WHY MUST CHRISTIANS WITH ADVANCED DEGREES persist in dangling Pythagoras as “proof!” of the world’s spherical shape whenever the subject of Flat Earth and the Bible comes up? It’s as if I should feel obliged to maneuver my faith in the created order around a pagan occultist rather than God’s own account of things. But that’s how these conversations often go. Our modern-day pastors and theologians have handed over our spiritual authority to men of another cloth, perhaps because it’s dangerous to be right when the establishment is wrong. Inevitably, as these discussions often go, I am reminded that “all great scholars” who found favor with the Establishment agenda throughout civilized history, from Pythagoras onward, upheld a globular belief over a Biblical one. Never mind three millennia’s of simple folk; you know, pew boys—Godly men and women who placed their full fledgling faith in Scripture alone. In many ways, Flat Earth is the untold story. A multitude of raised hands remain uncounted. Or squeaky wheels get the grease, as they say.
These modern-day Christian conversationalists are prepared to fall back upon the position: “But doesn’t God’s revelation come to us not only by His Word alone, but also through the halls of Science?”
So, we return to the subject of Pythagoras again. Flat Earth has come into the discussion, and so must Spherical Earth’s first promoter, naturally. Pythagoras (570–495 BC), pagan prophet and priest—or as many of our great globe-trotting scholars would have it; facilitator of God’s extra-Biblical scientific enlightenment. It is said among the ancients that Pythagoras was born of a virgin and fathered by Apollo. According to some accounts, Apollo appeared to his earthly father with a familiar message. He must not know Pythagoras’ mother, whom he was betrothed to, until after she gave birth to the child. Other sources claim the babe gleamed with a “supernatural brightness.” Even the Oracle of Delphi has a part in the narrative. She prophesied of his great works and wonders, which would benefit all of mankind. This much seems true. And while the globular Christian, sponsored by two-millennia’s of “academic backing,” will likely discover a sudden flurry of discernment among the bulk of these accounts, enough to wave such nonsense off as another fanciful fabrication by pagan dreamers and wishful-thinkers, I will suppose his rightness to a degree. There is fact and then there is mythology. Still, such textbook folklore might as well be true, should he understand the true identity behind the Mysteries’ fingerprints and, quite similarly, what their celebrated—albeit mythological—stage productions are truly pointing to. Satan is the father of lies. He also casts seeds, and plants them. He will have his children, whether they are the children of Cain or of another voluntary nature.
What we can say with a degree of self-assurance is that the man who would “reveal” the once-hidden and long maintained mystery of globe Earth was personally discipled by Zarathustra, known as Zoroaster among the Greeks. Zarathustra also revealed a thing or two regarding the hidden Mysteries in his lifetime. Namely, all mythologies pointed to one Monotheistic belief system. That would be the sun. Sol Invictus. Mithras. It’s all the same god really, and relates right back to Pythagoras’ father Apollo. Satan goes by many names, and will gladly be worshiped by any one of them.
Greece’s first great philosopher also received a rather interesting worldly education. He was schooled among the Orphic and Chaldean Mysteries and was even initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries of Isis. Not to be overlooked however was his education from the Jews. No, not the Torah—mind you. Pythagoras doesn’t come across as much of a Sabbath “church goer.” He became rather well acquainted with the secret oral traditions of Moses, or the Jewish Mysteries. For the record, I am of the firm belief in the Biblical narrative—that Moses, who was certainly well educated within the Egyptian Mysteries, left all that behind him when he encountered the true God of creation in the burning bush. Jesus later condemned such perverse traditions (Mark 7:13), which wouldn’t be inscribed until the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah texts some several hundred years later. In “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues” (1890), William Wynn Westcott (devoting much of his book to Pythagoras) writes: “Ancient records show…the Jewish Rabbis added to their practical value special peculiar purposes, and looked to them to furnish deeper views of nature, existence, and doctrine…..The Jewish Rabbis discovered so much of interest and importance behind the merely superficial value of numbers, and of words as their representatives, that they gradually developed a complete science of numerical conceptions apart from mathematics. This took the name of the Kabbalah.”
Every high-school student, having taken a semester in geometry, has heard of the Pythagorean Theorem. Also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid, it likely hasn’t occurred to him that Pythagorean’s Theorem has long been an occultist symbol, and highly meaningful among Freemasonry. Which came first, the chicken or the egg is a question which will certainly be proposed by the man who demands Pythagorean is “proof!” of the globe. There is no avoiding his blending of magic with numbers. And yet avoiding globe proponents do. The Christian theologian Dr. R.C. Sproul, who as openly advocated redefining Scripture in light of the Copernican revolution, writes: “He had a spiritual and religious interest in mathematics, by which mystical significance was assigned to numbers. He considered the number ten to be the perfect number. In the study of math, the formal (pertaining to form or essence) becomes more important than the material, the intellectual or spiritual more important than the physical. For Pythagoras and his followers, mathematics is a matter of soul” (The Consequence of Ideas).
Roman philosopher Porphyry (234-305AD) wrote of him:
“The numerals of Pythagoras were hieroglyphic symbols, by means whereof he explained all ideas concerning the nature of things.”
And then there’s author William Wynn Westcott again:
“The principles governing Numbers were supposed to be the principles of all Real Existences; and as Numbers are the primary constituents of Mathematical Quantities, and at the same time present many analogies to various realities, it was further inferred that the elements of Numbers were the elements of Realities.”
It is of the utmost importance that the Christian, should he wish to swim against the current of this great delusion without a leg-cramp, understand how theoretical physicists apply the masterful brush strokes of math to uphold age-old occultist ideologies. How do we know Earth spins through the gravitational pull of an infinite and boundless universe? Because math proves it so. Writes H.P. Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled (1877): “Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony—in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered and to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the naught or zero—symbol of the infinite and boundless universe.”
Pythagoras would give lectures while standing behind a curtain, thereby denying all access from his students unless they should achieve the higher learning in their studies. “The philosophical school of Pythagoras was, in a measure, also a series of initiations, for he caused his pupils to pass through a series of degrees and never permitted them personal contact with himself until they had reached the higher grades.” Just as it is with the Freemasons today, “his degrees were three in number.”
In Protagoras’ defense, Dr. R.C. Sproul is quick to add: “That math has served a crucial handmaiden to advances in natural science is documented by history. Advances in mathematical theory have ushered in several revolutions such as the Copernican revolution, the revolution initiated by Isaac Newton with his physics, and the revolution in our day of nuclear science.” And yet his teachings, which derived from the Mysteries, inspired minds well beyond mathematics. The Gnostics owe much to him. In The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall writes: “The God of Pythagoras was the Monad, or the One that is Everything. He described God as the Supreme Mind distributed through all parts of the Universe—the Cause of all things, the Intelligence of all things, and the Power within all things. He further declared the motion of God to be circular, the body of God to be composed of the substance of light, and the nature of God to be composed of the substance of truth.”
According to the Christian theologian, Hippolytus of Rome (170 – 235 AD), “Pythagoras, then, declared the originating principle of the universe to be the unbegotten monad, and the generated duad, and the rest of the numbers. And he says that the monad is the father of the duad, and the duad the mother of all things that are being begotten—the begotten one (being mother) of the things that are begotten.” In some versions of Christian Gnosticism, especially those deriving from Valentinus, the Demiurge had a role in the creation of the material world separate from his greater contemporary, the Monad. It is important to note that the God of the Old Testament, Yahweh, is often interpreted as the Gnostic’s Demiurge, not the Monad.
It is quite ironic that Dr. R.C. Sproul, who rushes to defend the Copernican Universe, despite its opposition to the very Word he claims to uphold, understands that the father of spherical Earth, by his own account of things, taught knowledge, reason, and enlightenment as having come from man—not God, just as the serpent promised. “For Protagoras, knowledge begins and ends with man. All human knowledge is limited to our perceptions, and perceptions differ from person to person.” When the Greek philosopher spoke such words as, “Knowledge begins and ends with man,” and “All human knowledge is limited to our perceptions, which only differ from person to person,” he was essentially just summing up what those hieroglyphs of Egypt and Kabbalistic numerology and the worldwide interconnected mystery schools proclaim. God is all. He is in everything. More importantly, we are god. Or as his father Apollo, the serpent in the wilderness promised, “You will be like God.”
Occultist reasoning drenches the bone of almost all Establishment thinking. The Copernicans and the Newtonians must come to Protagoras’ aid. Any pastor who covets the praise of men will align himself—not with God’s Testimony concerning creation, but with “all great scholars” who found favor with Establishment thinking throughout civilized history, from Pythagoras onward. What happens when you pull a leg from the table? And Protagoras is most certainly a leg. Why, the whole table falls. Einstein came to his beckoning call. One might even say Einstein was his greatest student. More precisely, Pythagoras was Einstein’s first masterpiece, and I am told his most accessible one. From a young age, the great mathematician referred to Pythagoras as the “holy geometry booklet.” But Pythagoras was a humbug of spherical Earth.
And so was too Einstein, despite his genius, a humbug .