THE ACCUSATION often thrown my way is that I’m reading the Bible all wrong. You see, Christianity has done away with the Torah, and I haven’t yet received the memo, apparently. Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you Paul is their boy. Well, last week I premiered my commentary on Romans chapter one, and wouldn’t you know it, the Torah was scribbled all over it. Seems to me like Paul was using the Torah as the standard for morality, and it makes sense, since there was no other morality in Holy Scripture. Some of you will still claim I’m reading it all wrong and inserting a worldview that doesn’t belong—mainly, the Torah. The thing is chapter two does incite the Torah. Paul mentions it by name over and over again. Nobody can claim I’m making this stuff up anymore. What I aim to prove is that the Epistle of Romans makes absolutely no sense without the Torah to guide us. What did Paul have to guide him? The Torah, of course. Without any further ado, here is my commentary on the second chapter.