The Unexpected Cosmology

The Holocaust Hoax: Anne Frank’s Co-Authorship Exposed - AMAZING how many people will choose Anne Frank as their hill to die upon and yet the diary attributed to her name is a provable and admitted fake. It doesn’t even stand up in court. Correction, Nuremburg was a kangaroo court. But the entire Holocaust narrative has been outed in nearly every other court, including […]

Joe Biden: Puppet President (He’s a Walking Numbers Ritual) - THIS morning I find myself in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Though breathtakingly beautiful, it is wet and cold outside all the same, and so, I thought to myself: Why not finish my ‘Joe Biden: Puppet President’ article in the warmth of my camper? Well, technically, this is only the beginning of what I […]

[UPDATE]: The Award Winning Oscars Slap was a Pfizer Commercial - YES, today is April 1 . I’m well aware of that fact and, for the record, despise the date. I’ve been nailed to the wall in years past because I published on April Fool’s, but why should I stop working just because the Satanic elite make a field trip out of it? I’ll sleep when […]

The Slap Heard Around the World: Will Smith Gets Jiggy with Chris Rock - Y’ALL know I’m only in the business of uploading PDF’s now. There’s a number of reasons for that and I don’t have time for explanations. Let’s not get sidetracked. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars and it was an obvious staged performance. The numbers don’t lie. You can see the geomatra for yourself […]

The Black Dahlia Hoax: The Gary Devore Connection - A CAREFUL observer will ask what Gary Devore has to do with the many faces of Tilda Swinton, as seen above. There are connections but probably not what you think. Also, who is Gary Devore and how does he play into the Black Dahlia murder? If you give me a chance then I’ll explain. We […]

The Holocaust Hoax: The Vrba-Wetzler Report - JUST yesterday I finalized a second draft of my Holocaust Hoax document and already we’re onto new information. It’s not like the notes weren’t already in front of me. I seriously didn’t think that’s what I’d be writing when waking up this morning though. Visiting perported death camps beyond Bergen-Belson and Auschwitz is something I’ve […]

The Holocaust Hoax: Auschwitz I & II and Bergen-Belsen - AND THUS, shall I be remembered. The man who denied. Or perhaps I will be forgotten completely. Until I am dead, at any rate, and the Zionist Media has a field day with me. This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. You see things. And so, here I am. […]

Speaking in Tongues Is a Hoax - I MUST be a glutton for punishment. Ever since writing this paper in the spring of 2018, and then others like it, Pentecostals and Charismatics alike have protested my outing Charles Fox Parham as a Freemason on the basis that he was apparently no longer attending the local lodge when he started his “Full Gospel” ministry. How adorable. Mostly, they […]

Baseball: A Masonic Ceremony | Angels In the Outfield - IT’S SPRING cleaning, you know. Old papers are getting dusted off the shelf, and so, here’s the latest. A vast improvement, if I say so myself. I turned in my first draft of ‘Baseball: A Masonic Ceremony’ a couple of years ago. The latest is given a heavy hand of polish but then includes a […]

The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax: The Series - I WROTE my four part series on the atomic bomb hoax a little over a year ago, and so, you’re probably wondering why I’m publishing the same four reports all over again. Well, I’ve finally formatted them into one document, which was the plan all along. Also, I’ve added several pages of new insight and observation. When I initially […]