Anons – Worst Cult Members Ever or The Meek Inheriting the Earth?

Featured Guest Writer | Millennial Kingdom + Q | New

BOMB’S away. John Q has just delivered his third article. I asked him what we needed for a cover and he said a rabbit would do. So, it appears as though we’re going deep down the rabbit hole this time around. And now, for the usual reader discretion. John Q is well aware of the fact that I have been vocal against the Q-Anon movement. That’s not to say I don’t find it fascinating. There are certainly gems to be gleaned, and I do believe it is Intel run. But also, what I do or do not conclude is not what The Unexpected Cosmology is all about. Whenever I do change my position on something, I am grateful to have a body of work to fall back upon. John Q and I certainly have one thing in common, and it’s that the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah literally and physically happened. It’s a mud flood thing. And so, here is the third in a series on Q and the Millennial Kingdom.


Q and the Millennial Kingdom | Part 3

Q and the Millennial Kingdom | Part 2

Q and the Millennial Kingdom | Part 1