The Unexpected Cosmology

Swapping Identities: The Temple Mount Is a Hoax - Part 1: The Hoax . . Annexing Jerusalem   THEY CALLED it the Green Line due to the color of ink used to draw boundary markers on the map, thereby dividing the land between Israel and its neighbors while the armistice talks were going down. On June 7, 1967, Israeli forces advanced beyond the 1949 […]

Origins of Our Weekly Calendar (Brought to You by Mystery Babylon) - I GUESS you could say this is sort-of a follow up to my recent paper, “92 Million Miles Around the Sun: The Dark Origin of Birthday Candles.” What I’m about to flesh out was already part of a social media discussion not so long ago, and as one might suspect, righteous indignation filled the comments […]

92 Million Miles Around the Sun: The Dark Origin of Birthday Candles - ATHEISTS HATE articles like this. I have the habit of sticking my nose in all the wrong places. I just can’t help myself. Take my junk drawer, for example. Too many rubber bands and uncharged batteries and not enough Chinese food menus. Most people feel accomplished cleaning out the Taco Bell hot sauce packets and […]

Jesus Did Not Die on a Cross. He Was Hung From a Tree. (The Reason Why Is Important.) - YAHUSHA DID NOT die on a cross. Let’s get our facts straight. He was hung on a tree. What’s the difference—you ask? The cross originated in the Babylonian Mystery religion and tells the cyclic story of Tammuz. Nimrod’s son. The story of Nimrod and Semiramis and Tammuz is the aboriginal—though perhaps more fundamentally basic—telling of […]

You Are a Slave, and the United States of America Is a Corporation - Here it goes. A serious question. Ready…? How many slaves in the British and New World colonies truly comprehended the fact that they were actual slaves to the colonies? And there it is. I can hear it now. Some of you are already joining in with the Skynet troll-bot and laughing: “Bwa-ha-ha! But Noel! Slave […]

The Miseducation of Ignatius of Antioch | Christianity at War With Holy Scripture - HE WAS SENT to Rome in a detachment of ten soldiers to be executed. Ignatius of Antioch. At a fork in the road somewhere in the midst of Asia Minor, probably Laodicea, his jailers made an impromptu decision. Knowing that the self-proclaimed Image-bearer maintained a show of support along the Mediterranean coast, particularly in Magnesia […]

How Does One Get Married According to the Bible? The Answer May Surprise You - HER JOURNEY TO MEET Isaac, the man she was betrothed to, was roughly five-hundred miles on the back of a camel—a journey likely spanning weeks, even if the roads and terrain were fair. While Rebecca concluded the final leg of her journey, Isaac went out to a field to meditate near evening-time, by way of […]

Torah or Talmud? (Christ & Antichrist Made Flesh) - There’s an ongoing debate regarding whether or not Scripture prophesies an end-times antichrist. Now, if we’re going merely by “canon,” I suppose an argument can be made either way. Yea or nay. I can see both sides. Feel free to post your reasons. I think everyone can at least agree that the spirit of antichrist […]

Is an Angel from Heaven Preaching Torah…? (Revelation 14:6) - As a child, I would obsessively read through Revelation and imagine a time when people could look up to the sky and see actual angels flying through the air, proclaiming the Gospel to a world no longer capable of hearing it from their fellow man. John records such an event as follows: “Then I saw […]

Psalm 91 | a reading for the last days - If we’re truly entering the final days, then get ready, family, because YAHUAH the Most-High is getting ready to roll up His sleeve.