Bible Deep Dives

When False Prophets Speak the Truth

16 Then the Yahudiym and the elders and the priests, perceiving what evil they had done to themselves, began to lament and say: Woe for our sins; the judgement has drawn nigh, and the end of Yerushalayim. Besorah Kepha [The Gospel of Peter] 16THERE they go prophesying...

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Mary Magdalene: Daughter of Zion

YEAH, I know. I've been updating my Miryam of Migdal paper all week, trying your patience. Is it a thank you that you want? In the very least I've been on a roll. It's up to 220 pages now. I don't say that to overwhelm anyone. When starting out the investigation last...

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Mary Magdalene: The Disciple Whom Yahusha Loved

MOST of you will tell me it’s John and I don’t blame you. Not so long ago I too had identified Yochanon. It’s not him though. The talmid whom Yahusha loved is somebody of another name and I’ll show you why I’ve recently come to that conclusion. I’m not saying that...

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