The Unexpected Cosmology

THE SQUARE and THE COMPASS | Peter Sellers, Albert Pike, and Your Very Last Lesson in Freemasonry - ON THE 21ST OF JULY, 54-YEAR old Peter Sellers checked into the Dorchester hotel in London. At Golders Green Crematorium, he then visited the site of his parent’s ashes for the first time ever. Actually, the purpose of his stay was two-fold, because Sellers had dinner plans with partners Spike Milligan and Harry Secombe—all three […]

Cherokee Cosmology Is Hebrew Cosmology… Essentially - The Cherokee have a name for the Most-High. Yohewah. Are the Native Americans listed among the genetic lost tribes of Israel? They certainly share a common cosmology.

Coronavirus Cosmology: A Never Ending Pandemic (Staring the Ouroboros) - THE HEBREWS SAW TIME AS LINEAR. Contrary religions surrounding Canaan did not. For the Hebrew, there was a beginning (creation), a middle (Messiah), and an end (apocalypse, and again, Messiah). Some will argue against this point, and to be clear, I understand perfectly well the cyclic feast days on the Hebrew calendar. But that is […]

The Flat Earth Society and Daniel Shenton: Obama’s Wrong Side of History - IN 2009 THE FLAT EARTH SOCIETY was quietly re-established with little to no fanfare. Its founder, a man named Daniel Shenton (no proposed relation whatsoever to Samuel Shenton) claimed succession from the Zetetic astronomers, Samuel Rowbotham, and those under the umbrella of the Universal Zetetic Society in 1884, as well as Samuel Shenton’s Flat Earth […]

GLOBE PROOF…? | Deep Inside the Rabbit Hole with David Weiss (and the Flat Earth Awakening) - WHEN LISTENERS BEGAN SENDING DAVID WEISS flat earth videos in 2014, he deleted them—every single last one. “I wouldn’t even look at a single minute of video,” he said. Flat earth was bad for business. And besides, flat earthists, it seemed, were derailing the very truther movement which he held so dear.

THE SCIENCE NUMBER | Living in Satan’s Backyard (with Chris Van Matre) - THE HOLLOW EARTH THEORY was apparently something to be tinkered with in 2014. Mark Sargent doodled with it. So did Chris Van Matre. Admiral Byrd, check. Flying saucers, check. Wooly Mammoth, check. One thing led to another… Eric Dubay, check…?

Space Forensics: How Flat Earth Ruined Star Wars for Paul On The Plane - 1 THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM and mainstream propaganda had already taken its toll on forty-three year-old Paul Lindberg by the time he sat down one evening with his wife for dinner—which, on both accounts, is often how these things go. Between this and that, attending public school and catching a screening of The Empire Strikes […]

Flat Earthist Charles Johnson vs. the Late Great Planet Earth - 1 SAMUEL SHENTON WAS DEAD. It was 1972, and as the crew of the Apollo 17 readied to photograph the Blue Marble on NASA’s final moon mission, Lillian was faced with the prospect of what to do with her late husband’s work. Stacks of books and papers and boxes, undoubtedly chaotic with correspondences, remained. Without […]

DARKEST HOUR | Samuel Shenton, Flat Earth, and the Genesis Cloak of Deception - 1 AWAITING COLONEL JOHN GLENN’S RETURN TO EARTH was a handwritten message which simply read: OK, wise guy. Its author was none other than Samuel Shenton, world renowned and globally reviled flat earthist. In light of the three orbits which Glenn is claimed to have completed on the 20th of February 1962, the space race […]

The Challenger Explosion was a Psychodrama - 1 SEVERAL CONSIDERATIONS ARE PROBABLY in order as to why I distinctly recall the space shuttle Challenger disaster in real time—specifically the manner in which its memory has always been recollected. It’s literally burned into my mind. On the 28th of January, 1986 I was only five years old, and wouldn’t even graduate from kindergarten […]