EVERYONE and their dog has seen the assassination attempt footage, dozens if not hundreds of times already. Do come back and correct me several decades from now if it does not go down as one of the most watched and analyzed pieces of American history. So far, the Media is going with the predictable lone gunmen narrative, but you and I know better. It’s why you arrived here. As a seeker of Truth, you are desirous to know whether or not the assassination attempt on Donald J Trump was an inside job or a hoax. Or in the very least, what my conclusion is on the subject. Hoaxes, I have covered many of them in my day, and so, I think it is at least safe to say that I am somewhat knowledgeable on the subject. Here are several research papers for your consideration.
The Donner Party. The RMS Titanic. The Temple Mount. Sandy Hook. The Boston Marathon Bombing. Osama bin Laden. The Manson Murders. Jim Morrison. The JFK Assassination. Haight-Ashbury, Patty Hearst and Jonestown. The Chicago World Fair. Paul Is Dead. George Reeves. Anne Heche. The Atomic Bomb. Nancy Kerrigan. Vanilla Ice. Woodstock.
Ironically, the assassination attempt of Donald J Trump happened on a stage of all places. With all we’ve been through, what better reason to declare it a staged hoax? It might surprise some of you then to learn that I’m not interested in telling you either way. My aim is to debrief you with the information which has sprung up in my own personal investigation, allowing you in come to your own conclusion. Look, I happen to love the Truth. The great thing about the Truth is that it isn’t a co-dependent. It doesn’t have an identity crisis. It doesn’t hinge upon your opinion or my own. It doesn’t cease being the Truth because neither you nor I nor anybody else believes it to be so. That right there should put you at ease. It is the quest for Truth which has always motivated me. It drives me on, prompts me further still. Staged hoax or inside job, give it to me. All I want is the Truth.
The following is my report on the Assassination Attempt on Donald J Trump. The shot heard around the world is only two days old and the information is still pouring in, which means I have much still to cover. In the very least, I expect to update the paper for the remainder of the week.