Abbot Suger, Father of Gothic Architecture, and the Millennial Kingdom

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FINALLY, it occurred to me that what I needed to do is go back to the very beginning of my investigation and give history, official history, “the old college try” yet again. It was while researching and writing my paper The Legend of Prester John, attempting to figure out what if anything is True in the story, that I stumbled upon a man named Abbot Suger. And though I’d already known Suger is declared to be the father of the Gothic style of Cathedral architecture, there he was, staring back at me from the footnotes of the Jesuit history books, the all-too familiar poopy diaper faced politics of his day practically smothering him.

Without getting into all of that again, do recall how Prester John is woven into the fabric of Suger’s life. After the fall of Edessa in 1144 to Saracen invaders, it was Hugh, Bishop of Gibellum, who first spun the tale of the legendary priest-king, Prester John, for the court of Pope Gregory VIII. Hugh’s report was first recorded by Odo of Deuil, Biship of Freising, Germany. By all indications, Odo was a News writer and a propagandist. During the Second Crusade, he served as the personal chaplain of King Louis VII of France, being sure to document the entire War, from their march to Antioch to its explosive climax at Damascus.

If any of this is vaguely familiar, then you may also recall that Odo was a confidant of Suger.  In turn, Suger had already been a key advisor to King Louis VI, a position he would continue to hold with Louis VII after him, acting as the latter’s regent during the Second Crusade, woops. Although we are told he disapproved of the Second Crusade, at the time of his death, Suger is said to have already started preaching a third, see what I mean? We are often reminded of the rat infested pooh-mounds in the Middle-Ages, seeing as how nobody, not even Suger, thought to employ Roman plumbing in their designs. Well, there is your poop, right there, Suger’s walk-on character part in the staged production.

Now that I have gotten those unpleasantries out of the way, official history swears up and down that Suger was the Father of the Gothic Cathedral, which is no small statement to make. Many of my readers are of the opinion that history is legitimately 100% fake and that it needs disregarded before the Truth can be discovered in the revision, but I strongly disagree. Despite an onslaught of Resets, not all of which were exclusively perpetrated by our Controllers, I believe there is Truth, or in the very least, residue of the Truth, to be discovered in the annals, however much they have been tampered with. Perhaps Suger existed as a solitary figure, perhaps he is simply a figment of our imagination, having never existed at all, or per chance he is a composite image consisting of hundreds of heavenly architects working in unison together. I couldn’t say, as I wasn’t there, but without commenting further, take a look at his stated accomplishments.

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