The Matrix and the Mind of God: Are We Living In a Simulation?

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I’VE been reading a lot of material as of late, ancient material, which would designate Simulation theory is a very old one, much older than the modern Matrix conversation seems to suggest. In this very short article, I’ll be sure to include a sample of what I’m talking about. Really though, you’ll need to watch the video in full. It comes as part of my line-for-line study of Genesis 1. We’ve been at it now for several weeks, and haven’t even managed to get past the first day of Creation quite yet. Well, these texts which I’ll be showing you straight up say we inhabit a dream and a world of illusion, and that furthermore, we originate from the mind of God. I’m not here to tell you this is the case. I’m simply showing the investigative possibility. it will be up for you to decide.

Rather than taking the typical Matrix movie analysis route, I thought  a discussion on George Berkeley and Subjective Idealism might be in order. When writing ‘Through the Looking Glass’, Lewis Carroll (I know) based Alice’s reality on Berkeley’s notion that we are the result of God’s Mind. If Berkeley was truly onto something, then rather than attributing our reality to the axiom, “I think, therefore I am,” what we should be saying is ‘To Be is to be Percieved.” 

Again, I have many ancient passages to share with you. Here is one that I think you will find to be of interest.

7 His dwelling place is set in the universal centre, and He encompasses all the universes great and small. His breath sustains life in multitudinous forms, and his thought holds all things to their proper shape. He prescribes the courses of the stars. He issues His commands to the winds, and they sing their responses. The wide seas murmur His praise. He moves the silences in the void of empty space, where the Eternal Heart lies sleeping. Order and beauty are shaped by His hands.

8 His voice speaks from the sandy silences. He whispers in the cool breezes. He roars in the whirlwind. He murmurs in the running waters. He sighs in the treetops, and men hear His voice without understanding.

9 Man dreams and says this is reality. He sees the shadow, but is blinded before the light. He reasons and is deceived. The design of the True God and His nature cannot be understood in the light of reason, for reason is not with this God, who knows all things without reason.

10 There is none other like unto the One God in all His glory. Whose strength can challenge Him? Whose will can contend with His will? Whose might can equal His? Where is another with His wisdom? Who in goodness can compare with Him?

11 By the power of His thoughts, many kingdoms are brought forth beyond Earth. He speaks the unutterable word, and they are created. He rules His creatures with infinite wisdom and directs their destinies with unchallengeable decrees. His will controls the forces within men ,and the thing they seek unknowingly is Him. As the body, when hungry is filled with the urge to eat and when thirsty, with the urge to drink, so is the spirit in man filled with the urge to seek God.

12 His ordinances govern Earth and the Heavens above. All things therein have their appointed place and purpose, and in their nature conform to His Law. His ways are inscrutable, transcending the understanding of men. His thoughts are a mystery, which men may not fathom, they are veiled and withdrawn beyond the comprehension of mortals.

13 His design is unrevealed to the multitude. Few are the men who can understand why He planted the road to the Place of Glory with the sharp stones of suffering and pain. Or why life is a struggle through the thorny forest of adversity.

14 But the ways of men are known to God, for the creator ever knows the created, though it does not follow that the created know their creator. Therefore, O man, remember that your heart lies naked before His gaze, and your innermost thoughts come under His scrutiny. No deed ever goes unrecorded.

15 None can perceive His residence, for He dwells in the profound silence of the outer sphere. Look for Him in the order of Nature and see His plan in its direction. Look for Him amid the stars in their courses and see the grandeur of His scheme. Look for the unmanifested spirit in the manifested object.

16 His glory is proclaimed in the Heavens; the sun reflects His splendor; the moon witnesses His peace. His fruitfulness is spread over the face of the land, and the waters are filled with His bounty. The Earth bends to His will or is broken to His command. Man may walk in the appointed direction or he will be driven. Walk in the light of the Law and not along the paths of the transgressor, for the laws of the High God are unchallengeable and cannot be transgressed with impunity. The wrongful deeds and the wicked thoughts of man are indelibly inscribed upon the everlasting tablets of his immortal soul.

17 He is the Creator, in whose Spirit image and likeness, you were fashioned. His laws ordained your present estate and circumstances upon Earth. The power of your intellect is His promise of godhood, and the marvels of your body are the works of His hand. His soul communes with your soul, and the consciousness He shares with you is the source of your life.

18 In His sight, all men are equal, and He judges them as men and not according to their estate. The rich and the poor, the highborn and the lowly, the wise and the simple all receive a fitting reward according to their labors. From each is expected results according to his abilities; from some much and from others little. Only that which serves the purpose of the Great God is accounted worthy by Him.

19 He has established the Law, whereby the sun shines down on the good and the wicked alike. He sends rain equally for the provident and the improvident. The arrows of misfortune strike the worthy and the unworthy with indifference. Only the most wise may understand why this is the established nature of things. For the generality of men, it is a condition to be accepted with good grace, and for them, it is sufficient to know that the seeming indifference of the universe serves its purpose.

20 The True God neither rewards nor punishes, for He has established the Law, whereby each man decrees his own fate. The future destiny and circumstances of the soul are shaped in the earthly body. When, in the hour of its release, the soul takes flight, freed from its earthly container of flesh, it assumes the form molded by its desires. In that awesome day of reckoning, the wicked shall be revealed in hideous shapelessness, but the upright shall step forward in splendor.

21 Therefore, give due respect to the Law of God; walk in His ways, and bow to His decrees. You are placed on Earth that His purpose may be fulfilled. Therefore, fight not against His will, nor rebel against His laws, lest you bring about your own destruction. God will not destroy the transgressor of His Law, for he will destroy himself. Each man ultimately decrees his own fate and receives his reward or punishment, according to the Law.

Book of Morals and Precepts 2