The Unexpected Cosmology

The Trilateral Commission In an Episode of Barney Miller - “The United Nations can help bring about a new day…a new world order, and a long era of peace.” President George H.W. Bush   THIS PARTICULAR episode of Barney Miller first aired on January 15, 1981. If you reflect back upon your life in terms of presidential administrations as I do, then Ronald Reagan was […]

When Will the Rothschild’s Conquer the World? - MEET JACOB Rothschild. You’ve likely never heard of him. Or perhaps I should altogether stop presuming what you have or haven’t heard of. His family is worth something in the ballpark of 500 trillion dollars. They own nearly every central bank in the word. They’ve financed both sides of every war since Napoleon. And unless […]

WHY WAS GEORGE H.W. BUSH STANDING IN FRONT OF THE BOOK DEPOSITORY BUILDING? - I’VE SPOKEN ABOUT MY YEAR OF SECLUSION in recent entries. It was a time of intense study and research. Day and night I reached into the cracks and crevices of the World Wide Web as the Lord led, matching each new discovery with the Bible. He had a great many things to show.

THE BIBLICAL FLAT EARTH: “IN THE EARTH” - THE FLAT EARTH REVIVAL IS A GIFT FROM GOD to His bride in these closing days of church history. Let’s just call it an early wedding present before the fast approaching ceremony, when the King calls His beloved with a joyous shout into His chamber. It’s unexpected to say the least, and beautiful. What I’m […]

VIDEO: “THE GIFT OF LOOKING STUPID: FLAT EARTH & THE MARK OF THE BEAST” - EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS VIDEO DEEPLY MOVED ME, because in a short 12 minutes its author successfully conveyed everything I’ve been trying to put onto paper over the last month. Please take this serious, guys. Flat Earth isn’t a punchline for late night television. It really is a gift from God in these last days before […]

12 Actual Places That Can Only Be Visited on a Flat Earth - I HATE TO BE A PARTY POOPER, BUT AS YOU STAND THERE munching on that delicious looking Hors d’oeuvre, what if I were to tell you there are places on this earth so immensely flat that they simply defy the mandatory calculation needed for the curvature on a globe? Sure, Dallas, Texas is flat. Phoenix, […]

12 Actual Landmarks That Can Only Be Seen on a Flat Earth - AH, LIGHTHOUSES, A SAILOR’S TRIED AND TRUE SALTY-OLD FRIEND, especially when the sky be dark and the ocean rough. But in case you didn’t know, they’re also the ally of Flat Earthers, and let me tell you why. According to Ball-Earth estimates, the globe curves at approximately 8 inches per mile squared. So if your […]

THE END OF DAYS & THE HIBERNATING CHURCH - MY DAD ONCE TOLD ME YEARS AGO that in the days leading up to Christ’s return, churches would become dismissive, even hostile towards the very notion that He was soon returning. I was a little boy at the time, and to this day I don’t know if he believed that to be true himself or […]

THE BIBLICAL FLAT EARTH & FOUR CORNERS OF CREATION - THE BIBLE IS THE MOST ACCURATE HISTORICAL and geographical document ever written, so why is its worldwide congregation of subscribers plagued with cognitive dissonance when it comes to what we can read for ourselves contrasted with what our pastors and church leaders are telling us from the pulpit? I’m going to draw a line in […]

THE BIBLICAL FLAT EARTH & HEAVEN’S PLACE ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT - WHY CHURCHES ARE NO LONGER BUILT UNDER DOMES is a valid question, one in which I first asked myself while standing beside the empty tomb of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, gazing up at the breathtaking ceiling which arched directly above me. It’s a question I’ve been asking myself ever since.