The heart of TUC is to care for widows and elderly women.
[Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 68:5. Psalm 146:9; Isaiah 1:17; Zechariah 7:4; James 1:27]
AT present, TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology ministry cares for the complete financial needs of Rebecca Gould. In turn, Rebecca not only works as a full time Store Manager, but she also does top notch editing on many of the books that we sell. On top of that, we are currently and actively seeking to meet the complete financial needs of Pamela Glasgow while she actively translates the Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew, what an incredible undertaking! She has so far completed the first five books of Moses, Song of Songs, and three volumes of Psalms. She is also currently working on Paleo Matthew, Revelation, and Judges. YAH willing, we will not only provide for Pamela’s monthly needs, but bring more widows under our wing.
We need your support. We ask that you please prayerfully consider supporting the TUC Ministry and our elderly women. You can donate by chosing an option below.
We need your support.
TUC Monthly Ministry and Widows Support: Patreon Support
PayPal: paypal.me/noeljoshuahadley
Ministry Goals
Here at TUC, our desire is to see the health and spiritual growth of each community member. We encourage reading the Bible, the whole Bible from beginning to end, and then, far more importantly, following our Father’s Instructions out of love and a desire for obedience. We encourage the reading of synchronized extra-Biblical texts, and we put a great emphasis on exposing the lies of our Controllers. But then, what good is knowledge if we don’t exhibit the fruit of the Spirit among the brethren? Our goal is to see each individual take the responsibility upon themselves to make the pilgrim’s journey down The Way, that ancient path, rather than depending upon others. Messiah is our High Priest and King but also our model for living We walk as Yahusha walked, and when we stumble or fall, we pick ourselves up, repent of our wrong, and begin walking as he walked again.
Various Links.
YouTube channel: The Unexpected Cosmology.
Discord channel: TUC Community Invite
TUC Monthly Ministry and Widows Support: Patreon Support
Contact: [email protected]

A long time ago, ‘The Unexpected Cosmology’ started out as a travel blog which then, over the years, began to accumulate the quest for Truth and Knowledge into its roadside destinations, desiring above all else to find the ancient path and Wisdom. After accumulating the mileage in Biblical His-Story, extra-Biblical texts, and a formerly unfathomable understanding as to the depths of conspiracy, TUC then became an online Magazine, a YouTube channel and podcast, a book publisher, a community, and ministry. My name is Noel Joshua Hadley, writer, editor-in-chief, and ministry leader. Here is a few bullet points as to what we believe.
We believe that the entire Bible, the Commands, the Torah, the Prophets, the Gospels, and Epistles, are True and applicable as set apart instructions for righteous living. Both Yeshua (Yahusha Ha’Mashiach) and the Torah are The Way (Psalm 119:1), the Truth (Psalm 119:142), and the Life (Deuteronomy 32:46-47), our pilgrimage leading to eternity.
The kings of the earth conspire against YAHUAH. (Psalm 2:2)
Yeshua (Yahusha Ha’Mashiach) is our High Priest and Atoning Sacrifice. (Hebrews 4; 1 Peter 2:24)
Those who persevere until the end keep the Father’s Commands and the Testimony of Yeshua. (Revelation 14:12).