The Unexpected Cosmology

Yom Kippur: The Jacob and Esau Connection - EDGAR Trollip’s latest article involves Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, which is one of Yahuah’s feast days and a is intended as a holy day of affliction and self-humility. I won’t give everything else away but as you can already tell by the title it involves the Jacob and Esau connection. […]

Second Eve and Mary Magdalene: Further Implications for the Wife of Messiah - Second Eve and Mary Magdalene APOLOGIES. In my last Miryam of Migdal update, I expounded upon her association with Lilith intending to take you to the ultimate conclusion. Eve. There are two of them in the Bible so far as my estimation goes. Eve One and Eve Two is what I sometimes like to call […]

Mary Magdalene Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’ - She Was Lilith In ‘The Chosen’ JUST the other night I was asked the question after finishing up a LIVE presentation: ‘Is Lilith Satan?’ You should know that I talk about a great many subjects. Miryam of Migdal doesn’t come anywhere near to the top of that list. The recording was about another topic entirely, […]

The 144,000 and Claudia Octavia: Wife of Nero - YOU might be asking yourself: What in the world is going on and which denomination have I haphazardly landed upon? As the groundskeeper in these parts, I couldn’t even begin to answer the second part of the question, but in regard to the curtain pulling exercise, Xanthippe has been identified as a member of Mashiach’s […]

The Torah Precedes Moses - The title might be fighting words for some. I don’t apologize though. It is true. I recently heard a couple of Torah observant Christians debate the validity of the book of Jubilees. Now, I am not going to go through that here. However, I am going to zone in on one peculiar argument that caught […]

Nero Redivivus: The Legend of Antichrist - Apparently, Nero lounged around on a couch for a few hundred years, dreaming up the grand designs of his new and improved pleasure palace once he finally got around to conquering the world with his conveniently well-financed army. No, I am not an art critic, but if I were, that’s what I would say is […]

The Syriac Evidence for the Feminine Ruach - JASON Beck started contributing to TUC over a year ago. He dominates the feminine Ruach HaQodesh page on our Discord channel and gave a steller two part presentation on our podcast and YouTube channel. This is his first time however turning in an article as a guest writer. The question around these parts has much […]

The Once and Future Parousia: El Shaddai Over Egypt - Found it. A couple of years ago I wrote to you insisting that Yahuah appeared in the clouds over Mitsriym, my point being that ‘parousia’ is an occasional occurrence throughout His-Story and not a onetime affair, as ‘second coming’ advocates would declare. Turns out, I was right. He did appear. Chalk up my latest discovery […]

The Antichrist, the Strong Delusion, and Paul - MANY of the Pa’al fanboys out there noticed that I made no mention of 2 Thessalonians earlier, particularly when detailing Pa’al’s various passages which anticipate the glorious appearing. If this is at all like those other thousand instances in my writing career, then they are currently going about social media writing status updates about me […]

The 144,000 and Peter’s Involvement With Them: Revelation In 70AD - BET you didn’t expect Kepha to enter a theological argument involving the ladies. Hope you haven’t forgotten that part, that the 144,000 were ladies rather than dudes. Turns out, the 144,000 narrative is full of all sorts of surprises. I figure a great deal many of you will shruggingly agree that I’m onto something with […]