UNFORTUNATELY, I just realized something. I got so excited about my discovery regarding Miryam’s counterpart, the only begotten daughter of Elohiym, that I charged right ahead, forgetting to adequately explain the narrative of ‘Yoceph and Asenath’ to my reading audience. It’s like I discovered a constellation in the firmament and attributed two separate women to the same diagram of stars without actually drawing the lines between them. How silly of me. And come to think about it, I could have just done some edits and you’d never know about my bum rush tactics. The explanation why I did it this way and then chose to spend an entire paragraph telling you about it is a simple one. It’s my paper and I can write it however I want to. A writer is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he intends to.
The latest update to my Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah investigation contrasts the ruachoth of Miryam of Migdal with the seven ruachoth of Elohiym and can be found in the PDF file below.