The Unexpected Cosmology

THE EMERGENT CHURCH REFLECTED UPON THE FACE OF “SOLA SCRIPTURA” | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - “SOLA SCRIPTURA” IS AN UNBEARABLE THOUGHT TO MOST AND MANY. I must not be so gullible as to raise a banner and think the church of my peers or those left standing in nearly any other generation will file in line. To the aging Baby-Boomer Copernican, the Doctrine of Flat Earth is as intolerable a […]

AH, THE MEMORIES—WHEN THE U.S. LANDED SATAN ON THE MOON | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - A CHRISTIAN WILL UNDOUBTEDLY OPEN UP HIS BIBLE TO READ of Satan, Belial, Baal, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Abaddon, and Apollyon, easily concluding they are all one and the same person, that crafty serpent of old, and then, having thoroughly closed its binding, put no second thought to standing back and admiring Walter Conkite’s finest hour—NASA’s Apollo […]

BIBLICAL COSMOLOGY IN THOMAS KEN’S “DOXOLOGY” | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here BELOW; Praise him ABOVE, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

IMMORTALITY FOR ALL—OUR COPERNICAN UNIVERSE & THE WORSHIP OF PANTHEISM | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - THE GULLIBLE CHRISTIAN WILL SIT WIDE-EYED AND CROSS-LEGGED, intently hinged upon every word of the astronomer, who has seemingly grown confused between his telescope and recent readings in Eastern mysticism as he amazes his hearers with tall-tales from the furthest reaches of our cosmic flea market. That poor gullible soul—I myself used to be one […]

“CLIMATE CHAOS” DOES NOT EXIST IN A TERRARIUM | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - MY READERS WILL BY THEIR OWN RESEARCH CONCLUDE that a terrarium is self-sufficient for the needs of its ecosystem. That is my contention, anyhow. Had I known about the Doctrine of Flat Earth at an earlier time—that we are as the Bible claims living “in the Earth”—then I would have taken up this pressing matter […]

“THEY KEPT NOT THEIR FIRST ESTATE,” or THE HELIOCENTRIC LIE: NOT OF MEN BUT OF ANGELS| Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - I HAVE OFTEN HEARD IT STATED HOW THIS GRAND-SCHEMED heliocentric lie could not have been made possible without the angels who kept not their first estate, forsaking their prescribed courses in the heavens to become the seven wandering stars we know today, or planets in Greek. This is only a partial truth at best. The […]

“NEITHER SHALL YE USE ENCHANTMENT”—THERE IS NO LAND OF MAKE-BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE |Reflections in Flat Earth from the House at Green Gables, P.E.I. - THE CHRISTIAN MUST BE GROSSLY IGNORANT WHO ASKS, “What harm is there in magical practice, if only to pretend?” Rarely is the Christian aroused with such a temper tantrum as to face the threat of having Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ripped forever from their bosom. “But…but….but….!” So goes the protest. “J.K. Rowling quotes […]

“AS ABOVE, SO BELOW”—OCCULTIST KNOWLEDGE ISN’T HIDDEN,WE’VE BEEN ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS ALL ALONG | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - PERHAPS THE GREATEST HYPOCRISY OF THIS AGE can only be realized once we wake from our terrible delusion and, fully lathered and soaped-up—having removed the filth of the globe from our pores—we observe the so-called man of God wearing the spectacles of a “Creationist,” who pampers us with his “opposition to Darwinism,” as if the […]

GOD HAS CHOSEN THE VERY LEAST OF US TO INHERIT FLAT EARTH | Reflections from Prince Edward Island - THE INVITES WENT OUT MILLENNIAL’S AGO—MOSES AND THE PROPHETS, as well as the poets, scribes, and Apostles all had a part in it. But it wasn’t until a few hundred years ago that the rejection slips starting coming in. I am of course referring to the Doctrine of Flat Earth, and for over a century […]

ON FLAT EARTH UP IS UP (AND DOWN IS DOWN) & POLARIS IS TO THE NORTH OF US | Reflections in Flat Earth from Prince Edward Island - WHEN WHAT REMAINS OF THE CHURCH IS SEIZED AND CARRIED OFF BY FORCE in the “Harpazo,” what Paul referred to as our blessed hope—also known by many as the doctrine of the rapture—I am expected of my Copernican contemporaries to believe that a great many of us will be whisked side-to-side, north, south, east or […]