The Unexpected Cosmology

Zen Garcia Vs. Globe Earth: The Key to Unlocking the True Cosmology - From the time of my January 2015 Flat Earth awakening to the August 2017 “Globe Versus Flat Earth Debate” with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon—hosted by Stephen and Jana Ben-noon of Israeli News Live here in Atlanta, Georgia—I have published three books on biblical cosmology and the structure of the world. 1) Flat Earth As Key to […]

The Anatomy of Anatoly Fomenko - Missing Books: A Probable Introduction   “History repeats itself; that’s one of the things that’s wrong with history.” — Clarence Darrow AND THEN one day it finally occurred to me. The Vatican has never been raided. In the sort of imaginary world where nobody stands behind the curtain, it only makes sense that the Vatican […]

The Lost Wars of Yahuah: Missing Books, Forbidden His-Story - MISSING BOOKS have long bothered me. Name a person. Name practically anybody worth mentioning and there’s likely a lost work attributed to them. Homer. Shakespeare. Aristotle. Pythagoras. Plato. Julius Caesar. Caesar Augustus. Euclid. Pliny the Elder. Tertullian. Origin. Confucius. And far too many numerous Roman historians. I’m naming the sort of names whom you likely […]

The Tent of Appointed Times: Israel’s Clock, Calendar, and Compass - The last decade has not only seen its share of unique astronomical events—such as eclipse sets and prophetic planetary alignments in particular houses of the zodiac—it has also seen an exponential increase in public interest in the ancient Biblical calendar and return to celebration of Biblical holy days. While skeptics might think that looking for […]

Flat Earth Facts & The Bible As The Standard of Truth - Often times people are trying to understand what the Flat Earth model really is. It seems like the logical thing to do for someone who thinks the earth is flat. The problem is that we don’t trust the scientific community enough to give us an accurate model in the first place, so how could we […]

Stars are Still Divine Beings in 2020 - STARS ARE still DIVINE   IN THE BOOK of Judges, stars battle over the fate of man in the heavens. But that’s probably none of my business. Loch Ness was just within eyesight when my wife turned around in the passenger seat of our Peugeot 2008 and noticed pink bumps spreading out across my five […]

Becoming Jeranism: Jeran Campanella’s Journey to the Flat Earth - IMAGINING Jeran Campanella walking the center aisle of his local parish dressed in a white alb with a cincture tied at the waist would be incredibly difficult to do—particularly for those of us who know him now. The personality behind YouTube channels Jeranism and Globebusters was once a conscientious altar server too. The boy Jeran Campanella wouldn’t be caught dead wearing […]

The Copernican Revolution Was a Hoax (Also, Marie Antoinette’s Love of Pinecones Discussed) - MARIE ANTOINETTE had a thing for pinecones. I can’t blame her. Some girls like shoes. Others unicorns. I actually know very little about Marie Antoinette. But that’s probably because I’m a guy. And also, because there’s nothing quite like a finely preserved vase from Classical Greek times. At the Louvre in Paris, women are as […]

The Tower of Babel Is a Coiled Double-Helix | Michelangelo’s Trans-humanism at Chateau de Chambord - SOMETIMES WE HEAR someone say something and we almost fall out of our chair. This was sort of like that. Only it wasn’t a chair that I almost fell out of—but a staircase. Two of them, actually. The staircase duo in question can be found at Château de Chambord in the Loire Valley of France. […]

Space Is Fake and the Earth Is Flat & I Probably Believe It Because the Government Wants Me To - I AM A FLAT EARTHIST. Yes, I believe the earth is flat as a matter of fact. Unashamedly so—Why? Because Yahuah testifies to it. Then again, call it a coincidence, but I have also come to conclude that I’m believing exactly what the government wants me to believe, and more importantly, precisely when they want […]