Are You a Star or a Planet? The Sins of Sodom Finally Explained

Bible Deep Dives | Cosmology | New | Torah

PDF: Are You a Star or a Planet? The Sins of Sodom Finally Explained

YOU’VE heard the one about the sheep and the goats and the other parable concerning the wheat and the tares. The wise and foolish virgins likely ring a bell. There are others. All of them essentially tell the same story, and that is the division of humanity at the coming of the kingdom. Separating the righteous from the unrighteous. Talk to just about anyone and their hope is to be a wise virgin, a sheep, or a bundle of wheat. I have yet however to hear anyone in the Christian church preach a sermon on the defining difference between a star or a planet. You’d think somebody would finally get around to it. How many years has it been now since Yahusha HaMashiach walked the earth? Come on, get to it, preacher. Chop-chop. Really, you should be asking yourself that question, because it’s a biblical one. Are you a star or a planet?

As a reminder, this paper is yet another addition to my ongoing Torah in the New Testament series. If you’ve been following along then you’ll know my conclusions by now. What I’m saying is, Torah is not done away with, as the whole of Scripture from beginning to end commands us to be obedient to it. They’re our instructions in righteous living. Even heaven abides by them. Probably best to practice holy living then. Argue all you want, but if heaven holds to another Law, then nobody has yet to show it to me. Before this is over, you shall see how the defining difference between a star and a planet relates to the sins of Sodom.

The very word planet comes from the ancient Greek ἀστήρ πλανήτης (astēr planētēs), and essentially means wandering star. Therefore, you should easily be capable of making a division between the multitude of stars which are fixed in the firmament above us and those which are wandering from its position in the wheel. Also, the ancients associated the planets with elohim. Not a coincidence.

The passage I am thinking of derives from Yahudah. That’s Jude in English. You probably knew that already, that Yahudah was the brother of Yahusha, our Messiah. Best not to assume though. The entire point of Yahudah’s rather short epistle is to warn the set-apart congregation against certain men who have crept in unaware. Today, these same people have capsized the congregation of the set-apart and run the Christian church from the pulpit to the point that the set-apart won’t even dare stepping into it. Don’t believe me? Well then, it’s time we learned about stars and planets from a Biblical perspective, and here’s a hint. Yahuah the Most-High Elohim is not a Copernican.

6 And the angels which did not guard their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Yahudah (Jude) 1:6 [Cepher]

Already, you’re reading that and see nothing regarding stars or planets, which means we’re off to a bad start. Hold your horses. We’re getting to it, as the above quote comes from Chanok. That’s Enoch in English. You will tell me he’s quoting from Genesis 6, as Chanok isn’t in your 66-book Canon. No, he’s not. Genesis 6 speaks nothing of being reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Only Chanok does. Here—I’ll highlight a passage for you.

6 Again Yahuah said to Rapha’el, Bind Aza’zel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Duda’el, cast him in there. 7 Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness; 8 There shall he remain forever; cover his face, that he may not see the light. 9 And in the great day of judgement let him be cast into the fire.

Skipping ahead several verses.

15 To Miyka’el likewise Yahuah said, Go and announce his crime to Sheiy’aza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgement, and of consummation, until the judgement, the effect of which will last forever, be completed. 16 Then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of the fire in torments; and in confinement shall they be shut up forever.

Chanok (Enoch) 10:6-9; 15-16 [Cepher]

And that’s just the thing. Those who vehemently oppose the book of Chanok need toss Yahudah completely out of the 66-Canon. 65 just doesn’t sit right though as a Masonic furniture piece, don’t it? Yahudah the brother of Yahusha doesn’t simply quote from the Prophet; his entire book thematically hinges upon it. Even Yahudah’s quip about the stars and the planets derives from Chanok. I know, we haven’t gotten to it yet, but these things take time. First things first. Chanok sets the tone when he writes:

1 ALL who are in the heavens know what is transacted. 2 That the heavenly luminaries change not their paths; that each rises and sets regularly, every one at its proper period, without transgressing the commands. They behold the earth, and understand what is there transacted, from the beginning to the end of it.

Chanok (Enoch) 3:1-2

You see, the heavenly luminaries keep to their appointed paths. If they did alter course, then they’d be defined as a wanderer. A planet. They would then transgress the commands, and on earth as well as in the heavens, that’s a naughty no-no. It’s why Yahudah carries this theme forward when writing about the angels “which did not guard their first estate, but left their own habitation.” They ceased being stars and became planets. See, we’re already coming around full circle. And no, that’s not the planet reference which I’d promised. Still haven’t gotten to it yet. Continuing in Yahudah.

7 Even as Cedom and Amorah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Yahudah (Jude) 1:7 [Cepher]

The crime of the Watchers is compared to the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hmmm. Take a note of that. It’s probably a clue as to what a planet actually is. A few verses over, Yahudah then turns his attention on other notable examples of people who match the description of a planet.

Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Qayin, and ran greedily after the error of Bil’am for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Qorach.

Yahudah (Jude) 1:11 [Cepher]

Forgive me for highlighting the entire passage, but it’s rather difficult not to. Here we see three men. Qayin, or rather, Kain. Bil’am, also known as Balaam. And Qorach of Korah’s rebellion. All three led the congregation astray and are thusly compared with Sodomites. And planets. Don’t forget about the planets. Figuring out Qayin’s transgression is an easy one, as he murdered his brother H’avel. Therefore, we can conclude from the get-go that he broke the sixth commandment. You will tell me that you still keep the 10 Commandments and that they have absolutely nothing to do with Torah. Not true, but very well then. There’s more to it than that, as Yahuah did not accept Qayin’s sacrifice, and that’s a Torah thing. In the generations to follow, he and his sons led the sons of Seth astray, but let’s move on to our second example.

Yahudah next presents us with the error of Bil’am. We needn’t venture back to Torah to see what Bil’am was guilty of though, as Yochanan reminds us of it again in Chizayon. That would be Revelation.

But I have a few things against you, because you have there them that hold the doctrine of Bil’am, who taught Balaq to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Yashar’el, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

Chizayon (Revelation) 2:14 [Cepher]

Hmmm. Seems like this Bil’am fellow had a heavy hand in influencing the congregation of Yashar’el throughout history, well beyond the wilderness wandering. Only now it’s a matter of prophecy. What did he do again? Oh, that’s right. He enticed them to sin. Food sacrificed to idols is a stumbling block, and also, it’s another Torah thing. Let’s read about it.

And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute forever unto them throughout their generations.

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 17:7 [Cepher]

Wait, hold on. Isn’t Leviticus a series of ceremonial laws, and haven’t those ceremonial laws been done away with? Uh-oh. Sounds like animal purity laws are still important to Yahuah. Another clue as to what a planet is. But before jumping to any hasty conclusions, let’s look at our third example, just to be certain. Qorach.

Didn’t Qorach rebel against the Laws of Yahuah and teach others to do the same? Mm-hmm, he did. 250 of them. It says so right here.

And they gathered themselves together against Mosheh and against Aharon, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the assembly are holy, everyone of them, and Yahuah is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the assembly of Yahuah?

Bemidbar (Numbers) 16:3 [Cepher]

Before you go on and on about how he was rebelling against Moshe and that the Law is a separate issue altogether, as your rebellion against the Law is not to be compared with his, I will remind you that they are both the same. Moshe was delivering the Law of Yahuah to the congregation, and Qorach didn’t like that. He falsely claimed that everyone in the assembly was holy and Yahuah was among them apart from what Moshe was dishing out. Sounds a lot like a typical Christian sermon. That should terrify you. I’ll let you read the account for yourself, but Qorach was promptly killed by Yahuah. Probably best then not to say the Law has been done away with within the camp of the elect, as that’s the same as being found in contempt of court, and worthy of a death sentence.

So, to recap, Yahudah presents us with three men comparable with the sins of Sodom, and what did they do again? Don’t tell me homosexuality, as it’s never once mentioned. They rebelled against the Law of Yahuah, that’s what. They’re all planets. That’s what a planet is, someone who has wandered from their ordained path and is therefore found to be in rebellion. See for yourself.

12 These are the spots in your feasts of love, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withers, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; 13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

Yahudah (Jude) 1:12-13 [Cepher]

He’s actually calling the deceived planets. Think long and hard about that. Take all the time you need. And no, the earth is not a spinning, wobbling planet, hurdling through the Kabballah vacuum of space, as even the earth is expected to be obedient to Torah. Try not to let cognitive dissonance win the day.

Also, in speaking about the Christian planets, Yahudah is directing our attention to The Twelve Patriarchs. Notice how I didn’t say he’s quoting from the book. That is quite different than thematically pulling from something. Everyone keeps telling me that it’s okay to quote from a prophecy found in Chanok while simultaneously not endorsing the entire think when in fact that’s not what Yahudah is strictly doing. Yes, he quotes from it, but then pulls thematically from it as well. He even pulls from the Ascension of Moshe. Quite a lot of extra-Biblical literature going on in such a small epistle, wouldn’t you agree?

3 Be ye, therefore, not eager to corrupt your doings through covetousness or with vain words to beguile your souls: because if ye keep silence in purity of heart, ye shall understand how to fold 2 fast the will of Elohim, and to cast away the will of Beliar. Sun and moon and stars change not their order; 3 so do ye also change not the law of Elohim in the disorderliness of your doings. The Goyim [Gentiles] went astray, and forsook Yahuah, and changed their order, and obeyed sticks and stones, ruachs of deceit. 4 But ye shall not be so, my children, recognizing in the firmament in the earth, and in the sea, and in all created things, Yahuah who made all things, that ye become not as Sodom, 5 which changed the order of nature. In like manner the Watchers also changed the order of their nature, whom Yahuah cursed at the flood, on whose account He made the earth without inhabitants and fruitless.

The Testament of Naphtali 3:1-5

Finally, all of our clues add up, as Naphtali tells us what it means to be called a planet. Changing the Law of Yahuah is akin to changing the very order of nature. Not good. Rebelling against the Law of Yahuah is no different than the sin of the Watchers. Also, if homosexuality goes against nature, then male on male butt sex and rebellion against Torah is inseparable. But who would do something like that? The answer is, everybody. Catholics and Christians have freed themselves from the Law in favor of human doctrine, but so have the Jews, overthrowing the written ordinances for their Oral tradition.

Departing from the Law and becoming like the Watchers means “walking according to the lawlessness of the Goyim,” which once again is akin to doing “according to all the wickedness of Sodom, which changed the order of nature.” Ouch. Sometimes you just have to rip the band-aid off the boo-boo, and this is one of those moments. The Truth hurts. Unless you strive to live a righteous life. Then the discovery is indeed joyous. If we are to be as the lights in the sky who, according to Chanok, “change not their paths,” or as Naphtali puts it, “change not their order,” then we must recognize that nobody is granted the authority to change the Law of Elohim. Nobody. Look at the firmament. Our Father is unchanging. Everlasting to everlasting. His ways are eternal.

Forever, O Yahuah, your word is settled in heaven.

Tehilliym (Psalm) 119:89 [Cepher]

Keep arguing here on earth. Back your opinions with seminary all you want, but the matter is settled in heaven. We’re either a sheep or a goat. The Torah calls it the blessing or the curse. Or in cosmological terms, a star or a planet. The choice is yours. If we remain obstinate in our disobedience, then ask and at least be honest with yourself, why do you want to spend an eternity feasting in the company of the Most-High?
