Sacred Text

The Revelation of Stephen

The Revelation of Stephen     TWO years after the Ascension there was a contest about Yahusha. Many learned men had assembled at Yerushalayim from Ethiopia, the Thebaid, Alexandria, Yerushalayim, Asia, Mauretania and Babylon. There was a great clamour among...

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The Book of Nakash

The Book of Nakash   1 In the beginning was a seraph of the order of the heavenly hosts of Yahuah. His name was Nakash. He was given authority over the earth generations before man. 2 This is the book of Nakash and how he became null and void. 3 Nakash led the...

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Prophecy of Shem

1 He said, My days are coming to an end and I must prophesy what Yahuah has revealed unto me. In the end of days, Elohiym will send his word to die. Many will obey the word and wash themselves in its blood. However, Nimrud will return with his prostitute on top of man...

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The Book of the Giants

The Book of the Giants Reconstructed from the Dead Sea Scrolls[These fallen angels] knew the secrets of [all things]. [At this time] sin was great on the earth. The wicked angels killed many people and begot giants [with mortal women]. The wicked (former) angels...

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The Letter of Lentulus

BUT the scholars, you tell me. No true scholar would ever give the Letter of Lentulus a second glance, you say.  The scholars have proven it to be a medieval forgery and we should listen to the scholars more often. Because the scholars understand His-Story better than...

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1 Maccabees

1 And it came to pass, after the triumph of Alexandros the Makedonian, son 2 of Philippos, who first reigned in Hellas, who came out of the land of Khettiim, had defeated Dareios king of the Persians and the Medes: 3 And He fought a lot of battles, and took almost all...

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The Ascension of Isaiah

  1 AND it came to pass in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Yechizqiyahu king of Yahudah that he called Menashsheh his son. Now he was his only one. 2 And he called him into the presence of Yesha’yahu the son of Amoz the prophet, and into the presence of...

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The Testament of Solomon

1 Testament of Solomon, son of David, who was king in Yerushalayim, and mastered and controlled all ruachs of the air, on the earth, and under the earth. By means of them also he wrought all the transcendent works of the Temple. Telling also of the authorities they...

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The Shepherd of Hermas

    Vision 1 1 The master, who reared me, had sold me to one Rhoda in Rome. After many years, I met her again, and began to love her as a sister. 2 After a certain time I saw her bathing in the river Tiber; and I gave her my hand, and led her out of the...

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Tales of the Patriarchs

rag.1 Col. 1 You should let your anger and tear out (?)... and who is the man who... the fury of your anger.... and those who have been destroyed and killed, bereft and... and now I have stopped the prisoners.... the Great Holy One....all that he... Frag.1 Col 2: day...

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Targum Book of Ruth

  11 It came to pass in the days of the Judge of Judges that there was a great famine in the Land of Israel. Ten great famines were decreed by Heaven to be upon the earth, from the day on which the world was created until the coming of the King-Messiah, to...

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Targum Obadiah

  1 1 The prophecy of Obadiah. Thus saith Yahuah Elohim to Edom – A report have we heard from before Yahuah and a messenger into the nations has he sent. Arise and let us prepare ourselves for battle against her. 2 Behold, I will make you weak among the nations....

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Joseph and Aseneth

1 It came to pass in the first year of the seven years of plenty, in the second month, that Pharaoh sent out Yoceph to go round the whole land of Egypt. 2 And Yoceph came, in the fourth month of the first year, on the eighteenth day of the month, into the district of...

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The Revelation of Moses

  ACCOUNT and life of Adam and Eve, the first-created, revealed by Elohim to His servant Moses, when he received from the hand of Yahuah the tables of the law of the covenant, instructed by the archangel Michael. This is the account of Adam and Eve. After they...

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The Book of Adam

Discovery of Expulsion   1.1 It came to pass, when Adam went out from paradise with his wife Eve, they went out at the eastern part of paradise. And Adam made a hut to live in. They both entered (it) and resided there for seven days. They both wept with abundant...

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