ONE step back, two steps forward, as they say. Here at TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology, I’ve been hosting a line for line study of the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible. We rolled back the Torah in September and, nearly four months later, we have yet to push beyond the second day of creation, and why is that? Because it’s an in-depth study, duh. Really though, there has been so much to cover. Re-creation. Preexistence. Soul Sleep. Aannihilationism. Guardian Angels. The Firmament. The Seven Firmaments of heaven. You see what I mean? That’s a lot to cover, and believe it or not, it’s all in Genesis 1.
Join me this week and I’ll be covering as many Scriptural passages as I can find regarding the fall of Satan. What I have found is not only surprising, far more ancient texts agree than I’ve formerly given credit for. Starting out, I’ll be reminding the viewer how there are actually five Satans in Enoch, not just one. That will help us understand how often our wires get crossed. Usually, most take a composite image of several Satans, but no longer. I’ll give you a hint as to how this plays out. The Satan who deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden wasn’t the same Satan who caused the rebellion in heaven. And now you know.
Thank you to all of our ministry subscribers. We are translating the Paleo Scripture and exist based upon your support. If you would like to find out more about our Ministry Vision, then I’ve just dropped you a link. We ask that you will prayerfully consider taking part in our vision, to take care of the widows, translate the Paleo Bible, and continue spreading Truth. Also, like and subscribe if you haven’t already. Shalom.