I Do Not Believe in the 1849 California Gold Rush

Mud Floods | New | Spooks | Stolen History | Tartaria | The World Stage | World Fair

THE YEAR was 1849. That’s when it happened, in 1849. 1849 is all you really need to know. 1849. 1849. If you happened to miss that, 1849. San Francisco did not exist before 1849, give or take a year, and something about gold. Oh, haven’t you heard? Everybody flocked to San Francisco in 1849 for gold. We mustn’t forget the year. The year is important. It’s why we even call gold rush prospectors “forty-niners.” Just know, the correct answer on the test is 49. Unless you’re taking a test on proof that outer space exists, in which you’ll want to draw an x next to “satellite.” And in case you already forgot, or perhaps history isn’t really your thing, we have an NFL team called the 49ers. If nothing else, the 49ers will draw you into the cult of patriotism. 1849. I’m starting to think the United States Corporate government wants me to know that nothing of importance happened in San Francisco before 1849. But that’s probably none of my business.

At the threat of of materializing your heaviest sigh imaginable, we’re back on the mud flood again. Sort of. Recent events like COVID-1984 and a CIA operation called George Floyd have drawn me away from Tartaria and mud flood theory research. I know, that’s a mouthful for anyone who still believes we landed on the moon. I first started looking into the Columbian Exposition in Chicago at the request of a friend, followed by the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, and finally the worldwide distribution of eighteenth century foundlings. My conclusions were satisfactory on all three counts. Our Slave Masters moved into an inheritance which did not belong to them and then employed psychodramas and blatantly false narratives in order to draw people into the cult of patriotism. You can read about that here. Chicago World Fair. And here. Pan-American Exposition. Also, Lost World of the Mud Flood.

After taking a few weeks off to deal with pressing issues, I couldn’t stop thinking about San Francisco. Mrs. Hadley and I have visited the city dozens of times, but not nearly so many as Yosemite and the Sierra’s, as well as the rich agricultural Central Valley. We have a tender fondness for the entire swath of land. In dealing with the human reset, I thought the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition might be a good place to start. And so I looked into it. Of course, no glance into the San Francisco World Fair is complete without the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. There were far more abnormalities there than I ever expected, but more on that another time, because I still wasn’t completely satisfied with the narrative, and thought a few decades might need to be rewound on the clock. The 1870’s had my interest for a time, and yet, in the matter of hours, one thing led to another. All roads lead to 1849. And no, we’re not on the Donner Party quite yet. We’re going to pull a double shift and pull the curtain back on a much larger ordeal than a long winter.


Samuel Brannan

Samuel Brannan


See, the Mexican-American War ended on February 3, 1848, and quite suddenly a Freemason named James W. Marshall discovered gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California. You will tell me Marshall discovered gold in them hills before the War came to an end. January 24, 1848 to be precise. I call it convenient. We are told Marshall discovered gold on January 24, ten days before the war was formally won, but it would not be confirmed until March 1848 by Freemason Samuel Brannan, a newspaper man and high-ranking Mormon. Freemason and Mormon. That’s two birds with one stone. But not just any Mormon. After the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, the Mormons decided to relocated their center from Nauvoo, Illinois to California which, at the time, mind you, was beyond United States borders. This was nothing short of an exodus. With J-Smith gone, Brannan found himself the highest-ranking religious leader in New York. In order to lead their plight into the promised land, Brannan set sail for California upon The Brooklyn in January 1846, bringing along an antiquated printing press and a complete flour mill. The Mexican-American War started on April 25, 1846, three months before his arrival in Yerba Buena on July 31, 1846. Ah, bloody April. Something was indeed happening. The Mormons wanted California. The United States government wanted California. Let’s just assume for the moment, and we are indeed correct in doing so, that Freemasonry wanted California. Already there was a rush out to California, and it wasn’t for gold. Spooks were being put in place.

Also, just about everyone wanted to arrive in Yerba Buena. The Mormons wanted Yerba Buena. The Freemasons wanted Yerba Buena. The U.S. Military did too. Upon his arrival, Brannan was greeted by U.S. Commander John B. Montgomery, who had taken the city only days earlier. Brannan was pissed. Or so we’re told.


History of San Francisco - Wikipedia

Officially Portsmouth Square, San Francisco 1851


We are furthermore told that Yerba Buena, the place we know today as the city of San Francisco, was a small insignificant Mexican port. 1849. 1849. Just keep repeating it like a mantra. 1849. 1849. 1849. 1849. There’s nothing to see before 1849, give or take a year. Yerba Buena reportedly had 100 structures upon Samuel Brannan’s arrival in 1846, many of which were saloons. Certainly sounds insignificant. By 1847, the population of Yerba Buena contained approximately 450 inhabitants. And then something happened. The Mormons had agents in place. The Masons had agents in place, many of which were Mormons. And the U.S. had its military in place, many of which were Masons, but probably not Mormons. Never mind. Fact check. The Mormon Battalion was actually a thing. (They served for one year during the Mexican-American War, from July 1846 – July 1847. Their job? Marching up and down California. You can’t make this stuff up.) Quite suddenly, the “forty-niners” arrived. The city was almost immediately thereafter incorporated as “San Francisco” on April 15, 1850. Why the name change? After Saint Francis of Assisi too, the man who stripped off his clothes and renounced his paternal inheritance.

Carl Swanson, a self-proclaimed, 32-degree Mason, wrote in the September 1984 issue of The Northern Light that Masonry wrestled “the town of Yerba Buena from the murderers and other criminals.” It is furthermore due to their involvement and concern, Swanson insists, that San Francisco became the great CIA experimental city that it is. By the way, The Northern Light has George Floyd’s alchemical phoenix tattoo as it’s logo, but that’s probably none of my business.

The person responsible for the name change was someone called Washington A. Bartlett, the cities very first Alcade. I looked Bartlett up. He’s related to Josiah Bartlett, a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence. Also, both are Freemasons. Freemason’s are everywhere in the narrative, but there’s one in particular who may be worth bringing up. After serving as the private secretary to New York Governor Daniel D. Tompkins, who became Vice President in 1816, Freemason Jonathan D. Stevenson was offered command of a regiment of ten companies of 77 men each by President Polk in 1846 with the understanding that they would be mustered to permanently stay in California. They landed in Yerba Buena, an untold number of agents in place. On November 9, 1849, business leaders of San Francisco who were affiliated with lodges across the country formed the first Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, which was furthermore granted by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. Jonathan D. Stevenson was its first Master. I bring this up because California’s first constitution was adopted four days later, on the 13th of November. By April 18, 1850, California’s Grand Lodge was formed, with Stevenson becoming its first Grand Master. On September 9, California entered the United States.


How the Chinese shaped California's history


At any rate, Brannan founded The California Star, a Yerba-Buena-based paper, releasing its first issue on August 1, 1846. Shortly thereafter, a Freemason named John Sutter entered into a partnership with Freemason James Wilson Marshall. Starting in August of 1847, the idea was to build a mill in order to supply lumber for the construction of Sutter’s Fort. At the time, the capital of California was Monterey. John Sutter would change that. No sooner had the mill frame risen and the brush dam finished, in January of 1848, when Marshall discovered yellow sparkly stuff in the soil. The people at the mill decided to give it a look and, according to Carl Swanson, apparently laughed at his discovery. Marshall entered Sutter’s office in Sacramento and emptied his pockets. They alone tested the rock and found it to be gold. Marshall then returned to his mill on the morning of January 29 and opened a private investigation up the river. Here Swanson adds, conclusive evidence was shown that “gold was lodged all along its course and in the tributary ravines and creeks.” Marshall had discovered the Sierra Nevada’s divine secret. The entire country was a womb, impregnated with gold.


James Marshall2.jpg

James Marshall


In the July–August 1845 issue of the Democratic Review, John O’Sullivan coined the term “manifest destiny” to describe a certain essence of mind, and also that Texas might be annexed. Perhaps we shall deal with the Alamo false flag event at another time, sorry Texas, because we’re talking about Freemasonry and alchemy and the esoteric reality of the world we live in. When I talk about the possibility that dinosaurs may in fact be a hoax, discovered as the next natural exoteric step in the Elite’s worship of the serpentine bloodline (and you can read about it here The Worship of the Serpent), I am not saying there are no fossils dug up. Guest writer Pauly Hart has an interesting theory that dinosaur fossils are in actuality Nephilim giants, which you can read here. The Ride. Since we’re on the topic, guest writer Christina Bosma has speculated that North America may, in fact, be the promised land of Israel. Holy Land Hoax. It all ties into Tartaria and the mud flood theory. Likewise, I am not saying that nobody found gold in California. It only seems natural, if enough people staked a claim and started digging, that somebody would. It’s stuff like this that makes the COVID-1984 hoax believable. People die of influenza every year. Rig the numbers and force people all over the world to wear their re-education masks as part of a Freemason ceremony.

Alchemy is generally understood by those wearing masks to be the superficial transmutation of metals such as lead into gold, and something about Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. In actuality it’s a spiritual philosophy, whereas reality itself is manipulated by wizards and the spiritual plane is materialized on our own. As above, so below. By now it will be helpful to understand my hypothesis, and it is this. San Francisco, as a grand Tartarian city, existed long before 1849. We’re dealing with the release of the Watchers from beneath the valleys and the hills of the earth, after a sentence of seventy generations; the ensuing mud floods and a human reset. Watchers. The American people were simply inheritors. Along the way, Manifest Destiny, and the California gold it procured, were alchemical exercises intended to transform the collective consciousness. Also propaganda. 1849. 1849. Remember 1849. Everywhere we look, we can easily uncover false flags and psycho-dramatic exercises.

I have shown you that the state of California, specifically the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, were Freemason and Military operations from the get-go. We know Brannan was an agent working to secure an exodus for the Mormon church because, in June 1847, he traveled to Wyoming to meet with Brigham Young, hoping to steer him. But by then it was too late. Young had already wrestled control from Joseph Smith’s protegee and settled upon Salt Lake City. However the official narrative attempts to spin Sutter’s Mill, it is strange indeed that James Marshall was never once capable of offering proof to his discovery, even after he’d staked claims of his own. We’re dealing with the greatest gold rush the modern world has ever seen, but like Samuel Brannan, the men who spread news of California’s alchemical insemination made their fortunes selling supplies to “forty-niners.” It was 1848, the very year Brannan sold his paper. His work was done.

Speaking of gold, here’s an interesting little nugget I discovered along the way.

On October 26, 1846, only steps ahead of the winter snowfall, Freemason James Reed emerged at Sutter’s Fort in modern-day Sacramento. Several months earlier, he had started with a wagon train in Independence, Missouri, the very site which John Smith had selected as Mormonism’s New Jerusalem. They called themselves the Donnor Party, and Reed had a story to tell.

But more on that next time.




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Gold and Silver, daguerreotypes from the California Gold Rush ...



The Northern Light: September, 1984 “Discoverer of Gold in California

Southern California Research Lodge Fraternal Review: “Alchemy and Freemasonry: It’s Hidden Connection to Our Craft

Wikipedia:Samuel Brannan

Wikipedia: “James W. Marshall

Wikipedia:John Sutter