I’M 41 years old, as of this publication. Nearly 42. How many more years do you figure I have left on this earth? Can I manage another 42? Figure out the months and the weeks and the days and then you’ll have a rough idea of how many times I’m destined to endure Christians claim Peter’s vision freed them to eat bacon for breakfast and a bologna sandwich, come lunchtime. Well, leave it to me to break the news, but Peter’s vision doesn’t entail anything of the sort. Earting pork was an abomination in Leviticus 11. It was an abomination during the creation week. And it’s still an abominaton today. Does the pig chew its cud? I think not. Yahuah the Most-High Elohiym of Yashar’el hasn’t changed, and neither has his appetite. Answering this question is the latest addition to my ever growing paper, ‘The Torah Abides’. There’s a table of contents to make finding the rack of ribs section easy. Give it a read and let me know your thoughts.