The TUC Book Club and ‘The Cave of Treasures’ Release!
OUR very first book for the TUC Readers Club is finished and has already been sent out to our ministry partners. We had a wonderful turnout of supporters. Thanks go out to Rebecca L. Gould for the beautiful work on ‘The Book of the Cave of Treasures’. At 234 pages, this latest edition was lovingly restored and edited by her. I certainly hope the TUC Members enjoy it. Membership is $50 per month, which of course supports this ministry but also includes 12 new hardbound book releases every year.
The Book of the Cave of Treasures is a history of the world from its creation to Christ using the LXX timeline, a period lasting 5,500 years. Written in the Syriac language, The Cave has long been attributed to Ephrem of Edessa, who lived and died in the 4th century.
Because we anticipate a new book mail-out each month, I don’t expect a ‘Cave of Treasures’ TUC Readers Club release again in the foreseeable future. And so, if you would like to receive your own copy in the mail as part of the membership, then there’s still a week left before our December book begins shipment.
30% off book sale on ‘The Aramaic Targum’ and ‘Targum Isaiah’
IF you’ve been holding off on your very own copy of the Targum then now would be as good a time as any to make the move. The prices on both books, ‘Yesha’yahu: Targum Isaiah’ and ‘The Aramaic Targum,’ have been reduced by 30% for the remainder of the Gregorian year. That would be December 31. What are you waiting for? Go, go, go. And if you own a copy already, then buy one for a friend. No, seriously, thanks everyone for your continued support. I hope these ancient texts bless you in your continued Scriptural studies as they have me.
Biblical Cosmology
New Book Release
Here at TUC, we are excited to team up with friend and author Pauly Hart to promote his excellent writing for the consideration of the greater Truther community. Biblical Cosmology not only supports Pauly’s creative efforts but also what we have going down here at TUC. At $25, this book is in limited supply, so get one while they last.
“The Bible teaches Cosmology. It is ancient and not secret. Many today have questions about what the Bible teaches. This is one of the only books you will need as a reference guide for the subject. Biblical Cosmology is the study of how the Bible teaches the workings of the cosmos. This book is an exhaustive study on the topic of Biblical Cosmology.” – Pauly Hart