IN my book, The Seven Thousand Year Timeline Deception, the subject of Saint George is something that I wanted to cover, but you know how those things go. Better late than never. Frankly though, the topic is so huge that it took a video. Many people have been inquiring as to my thoughts regarding the historicity of Saint George. Expecially since there are depictions of him all across Europe. The Sunday School answer, as you know, is “Jesus”. No, I do not believe Saint George is Jesus, or Yeshua, or even Yahusha HaMashiach, as I prefer to call him. You’ll have to check out the video because I make a lot of conections between Phinehas, Elijah, Al-Khadir, John the Baptist, and even Enoch. Not only are Saint George and Al-Khadir a composite of the same person, but they just so happen to share the same stories as Elijah.
A raise of hands, who here has read ‘The Martyrdom of Saint George’? Anybody? No one? Going once, going twice. I thought not. It’s a Medieval book that I’ve been working on editing for a great long while now. I have much to show you in ‘Saint George and the Millennial Kingdom’ but here is one sample of what I’ll be covering. It’s a passage from ‘The Martyrdom of Saint George’.
Then Dadianus the governor sat down and wrote the death sentence of the blessed man George, saying “George of Melitene, the chief of the Galileans, hath set behind his back the decrees of the seventy governors of the whole world, the ministers of the victorious gods; we therefore command that his head be taken off with the sword; and know, O ye peoples, that we are guiltless of his blood;” and the seventy governors signed the sentence of death.
And Saint George took his sentence of death in his holy hands, and came forth with gladness, rejoicing greatly. When he came out to the place where he was to consummate his martyrdom, he said to the soldiers, “Brethren, wait a little for me, that I may pray to my God for these seventy lawless governors, who, as ye know, have tortured me for seven years.”
Now the governors had left the saint and had prepared a feast, and were rejoicing at the death of the blessed man. Then the blessed man looked up to heaven and said, “O my Lord Jesus Christ, who did make fire come from heaven by the words of Thy servant Elijah the Prophet and devour the two captains of fifty and their hundred soldiers, send down to me, O my God, of that same fire that it may devour these seventy lawless governors.”
And while the words were yet in his mouth, fire came forth from heaven and devoured the seventy lawless governors who held their cups of wine untasted in their hands; and the fire also devoured the five thousand godless soldiers who served them.
Now the soldiers who were with Saint George knew not of the matter until they had taken off his holy head. When the righteous man knew that the fire had devoured the impious ones, he bowed his knees, and prayed, saying, “O my Lord and God, the joy of my soul and spirit, the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, hearken unto Thy servant George this day, and receive me to Thyself in Thy abundant joy. O my Lord, I see standing here a mighty multitude who think to take my body away with them when I shall soon have consummated my martyrdom. Thou knowest, O my Lord, that my body will not suffice for the whole world, but hear me, O Lord, at this present, and grant a favor to my name, that through Thee there may be salvation and help to all the world; so that Thou, O Jesus Christ our Lord, together with Thy Good Father, and the Holy and Vivifying Spirit, mayest have the glory which is meet for Thee, for ever and ever, Amen.”
And when he had said ‘Amen’, the whole firmament was filled with the angels of the Highest, and our Lord Jesus Christ came to him seated upon the Cherubim and Seraphim, and the company of the Prophets and the Apostles, and the martyrs, and all the saints, and all the hosts of heaven were praising Him; and all the soldiers who were with the blessed man slept, and became as dead men.
And the Lord said to the blessed George, “Hail, My George! Hail, beloved of Myself and of My angels! Hail, champion of the kingdom of heaven! Blessed art thou this day, O George My beloved, for I have made ready for thee seven crowns of glory in the hands of My Father, and He will place them upon thy head this day. Blessed art thou, O My beloved George, for I have prepared for thee a royal crown set with gold and pearls, and I will put it on thy head with My own hands this day. Blessed art thou this day, O My beloved George, for there is prepared for thee a great and exalted throne beautifully set with exceeding fine gold and a true priceless stone, and they will seat thee upon it this day in the highest heavens by the Holy Ghost. Blessed art thou, O My beloved George, for the pearly gates of the tabernacles of light are open to thee, and thou shalt go into the presence of the Holy Trinity and none shall prevent thee. Blessed art thou, O My beloved George, the valiant one, for My Good Father has written thy name upon the chariot of the Holy Trinity, that whosoever shall say, “O God of George, help us, hear us,” them thou shalt hear straightway. Blessed art thou, O My beloved George, for thou did confess My name, and the Good Father, and the Holy Ghost, before the governors of the whole world, and I will confess thee in heaven where thou shalt be in great light.
And I say unto thee, O My beloved, that inasmuch as among all mankind and in the whole world there was, for three years, no one able to confess My name, neither elder, nor deacon, nor a lay person, except thyself alone, and thou did stand up before the seventy governors of the whole world, I swear by My right hand, O My beloved one ,that I will establish a covenant with thee that when thou shalt bow thyself upon thy spiritual face in heaven and shalt come with all thy congregation to worship the holy Trinity, all the saints shall know thee by reason of the honor which I will show thee, O My beloved, and they all shall know that thou art George the beloved of God, and shall adore thee according to the command of My Good Father.
And moreover, behold now My beloved, have joined thy name to Mine that it may be a haven of safety throughout the whole world, that every man or woman who shall happen to be in danger by judgments, by executioners, by prisons, by seas, by waters, or in harbors, or by travelling, by attacks, by thieves, by wild beasts, by fire, by lions, by violent death, by any necessity, by a multitude of deep afflictions, or in short by any afflictions whatever that befall the children of men, and they cry up to Me in thy name three times, saying, “O God of George, help us,” I will hear them quickly and will fulfil everything that they shall ask with their heart. The name of everyone who shall build a martyrium in thy name, or who shall cause a book of thy sufferings and thy contests to be placed in a church for reading in thy name, will I write in the Book of Life, and will cause him to be in the same place with thee in my kingdom forever. Whosoever shall make a gift, or an offering of first fruits to the church in thy name, or who shall feed the poor in thy name, or the widow on the day of thy glorious commemoration, to him will I give help in this world, and I will make him to enjoy with thee the good things of My kingdom. Whosoever shall clothe one naked person in thy name, him will I clothe with the garments of heaven. Whosoever shall burn a lamp in the church in thy name or a little incense, upon him will I make My angels shine when he shall come to Me in joy. Whosoever shall give thy name to his son in faith, his heart will I comfort within him. Whosoever shall receive a stranger in thy name, his sins will I forgive him, and I will receive him into My kingdom forever.
And I swear to thee by Myself, O George My beloved, as I have already said to thee, so I now say again to thee, that among those born of women there is none like unto John the Baptist, and that among the company of martyrs there shall be none like unto thee, neither among those who have been, nor among those who shall be. And now hasten, My beloved, and fulfil thy dispensation that I may take thee up with Me upon the chariot of the cherubim and give thee as a gift to My Good Father and the Holy Spirit; and all the angels of heaven will rejoice with thee, for they are awaiting thee. As concerning thy body, I will now cause an earthquake to take place that no man among these multitudes may take thy body away with him until thy servants come to carry it away. And behold, I have already taken thy mother, and thy two sisters, and thy bride, who was betrothed to thee, to My kingdom before thee that they might not see thy death in this world, but that they might see thee, and thy father, and thy dear adopted father, and the great glory which I will give thee in My kingdom in heaven; and behold, for thy sake, I have destroyed the lawless governors of the whole world.
When thy blood has been poured out upon the ground, the service of idols shall cease, and men shall glorify My name throughout the whole world. I will cause thy kinsman to build a shrine for thee in thy city and to lay thy body in it with honor. And after a short time, Satan will stir up a persecution against the churches, and the blood of thousands of martyrs throughout the whole world shall be shed. And when twenty-one years have gone by, the impious governor of that time shall take counsel to destroy thy holy shrine by reason of the mighty deeds which I will work by thee in thy holy shrine. And he will send a general with his soldiers to do this thing, but I will cause thee to destroy him by an exceeding violent death, even as thou has destroyed these governors, and the persecution shall cease through thee. And I will send thee to destroy that impious governor, and I will seat another in his place according to the command of My Good Father. And he shall build for thee a splendid and beautiful shrine, and he shall glorify thy church; and the whole world shall serve me in freedom forever. And I will build thee a multitude of shrines throughout the whole world; I will make all the nations of the whole world to glorify thee; I will make thy name to fill the whole world; I will make a multitude of gifts to thy shrine; and I will make men to celebrate thy festival in the whole world and especially the day of thy commemoration, which is the day of the consummation of thy martyrdom. I will make all creatures upon earth to enjoy this day; and I will crown the fruits of the earth on the day in which thou art crowned; and on the day of the dedication to thee of the first-fruits of the earth, which is the seventh day of Athor, thy name, O My beloved George, My valiant soldier, shall be exalted in heaven and glorious upon earth for ever and ever, Amen.”
And when the Lord had said these things to him, He filled him with power and joy, and the blessed man rejoiced greatly and exulted, saying, “I thank thee, O my Lord Jesus, that thou has honored me more than I deserve;”
The Martyrdom of Saint George