Mary Magdalene Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’

Bible Deep Dives | New

She Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’

JUST the other night I was asked the question after finishing up a LIVE presentation: ‘Is Lilith Satan?’ You should know that I talk about a great many subjects. Miryam of Migdal doesn’t come anywhere near to the top of that list. The recording was about another topic entirely, ‘Nero Rendezvous’ as it happens to be. And I’m somewhat certain that he didn’t have a clue regarding my position on Miryam of Migdal. My response was a simple and straightforward ‘No’ for the most part. Lillith may be a satan; there may be hundreds or thousands or millions of satans for all I know; but she is not to be confused with thee HaSatan. Those are two completely different unclean ruachoth. Also, I’m pretty sure I know where his curiosity originated from. A very possessed Miryam of Migdal started out with the name Lilith in ‘The Chosen’ series.

Mind you, I had never seen the series before. That is, until last night. Yes, I caught a screening, and no, I haven’t sold out. Numerous readers have been dropping me the Intel for months on end, insisting that I should give the latest Biblical drama a chance. Because Miryam of Migdal was named Lilith in case you haven’t heard that little detail. And also, because they were quite certain I’d be hooked. Is that so? Sounds like a challenge if you ask me. And so, only some of you will be happy to note that I managed to review the Lilith footage without becoming enamored by the sweeping production value. It was a get-in, get-out operation, for the most part. I arrived, I saw, I left, and can confirm firsthand that Miryam of Migdal was indeed named after the demon Lilith, A’dam’s first wife.

Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah is available for purchase in the TUC Store. 

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