I PROBABLY start out saying this every time but it's worth noting anyways. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020, which practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that,...
Bible Deep Dives
The Yahusha and Yahuah Connection: Who Is Our Heavenly Father?
MY friend and fellow researcher as well as Paleo-Hebrew expert Pamela Glasgow has turned in the most excellent research paper regarding the identity of Yahusha HaMashiach (though many of you know him as Jesus Christ) and Yahuah Elohiym (again, many of you know him as...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Her Lover, the Roman Centurion
A CURIOUS thing happened on the way to the tomb. Kepha thought to name the centurion in the Besorah which bears his name, and why do you suppose that is? I have a thought or two on the matter and I’m curious what yours might be. You probably don’t have the faintest...
Petronius: The Roman Centurion Who Guarded Messiah’s Tomb Was a Believer
19 And Pilate gave them Petronius the centurion with soldiers to guard the tomb. And with them came elders and scribes to the sepulcher and having rolled a great stone together with the centurion and the soldiers, they all together who were there set it at the door of...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Further Evidence at the Burial of Yahusha
WELL, well, well, what have we here? A new Bible memory verse stating precisely what I’ve been trying to say all along, though very few cares about Yahusha’s beloved enough to notice. Every person present at the tomb was a member of his family. Read it for yourself...
Were the Pharisees Responsible for the Destruction of the Temple?
17 And I was grieved with my companions; and being wounded in mind we hid ourselves; for we were being sought for by them as criminals, and as being those wishing to set fire to the Temple. And upon all these things we fasted and sat mourning and weeping night and day...
When False Prophets Speak the Truth
16 Then the Yahudiym and the elders and the priests, perceiving what evil they had done to themselves, began to lament and say: Woe for our sins; the judgement has drawn nigh, and the end of Yerushalayim. Besorah Kepha [The Gospel of Peter] 16THERE they go prophesying...
Angels and Earthquakes: The Spiritual Science Behind the Seismic Chart
AN earthquake is a telltale sign that angels are ascending or descending upon the earth. It’s totally Biblical but very few seem to realize that fact, nor appreciate it when they do. Leave it to post-Newtonian Science to strip away the spiritual causes of our material...
Famous Last Words: Does Messiah’s Final Line in the Gospel of Peter Disagree with the Synoptics?
ANOTHER point of contention happens to be the final words spoken by Yahusha HaMashiach while he hung from his crucifixion device. The synoptic gospels may claim “ELIY, ELIY” as Yahusha’s cry rather than “My power, my power,” and in fact they fall in line with Psalm...
Three Hours of Darkness According to the Gospel of Peter
NOT sure if you noticed. I've been updating my line-for-line commentary on Besorah Kepha little by little without saying anything. I was actually gone for a week, which explains why the updates have been slim to none. What happened? I was sitting on a beach in the...
The Gospel of Peter: Sins of Dimas and the Sign of the Tav
I'M caught up to verse 7 now in my line-for-line commentary on the Gospel of Peter. Or as I like to call it, Besorah Kepha. In this update I compare my research on the Shroud of Turin with the depiction of Yahusha in Peter but then also I go into great detail on the...
The Gospel of Peter and the Messiah of Docetism
YESTERDAY I premiered my line-for-line commentary on 'The Gospel of Peter'—the first four verses anyways. This is a work in progress. With 60 verses in total, I've a long way to go. Today was fortuitous in that I've managed to finish another 15 pages which deal...
The Gospel of Peter: Herod’s Role In Christ’s Crucifixion
DEAD men do tell tales. Especially when they are naughty enough to be buried with the fragment of a forbidden book. It would take the bones of a no-name Egyptian monk and French archaeologist Urbin Bouriant, digging around in the modern city of Akhmim (some 60 miles...
Mary Magdalene: Daughter of Zion
YEAH, I know. I've been updating my Miryam of Migdal paper all week, trying your patience. Is it a thank you that you want? In the very least I've been on a roll. It's up to 220 pages now. I don't say that to overwhelm anyone. When starting out the investigation last...
The Seven Spirits of Mary Magdalene and Elohiym
UNFORTUNATELY, I just realized something. I got so excited about my discovery regarding Miryam’s counterpart, the only begotten daughter of Elohiym, that I charged right ahead, forgetting to adequately explain the narrative of ‘Yoceph and Asenath’ to my reading...
Mary Magdalene: The Only Begotten Daughter of Elohiym
THE thing is my research into ‘The Only Begotten Daughter of Elohiym’ was put out back in 2021, long before I ever asked myself the betrothed of Mashiach question. I had absolutely no clue where it would ultimately turn to at the time. All I can do sometimes is...
Mary Magdalene: Lessons Learned from Ruth and Her Kinsman Redeemer
NEARLY every canonical gospel that we looked at involving the nard episode describes the mysterious woman as anointing the head of Yahusha with a costly fragrance, but that is all. It takes Yochanon to give her a name. But then there is another important detail to be...
Mary Magdalene: The Disciple Whom Yahusha Loved
MOST of you will tell me it’s John and I don’t blame you. Not so long ago I too had identified Yochanon. It’s not him though. The talmid whom Yahusha loved is somebody of another name and I’ll show you why I’ve recently come to that conclusion. I’m not saying that...
Becoming Man: Mary Magdalene’s Gospel of Thomas Controversy
SPEAKING of gnostic gospels, the most controversial line in the Gospel of Ta’om, though you would know it as Thomas, happens to be Kepha’s trash talk toward Miryam of Migdal of all people. Because she is a woman, you know, the cause of human evil and woe, LOL. In a...
The Temple Mount Hoax: The Melchizedek Evidence
RIGHT about the time I started looking into the Fort Antonia deception is when I noticed that the big announcement had come through. The Melchizedek Temple had been excavated. Dreams do come true. I am once again showing you a picture of the City of David, though much...
Revelation in 70AD: The Whore of Babylon Revealed
JUST about everyone gets the identity of the Whore of Babylon wrong and I can’t fault them for it. I did too for the longest time. Had Revelation been covered at nearly any other point during my adult life I would have sat here and made a Semiramis connection, seeing...
The Many Lives of Nimrod: Will the Real Abimelech Please Stand Up?
OH man. I’m kicking myself for missing out on another golden opportunity during the original publication. If this is your first encounter with my Nimrod research project, then don’t sweat it. The point that is currently being made centers upon the many different names...
Five Deceitful Ways Men Altered Our Biblical Texts
JASON Beck started contributing to TUC over a year ago. He dominates the feminine Ruach HaQodesh page on our Discord channel and gave a steller two part presentation on our podcast and YouTube channel. This is his first time however turning in an article as a guest...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Where Joseph of Arimathea Comes Into This
BRITAIN was the place to go apparently but Miryam of Migdal didn’t want to end up there. France we are told was her cup of tea. Supposing you’ve read my report on the Cities of the Millennial Kingdom, then you will know there was a concentrated effort to bring...
Mary Magdalene, the Woman at the Well, and the Marriage of Ruachoth
REALLY, I would not be in the least bit surprised if the woman at the well and Miryam of Migdal did end up being the same person, nor would I be the first to make such a claim. Alas, they are not, despite the frequent double-take. Though their stories were intended to...
Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah: Her Father the Pharisee
I slipped up. It happens in an investigation such as this one. You will recall that I spent so much time at the dinner party of Shimon the jar maker attempting to identify Miryam of Migdal as the woman with the alabaster jar that I didn’t even think to interview the...
666: The Mark of the Beast Finally Explained
THE 666 Number question crops up frequently around here. Especially now that I’ve committed to the 70 AD narrative. People often ask like it’s some sort of Holy Spirit litmus test. Whether or not I have a direct phone line to God (because they’re tapped in, y’all)...
The Genesis Reset: The Paleo-Hebrew’s Take on the Creation Week
SOMETHING I neglected in the last go-around was making any mention of how modern Hebrew is a completely and altogether different language than the ancient Biblical Hebrew which Moshe and the others were working with. And here I was putting all that effort into...
Ham’s Mystery Children: Elohiym Among Men
CHAM had sex with his father’s wife. There it is. Hopefully, you weren’t drinking from your morning coffee or chewing on an overpriced blueberry scone while reading that, as I would have either choked or spit up all over the computer screen. Sometimes I struggle...
The Many Lives of Nimrod: Gilgamesh and the Wild Man
HE was a wild man, you know. Gilgamesh. Pre-diluvian Gilgamesh that is. Not sure if you noticed that part. It’s a line in ‘The Book of the Giants’. I didn’t say anything at the time, mostly because I wanted to see if you were paying attention. The good news is that I...