EVERY so many generations, don’t ask me how many because I couldn’t even begin to say, ALAHAYAM intervenes in His-Story and plants a divine seed among humanity. Yup, I said it, and I’m not apologizing to the cancel culture committee. Between events such as what I’ve just described and a cyclical armada of Resets, I figure it’s our heavenly Father’s way of setting the drifting ship on course. Yahusha HaMashiach’s conception through the virgin Miryam you know about. Ask any Christian and they won’t even have to blink twice at that one. Some of you will recall my paper on the Birth of Noach, by which I quoted from a number of sources which unashamedly attribute Noach to a pre-existent heavenly angel or the like. Your other homework assignment is to read my doctoral dissertation on Preexistence. Back then, I was a bit more bashful when talking about subjects such as this, concerned that the torch and pitchfork parade might reroute to my coordinates. But, seeing as how my name has landed on many-a normies blacklist, I figure I might as well go ahead and say what many of you are pondering anyways. It’s true, all of it. Yitschaq was a divine conception rather than a fleshly one.
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Happy reading!
NEW 11/7/2023: The Divine Conception of Yitschaq
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