JUST yesterday I published a paper regarding the lost continent of Eden. Yes, you heard me right, did I stutter? The moon map has done wonders in bringing the unanswered questions together. It is abundantly clear that Eden would be the same ill fated continent as...
Bible Deep Dives
The Land of Eden: Lemuria, Mu, Meru
DISCOVERING the whereabouts of the land of Eden came by total accident. But then you’re totally aware how it goes by now, one thing leads to another, and bada-bing: RESEARCH! It was in adding new padding to the introduction of The Hidden Wilderness, really, a mere...
Water Consciousness: Is Water a Sentient Being? Yes.
JUST last week I expanded the Star Forts and Star Cities discussion with my Fountains of Living Water paper. In that one I showed a Biblical example of our Controllers scrubbing His-story, and of course, their destruction is repetitive. You should know then that I'm...
Fountains of Living Water and the Millennial Kingdom
TODAY'S excercise is a continuation of my Star Forts paper as well as the larger discussion laid out in Kings and Priests of the Thousand Year Reign. Supposing you have read them then you will recall my thoughts concerning Medieval structures. Millenniala Kingdom...
The Lost History of Dwarfs and Hag-Witches of Britain As Told In C.S. Lewis’ Narnia
IN a rather stunning turn of events, I started a paper on the historicity of Dwarfs in Britain, which furthermore happened to involve their relationship with hag-witches, not realizing at the time that I was crossing every ‘t’ and dotting every ‘i’ in describing...
Universal Salvation In ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’
TO be honest, I wasn’t quite sure if another entry in the proposed series was my cup of tea, and yet, here we are. It is teatime and we are continuing the discussion. The original intent was to dissect each book in chronological rather than publication order, a goal...
The Divine Conception of Isaac
EVERY so many generations, don’t ask me how many because I couldn’t even begin to say, ALAHAYAM intervenes in His-Story and plants a divine seed among humanity. Yup, I said it, and I’m not apologizing to the cancel culture committee. Between events such as what I’ve...
EVERYTHING I’ve so far gathered regarding the historical reality of dwarfs has me thinking they were perfectly capable of straddling both sides of the cosmic curtain. Which is to say, they were a spiritual creature on par with the fairy culture, capable of manifesting...
Isis & Osiris Identified: First Dynasty Rulers of Egypt
NEARLY an entire year has gone by since turning out my initial report on ‘Cham’s Mystery Children’. Quite a few claims were made regarding the identity of Cham in His-Story. For example, you will recall how Zoroaster and Pan were both identified with Noach’s...
Doppelgangers: Joseph and Abraham’s Celestial Doubles
YESTERDAY I wrote about the Apostle Peter's guardian angel (as per Acts 12), and today I'm covering two more Biblical figures, Joseph and Abraham. They too have guardian angels, and guess what? They're all Doppelgangers. If you would like to read this article, the PDF...
Doppelgangers: The Apostle Peter’s Celestial Double in Acts 12
15 And they said unto her, You are mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they: It is his angel [angelos ἄγγελός]. Ma’asiym (Acts of the Apostles) 12:15LET me see if I have this right. Kepha is standing outside of the house of Yochanon-Marqus,...
The Splitting of the Mount of Olives & the Glorious Appearing In 70 AD
IT isn’t split down the middle so far as I can tell. Do you see a split? I don’t. My eyesight is still pretty good, though if yours happens to soar beyond the 20/20 rule, then do tell. On closer inspection, there is a road which seemingly divides the north and south...
Yom Kippur: The Jacob and Esau Connection
EDGAR Trollip's latest article involves Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, which is one of Yahuah's feast days and a is intended as a holy day of affliction and self-humility. I won't give everything else away but as you can already tell by the title it...
Second Eve and Mary Magdalene: Further Implications for the Wife of Messiah
Second Eve and Mary Magdalene APOLOGIES. In my last Miryam of Migdal update, I expounded upon her association with Lilith intending to take you to the ultimate conclusion. Eve. There are two of them in the Bible so far as my estimation goes. Eve One and Eve Two is...
Mary Magdalene Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’
She Was Lilith In 'The Chosen' JUST the other night I was asked the question after finishing up a LIVE presentation: ‘Is Lilith Satan?’ You should know that I talk about a great many subjects. Miryam of Migdal doesn’t come anywhere near to the top of that list. The...
The 144,000 and Claudia Octavia: Wife of Nero
YOU might be asking yourself: What in the world is going on and which denomination have I haphazardly landed upon? As the groundskeeper in these parts, I couldn’t even begin to answer the second part of the question, but in regard to the curtain pulling exercise,...
The Torah Precedes Moses
The title might be fighting words for some. I don't apologize though. It is true. I recently heard a couple of Torah observant Christians debate the validity of the book of Jubilees. Now, I am not going to go through that here. However, I am going to zone in on one...
Nero Redivivus: The Legend of Antichrist
Apparently, Nero lounged around on a couch for a few hundred years, dreaming up the grand designs of his new and improved pleasure palace once he finally got around to conquering the world with his conveniently well-financed army. No, I am not an art critic, but if I...
The Syriac Evidence for the Feminine Ruach
JASON Beck started contributing to TUC over a year ago. He dominates the feminine Ruach HaQodesh page on our Discord channel and gave a steller two part presentation on our podcast and YouTube channel. This is his first time however turning in an article as a guest...
The Once and Future Parousia: El Shaddai Over Egypt
Found it. A couple of years ago I wrote to you insisting that Yahuah appeared in the clouds over Mitsriym, my point being that ‘parousia’ is an occasional occurrence throughout His-Story and not a onetime affair, as ‘second coming’ advocates would declare. Turns out,...
The Antichrist, the Strong Delusion, and Paul
MANY of the Pa’al fanboys out there noticed that I made no mention of 2 Thessalonians earlier, particularly when detailing Pa’al’s various passages which anticipate the glorious appearing. If this is at all like those other thousand instances in my writing career,...
The 144,000 and Peter’s Involvement With Them: Revelation In 70AD
BET you didn’t expect Kepha to enter a theological argument involving the ladies. Hope you haven't forgotten that part, that the 144,000 were ladies rather than dudes. Turns out, the 144,000 narrative is full of all sorts of surprises. I figure a great deal many of...
The Glorious Appearing and Paul: The Second Coming In 70AD
I knew it. You’ve been listening to my claims that Yahusha HaMashiach returned by 70AD and thinking about Pa’al this entire time, haven’t you? The “But Pa’al” people have arrived to throw a leg cramp into the swimming lane. I’m robbing you of your hope and Pa’al...
The Talking Cross: The Mark of the Tav in the Gospel of Peter
23 And they heard a voice from the heavens, saying: You have preached to them that sleep. And a response was heard from the cross: Yea.SEEING double, hmmm? We have been over this verse already is what you’re probably thinking. Well, as a matter of fact, I just...
A Voice From Heaven: The Feminine Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Peter
23 And they heard a voice from the heavens, saying: You have preached to them that sleep. And a response was heard from the cross: Yea.HEARING a voice from heaven indicates that it’s about to get Biblical up in here. There are several occasions in the Gospels when the...
One Angel Or Two? & Other Supposed Contradictions at Messiah’s Tomb
21 And in the night when Adonai’s day was drawing on, as the soldiers kept guard to by two in a watch, there was a great voice in the heaven; and they saw the heavens opened, and two men descend from there with great light and approach the tomb. And that stone which...
YHWH Looks Down From the Firmament
I PROBABLY start out saying this every time but it's worth noting anyways. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020, which practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that,...
The Yahusha and Yahuah Connection: Who Is Our Heavenly Father?
MY friend and fellow researcher as well as Paleo-Hebrew expert Pamela Glasgow has turned in the most excellent research paper regarding the identity of Yahusha HaMashiach (though many of you know him as Jesus Christ) and Yahuah Elohiym (again, many of you know him as...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Her Lover, the Roman Centurion
A CURIOUS thing happened on the way to the tomb. Kepha thought to name the centurion in the Besorah which bears his name, and why do you suppose that is? I have a thought or two on the matter and I’m curious what yours might be. You probably don’t have the faintest...
Petronius: The Roman Centurion Who Guarded Messiah’s Tomb Was a Believer
19 And Pilate gave them Petronius the centurion with soldiers to guard the tomb. And with them came elders and scribes to the sepulcher and having rolled a great stone together with the centurion and the soldiers, they all together who were there set it at the door of...