The Unexpected Cosmology

Eyewitness Account: The Bigfoot Encounter - Prepping for an epic Green Pond Trail mountain bike shred at Snow Basin, I began pumping up all the tires. Little brother, big daddy, and I were the crew. Green Pond Trail begins uphill entering a thick forest, eventually leading into open fields with scenic views, crescendoing into a heart-pumping, leg-blasting rocky climb to the […]

They’re Buried under Them Hills | Long Skulls, Bigfoot & the Bad People (an Interview with Joe Taylor) - IF THERE WAS EVER A TIME AND PLACE to pick up a book, it was the 1960’s in Greenwich Village. Joe Taylor grew up on the Bible. His dad was a minister, and his grandfathers were deacons, the results of which garnished him with a thorough New and Old Testament education. And then one day […]