
10.08.014 Camping

THE FIRST THING PEOPLE TYPICALLY ASK, ONCE WE’RE ALONE—and after learning to their uttermost horror that I advocate the doctrine of Flat Earth through a literal interpretation of God’s unbroken testimony concerning Himself—is (with the gift of compassion filling their tone): “So how is your wife dealing with—you know, this new direction in life?”

It likely comes to their total disbelief, matched with wide un-batting eyes—seeing as how they’re clearly dealing with a delusional state of mind—when I enlighten them to the seemingly impossible truth.

My better-half believed in the doctrine of Flat Earth before I did.

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“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18 (KJV)

I POSSESS VERY LITTLE IN LIFE but a pair of jeans, button-up shirts and a vest for warmth, the straw hat purchased with a ten dollar note in the Outer Banks, and these flip-flops which I gladly wear around here on Prince Edward Island, even with today’s high of 34-degrees. The final remaining camera from my career as a professional photographer is still broken, but my somewhat busted cell phone will suffice. God has blessed me richly with a wife of 15 years—we met practically as children—and the twin boys she gave birth to. I have not a single want in this world. Back when we were pimple-faced pubescents, if someone had told us twenty years after our first meeting we’d be traveling North America in a rig, stopping to gaze up at the unchanging constellations and luminescent moon each night, well, I don’t know if western society had even given the allowance for blossoming adults to muster the sort of freedoms which dreams that big. I can’t imagine how the Elite count their fortunes, because I feel like the richest man in the world.

One of my wife’s greatest spiritual attributes is the gift of faith. I find that so pleasant and appealing in her—particularly as she longs for the Lord’s return, talking eagerly and in regular intervals as one who will partake in our blessed hope, and looks daily to the skies as a reminder. We want nothing more of this world or any other unless our Savior is present. When I first introduced this Flat Earth concept that I’d only recently heard and read about earlier in the day, presenting the evidence that we who acknowledge the undeniable truth of Flat Earth all intimately know so well, her eyes immediately sparked to life, because her unwavering faith in the Word of God registered and confirmed for me that every bit of this was true.

Still, I held both hands up, and was like, “Whoa, slow down, what about pictures of outer space and satellites?”

But it was no use. She’d already looked to the horizon and knew the Testimony of the Lord would back her up—there was no curve, nor motion in or above our atmosphere to be detected. It took me four sleepless nights of intense and continual round-the-clock research to come to what she already knew to be right in her heart in less than 24-hours. If there is a pureness of heart, then I’ve found it.

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SHE’S MY CONFIDANT AND THE BUTTERFLY NET which seems to capture my richest words each time I sit down to write about the dark times we live in. I offer my greatest reflections to her each night to see if they pass the test. When I delve into my daily research on this particular matter, or any conspiracy theory presently rounding the circuit, if I laugh loud enough, usually at whatever ridiculous NASA fakery is being brought to light one week from the next, she rushes in to discover it with me.

I hear almost daily reports now about the many spouses out there who are married to sleepers, those who refuse to believe any narrative but that which is sadly spoon-fed to them on the tube. I read so many first-hand testimonies from the lonely souls they’re married to, who must gather the strength each morning to take this intellectual, no—spiritual journey alone. These aren’t the days we asked to live in, but God has assigned us to them, and there is no greater purpose than to accept His task with a willing heart, no matter what becomes of us. If this seems over-dramatic to you, then might I suggest a packet of smelling salts place directly under your nose.

That’s what the sleepers simply don’t seem to comprehend—the days in which we live in, particularly the full extent of them—and most I and so many others fear will not wake up, if they ever do, until FEMA pastors show up at our doorsteps with a truck-load of blue helmets, asking that we kindly wave and kiss and say our loving goodbyes, because we’re needed elsewhere. I guess that’s what prompted my thoughts on the matter—reading of the many men and women espoused with sleepers, as we call them. There are so many people who still need to be alerted, and our days may be few.

To be woken up by the Spirit to the truth of His Word with midnight oil—in this darkest hour of apostasy, and to have a co-conspirator who wakes up with—to be honest, moments before me—-I couldn’t find a better match from God.


THE OTHER NIGHT WE WERE LYING IN BED, as husbands and wives do, and I asked her, had she known all those years ago that I’d later become a deranged Flat Earther, as sleeping society would have it, and traveling the America’s in a van, would she go through with it—marriage, that is.

Without taking a second breath she found my hand in the very darkness that currently shackles this world and said, “In a heartbeat.”

I don’t know how long we have before the spiritual curtain is torn, but when it happens I can say I’ve lived my life to its fullest.

Maranatha from Prince Edward Island, Canada!
