ONCE the poo-poo potty was finally introduced to Victorian era Europe, the French apparently didn’t know what to do with them, seeing as how they were so used to crapping themselves, but mostly just taking a dump while they walked. And no, I am not making this shit up. That’s what the official narrative tells us. Even in their royal palaces, the French had the habit of letting it all out. Have you ever been to Versailles? I have. It’s glorious. The place is practically constructed of golden goose-shells. But then the official narrative is bold enough to tell us Louis XIII had it built for a hunting lodge. Oh sure. Because nothing says ‘deer blind’ quite like chandeliers and banisters of gold. The following report is an addition to my ‘Kings and Priests ofthe Thousand Year Reign’ paper. I had already written on the Medieval ‘pooh problems’ but now I’m taking a closer look at the ridiculous stories they tell us regarding Versailles. If you would like to read it for yourself then a $5 donation gives you an all access pass. I appreciate your support.
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Afterwards, ‘Kings and Priests of the Thousand Year Reign’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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