NEARLY every canonical gospel that we looked at involving the nard episode describes the mysterious woman as anointing the head of Yahusha with a costly fragrance, but that is all. It takes Yochanon to give her a name. But then there is another important detail to be found exclusively in his gospel as well. None of the other writers seemed remotely interested in the part where Miryam washes Yahusha’s feet with her hair. To some of you that is still proof that I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill. Well then, perhaps you will better understand why Yochanon would recount that little detail when I finally get around to addressing the person who he was sourcing his information from, but that will not happen until a little later down the road. One thing at a time. I have already presented you with the Song of Shalomah connection but now with the foot of Mashiach we have a R’oth comparison which requires our tending, and guess what? Both actions regard marriage.
The latest update to my Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah investigation can be found in the PDF file below.