The Blessed Land: Elves of Middle-Earth and the Resurrected Sainthood

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OOPS, looks like I dropped the ball when using Glorfindel as an example. Don’t get me wrong, he was a very good example, a superb and probably the most illustrious case of a Middle-Earth resident who also doubled as an inhabitant of the Blessed Land in the west, beyond the ocean. What happened is that I failed in conveying precisely how spot on he and others are as examples of the MK sainthood. When originally making mention of him, I hadn’t read ‘The Lord of the Rings’ since college, and the intervening decades since, 9/11 as well as the Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden Administrations and thousands of psyops packed within, have had a way of thinning the intricacies of his bio. It’s for these very reasons that I decided to re-read LOTR again, mostly as a pleasure cruise.

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PDF [11/20/23 Update]: The Undying Lands and Middle-Earth

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