SUPERMAN arrived on newspaper stands within three years of the Holocaust, lacking a homeland. Impeccable timing.
His creators weren’t exactly your average run of the mill science-fiction aficionados, you see. We might as well get this out of the way now. They were Joos. The best kind too. Writer Jerome Siegel and artist Joseph Shuster dabbled in esoteric knowledge. They were also from Cleveland. Their earlier creation, albeit an unsuccessful one, bummer, was a little ditty called ‘Dr. Mystic: The Occult Detective.’ I would say children can smell indoctrination from a mile away, but that simply isn’t true. Kids love being lied to. So, what gives? Perhaps Siegel and Shuster shouldn’t have looked as though they were trying too hard while nickel and diming the little people. To sell the occult, that is. Better to go with something more discrete. Something like Superman. That’s it. Give him the exact same physique though. Be sure to add in some Zionist undertones. The moms and dads will never know.
You’re still hung up on the Joo remark—aren’t you? This is Thanksgiving dinner and we’ll probably never move past that. Pointing out who is a Jew, undressing in the phone booth, and who isn’t is none of my business and the work of an anti-Semite—you tell me. Also, only haters have opinions on the Zionist political party, and what does Superman’s Jewry have to do with anything? You should know then that I am an equal opportunity exposer of Joo and Goyim alike, but more than anything, the Cainite kings who rule the world. I wish I could build a case around Siegel and Shuster being a blue-blooded son of Cain and therefore related to every other Cainite spook, but they are not. Bummer. They are only related to the Ashkenazi. You and I will both remain disappointed, I guess.
As one might logically deduce from the title alone, Dr. Mystic preformed sleuth-work for the occult. Good times. Fun fact: Dr. Mystic was the comic books first flying caped-figure. Bet you didn’t know that. Superman may have been faster than a speeding bullet, but Dr. Mystic flew “faster than the speed of light” through the spirit world, by way of astral projection. Again, depression-era six year olds didn’t buy it. Or perhaps they didn’t have a clue what Siegel and Shuster were talking about. They would have to retrace their steps in a more coded hieroglyphic language.
It paid off.
From the moment Superman crash landed onto planet Earth in 1938, he was an immediate runaway success. Action Comics #1 promptly sold out of its initial run—a printing of 200,000 copies. Within months DC Comics predecessor, National Allied Publications, would be emptying newsstands of a million Superman titles per month. The rest is history.
It is no secret that Siegel and Shuster’s inspiration came from German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. How inspirational was he? All they did was take a Dr. Mystic drawing and slap a Nietzchian title on him. So, a Doppelganger then. The first English translation of “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” was published in 1896. Only then Nietzsche’s champion-figure, Ubermensch in German, was known as “Beyond-Man.” It wasn’t until another 1909 translation by Thomas Common that Ubermensch became Superman, and the name stuck. Siegel and Shuster simply made it a matter of household knowledge.
I checked. Nietzsche wasn’t Ashkenazi, but he was incredibly popular among them. Wikipedia actually has a page titled “Nietzschean Zionism.” Say it ain’t so. From there, I gleaned the following. Nietzschean Zionism was a movement arising from the influence that the German philosopher had on Zionism “and several of its influential thinkers.” The Wikipedia then goes on to describe Zionism as “the movement for the attainment of freedom for the Jewish people through the establishment of a Jewish state.” Last I checked, Zionism runs the Media. Newspapers. Movies. Music. Particularly rap music. But also, the banks. Perhaps you have heard of the Rothschild’s. There is also the Goldman’s and the Oppenheimer’s, to name a couple. Not sure how banking constitutes the need for “attainment of freedom,” but I’m not the one making up definitions, as I am not running the world. Zionism does that for me.
Another thing I learned on The Wikipedia is that Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy was “incorporated into Zionism effortlessly.” Well, that’s awkward. Naturally, I wanted to know how effortlessly Rome’s side-hobby was capable of incorporating German philosophy, and this is what I learned.
Friedrich Nietzsche’s influence was exigent on moving away from the Jewish past into an empowering future for the Hebraic New Man, the adoption of his ideas necessitating the Jews to surpass the antiquarian Jewish identity that had a rabbinical consciousness at its center.
Wait, are you telling me that the push for a Jewish homeland has absolutely nothing to do with Yahuah, the Most-High Elohim, or the Bible? Kind of makes you wonder if the Joos are actually the Yahudim spoken about in its pages. Probably none of my business though.
Speaking of Biblical, the very suggestion that Yahusha was “not of this world” did not sit well with the German philosopher. Ironic—don’t you think? Superman. Nietzsche was disquieted by Christianity’s hope of salvation through its Messiah, mainly His promise of a spiritual rebirth beyond physical death into His Father’s heavenly kingdom. Quite contrarily, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra admonished those who would promise other-worldly hopes in order to draw them away from the Earth. This turning away, we come to learn, results from the Christian’s dissatisfaction with the human condition, a resentment which causes its wishful-thinker “to create another world in which those who made one unhappy in this life are tormented.”
Nietzsche’s most popular suggestion, and oftly regurgitated slogan, should be immediately recognized.
If this is true—if Yahuah truly is dead, then Scripture can no longer provide moral values as a guiding compass for humanity, much less a set-apart Law. You may sigh with relief now. I’m being obvious, as that is the intended point. There are probably a million ways to declare one’s independence from holy living and do away with the Law, choosing immortality by some other route. The Christians of Antioch have already done it long ago, via Paul. For whatever reason, the architects of Zionism chose Nietzsche.
You know who else declared the death of God? The architects of Communism. More Joos. There is of course an esoteric explanation to this. You see, Communism portrays itself as an atheistic political movement. Sure, whatever. That’s still the exoteric explanation. The founders of the communist movement claimed to be atheists, and yet communism was born out of the occult. The occult meaning behind communism is hidden. For the esoteric, the collective body makes up the Egregore, meaning “thought-form” or “collective group mind.” The Egregore is the collective god of communism. To put this in slightly other terms, when the architects of communism spoke about atheism, they did so in a way which sought to murder Yahuah, the Most-High. Meaning, there is no divine being outside of themselves. By spreading communism worldwide, they were in fact expanding on the greater divine consciousness. There is more to it than that, such as the Talmudic and kabbalah origins of the Movement, but that is a discussion for another time.
For the critic concerned about our future moral state of affairs in an infinitely expanding Kabbalistic universe, and without a value-system written in stone, then fear not, because according to Nietzsche, Superman is coming to fill in the vacuum of nihilism. Whereas the writers of Scripture reacted against the fallen human state; Superman is motivated by a love of this world and utmost concern for life. Superman is simply a heiroglyph for self-evaluation. More precisely, Superman is the anti-Christ.
With Nietzsche’s ‘Zarathustra,’ Superman should be a set goal for civilizations eventual graduation beyond its own present state. Zionism again. Accordingly, humanity can find ultimate meaning, not in friendship with and obedience to its Creator, but by its own evolutionary advancement into a new future generation of advanced beings. But why take my word for it? Let’s hold the microphone up to Zarathustra and see what he has to say about it.
“I teach you the Superman. Man is something that shall be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man? All beings hitherto have created something beyond themselves; and ye want to be the ebb of that great tide, and would rather go back to the beasts than surpass man? What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman; a laughing-stock; a thing of shame.”
Oh dear. Sounds kind of threatning—don’t it? Better pick up a tool and help the Smithsonian or get out of the way. It would suck to, say, be right when The Government is wrong. Better to just go along with the Big Pharmacutical companies and Zionism. Have your genetics altered with each new jab that comes along. Or as Nietzsche would later write: “Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman—a rope over an abyss.” Sounds gripping. I wonder if they could turn that into a comic book series.
Most people today know Superman as the man of steel. But originally, Siegel and Shuster introduced him as “the Man of Tomorrow.” See what I mean? The other end of the rope. Superman has arrived to show us the way and offer safe passage. Hopefully, take all the nuke out of The Bomb while he’s at it. Superman best functions when perceived as a prototype for the future evolution of all humankind. In this existence, Yahuah is dead, whereas the superhero, or rather the divine, lives within all of us.
In a letter to Buck Rogers artist Russell Keaton, dated June 12, 1934, Siegel described the infant Clark Kent as having escaped the end of the world after being placed in a time-capsule by the last man on Earth, naturally his father, and then promptly jettisoned back to a more primitive decade—the year 1935 specifically, only seconds before giant cataclysms destroy the entire planet. Despite Superman’s origins taking a slight narrative diversion from a distant millennia to another distant planet, the concept remains the same. On the very first page of Action Comics #1 we read: orphanage attendants were unaware that “the child’s physical structure was millions of years advanced of their own.”
On January 16, 1939, half a year after his premiere, the planet which the infant Superman arrived from was promptly named. Krypton translates from the Greek as “the Hidden,” or “the Occult.” Like I said, mom and dad will never know. If he is an alien living among us, it’s simply because we have yet to become like him. It’s actually the perfect allegory. Though, if we’re being technical, “the last son of Krypton” comes to us in reverse order, as Krypton hearkens us back to Helena Blavatsky’s idea of the root race and Atlantis. Perhaps even long before that to the first Polarian root race, when our divine ancestors lived on a higher plane and were etherial.
According to Blavatsky, the Atlantian race was destroyed due to inward corruption—a total decay of their magical principles. Likewise, the people of Superman’s home world had succumbed to the dry rot that Nietzsche most feared. They had collectively corroded as a society in order to attain laziness, comfort, and complacency, having nothing left to offer but their own disillusionment with the state of things. Thusly, they perished. Sounds a lot like Intel’s plan for the world—don’t it? Superman’s Elite parents however were all that was left of the enlightened nature. Because of their hidden knowledge, he has arrived on Earth to spare us of the same misfortune. More specifically, to guide us away from the Dispora and back to our own personal Krypton. You know, Atlantis. Zionist Israel. Same difference.
Let’s see here. Let’s pick out a random Superman power and see what you know who has to do with it. Hmmm. The Man of Steel can check on babes using his x-ray vision—just to “make sure” they’re using the right support. Did I get that right? Perhaps not. Peeping through walls like a Tom is probably just a Big Brother thing. Oh, but wait! Superman’s power is the sun. So, Apollo. Or if you prefer, Horus and Mithras. And if we’re to use Nietzsche’s rope allegory, Superman has mastered the father-son divine-avatar relationship in the Mysteries of Isis. Bet you thought I couldn’t figure that one out. That’s probably why you arrived. To challenge my amazing sleuth skills.
What’s this? It’s Superman issue No. 28. The year is 1944, and Superman is caught standing in-between Atlas and Hercules. Probably just admiring a couple of statues. No crime in that. Atlas, as everybody knows, was a king of Atlantis. And according to Berosus the Chaldean, Hercules was a grandson of Ham. Of course, Ham, as everybody knows, was a Cain. Always a good thing, I guess, to stand in-between your role models. It’s like I’ve always said; an apple does not fall far from the Cain family tree. You will tell me you’ve never heard of Berosus the Chaldean before. Ptolemy thought to name him. Gotta love those ancient historians with their ancient genealogies, many of whom had the Library of Alexandria at their disposal. So much knowledge. It would be a total shame if somebody played with fire and the Library had “an accident.”
Siegel and Shuster’s ‘Man of Tomorrow’ wasn’t only a mirror reflection of Nietzsche’s Superman; he quickly became the prototype standard and launching pad for an entire superhero phenomena to come. The Copernican deception was now indoctrinating children with sledgehammer force. No longer were they led away from Biblical cosmology, with its rich and fulfilling theological conclusions, by the lies of Government babysitting services. They were willingly investing their own dime to be entertained by it. Obviously, western society was ripe for the deception. In Mutants & Mystics, Jeffrey J. Kripal writes:
“The cosmos was now so unspeakably vast, its physics so utterly mind-bending, that individuals were simply no longer capable of processing everything. A few elite astronomers and astrophysicists may have understood a portion of the math, but no one, no one, could now fathom the total vision, much less what it all meant. Hence the famous quip of J.B.S. Haldane that ‘the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.’”
I’m sure they’ve figured out the math by now. Worked out the kinks. Thank God for Einstein, right? I said, am I right?