָנָא חוֹלַף אִימַר חַד מִן בִּגְלַל דְּאַקְטֵיהּ בִּגְנֵבוּתֵיהּ וְלֵית בָּהּ עִיבִידְתָּא

When a man stealeth an ox or a sheep, and killeth or selleth it, five oxen shall he make good for one ox, because he hath hindered him from his ploughing; and four sheep for one, because he hath impoverished him by his theft, and not done service by it.



Chapter 22כ״ב



אִין בַּחְרַכָּא דְכוֹתְלָא מִשְׁתְּכַח גַּנָבָא וְיִתְמְחֵי וִימוּת לֵית לֵיהּ חוֹבַת שְׁפִיכוּת אֲדַם זַכְּאַי

If a thief be found in a window of the wall, and be smitten and die, there shall not be on his account the guilt of the shedding of innocent blood.


אִין בָּרִיר פִּתְגָּמָא כְשִׁמְשָׁא דְּלָא לְמִיקְטוֹל נְפַשׁ עָאל וְקַטְלֵיהּ חוֹבַת שְׁפִיכוּת אֲדַם זַכְּאַי עֲלוֹי וְאִין אִישְׁתְּזִיב מִן יְדוֹי שַׁלָמָא יְשַׁלֵם אִין לֵית לֵיהּ מַה דִּמְשַׁלֵם וְיִזְדַּבֵּן לֵיהּ בֵּית דִּינָא מִן גְּנִיבוּתֵיהּ וְעַד שַׁתָּא דִשְׁמִיטְתָא

If the thing be as clear as the sun that he was not entering to destroy life, and one hath killed him, the guilt of the shedding of innocent blood is upon him; and if spared from his hand, restoring he shall restore. If he have not wherewith to restore, the beth din shall sell him for his theft until the year of release.


אִין בְּסַהֲדַיָא מִשְׁתַּכְּחָא בִּרְשׁוּתֵיהּ גְּנִיבוּתֵיהּ מִן תּוֹר עַד חֲמוֹר עַד אִימַר כַּד הִינוּן קַיְימִין עַל חַד תְּרֵין יְשַׁלֵּם

If before witnesses, the thing stolen was found in his possession, from an ox or an ass, unto a sheep alive, he shall restore two for one.


אֲרוּם יִפְקַר גְּבַר חֲקִיל אוֹ כַּרְמָא וִישַׁלַח יַת בְּעִירֵיהּ וְיֵיכוּל בַּחֲקַל גְּבַר אוֹחֲרָן שְׁפַר חַקְלֵיהּ וּשְׁפַר כַּרְמֵיהּ יְשַׁלֵּם

If a man break in upon a field or a vineyard, and send in his beast to feed in another man’s field, the best of his field and the best of his vineyard he shall restore.


אֲרוּם תִּתְפּוֹק נוּר וְתַשְׁכַּח כּוּבִין וְתִגְמַר גָּדִישׁ אוֹ מִדַּעַם דְּקָאִי אוֹ חֲקִיל שַׁלָמָא יְשַׁלִים מַאן דְּאַדְלִיק יַת דְּלֵיקְתָּא

If fire break out, and catch thorns, and consume the sheaves, or whatever is standing, or the field, whoever kindled the fire shall surely restore.


אֲרוּם יִתֵּן גְּבַר לְחַבְרֵיהּ כְּסַף אוֹ מָאנִין לְמִנְטַר בְּלָא אֲגַר נְטִיר וּמִתְגַנְבִין מִן בֵּית גְּבַר אִין מִשְׁתְּכַּח גַּנְבָא אִיהוּ מְשַׁלֵּם עַל חַד תְּרֵין

When a man confideth to his neighbor silver, or vessels to keep, without recompense for the care, and they be stolen from the man’s house,


אִין לָא אִישְׁתַּכַּח גַּנְבָא וְיִתְקְרֵיב מָרֵיהּ בֵּיתָא לִקְדָם דַּיָינַיָא וְיוֹמֵי דְלָא אוֹשִׁיט יְדֵיהּ בְּעִיסְקָא דְחַבְרֵיהּ

if the thief be found, he shall restore two for one. If the thief be not found, the master of the house shall be brought before the judges, and shall swear that he hath not put forth his own hand upon the property of his neighbor.


עַל כָּל מִדַּעַם דְּאִתְּבִיר בְּכוּסְיָא עַל תּוֹר עַל חֲמוֹר עַל אִימַר עַל כְּסוּי עַל כָּל אֲבִידְתָּא יוֹמֵי כַּד יֵימַר אֲרוּם הוּא דֵין וְכַד מִשְׁתַּכְּחָא גְנִיבוּתָא בָּתַר כֵּן בְּיַד גַּנָבָא קֳדָם דַּיָינַיָא יוֹעִיל דִּין תַּרְוֵויהוֹם דִּין מָרֵיהּ דְּבֵיתָא וְדִין גַּנְבָא וּלְמַאן דִּמְחַיְיבִין דַּיָינַיָא יְשַׁלֵּם גַּנְבָא עַל חַד תְּרֵין לְחַבְרֵיהּ

And about whatever is injured covertly, whether ox, or ass, or sheep, or raiment, of whatever is (so) lost, he shall make oath when he saith that so it is; and when the thing stolen shall be afterward found in the hand of the thief, the cause of both shall be brought before the judges, the cause of the householder and the cause of the thief; and whom the judges shall condemn, the thief shall restore twofold to his neighbor.


אֲרוּם יִתֵּן גְּבַר לְחַבְרֵיהּ חֲמוֹר אוֹ תּוֹר אוֹ אִימַר וְכָל בְּעִירָא לְמִנְטוֹר בְּלָא אֲגַר נְטִיר וִימוּת אוֹ אִיתְבִיר מִן חֵיוָא אוֹ אִישְׁתְּבֵי וְלֵית סָהִיד חָמֵי וּמַסְהִיד

If a man deliver to his neighbor all ox, or a sheep, or any animal to keep, (if) he is to keep it without recompense, and it die, or be torn by wild beast, or be carried off, and no witness seeing who can testify it;


מוֹמָתָא דַיְיָ תְּהֵי בֵּין תַּרְוֵיהוֹם יוֹמֵי דְלָא אוֹשִׁיט יְדֵיהּ בְּעִיסְקָא דְחַבְרֵיהּ וִיקַבֵּל מָארֵיהּ מִנֵיהּ מוֹמָתָא וְלָא יְשַׁלֵּם

an oath of Yahuah shall be between them both, that he hath not put forth his hand upon the property of his neighbor; and the owner of the thing shall accept his oath, and he shall not (be required to) make it good.


וְאִין יִתְגַנְבָא יִתְגַנֵּב מִנֵיהּ דַּהֲוָה לֵיהּ עִמֵּיהּ אֲגַר נְטִיר יְשַׁלֵם לְמָרוֹי

But if it be stolen from him who was to receive recompense for the care, he shall make it good to its owner.


אִין אִתְבְּרָא יִתְבַּר מִן חֵיוַת בְּרָא מַיְיתֵי לֵיהּ סַהֲדִין אוֹ יַמְטִינֵיהּ עֵד גּוּפָא דִתְבִיר לָא יְשַׁלֵּם

If it hath been torn by a wild beast, let him bring witnesses, or bring him to the carcase: because for that which is (so) torn he shall not make restitution.


וַאֲרוּם יִשְׁאַל גְּבַר מִדַּעַם מִן חַבְרֵיהּ וְיִתְבַּר מָנָא אוֹ מִית בְּעִירָא מָרֵיהּ לֵית עִמֵּיהּ שַׁלָּמָא יְשַׁלֵּם

And if a man borrow anything of his neighbor, and the vessel be broken, or the animal die, and the owner be not with it, lie shall certainly make it good.


אִין מָרֵיהּ עִמֵּיהּ לָא יְשַׁלֵּם אִין אֲגִירָא הוּא עָאֵל פְּסֵידֵיהּ בְּאַגְרֵיהּ

If the owner be with it, he shall not make it good: if it had been lent for profit, its loss came on account of its hire.


וַאֲרוּם יְשַׁרְגֵג גְּבַר בְּתוּלְתָּא דְלָא מְאַרְסָא וִישַׁמֵּשׁ עִמָּהּ מַפְרָנָא יַפְרִין יָתָהּ לֵיהּ לְאִינְתּוּ

If a man seduce a virgin unbetrothed, and have criminal conduct with her, endowing, he shall endow her to be his wife.


אִין לָא חַמְיָא לֵיהּ אוֹ דְלָא יִצְבֵי אָבוּהָא לְמִתְבָהּ לֵיהּ כְּסַף חַמְשִׁין סַלְעִין יִתְקְנֵס הֵי כְמִפְרוֹנִי בְּתוּלְתָּא

If this doth not appear to him (to be desirable), or if her father be not willing to give her to him fifty sileen of silver shall be laid upon him, according to the endowment of a virgin.


עַמִּי בְנֵי יִשְרָאֵל כָּל עֲבִיד חַרְשִׁיּוּתָא לָא תְקַיְימוּן

Sons of My people Israel, whosoever practiseth witchcraft you shall not suffer to live.


כָּל דְּיִשְׁכּוּב עִם בְּעִירָא בְאַטְלוּת אַבְנִין יִתְקַטְלוּן

Whosoever lieth with a beast shall be stoned to death.


כָּל מַאן דְּדַבַּח לְטַעֲוַות עַמְמַיָא יִתְקְטֵל בְּסַיְיפָא וְנִכְסוֹי יִתְגַמְרוּן בְּגִין כֵּן לָא תְהוֹן פַּלְחִין אֱלָהֵן לִשְׁמָא דַיְיָ בִּלְחוֹדוֹי

Whosoever sacrificeth to the idols of the Gentiles shall be slain with the sword, and his goods be destroyed; for ye shall worship only the Name of Yahuah.


וְגִיּוֹרָא לָא תְקַנְטוּן בְּמִילִין וְלָא תְעִיקוּן לְמִיסַב לֵיהּ נִכְסוֹי עַמִּי בְנֵי יִשְרָאֵל הֲווֹ דְכִירִין אֲרוּם דַּיְירִין הֲוֵיתוּן בְּאַרְעָא דְמִצְרָיִם

And the stranger you shall not vex with words, nor distress him by taking his goods: Remember, sons of Israel, My people, that you were strangers in the land of Mizraim.


כָּל אַרְמְלָא וְיָתוֹם לָא תְסַגְפוּן

You shall not impoverish the widow or the orphan.


אִין סַגָּפָא תְסַגֵּף יָתֵיהּ אִזְדַהֲרוּן לְכוֹן אֲרוּם אִין יְקוּם וְיִצְוַוח עֲלֵיכוֹן בִּצְלוֹי קֳדָמַי שְׁמַע אֲנָא בְּקַל צְלוֹתֵיהּ וּפָרַע לֵיהּ

If thou impoverish her, beware; for if they rise up and cry against you in prayer before Me, I will hear the voice of their prayer, and will avenge them,


וְיִתְקַף רוּגְזִי וְאֶקְטוֹל יַתְכוֹן בְּחַרְבָּא דְמוֹתָא וִיהוֹן נְשֵׁיכוֹן אַרְמְלָן וּבְנֵיכוֹן יַתְמִין

and My anger will be kindled, and I will slay you with the sword, and your wives shall be widows, and your children be orphans.


אִין כַּסְפָּא תּוֹזִיף לְעַמִּי יַת עַנְיָיא דְעִמָּךְ לָא תְהֵי לֵיהּ הֵי כְּרַשְׁיָא לָא תְשַׁוּוּן דְּלֶהֱוֵי עֲלוֹי סַהֲדִין וּמִידִי עַרְבְנוּתָא לָא עַל שְׁעָרִין וְלָא רִיבְיָין

If thou lend money to (one of) My people, to (one of) the humble of My people, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither lay it upon him that there shall be witnesses against him, or that he give pledges, or equivalents, or usury.


אִין מְמַשְׁכְּנָא תְמַשְׁכַּן כְּסוּתָא דְחַבְרָךְ עַד לָא יִטְמוֹעַ שִׁמְשָׁא תְּתָבִינֵיהּ לֵיהּ

If thou take (at all) for a pledge the garment of thy neighbor, thou shalt restore it to him before sunset;


אֲרוּם הִיא טָלֵית דְּמִתְכַּסֵּי בָהּ בִּלְחוֹדָהּ הִיא תּוֹתְבֵיהּ דְּנַפְלָא לְמוֹשְׁכֵיהּ וְאִין תִּיסַב מַצַּע עַרְסֵיהּ בַּמֶּה יִשְׁכּוּב וִיהֵי אִין יִקְבּוֹל קֳדָמַי וַאֲקַבֵּיל צְלוֹתֵיהּ אֲרוּם אֱלָהָא חֲנָנָא אֲנָא

for it may be his taleth which alone covereth him; (or) it is his only garment in which he rests, which falleth upon his skin; and if thou take the coverlet of the bed whereon he lies, and he be heard before Me, I will hearken to his prayer; for I am Eloah the Merciful.


עַמִּי בְנֵי יִשְרָאֵל דַּיָּינֵיכוֹן לָא תְקִילִין וְרַבָּנִין דִּמִתְמַנִין נְגוֹדִין בְּעַמָּךְ לָא תְלוּטִין

Sons of Israel My people, ye shall not revile your judges, nor curse the rabbans who are appointed rulers among thy people.


בִּכּוּרֵי פֵּירָךְ וּבִכּוּרֵי חֲמַר נַעֲוָוךְ לָא תַשְׁהֵי עַל זִמָנֵיהוֹן מִן לְאַסְקוּתְהוֹן לַאֲתַר שְׁכִינְתִּי בּוּכְרֵי דִבְרָךְ תַּפְרֵישׁ קֳדָמַי

The firsts of thy fruits, and the firsts of thy wine-press, thou shalt not delay to bring up in their time to the place of My habitation. The firstlings of thy males thou shalt separate before Me.


הֵיכְדֵין תַּעֲבֵד לְבוּכְרֵי תוֹרָךְ וְעָנָךְ שַׁבְעָא יוֹמִין יְהֵי יֵינִיק בָּתַר אִימֵיהּ וּבְיוֹמָא תְּמִינָאָה תַּפְרִישִׁינֵיהּ קֳדָמַי

So shalt thou do with the firstlings of thy oxen and sheep; seven days it shall be suckled by its mother, and on the eighth day thou shalt separate it before Me.


וְאַנְשִׁין קַדִּישִׁין טְעָמִין חוּלִין בִּדְכוּתָא תְּהוֹן קֳדָמַי בְּרַם בְּשַר תְּלִישׁ מִן חֵיוָותָא חַיָיא לָא תֵיכְלוּן לְכַלְבָּא תֵירְמוּן יָתֵיהּ בְּסִיטְרֵיהּ

And holy men, tasting unconsecrated things innocently, shall you be before Me; but flesh torn by wild beasts alive you may not eat, but throw it to the dog as his portion.



Chapter 23כ״ג



עַמִּי בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל לָא תְקַבְּלוּן מִילֵי שִׁיקְרָא מִגַּבְרָא דְּיֵיכוּל קוֹרְצִין בְּחַבְרֵיהּ קֳדָמָךְ וְלָא תְשַׁוֵּי יְדָךְ עִם רַשִׁיעָא דִיהֵי סָהִיד שְׁקָר

Sons of Israel My people, take not up lying words from a man who accuseth his neighbor before thee, nor put thine hand with the wicked to become a false witness.


עַמִּי בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל לָא תֶהֱווֹן בָּתַר סַגִּיאִין לְמַבְאֲשָׁא אֱלָהֵן לִמְטַיְיבָא וְלָא יִתְמְנַע חַד מִנְכוֹן לְמַלְפָא זְכוּ עַל חַבְרֵיהּ בְּדִינָא לְמֵימַר הָא בָּתַר סַגִּיאֵי דִינָא סָטֵי

Sons of Israel My people, you shall not go after the many to do evil, but to do good; and no one among you shall restrain himself from affirming justly concerning his neighbor in the judgment, by saying, Behold, the judgment sides with the many.


וּמִסְכְּנָא דְאִתְחַיֵּיב בְּדִינֵיהּ לָא תִיסַב לֵיהּ אַפִּין לִמְרַחֲמָא עֲלוֹי אֲרוּם לֵית מִיסַב אַפִּין בְּדִינָא

And to the poor man who is guilty in his cause, thou shalt not be partial in having compassion upon him; for there must not be respect of persons in judgment.


אִין תֶּאֱרַע תּוֹרָא דְסַנְאָךְ דְּאַתְּ סָנֵי לֵיהּ עַל חוֹבָתָא דְאַנְתְּ יְדַע בֵּיהּ בִּלְחוֹדָךְ אוֹ חַמְרָא דְטָעֵי מִן אָרְחָא אָתָבָא תִתְבִינֵיהּ לֵיהּ

If thou meet the ox of thine enemy whom thou dislikest on account of the wickedness which thou only knowest is in him, or an ass that wandereth from the way, thou shalt surely bring it to him.


אִין תֶּחֱמֵי חַמְרָא דְסַנְאָךְ דְּאַנְתְּ סָנֵי לֵיהּ עַל חוֹבָתָא דְאַנְתְּ יְדַע בֵּיהּ בִּלְחוֹדָךְ רְבִיעַ תְּחוֹת טוֹנֵיהּ וְתִמְנוֹעַ לְנַפְשָׁךְ מִלְמִקְרוֹב לֵיהּ מִשְׁבּוֹק תִּשְׁבּוֹק בְּהַהִיא שַׁעְתָּא יַת סָנָא דִבְלִבָּךְ עֲלוֹי וְתִפְרוֹק וְתִטְעוֹן עִמֵּיהּ

If thou seest the ass of thy enemy whom thou dislikest on account of the wickedness which thou only knowest to be in him, lying under his burden, and thou wouldst refrain thyself from going near him, thou shalt relinquish at once the dislike of thy heart against (thy enemy), and release and take care of the ass (or, charge thyself with him).


עַמִּי בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל לָא תַצְלוּן דִּין מִסְכֵּינָא בְּדִינֵיהּ

Sons of Israel My people, ye shall not warp the judgment of the poor in his cause.


מִפִּתְגַם שִׁיקְרָא הֲוֵי רָחִיק וְדִי נְפַק זַכְּאַי מִבֵּי דִינָךְ וְאַשְׁכָּחוּ לֵיהּ חוֹבָתֵיהּ וְדִי נְפַק חַיָּיב וְאַשְׁכָּחוּ לֵיהּ זְכוּ לָא תִקְטֵיל אֲרוּם לָא הֲוֵינָא מְזַכֵּי לֵיהּ אִין הוּא חַיָּיבָא

From a false matter keep distant. And when one hath gone forth from thy house of justice acquitted, and they (afterwards) find out his guilt; or one hath been brought out condemned, and they (afterward) find out his innocence,-­thou shalt not put him to death; for I will not hold (the former) innocent, nor the latter guilty.


וְשׁוֹחֲדָא לָא תְקַבֵּיל אֲרוּם שׁוֹחֲדָא מְסַמֵּי עֵינוֹי נַסְבוֹי וּמְטַלְטֵל חַכִּימַיָא מִמוֹתְבָנֵיהוֹן וּמְקַלְקֵל פִּתְגָּמִין תְּרִיצִין דְּמִכְתָּבִין בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא וּמְעַרְבֵב מִילֵי זַכָּאִין בְּפוּמְהוֹן בְּשַׁעַת דִּינָא

And thou mayest not receive a bribe; for a bribe blindeth their eyes who have taken it, and casteth down the wise from their seats, and perverteth the right words which are written in the law, and confoundeth the words that are in the mouth of the innocent in the hour of judgment.


וּלְגִיּוּרָא לָא תְעִיקוּן וְאַתּוּן חַכִּימְתּוּן יַת אֲנִיק נְפַשׁ גִּיּוֹרָא אֲרוּם דַּיְירִין הֲוֵיתוּן בְּאַרְעָא דְמִצְרָיִם

Thou shalt not oppress the stranger; for ye know the sigh of a stranger’s soul; because ye were sojourners in the land of Mizraim.


וְשִׁית שְׁנִין תִּדְרַע יַת אַרְעָךְ וְתִכְנוֹשׁ יַת עֲלַלְתָּא

Six years thou shalt sow thy land, and gather the produce;


וּשְׁבִיעִיתָא תִּשְׁמְטִינָא מִפּוּלְחָנָא וְתַפְקַר פֵּירָהָא וְיֵיכְלוּן מִסְכֵּינֵי עַמָּא וְשִׁיּוּרְהוֹן תֵּיכוּל חֵיוַת בָּרָא כְּדֵין תַּעֲבֵיד לְכַרְמָךְ לְזֵיתָךְ

but the seventh year thou shalt exempt it from labor, and give up the fruit of it to be eaten by the poor of My people; and what they leave shall be eaten by the beasts of the field. And in like manner shalt thou do with thy vine and olive grounds.


שִׁיתָּא יוֹמִין תַּעֲבֵד עוּבְדָךְ וּבְיוֹמָא שְׁבִיעָאָה תִּנּוּחַ מִן בִּגְלַל דִּינוּחוּן תּוֹרָךְ וְחַמְרָךְ וְיִשְׁקוֹט בַּר אַמְתָךְ עַרְלָאָה וְגִיּוֹרָא

Six days do thy work, and on the seventh day repose, that thy ox and thy ass may rest, and that the uncircumcised son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may rest.


וּבְכָל פִּקּוּדַיָא דְאָמְרִית לְכוֹן תִּסְתַּמְּרוּן וְשׁוּם טַעֲוַות עַמְמַיָא לָא תִדְכְּרוּן לָא יִשְׁתְּמַע עַל פּוּמְכוֹן

And of all the precepts that I have spoken to you, be careful; and the names of the idols of the Gentiles remember not, nor let them be heard upon your lips.


תְּלָתָא זִמְנִין תְּחַגּוּן קֳדָמַי בְּשַׁתָּא

Three times in the year thou shalt keep festival before Me.


יַת חַגָּא דְפַטִירַיָיא תִּנְטוֹר שׁוּבְעָא יוֹמִין תֵּיכוֹל פַּטִּירָא הֵיכְמָא דְפַקֵידְתָּךְ לִזְמַן יַרְחָא דְאַבִּיבָא אֲרוּם בֵּיהּ נְפַקְתְּ מִמִּצְרַיִם וְלָא יִתְחַמּוּן קֳדָמַי רֵיקָנִין

The feast of unleavened cakes thou shalt keep. Seven days thou art to eat unleavened bread, as I have instructed thee, in the time of the month of Abiba, because in it thou camest forth from Mizraim; and you shall not appear before Me empty.


וְחַגָא דְחַצְדָא בִּכּוּרֵי עוּבְדָךְ דְּתִזְרַע בְּחַקְלָא וְחַגָא דִּכְנָשָׁא בְּמִפְקָא דְשַׁתָּא בְּמִכְנְשָׁךְ יַת עוּבְדָךְ מִן חַקְלָא

And the feast of the harvest first-fruits of the work thou didst sow in the field; and the feast of gathering, at the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy work from the field.


תְּלָתָא זִמְנִין בְּשַׁתָּא יִתְחַמּוּן כָּל דְּכוּרָךְ קֳדָם רִבּוֹן עַלְמָא יְיָ

Three times in the year shall all thy males appear before Yahuah the Ruler of the world.


עַמִּי בְנֵי יִשְרָאֵל לָא תֵכְסוּן כַּד דְּחָמִיעַ בְּבָתֵּיכוֹן דָּם נִכְסַת פִּיסְחִי וְלָא יְבִית בַּר מִן מַדְבְּחָא תַּרְבֵּי נִכְסַת פִּסְחִי עַד צַפְרָא לָא מִן בִּשְרָא דְתֵיכְלוּן בְּרַמְשָׁא

Sons of Israel My people, while there is leaven in your houses you may not immolate the bloody sacrifice of My Pascha; nor shall the fat of the sacrifice of My Pascha remain without the altar until morning, nor of the flesh that you eat in the evening.


שֵׁירוּי בִּיכוּרֵי פֵּירֵי אַרְעָךְ תַּיְתֵי לְבֵית מַקְדְּשָׁא דַיְיָ אֱלָהָךְ עַמִּי בֵּית יִשְרָאֵל לֵית אַתּוּן רְשָׁאִין לָא לִמְבַשְׁלָא וְלָא לְמֵיכוּל בְּשַר וַחֲלַב מְעַרְבִין כַּחֲדָא דְלָא יִתְקַף רוּגְזִי וְאִיבְשֵׁיל עִיבּוּרֵיכוֹן דְּגָנָא וְקַשָׁא תְּרֵיהוֹן כַּחֲדָא

The first of the choice fruits of thy ground thou shalt bring to the sanctuary of Yahuah thy God. My people of the house of Israel, you are not permitted to dress or to eat of flesh and milk mingled together, lest I be greatly displeased; and I prepare you the wheat and the straw together for your food.


הָא אֲנָא מְשַׁגֵּר מַלְאָכָא קֳדָמָךְ לְמִטְרָךְ בְּאָרְחָא וּלְאַעֲלוּתָךְ לַאֲתַר שְׁכִינְתִּי דְאִיתְקֵינִית

Behold, I will send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee in to the place of My habitation which I have prepared.


אִיזְדַהַר מִן קֳדָמוֹי וְקַבֵּיל לְמֵימְרֵיהּ לָא תְסָרֵיב עַל מִילוֹי אֲרוּם לָא יִשְׁבּוֹק לְחוֹבֵיכוֹן אֲרוּם בִּשְׁמִי מֵימְרֵיהּ

Be circumspect before Him, and obey His word, and be not rebellious against His words; for He will not forgive your sins, because His word is in My Name.


אֲרוּם אִין קַבָּלָא תְקַבֵּיל לְמֵימְרֵיהּ וְתַעֲבֵיד כָּל דַּאֲמַלֵּיל עַל יְדוֹי וְאַסְגֵי יַת סַנְאָךְ וְאָעִיק לְמֵיעִיקְיָךְ

For if thou wilt indeed hearken to His Word, and do all that I speak by Him, I will be the enemy of thy enemy, and will trouble them who trouble thee.


אֲרוּם יְטַיֵיל מַלְאָכִי קֳדָמָךְ וְיֵעָלִינָךְ לְוַת אֱמוֹרָאֵי וְחִיתָּאֵי וּפְרִיזָאֵי וּכְנַעֲנָאֵי חִיוָאֵי וִיבוּסָאֵי וְאֵישֵׁיצִינוּן

For My Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee to the Amoraee, and Pherizaee, and Kenaanaee, Hivaee, and Jebusaee; and I will destroy them.


לָא תִסְגְּדוּן לְטַעֲוַותְהוֹן וְלָא תִפְלְחִינוּן וְלָא תַעַבְדוּן כְּעוֹבְדֵיהוֹן בִּישַׁיָּיא אֲרוּם מְפַכְרָא תִּפְכַר בֵּית סְגוּדְהוֹן וְתִבְרָא תְּתַבֵּר קָמְתֵי צִילְמֵיהוֹן

Thou shalt not worship their idols, nor serve them, nor do after their evil works; but thou shalt utterly demolish the house of their worship, and break the statues of their images.


וְתִפְלְחוּן קֳדָם יְיָ אֱלָהָכוֹן וִיבָרֵךְ יַת מְזוֹנֵי מֵיכְלָךְ וּמִשְׁתַּיָּיךְ וְאַעֲדֵי מְחַת מָרִירְתָּא מִגַּוָּוךְ

And you shall do service before Yahuah our God and He will bless the provision of thy food and thy drinks, and remove the bitter plague from among thee.


לָא תְהֵי תַּכְלָא וְעַקְרָא בְּאַרְעָךְ יַת מִנְיַין יוֹמֵי חַיָּיךְ אֲשַׁלֵּם מִיּוֹמָא לְיוֹמָא

None shall be abortive or barren in thy land; the number of the days of thy life I will fulfill from day to day.


יַת אֵימְתִי אֲשַׁדֵּר קֳדָמָךְ וָאֶשְׁגַשׁ יַת כָּל עַמְמַיָא דְאַנְתְּ אָתֵי לְסַדְרָא בְּהוֹן סִדְרֵי קְרָבָא וְאִיתֵּין יַת כָּל בַּעֲלֵי דְבָבָךְ קֳדָמָךְ מְחַזְרֵי קְדָל

My terror will I send before thee, and will perturb all the peoples to whom thou comest, that thou mayest wage battle against them; and I will make all thy enemies turn back before thee.


וְאֵשַׁדַּר יַת אוּרְעִיתָא קֳדָמָךְ וּתְתָרֵךְ יַת חִיוָאֵי וְיַת כְּנַעֲנָאֵי וְיַת חִיתָּאֵי מִן קֳדָמָךְ

And I will send the hornet before thee to drive out the Hivaee, and Kenaanaee, and Hitaee, from before thee.


לָא אֵיתָרֵיכִינוּן מִן קֳדָמָךְ בְּשַׁתָּא חֲדָא דִלְמָא תְהֵי אַרְעָא צַדְיָא וְיִסְגוּן עֲלָךְ חֵיוַת בָּרָא כַּד יֵיתוּן לְמֵיכוּל פִּיגְרֵיהוֹן וְיִנְזְקוּן בָּךְ

I will not expel them before thee in one year, lest the land become a wilderness, and the beasts of the field multiply upon thee, when they come to eat their carcasses, and injure thee.


קָלִיל קָלִיל אֵיתָרְכִינוּן מִן קֳדָמָךְ עַד דִּי תִסְגֵי וְתֶחֱסִין יַת אַרְעָא

By little and little I will drive them out before thee, until thou art increased, and inherit the land.


וַאֲשַׁוֵי יַת תְּחוּמָךְ מִן יַמָא דְסוּף עַד יַמָא דִפְלִשְׁתָּאֵי וּמִן מַדְבְּרָא וְעַד פְּרָת אֲרוּם אֶמְסוֹר בְּיֶדְכוֹן יַת כָּל יַתְבֵי אַרְעָא וְאַנְתְּ תְּתָרֵיכִינוּן מִן קֳדָמָךְ

And I will set thy boundary from the sea of Suph, to the sea of the Philistaee, and from the desert unto the Pherat; for I will deliver into your hand all the inhabitants of the land, and thou shalt drive them out from before thee.


לָא תִגְזְרוּן לְהוֹן וּלְטַעֲוַותְהוֹן קְיָים

Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their idols.


לָא תַעֲבֵיד לְהוֹן שְׁכוּנַן בְּאַרְעָךְ דִּלְמָא יַטְעִינָךְ וִיחַיְיבוּן יָתָךְ קֳדָמַי אֲרוּם תִּפְלַח יַת טַעֲוַותְהוֹן אֲרוּם יְהוֹן לָךְ לְתוּקְלָא

Thou shalt not let them dwell in thy land, lest they cause thee to err, and to sin before Me, when thou dost worship their idols; for they will be a stumbling-block to thee.



Chapter 24כ״ד



וּלְוַת משֶׁה אָמַר מִיכָאֵל סַרְכַן חָכְמְתָא בְּיוֹמָא שְׁבִיעָאָה לְיַרְחָא סַק קֳדָם יְיָ אַנְתְּ וְאַהֲרן נָדָב וַאֲבִיהוּא וְשׁוּבְעִין מִסָּבֵי יִשְרָאֵל וְתִסְגְּדוּן מֵרָחִיק

And Michael, the Prince of Wisdom, said to Mosheh on the seventh day of the month, Come up before Yahuah, thou and Aharon, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and worship at a distance.


וְיִתְקָרֵב משֶׁה בִּלְחוֹדוֹי קֳדָם יְיָ וְהִינוּן לָא יִתְקַרְבוּן וְעַמָּא לָא יִסְקוּן עִמֵּיהּ

And Mosheh alone shall approach before Yahuah; but they shall not draw nigh, nor may the people come up with him.


וְאָתָא משֶׁה וְאִשְׁתָּעֵי לְעַמָּא יַת כָּל פִּתְגָּמַיָא דַיְיָ וְיַת כָּל דִּינַיָיא וְאָתֵיב כָּל עַמָּא קָלָא חָד וַאֲמָרוּ כָּל דְּמַלֵּיל יְיָ נַעֲבֵיד

And Mosheh came and set before the people all the words of Yahuah, and all the judgments. And all the people answered with one voice, and said, All that Yahuah hath spoken we will do.


וּכְתַב משֶׁה יַת כָּל פִּתְגָמַיָא דַיְיָ וְאַקְדֵים בְּצַפְרָא וּבְנָא מַדְבְּחָא בְּשִׁיפּוֹלֵי טוּרָא וּתְרֵי סְרֵי קָמָן לִתְרֵי סְרֵי שִׁבְטַיָא דְיִשְרָאֵל

And Mosheh wrote the words of Yahuah, and arose in the morning and builded an altar at the lower part of the mountain; and twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel.


וְשַׁדַּר יַת בּוּכְרֵי בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל אֲרוּם עַד הַהִיא שַׁעְתָּא הֲוַות פּוּלְחָנָא בְּבוּכְרַיָא דְעַד כְּדוֹן לָא אִיתְעֲבֵיד מַשְׁכַּן זִמְנָא וְעַד כְּדוֹן לָא אִתְיְיהִיבַת כְּהוּנְתָּא לְאַהֲרן וְאַסִיקוּ עֲלַוָון וְנִכְסַת קוּדְשִׁין קֳדָם יְיָ תּוֹרִין

And he sent the firstborn of the sons of Israel,-for until that hour had the firstborn had the (office of performing) worship, the tabernacle of ordinance not (as yet) being made, nor the priesthood given unto Aharon; and they offered burnt offerings and consecrated oblations of oxen before Yahuah.


וּנְסֵיב משֶׁה פַּלְגוּת אֲדָם נִכְסָא וְשַׁוִי בְּמִזְרְקַיָא וּפַלְגוּת אֲדָם נִכְסָא דָרַק עַל מַדְבְּחָא

And Mosheh took half of the blood of the offering, and put it in basins, and half of the blood of the offering he sprinkled upon the altar.


וּנְסֵיב סִפְרָא דְקַיָימָא דְאוֹרַיְיתָא וּקְרָא קֳדָם עַמָא וְאָמָרוּ כָּל פִּתְגָמַיָא דְמַלֵּיל יְיָ נַעֲבֵיד וּנְקַבֵּיל

And he took the Book of the Covenant of the Law and read before the people; and they said, All the words which Yahuah hath spoken we will perform and obey.


וּנְסֵיב משֶׁה יַת פַּלְגוּת דְּמָא דִבְמִזְרְקַיָא וְדָרֵיק עַל מַדְבְּחָא לְכַפָּרָא עַל עַמָּא וַאֲמַר הָא דֵין אֲדַם קְיָימָא דִגְזַר יְיָ עִמְכוֹן עַל כָּל פִּתְגָמַיָא הָאִילֵן

And Mosheh took half of the blood which was in the basins, and sprinkled upon the altar, to expiate the people, and said, Behold, this is the blood of the Covenant which Yahuah hath made with you upon all these words.


וּסְלֵיק משֶׁה וְאַהֲרן נָדָב וַאֲבִיהוּא וְשִׁבְעִין מִסָּבֵי יִשְרָאֵל

And Mosheh and Aharon, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, went up.


וּזְקָפוּ נָדָב וַאֲבִיהוּא יַת עֵינֵיהוֹן וְחָמוּן יַת אִיקַר אֱלָהָא דְיִשְרָאֵל וּתְחוֹת אַפִּיפּוּרִין דְּרִיגְלוֹי דְמַיְצַע תְּחוֹת כּוּרְסֵיהּ הֵי כְעוֹבַד אַבַן סַפִּירִינוּן מִידְכַּר שִׁעֲבּוּדָא דְשַׁעְבִּידוּ מִצְרָאֵי יַת בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל בְּטִינָא וּבְלִיבְנִין וַהֲווֹן נְשַׁיָא בָּטְשָׁן יַת טִינָא עִם גּוּבְרֵיהוֹן הֲוַת תַּמָּן רִיבָא מְפַנְקָתָא מַעְבַּרְתָּא וְאַפִּילַת יַת עוּבְרָא וְאִיתְבַּטַּשׁ עִם טִינָא נָחָת גַּבְרִיאֵל וְעָבַד מִנֵיהּ לְבֵינְתָא וְאַסְקֵיהּ לִשְׁמֵי מְרוֹמָא וְאַתְקְנֵיהּ גִּילוּגְדַק תְּחוֹת אַפִּיפּוּרִין דְּמָרֵי עַלְמָא זִיוֵיהּ הֵי כְּעוֹבַד אֲבַן טָבָא וְהֵי כִּתְקוּף שְׁפַר שְׁמַיָא כַּד הִינוּן בְּרִירִין מִן עֲנָנַיָא

And Nadab and Abihu lifted up their eyes, and saw the glory of the God of Israel; and under the footstool of His feet which was placed beneath His throne, was like the work of sapphire stone a memorial of the servitude with which the Mizraee had made the children of Israel to serve in clay and bricks, (what time) there were women treading clay with their husbands; the delicate young woman with child was also there, and made abortive by being beaten down with the clay. And thereof did Gabriel, descending, make brick, and, going up to the heavens on high, set it, a footstool under the cathedra of Yahuah of the world whose splendour was as the work of a precious stone, and as the power of the beauty of the heavens when they are clear from clouds.


וּלְוַת נָדָב וַאֲבִיהוּא עוּלֵמַיָא שַׁפִּירַיָא לָא שָׁדַר מַחְתֵּיהּ בְּהַהוּא שַׁעְתָּא בְּרַם אִתְנַטְרָא לְהוֹן לְיוֹם תְּמִינַיָא לְאַשְׁלָמוּתָא לְאַסְעָרָא עֲלֵיהוֹן וְחָמוֹן יַת אִיקַר שְׁכִינְתָּא דַיְיָ וַהֲווֹן חָדָן בְּקוּרְבָּנֵיהוֹן דְּאִתְקַבָּלוּ בְּרַעֲוָא הֵי כְאָכְלִין וְהֵי כְשַׁתְיָין

But upon Nadab and Abihu, the comely young men, was the stroke not sent in that hour, but it awaited them on the eighth day for a retribution to destroy them; but they saw the glory of the Shekinah of Yahuah, and rejoiced that their oblations were received with favour, and so did eat and drink.


וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְמשֶׁה סוֹק קֳדָמַי לְטַוְורָא וַהֲוֵי תַמָּן וְאֵיתַּן לָךְ יַת לוּחֵי אַבְנָא דִּבְּהוֹן רָמוּז שְׁאָר פִּתְגָמֵי אוֹרַיְיתָא וְשִׁית מְאָה וּתְלֵיסְרֵי פִקּוּדַיָיא דִכְתָבִית לְאַלּוּפֵיהוֹן

And Yahuah said to Mosheh, Ascend before Me at the mount, and I will there give thee the tables of stone on which I have set forth the rest of the words of the Law, and the six hundred and thirteen precepts which I have written for their instruction.


וְקָם משֶׁה וִיהוֹשֻׁעַ מְשׁוּמְשָׁנֵיהּ וּסְלֵיק משֶׁה לְטַוְורָא דְאִיתְגְּלֵי עֲלוֹי יְקַר שְׁכִינְתָּא דַיְיָ

And Mosheh arose and Jehoshua his minister; and Mosheh went up to the mountain on which was revealed the glory of the Shekinah of Yahuah.


וּלְחַכִּימַיָא אָמַר אַמְתִּינוּן לָנָא הָכָא עַד זְמַן דִּנְתוֹב לְוַותְכוֹן וְהָא אַהֲרן וְחוּר עִמְכוֹן מַאן דְּאִית לֵיהּ עֵיסַק דִּינָא יִתְקְרֵב לְוַותְהוֹן

And to the sages he had said, Expect us here, at the time of our return to you; and, behold, Aharon and Hur are with you; if there be any matter of judgment, bring it to them.


וּסְלֵיק משֶׁה לְטַוְורָא וַחֲפָא עֲנַן יְקָרָא יַת טַוְורָא

And Mosheh went up into the mount, and the Cloud of Glory covered the mount.


וּשְׁרָא אִיקַר שְׁכִינְתָּא דַיְיָ עַל טַוְורָא דְסִינַי וַחֲפָהִי עֲנַן יְקָרָא שִׁיתָּא יוֹמִין וּקְרָא לְמשֶׁה בְּיוֹמָא שְׁבִיעָאָה מִגּוֹ עֲנָנָא

And the glory of Yahuah’s Shekinah abode upon the mountain of Sinai, and the Cloud of Glory covered it six days. And on the seventh day He called to Mosheh from the midst of the Cloud.


וְחֵיזוּ זִיו יִקְרָא דַיְיָ הֵי כְאֵשָׁא בָעֲרָא וְזִיקוּקֵי אֵשָׁא אָכְלָא אֵשָׁא וַהֲווֹ חָמָן וּתְמֵהִין בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל

And the appearance of the splendor of the glory of Yahuah was as burning fire with flashes of devouring fire; and the sons of Israel beheld and were awe-struck.


וְעָאל משֶׁה בְּגוֹ עֲנָנָא וּסְלֵיק לְטַוְורָא וַהֲוָה משֶׁה בְּטַוְורָא אַלִיף פִּתְגָמֵי אוֹרַיְיתָא מִן פּוּם קוּדְשָׁא יְהֵי שְׁמֵיהּ מְשַׁבַּח אַרְבְּעִין יְמָמִין וְאַרְבָּעִין לֵילְוָון

And Mosheh entered into the midst of the Cloud, and ascended the mountain; and Mosheh was upon the mountain forty days and forty nights, learning the words of the Law from the mouth of the Holy One, whose Name be praised.
