The Unexpected Cosmology

Coronavirus Cosmology: A Never Ending Pandemic (Staring the Ouroboros) - THE HEBREWS SAW TIME AS LINEAR. Contrary religions surrounding Canaan did not. For the Hebrew, there was a beginning (creation), a middle (Messiah), and an end (apocalypse, and again, Messiah). Some will argue against this point, and to be clear, I understand perfectly well the cyclic feast days on the Hebrew calendar. But that is […]

Sex. Contraceptives. Abortion. Magical Ceremony. Agenda 2030. - LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX. —because everybody’s favorite computer nerd wants to spice up your bedroom life. As part of his awe-inspiring ID 2020 project, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is developing a tiny drug delivery chip that works as a contraceptive agent. Birth control.

Mutation Happens | JASHER & the Final Push Towards Transhumanism - THE PLOT THICKENS. And it involves pig-men. I think. A coronavirus strain in India has reportedly mutated (I know), and may in fact render the worldwide race for a vaccine worthless (I know). Without going into too many details, “researchers” are learning that the reported mutation is due to the spike protein that allows the […]

Finger. Cut. Eat the Pain. Microsoft. Mark. - Given Microsoft’s recent commercial featuring spirit cooker Marina Abramovic, I couldn’t help but take special notice of this headline on DRUDGE REPORT.

Bill Gates, Marina Abramovic, & Techno Wizardry at Its BEAST - And there it is. For anyone paying attention, the Wizard of Oz just totally exposed himself. Microsoft’s co-founder. Bill Gates. He’s a wizard. He’s a wizard. And in case you missed that. HE’S A WIZARD! Meanwhile, I’m encountering individuals who are justifying why they’ll take the UN and Rockefeller backed ID2020 implant when it’s rolled […]

“As in the days of Noah…” | Pandemic, Life-Giving Idol, & Performance Witchcraft - Virtue signaling gone wild. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people out there who are emotionally wrung over the COVID-19 psycho-drama and pointing out their own humility by spouting off such mantras as “STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES,” are the very same individuals glued to the electric-lit glow of the media’s unfolding narrative. The […]

COVID-19 and the Race to a Cure (Hideous Sores of Revelation 16) - There is a race right now—a mad dash—to be the first investor to successfully come up with a vaccine for the coronavirus. Why? All indications point to the fact that this is going to be a government mandated vaccine for every man, woman, child, and baby in the world. Whoever successfully mass distributes this thing […]

They Worshiped Apollo and Received Their Crown | (World Health Organization, Serpent, & the Laurel Wreath) - There is absolutely no coincidence whatsoever that the very first worldwide panic-demic is code named CORONA. In Latin, the word actually translates to “wreath or crown,” which just so happens to be in both the World Health Organization’s logo and the United Nations. Otherwise known as the laurel wreath, the symbol of victory and conquest […]

Social Distancing or Social Engineering…? | (It all adds up to 69) “As Above So Below…” - Quite the turn of phrase, “SOCIAL DISTANCING.” Though its earliest known use is 2003, according to Webster, I can’t ever recall hearing the term until the last few weeks. And quite suddenly, it’s everywhere. It’s like we’ve been talking about social distancing ourselves our entire lives. Even here in South Carolina, traffic signs are informing […]

We Need to Rewrite History in Light of Saint Germain | NESARA & the “Global” Illuminati Initiation - After “they” use COVID-19 to crash the world economies, there’s a likelihood that we’ll witness either a total financial reset or a bailout of Biblical proportions. And there’s good reason to think they’ll use the Saint Germain Trust Fund to do it.