Targum Torah Portions Week 8: Vayishlach וַיִּשְׁלַח “And He Sent”

Rediscovering Torah | Targum | Torah Portions

Targum Jonathan on Genesis

Week 8

Chapters 32:3 – 36:43



Chapter 32



וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב כֵּיוָן דְחָמִינוּן לָא מַשִׁירְוַין דְעֵשָו הִינוּן דְאַתְיָין לִקְדָמוּתִי וְלָא מַשִׁירְוְיָן דְלָבָן הִינוּן דְהַדְרוּ לְמִרְדַף בַּתְרַיי אֱלָהֵין מַשִׁירְוְיָין דְמַלְאָכַיָא קַדִישִין דְאִשְׁתַּלְחוּ מִן קֳדָם יְיָ הִינוּן בְּגִין כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמֵיהּ דְאַתְרָא הַהוּא בְּלִישַׁן בֵּית קוּדְשָׁא מַחֲנָיִם

3 And Jakob said when he saw them, These are not the host of Esau who are coming to meet me, nor the host of Laban, who have returned from pursuing me; but they are the host of the holy angels who are sent from before the Lord. Therefore the name of that place he called, in the language of the sanctuary, Machanaim.


וישׁלח וְשָׁדַר יַעֲקב אִזְגַדִין קוֹמוֹי לְוַת עֵשָו אָחוֹי לְאַרְעָא דְגַבְלָא לְחַקְלָא אֱדוֹמָאֵי

4 And Jakob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother in the land of Gabla the territory of the Edomites,


וּפְקִיד יַתְהוֹם לְמֵימַר כְּדֵין תֵּימְרוּן לְרִיבּוֹנִי לְעֵשָו כִּדְנַן אָמַר עַבְדָךְ יַעֲקב עִם לָבָן אִיתּוֹתָבִית וְאִשְׁתְּהָיַית עַד כְּדוֹן

5 and instructed them to say, Thus shall you speak to my lord Esau: Thus saith thy servant Jakob, With Laban have I dwelt, and have tarried until now.


וּמִכָּל מַה דִבְרִיךְ יָתִי אַבָּא לֵית בְּיָדִי אֱלָהֵין הֲווֹ לִי כִזְעֵיר תּוֹרִין וְחַמְרִין עָאן וְעַבְדִין וְאַמְהָן וְשַׁדָרִית לְתַנָאָה לְרִבּוֹנִי דְלָא אָהַנְיַית לִי בִּרְכָתָא הַהוּא לְאַשְׁכָּחָא רַחֲמִין בְּעֵינָךְ דְלָא תִינְטוֹר לִי בָּבִין עֲלָהּ

6 And of all that in which my father blessed me there is nothing in my hand; but I have a few oxen and asses, sheep, and servants and handmaids; and I have sent to tell my lord that that blessing hath not profited me; that I may find mercy in thine eyes and that thou mayest not maintain (enmity) against me on account thereof.


וְתָבוּ אִזְגַדַיָא לְוַת יַעֲקב לְמֵימַר אָתֵינָא לְוַת אָחוּךְ לְעֵשָו וְאוּף אָתֵי לִקְדָמוּתָךְ וְאַרְבַּע מְאָה גוּבְרִין פּוּלְמַרְכִין עִמֵיהּ

7 And the messengers returned to Jakob, saying, We came to thy brother, to Esau, and he also cometh to meet thee, and four hundred chief–warriors with him.


וּדְחִיל יַעֲקב לַחֲדָא עַל דְלָא עָסַק עֶשְרִין שְׁנִין בִּיקָרָא דְאָבוֹי וְעָקַת לֵיהּ וּפַלֵיג יַת עַמָא דְעִמֵיהּ וְיַת עָנָא וְיַת תּוֹרֵי וְגַמְלַיָא לִתְרֵין מַשִׁרְיַין לְמוֹהֲבוּת לֵאָה וּלְמוֹהֲבוּת רָחֵל

8 And Jakob was greatly afraid, because for twenty years he had not been mindful of the glory of his father: and he had anxiety; and he divided the people who were with him, the sheep, and oxen, and camels, into three troops, for a portion. to Leah, and a portion to Rahel.


וַאֲמַר אִין יֵיתֵי עֵשָו לְמִשְׁרֵי דְחָדָא מִנְהוֹן וְיַמְחִינֵיהּ וִיהֵי מִשְׁרֵי דְמִשְׁתָּאֵר לְשֵׁיזְבָא

9 And he said, If Esau come to the one troop of them and smite it, the remaining troop may escape.


וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב אֱלָהֵיהּ דְאַבָּא אַבְרָהָם הוּא אֱלָהֵיהּ דְאַבָּא יִצְחָק יְיָ דְאָמַר לִי תּוּב לְאַרְעָךְ וּלְיַלְדוּתָךְ וְאוֹטִיב עִמָךְ

10 And Jakob said, God of my father Abraham, Thou, the God of my father Izhak, the Lord, who saidst to me, Return to thy country and to thy kindred, and I wilt do thee good:


לֵית אֲנָא כְּמֵיסַת וּזְעֵיר אֲנָא מִכָּל טַבְוָון וּמִן כָּל קוּשְׁטָא דִי עָבַדְתְּ עִם עַבְדָךְ אֲרוּם בְּחוּטְרִי בִּלְחוֹד עֲבָרִית יַת יוֹרְדְנָא הָדֵין וּכְדוּן הֲוֵינָא לְתַרְתֵּין מַשִׁרְוַיָין

11 I am altogether less than any of the (acts of) goodness and truth which Thou hast exercised towards Thy servant: for with my staff, alone, I passed this Jardena, and now I am become two bands.


שֵׁיזְבַנִי כְדוֹן מִן יַד אֲחִי רַבָּא מִן יַד עֵשָו אֲרוּם מִסְתְּפֵי אֲנָא מִנֵיהּ דְהוּא עָסַק בְּאִיקְרָא דְאָבוּי דִילְמָא יֵיתֵי וְיִמְחִינַנִי אִימָא עַל בְּנַיָא

12 Deliver me I pray, from the hand of my elder brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear him: for he hath been mindful of the glory of his father; lest he come and smite the mother with the children.


וְאַנְתְּ אַבְטַחְתָּנִי אוֹטָבָא אוֹטֵב עִמָךְ וַאֲשַׁוֵי יַת בְּנָךְ סַגִיאִין הֵי כְּחָלָא דְיַמָא דְלָא מִתְמְנֵי מִסְגֵי

13 But Thou hast promised, I will surely do thee good, and will make thy sons many as the sand of the sea be numbered for that cannot be numbered for multitude.


וּבַת תַּמָן בְּלֵילְיָא הַהוּא וּנְסֵיב מִן דְאִזְדַמָן בִּידֵיהּ דוֹרוֹן לְעֵשָו אָחוֹי

14 And he abode there that night; and he took what was ready at his hand a present for Esau his brother:


עִזֵי מָאתָן וּבַרְחֵי עַשְרִין רְחִילֵי מָאתָן וְדִיכְרֵי עַשְרִין

15 she-goats two hundred, and he-goats twenty; ewes two hundred and rams twenty:


גַמְלַיָא נוּקְבָן עִם בְּנֵיהוֹן הֲווֹ תְּלָתִין תּוֹרַיְתָא אַרְבְּעִין וְתוֹרֵי עֲשָרָה אַתְנַיי עֶשְרִין וִילָדִין דַקִין עֲשָרָה

16 milch camels with their young ones thirty; cows forty, and bulls ten, small colts ten.


וְזַמִין בְּיַד עַבְדוֹי עֶדְרָא עֶדְרָא בִּלְחוֹדוֹי וְאָמַר לְעַבְדוֹי עִבְרוּ קֳדָמַי וְנִיפַשׁ תְּשַׁווּן בֵּינֵי עֶדְרָא וּבֵינֵי עֶדְרָא

17 And he made them ready by the hand of his servants in flocks apart, and said to his servants, Pass over before me, and put much (room) between flock and flock.


וּפַקֵיד יַת קַמָא לְמֵימַר אֲרוּם יְעַרְעִינָךְ עֵשָו אָחִי וְיִבְעִי מִינָךְ לְמֵימַר דְמַאן אַנְתְּ וּלְאָן אַנְתְּ מְטַיֵיל וּלְמָאן אִילֵין דְקֳדָמָךְ

18 And he instructed the first, Saying, When Esau my brother shall meet thee, and ask of thee, saying, Whose art thou, and whither art thou journeying and whose are these before thee?


וְתֵימַר לְעַבְדָךְ לְיַעֲקב דוֹרוֹן הוּא דְמִשְׁתַּלְחָא לְרִבּוֹנִי לְעֵשָו וְהָא אוּף הוּא אָתֵי בַּתְרָן

19 Thou shalt say it is a gift of thy servant Jakob, which he sends to my lord Esau, and, behold, he also cometh after us.


וּפְקִיד אוּף יַת תִּנְיַן אוּף יַת תְּלִיתָאֵי אוּף יַת כָּל דְאָזְלִין בָּתַר עֶדְרַיָא לְמֵימַר כְּפִיתְגָמָא הָדֵין תְּמַלְלוּן עִם עֵשָו כַּד תִּשְׁכְּחוּן יָתֵיהּ

20 And so he instructed the second, and the third, and all them who followed the flock, saying According to these words You must speak with Esau when you find him,


וְתֵימְרוּן אוּף הָא עַבְדָךְ יַעֲקב אָתֵי בַּתְרָנָא אֲרוּם אָמַר נַרְעֵי יַת סְבַר אַפּוֹי בְּדוֹרָנָא דִמְהַלְכָא קֳדָמַי וּמִבָּתַר כֵּן נֶחֱמֵי אַנְפּוֹי הַלְוַאי יִסְבַּר לִי אַפִּין

21 and say, And, behold, thy servant Jakob also cometh after us. For he said, I will make his countenance friendly by the gift which goeth before me, and afterward will see his face: peradventure he may accept me.


וַעֲבָרַת דוֹרוֹנָא עַל אַנְפּוֹהִי וְהוּא בָּת בְּלֵילְיָא הַהוּא בְּמַשְׁרִיתָא

22 And the present passed over before him, and he abode that night in the camp.


וְקָם בְּלֵילְיָא הוּא וּדְבַר יַת תַּרְתֵּין נְשׁוֹי וְיַת תַּרְתֵּין לְחֵינָתוֹי וְיַת חַדְסְרֵי רִבוֹי וַעֲבַר יַת מְגִיזַת יוּבְקָא

23 And he arose in the night and took his two wives, and his two concubines, and eleven children, and went over the ford Jubeka.


וְדַבָּרִינוּן וַעֲבָרִינוּן יַת נַחְלָא וַעֲבַר יַת דִילֵיהּ

24 And taking them he made them pass over the torrent, and all that he had went over.


וְאִשְׁתְּאַר יַעֲקב בִּלְחוֹדוֹי מֵעִיבְרָא לְיוּבְקָא וְאִתְבַּחַשׁ מַלְאָכָא עִמֵיהּ כִּדְמוּת גְבַר וְאָמַר הֲלָא אָמַרְתָּ לְעַשְרָא כָּל דִילָךְ וְהָא אִית לָךְ תְּרֵיסַר בְּנִין וּבְרַתָּא חֲדָא וְלָא עֲשַרְתִּינוּן מִן יַד אַפְרַשׁ אַרְבַּע בּוּכְרִין לְאַרְבַּע אִימְהָתָא וְאִשְׁתַּיָירוּ תְּמַנְיָא וְתַנָא לְמִמְנֵי מִשִׁמְעוֹן וְסַלִיק לֵוִי בִּמְעַשְרָא עָנֵי מִיכָאֵל וַאֲמַר רִבּוֹנֵיהּ דְעַלְמָא דֵין הוּא עַדְבָךְ וְעַל עֵיסַק פִּתְגָמַיָא הָאִילֵין אִשְׁתְּהִי מִן הָאֵל לְנַחֲלָא עַד מֵיסַק עַמוֹד קְרִיצְתָּא

25 And Jakob remained alone beyond the Jubeka; and an Angel contended with him in the likeness of a man. And he said, Hast thou not promised to give the tenth of all that is thine? And, behold, thou hast ten sons and one daughter: nevertheless thou hast not tithed them. Immediately he set apart the four firstborn of the four mothers, and there remained eight. And he began to number from Shimeon, and Levi came up for the tenth. Michael answered and said, Lord of the world, this is Thy lot. And on account of these things he (Michael) remained from God at the torrent till the column of the morning was ascending.


וַחֲמָא אֲרֵי לָא הֲוָה לֵיהּ רְשׁוּ לְאַבְאָשָׁא לֵיהּ וְקָרֵיב בִּפְּתֵי יַרְכֵיהּ וְזַעְזָא פְּתֵי יַרְכָא דְיַעֲקב בְּאִיתְבַּחְשׁוּתֵיהּ עִמֵיהּ

26 And he saw that he had not power to hurt him, and he touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jakob’s thigh was distorted in his contending with him.


וַאֲמַר שַׁדְרַנִי אֲרוּם סַלִיק עַמוּד קְרִיצְתָּא וּמָטָא שַׁעְתָּא דְמַלְאֲכֵי מְרוֹמָא מְשַׁבְּחִין לְמָרֵי עַלְמָא וַאֲנָא חַד מִן מַלְאָכַיָא מְשַׁבְּחַיָיא וּמִיוֹמָא דְאִיתְבְּרִי עַלְמָא לָא מָטָא זִמְנִי לִמְשַׁבְּחָא אֱלָהֵן הָדָא זִמְנָא וַאֲמַר לֵית אֲנָא מְשַׁדֵר יָתָךְ אֱלָהֵן בֵּירַכְתְּ יָתִי

27 And he said, Let me go, for the column of the morning ascendeth; and the hour cometh when the angels on high offer praise to the Lord of the world: and I am one of the angels of praise, but from the day that the world was created my time to praise hath not come until now. And he said, I will not let thee go, until thou bless me.


וַאֲמַר לֵיהּ מַה שְׁמָךְ וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב

28 And he said, What is thy name? He answered, Jakob.


וַאֲמַר לָא יַעֲקב אִיתְאַמַר עוֹד שְׁמָךְ אֱלָהֵן יִשְרָאֵל אֲרוּם אִתְרַבְרַבְתְּ עִם מַלְאָכַיָא דַיְיָ וְעִם גוּבְרַיָא וִיְכָלְתְּ לְהוֹם

29 And he said, Thy name shall be no more called Jakob but Israel, because thou art magnified with the angels of the Lord and with the mighty, and thou hast prevailed with them.


וּשְׁאֵיל יַעֲקב וַאֲמַר חַוִי כְדוּן שְׁמָךְ וַאֲמַר לָמָה דְנַן אַנְתְּ שְׁאַל לִשְׁמִי וּבְרִיךְ יָתֵיהּ יַעֲקב תַּמָן

30 And Jakob asked and said, Show me now thy name. And he said, Why dost thou ask for my name? And he blessed Jakob there.


וּקְרָא יַעֲקב שְׁמָא דְאַתְרָא פְּנִיאֵל אֲרוּם אָמַר חֲמִיתִי מַלְאָכַיָיא דַיְיָ אַפִּין כָּל קְבֵיל אַפִּין וְאִישְׁתְּזִיבַת נַפְשִׁי

31 And Jakob called the name of the place Peniel; for he said, I have seen the Angels of the Lord face to face, and my soul is saved.


וּדְנַח לֵיהּ שִׁמְשָׁא קֳדָם זִמְנֵיהּ דְטָמַע בְּגִינֵיהּ קֳדָם זִמְנֵיהּ בְּמִיפְקֵיהּ מִבֵּירָא דְשָׁבַע כַּד עָבַר יַת פְּנוּאֵל וּשְׁרֵי לְטַיְילָא וְהוּא מַטְלַע עַל יַרְכֵיהּ

32 And the sun rose upon him before his time, (the sun) which on his account had set before his time, on his going out from Beersheba, as he crossed over Peniel. And he began to journey, and was lame upon his thigh.


בְּגִין כֵּן לָא אָכְלִין בְּנֵי יִשְרָאֵל יַת גִידָא דְנַשְׁיָא דְעַל פְּתֵי יַרְכָא דִבְעִירָא וְחֵיוָותָא עַד יוֹמָא הָדֵין אֲרוּם קָרִיב מַלְאָכָא וְאָחַד בִּפְתֵי יַרְכֵי יְמִינָא דְיַעֲקב בְּאָתַר גִידָא דְנַשְׁיָא

33 Therefore the sons of Israel eat not the sinew which shrank, which is in the hollow of the thigh of cattle and of wild animals, until this day; because the Angel touched and laid hold of the hollow of the right thigh of Jakob, in the place of the sinew which shrank.



Chapter 33



וּזְקֵיף יַעֲקב יַת עֵינוֹי וַחֲמָא וְהָא עֵשָו אָתֵי וְעִמֵיהּ אַרְבַּע מְאָה גוּבְרִין פּוּלְמוּרְכִין וּפַלֵיג יַת בְּנַיָא עַל לֵאָה וְעַל רָחֵל וְעַל תַּרְתֵּין לְחֵינָתָא

1 And Jakob lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men of war. And he divided the children unto Leah, and to Rahel, and to the two concubines,


וְשַׁוִי יַת לְחֵינָתָא הִינָן וּבְנֵיהֶן בְּקַדְמֵיתָא אֲרוּם אָמַר אִלוּ אָתֵי עֵשָו לְחַבְּלָא בְּרֻבַיָא לְמֶעֱבַד זְנוּ בִּנְשַׁיָא יַעֲבֵּיד בְּאִילֵן וּבְגוֹ פִּתְגָמָא הָדֵין נְקוּם וְנַגַח עִמֵיהּ קְרָבָא וְיַת לֵאָה וְרִיבָהָא בַּתְרָאִין וְיַת רָחֵל וְיַת יוֹסֵף בַּתְרָאִין

2 and placed the concubines and their sons foremost; for he said, If Esau come to destroy the children and abuse the women, he will do it with them, and meantime we will arise and encounter him in fight; and Leah and her children after, and Rahel and Joseph after them.


וְאִיהוּ עָבַר לְקָדָמֵיהוֹן מַצְלֵי וּבְעֵי רַחֲמִין מִן קֳדָם יְיָ וְגָחַן עַל אַרְעָא שְׁבַע זִמְנִין עַד מִיקְרְבֵיהּ עַד אָחוֹי

3 And he himself went over before them, praying and asking mercy before the Lord; and he bowed upon the earth seven times, until he met with his brother.


וּרְהַט עֵשָו לִקְדָמוּתֵיהּ וְגַפֵיף לֵיהּ וְאִתְרְכִין עַל צַוְורֵיהּ וּנְשֵׁיק לֵיהּ וּבְכוּן עֵשָו בָּכָא עַל צַעֲרָא דְשִׁינוֹי דְאִיתְמִזְמִיזוּ וְיַעֲקב בָּכָא עַל צַעֲרָא דְצַוָורֵיהּ

4 And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell upon his neck and kissed him, and they wept. Esau wept on account of the pain of his teeth which were shaken; but Jakob wept because of the pain of his neck.


וּזְקַף יַת עֵינוֹי וַחֲמָא יַת נְשַׁיָא וְיַת רַבְיָא וְאָמַר מַאן אִלֵין לָךְ וְאָמַר בְּנַי הִינוּן דְאִתְיְהִיבוּ לִי בְּמֵיחוּס מִן קֳדָם יְיָ עַל עַבְדָךְ

5 And he lifted up his eyes and saw the wives and the children, and said, Who are these with thee? And he said, They are the souls which have been given to me through mercy from before the Lord upon thy servant.


וּקְרִיבַן לְחֵינָתָא הִינוּן וּבְנֵיהֶן וּגְחִינָן

6 And the concubines came near, they and their children, and bowed themselves;


וּקְרִיבַת אוּף לֵאָה וּבְנָהָא וּגְחִינָן וּבָתַר כֵּן קָרִיב יוֹסֵף וְאִתְעַתַּד קָמֵי רָחֵל וְכַסְיָיהּ בְּקוֹמָתֵהּ וּגְחִינָן

7 and Leah also approached, and her children, and bowed; and afterward Joseph came near and stood before Rahel, and hid her by his stature, and they bowed.


וַאֲמַר מַן לָךְ כָּל מַשְׁרֵי הָדֵין דְאַרְעִית וַאֲמַר דוֹרוֹן הוּא דְשַׁדְרִית לְאַשְׁכָּחָא רַחֲמִין בְּעֵינֵי רִבּוֹנִי

8 And he said, What to thee is all this troop that I have met? And he said, It is a present I have sent to find mercy in the eyes of my lord.


וַאֲמַר עֵשָו אִית לִי נִכְסִין סַגִיאִין אָחִי יִתְקַיֵים לָךְ מַאן דְאִית לָךְ

9 And Esau said, I have much substance, my brother; let what thou hast be confirmed to thee.


וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב לָא תֵימָא כֵּן בְּבָעוּ אִין כְּדוּן אַשְׁכָּחִית רַחֲמִין בְּעֵינָךְ וּתְקַבֵּל דוֹרוֹנִי מִן יְדִי אֲרוּם בְּגִין כֵּן חָמִית סְבַר אַפָּךְ וּדְמֵי לִי הֵי כְּמִיחְמֵי אַפֵּי מַלְאָכָא דִידָךְ דְהָא אִתְרְעִיתָא לִי

10 And Jakob said, Say not so, I beseech thee. If now I have found favor in thy eyes, accept my present from my hand; because I have seen the look of thy face, and it is to me as the vision of the face of thy angel; for, lo, thou art propitious to me.


קַבֵּיל כְּדוֹן יַת דוֹרוֹן דְאִתַּתְיָא לָךְ אֲרוּם אִתְיְהֵב לִי בְּמֵיחוּס מִן קֳדָם יְיָ וַאֲרוּם אִית לִי נִכְסִין סַגִיאִין וּדְחַק בֵּיהּ וְקַבֵּיל

11 Receive now the present which is brought to thee, because it hath been given me through mercy from before the Lord, and because I have much substance. And he urged upon him, and he received.


וַאֲמַר נְטַיֵיל וּנְהַךְ וְאָזִיל לְקִבְלָךְ עַד דְתִמְטֵי לְבֵי מְשׁוּרַיִיךְ

12 And he said, Let us journey and proceed, and I will go along with thee, till thou come to the house of thy habitation.


וַאֲמַר לֵיהּ רִבּוֹנִי יְדַע אֲרוּם טַלְיָיא חַטְיָן וְעָנָא וְתוֹרֵי דְמֵיַינְקַן עָלַי וְאִין דְחִיקְנָא לְהוֹם יוֹמָא חַד וִימוּתוּן כָּל עָנָא

13 And he said to him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and kine giving milk are with me; and if I overdrive them one day, all the flock may die.


יְעִיבַּר בְּבָעוּ רִבּוֹנִי וִיטַיֵיל קֳדָם עַבְדֵיהּ וַאֲנָא אִידְבַּר בִּנְיָיחָא לְבִלְחוֹדוֹי לְרֶגֶל עִיבִדְתָּא דְאִית קֳדָמָי וּלְרֶגֶל אוּלְפַן טַלְיָא עַד זְמַן דְאֵיתֵי לְוַת רִיבּוֹנִי לְגַבְלָא

14 Let me beseech my lord to pass over and journey before thy servant, and I will lead oil quietly alone, according to the foot of the work which is before me, and according to the foot of the instruction of the children; until the time that I come to my lord at Gabla.


וַאֲמַר עֵשָו אֶשְׁבּוֹק כְּדוּן עִמָךְ מִן פּוֹלְמוּסִין דְעִמִי וַאֲמַר לְמָא דְנַן אַשְׁכַּח רַחֲמִין קֳדָם רִבּוֹנִי

15 And Esau said, Let me now leave with thee some of the soldiers who are with me. But he said, Why this? Let me find favour before thee, my lord.


וְאִתְעֲבֵיד נִיסָא לְיַעֲקב וְתַב בְּיוֹמָא הַהוּא עֵשָו לְאָרְחֵיהּ לְגַבְלָא

16 And a miracle was wrought for Jakob, and that day Esau returned on his way to Gabla.


וְיַעֲקב נָטַל לְסוּכּוֹת וְאִיתְעַכֵּב תַּמָן תְּרֵיסַר יַרְחֵי שַׁתָּא וּבְנָא לֵיהּ בֵּי מֶדְרָשָׁא וּלְגֵיתוֹי עָבַד מַטְלָן בְּגִין כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמָא דְאַתְרָא סוּכּוֹת

17 And Jakob journeyed to Succoth, and sojourned there the twelve months of the year; and he builded in it a midrasha, and for his flocks he made booths; therefore he called the name of the place Succoth.


וְאָתָא יַעֲקב שָׁלֵם בְּכָל דִילֵיהּ לְקַרְתָּא דִשְׁכֶם דִי בְאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן בְּמֵיתֵיהּ מִפַּדַן אֲרָם וּשְׁרָא לְקָבֵיל קַרְתָּא

18 Then came Jakob in peace with all that he had to the city of Shekem, in the land of Kenaan, in his Coming from Padan Aram; and he dwelt near the city,


וּזְבַן יַת אַחֲסָנַת חֲקַל דִפְרַס תַּמָן מַשְׁכְּנֵיהּ מִן יַד בְּנֵי חֲמוֹר אָבוּי דִשְׁכֶם בְּמֵאָה מַרְגַלְיָין

19 and bought the possession of a field where lie spread his tent from the hand of the sons of Hamor father of Shekem, for a hundred pearls.


וְאָקִים תַּמָן מַדְבְּחָא וְתַמָן יְהַב מַעְשְרַיָא דְאַפְרֵישׁ מִן כָּל דִילֵיהּ קֳדָם אֵל אֱלָהָא דְיִשְרָאֵל

20 And he raised there an altar, and there he gave the tithes which he had set apart of all that he had before God, the God of Israel.


Chapter 34



וּנְפָקַת דִינָה בְּרַת לֵאָה דִי יְלִידַת לְיַעֲקב לְמֵיחְמֵי בְּנִימוּס בְּנַת עַמֵי אַרְעָא

1 And Dinah the daughter of Leah whom she bare to Jakob, went forth to see the manners of the daughters of the people of the land.


וַחֲמָא יָתָהּ שְׁכֶם בַּר חֲמוֹר חִיוָאָה רַבָּא דְאַרְעָא וּדְבַר יָתָהּ בְּאָנוּסָה וּשְׁכִיב עִמָהּ וְסַגְפָהּ

2 And Shekem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the land, saw her, and took her by force, and lay with her and afflicted her.


וְאִתְרְעִיַית נַפְשֵׁיהּ בְּדִינָה בְּרַת יַעֲקב וּרְחַם יַת רִיבָא וּמַלֵיל פִּיוּסִין עַל לִבָּא דְרִיבָא

3 And his soul delighted in Dinah the daughter of Jakob; and he loved the girl, and spake kindly to the heart of the girl.


וַאֲמַר שְׁכֶם לַחֲמוֹר אָבוֹי לְמֵימָר סַב לִי יַת טַלְיְתָא הָדָא לְאִנְתּוּ

4 And Shekem spake to Hamor his father, saying, Take for me this damsel to wife.


וְיַעֲקב שְׁמַע אֲרוּם סָאִיב יַת דִינָה בְּרַתֵּיהּ וּבְנוֹי הֲווֹ עִם גֵיתוֹי בְּחַקְלָא וּשְׁתִיק יַעֲקב עַד מֵיתֵיהוֹן

5 But Jakob had heard that he had polluted Dinah his daughter, And his sons were with the flocks in the field, and Jakob was silent until they came.


וּנְפַק חֲמוֹר אָבוֹי דִשְׁכֶם לְוַת יַעֲקב לְמַלָלָא עִמֵיהּ

6 And Hamor the father of Shekem came forth to Jakob to speak with him.


וּבְנוֹי דְיַעֲקב עָלוּ מִן חַקְלָא כְּדִי שָׁמְעַן וְאִתְנְסִיסוּ גוּבְרַיָא וּתְקֵיף לְהוֹם לַחֲדָא אֲרוּם קְלָנָא עָבַד שְׁכֶם בְּיִשְרָאֵל לְמִשְכּוֹב עִם בְּרַת יַעֲקב וְכֵן לָא הֲוָה כַּשְׁרָא לְאִתְעוֹבָדָא

7 And the sons of Jakob had come up from the field when they heard. And the men were indignant, and very violently moved, because Shekem had wrought dishonour in Israel in lying with the daughter of Jakob; for so it was not right to have been done.


וּמַלֵיל עִמְהוֹן חֲמוֹר לְמֵימָר שְׁכֶם בְּרִי רְעִיַית נַפְשֵׁיהּ בִּבְרַתֵּיכוֹן הָבוּ בְּבָעוּ יָתָהּ לֵיהּ לְאִנְתּוּ

8 And Hamor spake with them, saying, The soul of Shekem my son delighteth in your daughter: give her, I pray, to him to wife;


וְתִתְעַרְבוּן בְּחִיתּוּנָא עִמָנָא בְּנַתְכוֹן תִּתְּנוּן לָנָא וְיַת בְּנָתָנָא תִּסְבוּן לְכוֹן

9 and conjoin yourselves by marriage with us. Give your daughters to us, and take our daughters to you;


וְעִמָנָא תְּתוּבוּן וְאַרְעָא תְּהִי קֳדָמֵיכוֹן בִּדְנִיחָא לְכוֹן תִּיבוּ וְעִבִידוּ בָהּ פְרַקְמַטְיָא וְאַחְסִינוּ בָהּ

10 and dwell with us, and the land shall be before you, to dwell where you please and do business in it and possess it.


וַאֲמַר שְׁכֶם לְאָבוּהָא וּלְאָחָהָא אַשְׁכַּח רַחֲמִין בְּעֵינֵיכוֹן וּדְתֵימְרוּן לִי אִתֵּין

11 And Shekem said to her father and to her brethren, Let me find grace in your sight, and what you shall tell me I will give.


אַסְגוּ עָלַי לַחֲדָא מוֹהֲרָא וּמַתְּנָא וְאִיתֵּין הֵיכְמָא דְתֵימְרוּן לִי וִיהָבוּ לִי יַת רִיבָא לְאִנְתּוּ

12 Multiply upon me greatly dowry and gift, and I will give as you shall tell me; only give me the damsel to wife.


וְאָתִיבוּ בְּנֵי יַעֲקב יַת שְׁכֶם וְיַת חֲמוֹר אָבוּי בְּחוּכְמָא וּמַלִילוּ בְּגִין דְסָאִיב יַת דִינָה אֲחַתְהוֹן

13 But the sons of Jakob answered Shekem. and Hamor his father with subtilty, and so spake, because he had polluted Dinah their sister,


וַאֲמָרוּ לְהוֹם לָא נֵיכוֹל לְמֶעֱבַד יַת פִּתְגָמָא הָדֵין לְמִתַּן יַת אַחֲתָנָא לִגְבַר דִילֵיהּ עוּרְלְתָא אֲרוּם גְנוּתָא הוּא לָנָא

14 and said to them, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to a man who is uncircumcised, because that would be a disgrace to us.


בְּרַם בְּדָא נִתְפַּיֵיס לְכוֹן אִין תֶּהֱווֹן כְּוָתָנָא לְמִגְזַר לְכוֹן כָּל דְכוּרָא

15 But in this we will accede to you, if you will be as we are by circumcising every male.


וְנִיתַּן יַת בְּנָתָנָא לְכוֹן וְיַת בְּנָתֵיכוֹן נִיסַב לָנָא וְנִיתַב עִמְכוֹן וּנְהֵי לְעַמָא חָד

16 And we will give our daughters to you, and will take your daughters to us, and dwell with you, and be one people.


וְאִין לָא תְקַבְּלוּן מִנָנָא לְמִגְזַר וְנִסַב בְּתוֹקְפָא יַת בְּרַתָּנָא וְנֵזֵיל

17 But if you will not hearken to us to be circumcised, we will take our daughter by force and will go.


וּשְׁפָרוּ פִּתְגָמֵיהוֹן בְּעֵינֵי חֲמוֹר וּבְעֵינֵי שְׁכֶם בַּר חֲמוֹר

18 And their words were pleasing in the eyes of Hamor, and in the eyes of Shekem, the son of Hamor.


וְלָא אִתְעַכֵּב רַבְיָא לְמֶעֱבַד פִּתְגָמָא אֲרוּם צָבִי בִּבְרַת יַעֲקב וְהוּא יַקִיר מִכּל בֵּיתָא דְאָבוֹי

19 And the young man delayed not to do the thing; because he wished for the daughter of Jakob; and he was more honourable than all his father’s house.


וְאָתָא חֲמוֹר וּשְׁכֶם בְּרֵיהּ לִתְרַע קַרְתֵּיהוֹן וּמַלִילוּ עִם אִינְשֵׁי תְּרַע קַרְתֵּיהוֹן לְמֵימָר

20 And Hamor and Shekem his son came to the gate of their city, and spake with the men of the gate of their city, saying,


גוּבְרַיָא הָאִלֵין שַׁלְמִין אִינוּן עִמָנָא וְיֵתְבוּן בְּאַרְעָא וְיַעַבְדוּן בָּהּ פְּרַקְמַטְיָא וְאַרְעָא הָא פַּתְיַית תְּחוּמִין קֳדָמֵיהוֹן יַת בְּנָתֵיהוֹן נִיסַב לָנָא לִנְשִׁין וְיַת בְּנָתָנָא נִיתֵּין לְהוֹם

21 These men are friendly with us; and they may dwell in the land and do business in it; and the land, behold, it is broad (in) limits before them; let us take their daughters to us for wives, and give our daughters to them.


בְּרַם בְּדָא יִתְפַּיְיסוּן לָנָא גוּבְרַיָא לְמֵיתַב עִמָנָא לְמֶהֱוֵי לְעַם חַד בְּמִגְזוֹר לָנָא כָּל דְכוּרָא הֵיכְמָא דְאִינוּן גָזְרִין

22 But in this only will the men accede to us, to dwell with us, and to be one people, by every male of us being circumcised as they are.


גֵיתֵיהוֹן וְנִכְסֵיהוֹן וְכָל בְּעִירֵיהוֹם הֲלָא דִי לָנָא אִינוּן בְּרַם נִתְפַּיֵיס לְהוֹם וְיֵיתְבוּן עִמָנָא

23 Their flocks, and their substance, and all their cattle, will they not be ours? Only let us consent to them, and they will dwell with us.


וְקַבִּילוּ מִן חֲמוֹר וּמִן שְׁכֶם בְּרֵיהּ כָּל נַפְקֵי תְּרַע קַרְתֵּיהּ וּגְזָרוּ כָּל דְכוּרָא כָּל נַפְקֵי תְּרַע קַרְתֵּיהּ

24 And all they who came out of the gate of his city received from Hamor and from Shekem, his son; and they circumcised every male, all who came out of the gate of the city.


וַהֲוָה בְּיוֹמָא תְלִיתָאָה כַּד הֲווֹ מִתְמַקְמְקִין מִן כֵּיב גוּזְרַתְהוֹם וּנְסִיבוּ תְּרֵין מִבְּנוֹי דְיַעֲקב שִׁמְעוֹן וְלֵוִי אֲחֵי דִינָה גְבַר סַיְיפֵיהּ וְעָלוּ עַל קַרְתָּא דַהֲוָה יַתְבָא לְרוֹחְצַן וּקְטָלוּ כָּל דְכוּרָא

25 And it was on the third day, when they were weak from the pain of their circumcision, two of the sons of Jakob, Shimeon and Levi, the brothers of Dinah, took each man his sword, and came upon the city, which was dwelling securely and killed every male.


וְיַת חֲמוֹר וְיַת שְׁכֶם בְּרֵיהּ קְטָלוּ לְפִתְגַם דְחָרֶב וּדְבָרוּ יַת דִינָה מִבֵּית שְׁכֶם וּנְפָקוּ

26 And Hamor and Shekem his son they killed with the edge of the sword; and they took Dinah from the house of Shekem, and went forth.


מוֹתַר בְּנוֹי דְיַעֲקב עָלוּ לְחַלָצָא קְטוֹלַיָא וּבָזוּ יַת קַרְתָּא דִסְאִיבוּ בְּגַוָוהּ אֲחַתְהוֹן

27 And the rest of the sons of Jakob came to the spoil of the slain, and they sacked the city because they had polluted their sister in the midst of it.


וְיַת עַנְהוֹם וְיַת תּוֹרֵיהוֹם וְיַת חֲמָרֵיהוֹם וְיַת דִבְקַרְתָּא וְיַת דִבְחַקְלָא בָּזוּ

28 Their flocks, and oxen, and asses, and whatever was in the city or in the field they spoiled;


וְיַת כָּל נִכְסֵיהוֹן וְיַת כָּל טַפְלֵיהוֹן וְיַת נְשֵׁיהוֹם שְׁבוּ וּבָזוּ וְיַת כָּל דִבְבֵיתָא

29 and all their wealth and all their little ones they took and spoiled, and all that was in the houses.


וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב לְשִׁמְעוֹן וּלְלֵוִי עֲכַרְתּוּן יָתִי לְמִפְקָא שְׁמִי בִּישׁ בְּיַתְבֵי אַרְעָא בִּכְנַעֲנָאָה וּבִפְרִיזָאֵי וַאֲנָא עַם דְמִנְיַן וְיִתְכַּנְשׁוּן עָלָי וְיִמְחוּנַנִי וְאִישְׁתְּצֵי אֲנָא וְאֵינַשׁ בֵּיתִי

30 And Jakob said to Shimeon and Levi, You have made my name to go forth as evil among the inhabitants of the land, among the Kenaanites and Phezerites. And I am a people of (small) number, and they will gather together against me, and destroy me and the men of my house.


עַנְיָן שִׁמְעוֹן וְלֵוִי לָא יָאִי לְמֶהֱוֵי מִתְאַמַר בִּכְנִישְׁתֵּהוֹן דְיִשְרָאֵל עַרְלָאִין סְאִיבוּ לִבְתוּלְתָּא וּפַלְחֵי צַלְמִין טָנִיפוּ לִבְרַתֵּיהּ דְיַעֲקב אֱלָהֵין כְּדֵין יָאֵי לְמֶהֱוֵי מִתְאַמַר עַרְלָאִין אִתְקְטִילוּ בְּגִין בְּתוּלְתָּא וּפַלְחֵי צַלְמִין בְּגִין בְּרַתֵּיהּ דְיַעֲקב וְלָא יֶהֱוֵי שְׁכֶם בַּר חֲמוֹר מְלַגְלֵג בְּמִילֵיהּ עֲלָנָא וּכְאִיתָא מְטַעֲיָיא נַפְקַת בְּרָה דְלֵית לָהּ תְּבוֹעַ יַעֲבֵיד יַת אַחֲתַן אִין לָא עֲבַדְנָא יַת פִּתְגָמָא הָדֵין

31 And Shimeon and Levi answered, It would not have been fit to be said in the congregations of Israel that the uncircumcised polluted the virgin, and the worshippers of idols debased the daughter of Jakob: but it is fit that it should be said, The uncircumcised were slain on account of the virgin, and the worshippers of idols on account of the daughter of Jakob. Shekem bar Hamor will not (now) deride us with his words; for as a whorish woman and an outcast who hath no avenger would he have made our sister, if we had not done this thing.



Chapter 35



וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְיַעֲקב קוּם סוּק לְבֵית אֵל וְתִיב תַּמָן וְעָבַד תַּמָן מַדְבְּחָא לֶאֱלָהָא דְאִיתְגְלֵי לָךְ בְּמֵעַרְקָךְ מִן קֳדָם עֵשָו אָחוּךְ

1 And the Lord said to Jakob, Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there, and make there an altar unto Eloha, who revealed Himself to thee in thy flight from before Esau thy brother.


וַאֲמַר יַעֲקב לְאִנְשֵׁי בַּיְיתֵיהּ וּלְכל דְעִימֵיהּ עִטְרוּן יַת טַעֲוַת עַמְמַיָא דְבֵינֵיכוֹן דִדְבַרְתּוּן מִבֵּית טַעֲוַות שְׁכֶם וְאִידְכּוּ מִסוֹאֲבוֹת קְטוֹלַיָא דִקְרַבְתּוּן בְּהוֹן וְשַׁנוּ כְּסוּתְכוֹן

2 And Jakob said to the men of his house, and to all who were with him, Put away the idols of the peoples which are among you which you took from the temple* of Shekem, and purify you from the uncleannesses of the slain whom you have and change your raiment.


וְנֵקוּם וְנִסַק לְבֵית אֵל וְאַעֲבִיד תַּמָן מַדְבְּחָא לֶאֱלָהָא דְקַבֵּל צְלוּתִי בְּיוֹמָא דְעַקְתִי וַהֲוָה מֵימְרֵיהּ בְּסַעֲדִי בְּאָרְחָא דְאָזְלִית

3 And we will arise and go up to Bethel, and I will make there an altar unto Eloha, who heard my prayer in the day when I was afflicted, and whose Word was my helper in the way that I went.


וּמְסָרוּ בְּיַד יַעֲקב יַת כָּל טַעֲוַת עַמְמַיָא דְבִידֵיהוֹן דְדַבָּרוּ מִן טַעֲוַות שְׁכֶם וְיַת קָדָשַׁיָא דַהֲווֹ בְּאוּדְנֵיהוֹן דְיַתְבֵי קַרְתָּא דִשְׁכֶם דַהֲוָה צַיָיר בְּהוֹן דְמוּת פּוּסְלֵיהּ וְטָמַר יַתְהוֹן יַעֲקב תְּחוֹת בּוּטְמָא דִסְמִיכָא לְקַרְתָּא דִשְׁכֶם

4 And they delivered into Jakob’s hand all the idols of the people which were in their hands which they had taken from the temple of Shekem, and the jewels that had been in the ears of the inhabitants of the city of Shekem, in which was portrayed the likeness of their images; and Jakob hid them under the terebinth that was near to the city of Shekem.


וּנְטָלוּ מִתַּמָן מוֹדִים וּמַצְלָן קֳדָם יְיָ וַהֲוָה רְתִיתָא מִן קֳדָם יְיָ עַל עַמְמַיָא דִבְקִרְוֵי חוּזְרָנֵיהוֹם וְלָא רָדָפוּ בָּתַר בְּנֵי יַעֲקב

5 And they journeyed from thence, offering praise and prayer before the Lord. And there was a tremor from before the Lord upon the people of the cities round about them, and they pursued not after the sons of Jakob.


וְאָתָא יַעֲקב לְלוּז בְּאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן הוּא בֵית אֵל הוּא וְכָל עַמָא דְעִמֵיהּ

6 And Jakob came to Luz in the land of Kenaan, which is Bethel, he and all the people who were with him.


וּבְנָא תַמָן מַדְבְּחָא וּקְרָא לְאַתְרָא הַהוּא אֵל דְאַשְׁרֵי שְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ בְּבֵית אֵל אֲרוּם תַּמָן אִתְגְלִיאוּ לֵיהּ מַלְאָכַיָא דַיְיָ בְּמֵעַרְקֵיהּ מִן קֳדָם עֵשָו אָחוֹי

7 And he builded there an altar, and named that place, To God, who made His Shekinah to dwell in Bethel, because there had been revealed to him the angels of the Lord, in his flight from before Esau his brother.


וּמִיתַת דְבוֹרָה פִּידְגוּגְתָא דְרִבְקָה וְאִתְקְבָרַת מִן לְרַע לְבֵית אֵל בְּשִׁיפּוּלֵי מֵישְׁרָא וּבְרַם תַּמָן אִתְבַּשַר יַעֲקב עַל מִיתַת רִבְקָה אִימֵיהּ וּקְרָא שְׁמֵיהּ אוֹחֲרָן בִּכְיוּתָא

8 And Deborah, the nurse of Rivekah, died, and was buried below Bethel, in the field of the plain. And there it was told Jakob concerning the death of Rivekah his mother; and he called the name of it, The other weeping.


וְאִיתְגְלֵי יְיָ לְיַעֲקב תּוּב בְּמֵיתוֹהִי מִפַּדַן דַאֲרָם וּבְרִיךְ יְיָ בְּשׁוּם מֵימְרֵיהּ בָּתַר דְמִיתַת אִמֵיהּ

9 And the Lord revealed Himself to Jakob again on his return from Padan of Aram, and the Lord blessed him by the name of His Word, after the death of his mother.


וַאֲמַר לֵיהּ יְיָ עַד כְּדוּן הֲוָה שְׁמָךְ יַעֲקב לָא יִתְקְרֵי שְׁמָךְ תּוּב יַעֲקב אֱלָהֵן יִשְרָאֵל יְהֵי שְׁמָךְ וּקְרָא יַת שְׁמֵיהּ יִשְרָאֵל

10 And the Lord said to him, Heretofore was thy name Jakob: thy name shall be no more called Jakob, but Israel shall be thy name.


וַאֲמַר לֵיהּ יְיָ אֲנָא אֵל שַׁדַי פּוּשׁ וּסְגִי עַם קַדִישׁ וְכִינְשַׁן נְבִיאִין וְכַהֲנִין יְהוֹן מִבְּנָךְ דְאוֹלֵידְתָּא וּתְרֵין מַלְכִין תּוּב מִינָךְ יִפְקוּן

11 And the Lord said to him, I am El Shadai: spread forth and multiply; a holy people, and a congregation of prophets and priests, shall be from thy sons whom thou hast begotten, and two kings shall yet from thee go forth.


וְיַת אַרְעָא דִיהָבִית לְאַבְרָהָם לְיִצְחָק לָךְ אִיתְּנִינָהּ וְלִבְנָךְ בַּתְרָךְ אֶתֵּן יַת אַרְעָא

12 And the land which I gave to Abraham and to Izhak will I give unto thee, and to thy son, after thee will I give the land.


וְאִסְתְּלֵק מֵעִילוֹי שְׁכִינְתָּא דַיְיָ בְּאַתְרָא דְמַלֵיל עִמֵיהּ

13 And the Shekinah of the Lord ascended from him in the place where He had spoken with him


וְאָקִים תַּמָן קָמָא בְּאַתְרָא דְמַלֵיל עִמֵיהּ קָמָא דְאַבְנָא וּנְסִיךְ עֲלָהּ נִיסוּךְ חֲמַר נְסוּךְ מוֹי אֲרוּם כְּדֵין עֲתִידִין לְמֶעֱבַד בְּחַגָא דִמְטָלַיָא וְאָרֵיק עֲלָהּ מְשַׁח זֵיתָא

14 And Jakob erected there a pillar of stone in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone; and he outpoured upon it a libation of wine, and a libation of water, because thus it was to be done at the feast of Tabernacles; and he poured oil of olives thereupon.


וּקְרָא יַעֲקב יַת שְׁמֵיהּ דְאַתְרָא דְמַלֵיל עִימֵיהּ תַּמָן יְיָ בֵּית אֵל

15 And Jakob called the name of the place where the Lord had spoken with him Beth El.


וּנְטָלוּ מִבֵּית אֵל וַהֲוָה תּוּב סוֹגְעֵי אַשְׁווֹן עֲלַלְתָּא דְאַרְעָא בְּמֵיתֵיהּ לְאֶפְרָת וִילֵידַת רָחֵל וְקַשְׁיַית בְּמֵילְדָהּ

16 And they proceeded from Beth El; and there was yet much space of provision land in the coming to Ephrath and Rahel travailed, and had hard labour in her birth.


וַהֲוָה בְּקַשְׁיוּתָהּ בְּמֵילְדָהּ וַאֲמָרַת לָהּ חַיְיתָא לָא תִדְחָלִין אֲרוּם אוּף דֵין לִיךְ בַּר דְכַר

17 And it was in the hardness of her travail that the midwife said to her, Fear not, for this also is to thee a male child.


וַהֲוָה בְּמֵיפַּק נַפְשָׁהּ אֲרוּם מָטַת עֲלָהּ מוֹתָא וּקְרַת שְׁמֵיהּ בַּר דְווּיִי וְאָבוֹי קְרָא לֵיהּ בִּנְיָמִין

18 And it was in the going forth of her soul, for death came upon her, that she called his name The son of my woe: but his father called him Benjamin.


וּמִיתַת רָחֵל וְאִתְקְבָרַת בְּאוֹרַח אֶפְרָת הִיא בֵּית לָחֶם

19 And Rahel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem.


וְאָקִים יַעֲקב קַמְתָּא עַל בֵּית קְבוּרְתָּא הִיא קָמַת בֵּית קְבוּרְתָּא דְרָחֵל עַד יוֹמָא דֵין

20 And Jakob erected a pillar over the house of burying: which is the pillar of the tomb of Rahel unto this day.


וּנְטַל יַעֲקב וּפְרַס לְמַשְׁכְּנֵיהּ מִן לְהַלָא לְמַגְדְלָא דְעֵדֶר אַתְרָא דְמִתַּמָן עָתִיד דְאִתְגְלֵי מַלְכָּא מְשִׁיחָא בְּסוֹף יוֹמַיָא

21 And Jakob proceeded and spread his tent beyond the tower of Eder, the place from whence, it is to be, the King Meshiha will be revealed at the end of the days.


וַהֲוָה כַּד שְׁרָא יִשְרָאֵל בְּאַרְעָא הַהוּא וַאֲזַל רְאוּבֵן וּבִלְבֵּל יַת מַצְעָא דְבִלְהָה פְּלַקְתֵּיהּ דְאָבוֹי דַהֲוָה מְסַדְרָא כָּל קָבֵיל מַצְעָא דְלֵאָה אִמֵי וְאִתְחַשֵׁיב עִילוֹי כְּאִלוּ שִׁימֵשׁ עִמָהּ וּשְׁמַע יִשְרָאֵל וּבְאִישׁ לֵיהּ וְאָמַר וַוי דִלְמָא נָפַק מִינִי פִּיסוּלָא הֵיכְמָא דְנָפַק מִן אַבְרָהָם יִשְׁמָעֵאל וּמִן אַבָּא נְפַק עֵשָו מְתִיבָא רוּחָא דְקוּדְשָׁא וְכֵן אָמַר לֵיהּ לָא תִדְחַל דְכֻלְהוֹן צַדִיקִין וְלֵית בְּהוֹן פִּיסוּלָא דְמִבָּתַר דְאִתְיְלִיד בִּנְיָמִין הֲווֹ בְּנֵי יַעֲקב תְּרֵיסַר

22 And it was while Israel dwelt in this land that Reuben went and confounded the bed of Bilhah the concubine of his father, which had been ordained along with the bed of Leah his mother; and this is reputed with regard to him, as if he had lain with her. And Israel heard it, and it afflicted him, and he said, Alas, that one should have come forth from me so profane, even as Ishmael came forth from Abraham, and Esau from my father! The Spirit of Holiness answered and thus spake to him: fear not, for all are righteous and none of them is profane! So, after Benjamin was born, the sons of Jakob were twelve.


בְּנֵי לֵאָה בּוּכְרֵיהּ דְיַעֲקב רְאוּבֵן וְשִׁמְעוֹן וְלֵוִי וִיהוּדָה יִשָשׁכָר וּזְבוּלוּן

23 The sons of Leah, the first–born of Jakob, Reuben, and Shimeon, and Levi, and Jehudah, and Issakar, and Zabulon.


בְּנֵי רָחֵל יוֹסֵף וּבִנְיָמִין

24 The sons of Rahel, Joseph and Benjamin.


וּבְנֵי בִלְהָה אַמְתָא דְרָחֵל דָן וְנַפְתָּלִי

25 The sons of Bilhah, the handmaid of Rahel, Dan and Naphtali;


וּבְנֵי זִלְפָּה אַמְתָא דְלֵאָה גָד וְאָשֵׁר אִלֵין בְּנֵי יַעֲקב דְאִתְיְלִידוּ לֵיהּ בְּפַדַן אֲרָם

26 and the sons of Zilpha, the handmaid of Leah, Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jakob who were born to him in Padan Aram.


וְאָתָא יַעֲקב לְוַת יִצְחָק אָבוֹי לְמַמְרֵא קִרְיַת אַרְבַּע הוּא חֶבְרוֹן דְדַר תַּמָן אַבְרָהָם וְיִצְחָק

27 And Jakob came to Izhak his father, at Mamre the city of Arba, which is Hebron, for there Abraham and Izhak had dwelt.


וַהֲווֹ יוֹמֵי יִצְחָק מֵאָה וְתַמְנָן שְׁנִין

28 And the days of Izhak were an hundred and eighty years.


וְאִתְנְגִיד יִצְחָק וְאִתְכְּנַשׁ לְעַמֵיהּ סִיב וּשְבַע יוֹמִין וּקְבָרוּ יָתֵיהּ עֵשָו וְיַעֲקב בְּנוֹי

29 And Izhak expired and died and was gathered to his people, old and full of days, and Esau and Jakob his sons buried him.



Chapter 36



וְאִלֵין יֵיחוּסִין דְעֵשָו הוּא דְמִתְקְרֵי אֱדוֹם

1 These are the genealogies of Esau, who is called Edom.


עֵשָו נְסִיב יַת נְשׁוֹי מִבְּנַת כְּנָעַן יַת עָדָה בְּרַת אֵלוֹן חִיתָּאָה וְיַת אָהֳלִיבָמָה בְּרַת עֲנָה בְּרַת צִבְעוֹן חִיוָאָה

2 Esau took wives of the daughters of Kenaan, Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittah, and Ahalibama the daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sibeon the Hiva,


וְיַת בָּשְמַת בְּרַת יִשְׁמָעֵאל דַאֲסִיבָא לֵיהּ נְבָיוֹת אָחָהּ

3 and Basemath the daughter of Ishmael whom Nebaioth her brother gave to him.


וִילֵידַת עָדָה לְעֵשָו יַת אֱלִיפַז וּבָשְמַת יְלֵידַת יַת רְעוּאֵל

4 And Adah bare to Esau Eliphaz, and Basemath bare Reuel.


וְאָהֳלִיבָמָה יְלֵידַת יַת יְעוּשׁ וְיַת יַעֲלָם וְיַת קרַח אִלֵין בְּנוֹי דְעֵשָו דִי אִיתְיְלִידוּ לֵיהּ בְּאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן

5 And Ahalibama, bare to Esau Jehus, and Jaalam, and Korach. These are the sons of Esau who were born to him in the land of Kenaan.


וּדְבַר עֵשָו יַת נְשׁוֹי וְיַת בְּנוֹי וְיַת בְּנָתוֹי וְיַת כָּל נַפְשַׁת בֵּיתֵיהּ וְיַת גֵיתוֹי וְיַת בְּעִירוֹי וְיַת כָּל נִכְסוֹי דִי קָנָה בְּאַרְעָא דִכְנָעַן וְטַיָיל לְאַרַע אוֹחֲרִי דַהֲוָה רַמְיָא עֲלוֹי אֵימָתָא דְיַעֲקב אָחוּהִי

6 And Esau had taken his wives and his sons and his daughters, and all the souls of his house, and his flocks and his cattle, and all the substance which he had gotten in the land of Kenaan, and had gone into another land; for there fell upon him a fear of Jakob his brother:


אֲרוּם הֲוָה נִכְסֵיהוֹן סַגִי מִלְמֵיתַב כַּחֲדָא וְלָא כְּהִילַת אַרְעָא תוֹתָבוּתְהוֹן לְסוֹבָרָא יַתְהוֹם מִן קֳדָם גֵיתֵיהוֹן

7 for their possessions would be too great for them to dwell together, neither would the land of their sojourning maintain them, on account of their flocks.


וִיתֵיב עֵשָו בְּטַוָור גַבְלָא עֵשָו הוּא רַבָּא דֶאֱדוֹמָאֵי

8 And Esau dwelt in the mountain of Gabal. He is Esau the prince of the Edomites.


וְאִלֵין יִיחוּסִין דְעֵשָו רַבָּא דֶאֱדוֹמָאֵי דְבֵית מְדוֹרְהוֹן בְּטַוָור גַבְלָא

9 And these are the kindreds of Esau the prince of the Edomites, the place of whose dwelling was in the mountain. of Gabal.


אִלֵין שְׁמָהַת בְּנֵי עֵשָו אֱלִיפַז בַּר עָדָה אִיתַּת עֵשָו רְעוּאֵל בַּר בָּשְמַת אִיתַּת עֵשָו

10 These are the names of the sons of Esau, Eliphaz bar Adah, wife of Esau; Reuel bar Basemath, wife of Esau.


וַהֲווֹ בְּנֵי אֱלִיפַז תֵּימָן אוֹמָר צְפוֹ וְגַעְתָּם וּקְנַז

11 And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman Omar, Zephu, and Gaatam, and Kenaz, and Timna.


וְתִמְנַע הֲוָת פִּילַקְתָּא לֶאֱלִיפַז בַּר עֵשָו וִילֵידַת לֶאֱלִיפַז יַת עֲמָלֵק הוּא אֱלִיפַז חַבְרֵיהּ דְאִיוֹב אִלֵין בְּנֵי עָדָה אִיתַּת עֵשָו

12 And Timna was the concubine of Eliphaz bar Esau, and she bare to Eliphaz Amalek. He is Eliphaz the companion of Job. These are the sons of Adah wife of Esau.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי רְעוּאֵל נַחַת וָזֶרַח שַׁמָה וּמִזָה אִלֵין הֲווֹ בְּנֵי בָּשְמַת אִתַּת עֵשָו

13 And these are the sons of Reuel, Nachath and Zerach, Shammah and Mizzah. These are the sons of Basemath wife of Esau.


וְאִילֵן הֲווֹ בְּנֵי אָהֳלִיבָמָה בְּרַת עֲנָה בְּרַת צִבְעוֹן אִיתַּת עֵשָו וִילֵידַת לְעֵשָו יַת יְעוּשׁ וְיַת יַעְלָם וְיַת קרַח

14 And these are the sons of Ahalibama the daughter of Anah the daughter of Sebeon wife of Esau; and she bare to Esau, Jehus, and Jaalam, and Korach.


אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי בְּנֵי עֵשָו בְּנֵי אֱלִיפַז בּוּכְרֵיהּ דְעֵשָו רַבָּא תֵימָן רַבָּא אוֹמָר רַבָּא צְפוֹ רַבָּא קְנַז

15 These are the chieftains of the sons of Esau; the sons of Eliphaz, the first–born of Esau, Rabba Teman, Rabba Omar, Rabba Zephu, Rabba Kenaz,


רַבָּא קרַח רַבָּא גַעְתָּם רַבָּא עֲמָלֵק אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי אֱלִיפַז דִמְדוֹרְהוֹן בְּאַרְעָא דֶאֱדוֹם אִלֵין בְּנֵי עָדָה

16 Rabba Korach, Rabba Gaatam, Rabba Amalek: these are the chieftains of Eliphaz, whose habitation was in the land of Edom; they are the sons of Adah.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי רְעוּאֵל בַּר עֵשָו רַבָּא נַחַת רַבָּא זֶרַח רַבָּא שַׁמָה רַבָּא מִזָה אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי רְעוּאֵל דִמְדוֹרְהוֹן בְּאַרְעָא דֶאֱדוֹם אִלֵין בְּנֵי בָשְמַת אִיתַּת עֵשָו

17 And these are the sons of Reuel bar Esau; Rabba Nachath, Rabba Zerach,, Rabba Shammah, Rabba Mizzah; these are the chieftains of Reuel, whose habitation was in the land of Edom. These are the sons of Basemath wife of Esau.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי אָהֳלִיבָמָה אִיתַּת עֵשָו רַבָּא יְעוּשׁ רַבָּא יַעְלָם רַבָּא קרַח אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי אָהֳלִיבָמָה בְּרַת עֲנָה אִיתַּת עֵשָו

18 And these are the sons of Ahalibama wife of Esau; Rabba Jeush, Rabba Jaalam, Rabba Korach; these are the chieftains of Ahalibama, daughter of Adah wife of Esau.


אִלֵין בְּנֵי עֵשָו וְאִלֵין רַבְרְבָנֵהוֹם הוּא אַבָּא דֶאֱדוֹמָאֵי

19 These are the sons of Esau, and these their chieftains. He is the father of the Edomites.


אִלֵין בְּנוֹי דִגְבַל גְנוּסַיָא דִמְקַדְמַת דְנָא הֲווֹן יַתְבֵי אַרְעָא הַהוּא לוֹטָן וְשׁוֹבָל וְצִבְעוֹן וַעֲנָה

20 These are the sons of Gebal, the generations who before that had dwelt in that land: Lotan, and Shobal, and Sebeon, and Anah,


וְדִשׁוֹן וְאֵצֶר וְדִישָׁן אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי גִינוּסַיָא בְּנוֹי דִגְבַל דִמְדוֹרְהוֹן מִן עַלְמִין בְּאַרְעָא אֱדוֹמָאֵי

21 and Dishon, and Etser, and Dishon. These are the chieftains of the generations of the sons of Gebal, whose habitation was of old in the land of the Edomites.


וַהֲווֹ בְּנֵי לוֹטָן חוֹרִי וְהֵימָם וַאֲחָתֵיהּ דְלוֹטָן תִּמְנָע

22 And the sons of Lotan were the Chori and Heman; and the sister of Lotan was Timna.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי שׁוֹבָל עַלְוָן וּמָנַחַת וְעֵיבָל שְׁפוֹ וְאוֹנָם

23 And these are the sons of Shobal, Alvan, and Manachoth, and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי צִבְעוֹן וְאַיָה וַעֲנָה הוּא עֲנָה דְאַרְבַּע יַת עֶדְרַיָא [צ”ל ערוציה] עִם אַתְנִי וְלִזְמַן אַשְׁכַּח יַת כּוּדְנַיְיתָא דִי נְפָקוּ מִנְהוֹן כַּד הֲוָה רָעֵי יַת חַמְרַיָיא לְצִבְעוֹן אָבוּי

24 And these are the sons of Sebeon, Aja and Anah: he is Anah who coupled the onagers with the she–asses, and after a time found mules which had come forth from them, when he was tending the asses of Sebeon his father.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי עֲנָה דִשוֹן וְאָהֳלִיבָמָה בַּת עֲנָה

25 And these are the children of Anah: Dishon; and Ahalibama was the daughter of Anah.


וְאִלֵין בְּנֵי דִישָׁן חֶמְדָן וְאֶשְׁבָּן וְיִתְרָן וּכְרָן

26 And these are the sons of Dishon, Hemdan, and Jisban, and Jithran, and Keran.


אִלֵין בְּנֵי אֵצֶר בִּלְהָן וְזַעֲוָן וַעֲקָן

27 These are the sons of Etser, Bilhan, and Zaavan, and Akan.


אִלֵין בְּנֵי דִישָׁן עוּץ וַאֲרָן

28 These are the sons of Dishan, Hutz and Aram.


אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי גְנוּסְיָא רַבָּא לוֹטָן רַבָּא שׁוֹבָל רַבָּא צִבְעוֹן רַבָּא עֲנָה

29 These are the chieftains of the families: Rabba Lotan, Rabba Shobal, Rabba Sebeon, Rabba Anah,


רַבָּא דִשׁוֹן רַבָּא אֵצֶר רַבָּא דִישָׁן אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי גִנוּסַיָא לְרַבְרְבָנֵיהוֹם דִמְדוֹרְהוֹם מִן קַדְמַת דְנָא בְּאַרְעָא דְגַבְלָא

30 Rabba Dishon, Rabba Etser, Rabba Dishan: these are the chieftains of the families, according to their principalities, whose habitation was of old in the land of Gabla.


וְאִלֵין מַלְכַיָיא דִי מְלָכוּ בְּאַרְעָא דְאֱדוֹם קֳדָם עַד לָא מְלָךְ מַלְכָּא לִבְנֵי יִשְרָאֵל

31 These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the sons of Israel.


וּמְלַךְ בֶּאֱדוֹם בֶּלַע בַּר בְּעוֹר וְשׁוּם קַרְתָּא דְבֵית מַלְכוּתֵיהּ דִנְהָבָא

32 In Edom reigned Bileam. the son of Behor, and the name of the city of the house of his kingdom was Dinhaba.


וּמִית בֶּלַע וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתוֹי יוֹבָב בַּר זֶרַח מִבָּצְרָה

33 And Bela died, and in his stead reigned Jobab the son of Zerach of Botsra.


וּמִית יוֹבָב וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתוֹי חוּשָׁם מֵאַרַע דָרוֹמָא

34 And Jobab died, and in his stead reigned Husham of the South country;


וּמִית חוּשָׁם וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתוֹי הֲדַד בַּר בְּדַד דִקְטַל יַת מִדְיָנָאֵי בְּסַדְרוּתֵיהּ עִמְהוֹן קְרָבָא בְּחַקְלֵי מוֹאָב וְשׁוּם קַרְתָּא דְבֵית מַלְכוּתֵיהּ עֲוִית

35 and Husham died, and in his stead reigned Hadad the son of Bedad, who slew the Midianites when he arrayed war with them in the fields of Moab, and the name of the city of the house of his kingdom was Avith.


וּמִית הֲדָד וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתֵיהּ שַמְלָה מִמַשְרֵקָה

36 And Hadad died, and in his stead reigned Simlah of Masrekah.


וּמִית שַמְלָה וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתוֹי שָׁאוּל דְמִן רְחוֹבוֹת דְעַל פְּרָת

37 And Simlah died, and instead of him reigned Shaul, who was of Rohoboth on the Pherat.


וּמִית שָׁאוּל וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתוֹי בַּעַל חָנָן בַּר עַכְבּוֹר

38 And Shaul died, and in his stead reigned Baal Hanan bar Akbor.


וּמִית בַּעַל חָנָן בַּר עַכְבּוֹר וּמְלַךְ תְּחוֹתוֹי הֲדַר וְשׁוּם קַרְתָּא דְבֵית מַלְכוּתֵיהּ פָּעוּ וְשׁוּם אִנְתְּתֵיהּ מְהֵיטַבְאֵל בְּרַת מַטְרֵד הוּא גַבְרָא דַהֲוָה לָעֵי בְּמַטְרְדָה וּבְסַרְדִיתָא וּמִן דְעָתַר וְקָנָה נִכְסִין הֲדַר לְמֶהֱוֵי מִתְגָאֶה בְּלִבֵּיהּ לְמֵימָר מַאן הוּא כַּסְפָּא וּמָאן הוּא דַהֲבָא

39 And Baal Hanan bar Akbor died, and instead of him reigned Hadar; and the name of the city of the house of his kingdom was Pahu; and the name of his wife was Mehetabel the daughter of Matred. He was the man who laboured with perseverance and vigilance, and who, after he had become wealthy and had gotten riches, turned to become more lofty in his heart, saying What is silver and what is gold?


וְאִלֵין שְׁמָהַת רַבְרְבֵי עֵשָו לְיִחוּסֵיהוֹן לְאָתַר מְדוֹרֵיהוֹן בִּשְׁמָהַתְהוֹן רַבָּא תִמְנָע רַבָּא עַלְוָה רַבָּא יְתֵת

40 And these are the names of the chieftains of Esau after their kindreds, after the place of their habitation,with their names Rabba Timna, Rabba Alva, Rabba Jetheth,


רַבָּא אָהֳלִיבָמָה רַבָּא אֵלָה רַבָּא פִּינוֹן

41 Rabba Aholibama, Rabba Elah, Rabba Phinon,


רַבָּא קְנַז רַבָּא תֵימָן רַבָּא מִבְצָר

42 Rabba Kenaz, Rabba Teman, Rabba Mibzar,


רַבָּא מַגְדִיאֵל הוּא הֲוָה מִתְקְרֵי מַגְדִיאֵל עַל שׁוּם קַרְתֵּיהּ מִגְדָל תַּקִיף הוּא רַבָּא עִירָם אִלֵין רַבְרְבֵי אֱדוֹם לְמוֹתְבָנֵיהוֹן בְּאַרְעָא אַחְסַנְתֵּיהוֹן הוּא עֵשָו אֲבוּהוֹן דֶאֱדוֹמָאֵי

43 Rabba Magdiel, he was called Magdiel from the name of his city whose (migdol) tower was strong, Rabba Hiram. These are the chieftains of Edom, according to their habitations in the land of their possessions. He is Esau the father of the Edomites.



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