YOU'RE in for a special treat because, hot off the press, we have not one but two brand new papers by TUC contributor Edgar D. Trollip. The first is the one you happened to have arrived at, The Sons of Elohim: From Heaven to Birth. It involves our divine origins, via...
Bible Deep Dives
The Resurrection of the Dead and the Dew of Heaven
YOU'RE in for a special treat because, hot off the press, we have not one but two brand new papers by TUC contributor Edgar D. Trollip. The first is the one you happened to have arrived at, The Dew of Heaven, gives a fresh perspective upon the resurrection of the...
Paul Taught Torah
CONTINUING with my 'Everybody in the Bible Taugt Torah, yes, Even Paul' series, we finally get around to the Apostle Paul. Or 'But Paul...' as his name is known within Christianity. Because you know, YAHAUAHA has these instructions in righteous living, and everyone in...
The Apostles Taught Torah: Sin and Righteousness Defined by Peter, James, Jude, and John
ONE of the frequent questions I ask any self-identifying Christian is to state the definition of sin, using chapter-and-verse, naturally. To my constant astonishment, it is nearly impossible finding anyone who can recite what sin actually is. Notice I said nearly but...
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire: The True Meaning of the Revelation 21:8 Song Finally Explained
IT was while cross-referencing canonical Scripture for my 'Jesus Taught Torah' and 'The Apostles Taught Torah' series that I had a stunning discovery. The Apostle John was obsessed with describing the 'liars' in the Gospel of John, 1 John, and Revelation, often...
Jesus Taught Torah: The Eternal Truth of Our Father’s Commands
TO say the Torah is done away with is to say the very character of our heavenly Father has changed. Even after heaven and earth are done away with, righteousness will remain, as the Torah is righteousness. It's actually many things. The Torah is eternal. It cannot be...
Gods of Narnia: Exploring the Seaven Heavens of CS Lewis
RETURNING to the 'TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology' roundtable on 1/9/25 is none other than JohnQ and Chuck, two friends of mine. JohnQ is the author of 'Q and the Millennial Kingdom'. Together, we'll be discussing the phenomenal book 'Planet Narnia' my Michael Ward,...
The Seperation of Darkness from Light and the Fall of Satan
ONE step back, two steps forward, as they say. Here at TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology, I've been hosting a line for line study of the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible. We rolled back the Torah in September and, nearly four months later, we have yet...
Lion Men of Moab, Hollow Earth, and the Seven Firmaments of Heaven
CONTINUING with my series on the Firmament of Heaven, we turn now to the Seven Firmaments of Heaven. There's a lot that goes into a discussion like this one, as we're dealing with the Mystery of the Seven in the Three. In this episode, I'll take a look at the 196,000...
R.I.P. Hal Lindsey, Go Meet God
NEW [11/29/24] Kingdomverse: R.I.P. Hal Lindsey "Go Meet God" JOIN us each week at TUC Discord 7pm EST for an in-depth community discussion. The topics are wide ranging and not censored by the constraints of social media outlets like YouTube. In this episode, we...
The Firmament: Hebrew Cosmology and the Bible
YOU know what's crazy? I'll tell you what's crazy. I've been talking about the Firmament for the whereabouts of ten years, and yet, I've never given a formal presentation on it—until now. And just think, the name of this website and YT Channel is 'The Unexpected...
The Lady and the Unicorn: Mysteries of the Millennial Kingdom
JUST so you know, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the Unicorn’s role in Medieval theology, recorvering what residue I can from the Thousand Years which I refer to as the Millennial Kingdom. In a nut shell, here is what I've learned. The Medieval Unicorn is a...
The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness
TO answer your question, books like ‘Adam and Eve’ and ‘The Gospel of Nicodemus’ line up with the Septuagint in terms of understanding when the Reign of Mashiach would physically manifest upon the earth. The chronology explains in simple black and white terms that...
The Natsarim: Christianity vs. the Millennial Kingdom
Bet you didn’t think I’d tie the Netseriym in with the Millennial Kingdom. You thought you had me last time when I read from a Medieval reference and scratched my head while doing it, unsure about where it should actually be placed on the Timeline. Come on, we all...
The Natsarim: The Set-Apart of Israel
Article Updates 12 Here is the patience of the qodeshiym: here are they that keep the Commandments of ALAHAYAM, and the faith of Yahusha.REVELATION 14:12 just so happens to be the Bible Memory verse of the decade around these parts. It’s what I base my entire...
Azazel and the Seed of the Serpent in Apocalypse of Abraham
INITIALLY, visions of grandeur had me thinking I could turn out my commentary on Aza’zel in a single day. Forget about it. YAH only knows how long the construction signs will stay up, but that should be expected among my readership by this point in the relationship....
Azazel and the Five Satans in Enoch
AZAZEL and the Five Satans sounds like the name of a heavy metal band gone doowop. I have covered Aza'zel in other places though I do believe this will be the first time I've devoted an entire paper to understanding him, particularly his connection with the Scapegoat...
Let Us Make Man In Our Image
IT'S been far too long since Yvonne turned in her last article with TUC, but let's not focus on the glass half empty side of the equation. Fact of the matter is, she's turned in another one. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020,...
Mark of the Beast or the Mark of YAH: Messiah Kept Sabbath
EXCUSES are a dime a dozen, which is to say, the mental gymnastics employed by those who attempt to weasel their way out of the fourth commandment is cheap currency. I have heard dozens if not hundreds of rebuttals from those who refuse the Mark of YAHAUAHA, and...
Mark of the Beast or the Mark of YAH: Which Will You Decide?
16 And he made for them all – the great ones and the small ones, the rich ones and the poor ones, the slaves and the freed ones – a sign on his right hand or on their forehead, 17 that no one is able to buy or to sell, unless he has this sign on his hand or on his...
The Torah Abides: Galatians According to the Law of YAH
The Torah Abides: GALATIANS According to the Law of YAHI didn’t think it would come to this. You found me out. I was caught. And it’s true—all of it. I read from the Torah. I read it at work. I read it in my spare time. I read it early in the morning, late at night,...
8 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Wisdom
It is truly shocking. I mean the way we have neglected her. How long does a lady need to be ignored before stepping out of the room? Not that she is impatient. In my weekly exploration through the Torah, I decided to include a heavy dose of wisdom literature. Wisdom...
Back To the Bible Part II: Alternate Timelines
I’M not through yet. There’s more to the time travel narrative in Scripture than I gave in the original iteration. I intended to get to the other details on the last go-around but ran out of time, no pun intended. So glad it didn’t collect dust in my to-do stack for...
The Rod of YAHAUAHA and Second Passover
Second Passover is a hot topic of conversation on the Internet and just about everyone and their mom wants to know when it will occur. People ask me all the time in a depressing manner if I think it’s already happened, as if that’s a bad thing. I’m sorry to be the...
Back To the Bible: Time Travel In Scripture
TIME travel isn’t a foreign concept in these part, as I will direct you to my Wizard of Trump paper. Oddly enough, it didn’t start out that way. The first draft was bare bones commentary on the Mandela Effect as it pertained to the terrorist van in Back To the Future,...
The Priesthood Precedes Aaron
I am not sure if the title is news to you. If my paper on the Torah preceding Moses did not bring it home that Yah’s Torah is eternal I am sure this one will. Now, there was somewhat of an omission on my part on the Torah preceding Moses-paper. Or maybe I just felt...
Angels and Demons and the Seven Days of Apocalypse
NOW that we’ve managed to survive the initial ‘End of the World’ Trilogy (that’s a reference to my three papers, 536, 537, and this one, 541, in case you’ve lost your bearing), I think it’s high time we put this conversation to the test of Apocalyptic literature. What...
Elysian Fields: The Cosmological World of Messiah and John the Baptist
IT was all fun and games until Mashiach’s worldview was invoked, am I right? Well, whatever club Yahusha HaMashiach was a card-carrying member of, I’m of the impression that Yochanon the Baptizer either held to the same address or more than likely was a neighbor. You...
Hellmouth: The Leviathan and She’ol Connection
MAKING the Leviathan and sea serpent comparison is a doctoral thesis which still needs to happen. That’s not a scheduled topic on today’s clipboard of fun though. No, the purpose of this discussion is to talk about the Hellmouth creature. I mean, seeing as how the...
The Sign of Jonah and Leviathan
YONAH died. The atheists and the agnostics and the skeptics as well as the pastors and just about everyone likes to leave out that part. Depending upon who you bump into on the street, they will either tell you Yonah hanging out in the digestive system of a fish for...