HYPERBOREA isn’t it. The hidden wilderness. I bring it up merely because some of you were thinking it was. Then again, I have never been to Hyperborea, and so, can’t say either way. All I am asking is that we broaden our horizon. I had started out saying the globe...
Stolen History
The Hidden Wilderness
MANY of us have been saying the globe deception was intended to hide the Creator for some years now, but we were only partially correct. It wasn’t simply designed to hide the greater realm either. That also is a legitimate answer. Still not the whole of it, though...
Mud Fossils: The Legends of Sleeping Giants Around the World
HOW many updates to my Mud Fossil paper has it been this week? Several I'm sure. At the risk of your being sick of them, here's another. I had absolutely no idea that there were so many sleeping giant legends around the world. I've only covered five or six of them...
Mud Fossils: The Mountains Be Titans
WE all know the Titans were the children of the Watchers and that they were killed off at one time or another, but I finally know how it happened. They were turned to stone. No duh, you tell me. That much is obvious with the mud fossil research. What I should have...
Mud Fossils: The Montgó Elephant
THE elephant Titan of Montgo, Spain has been on my stack of topics to cover for at least three years now. It was probably in the autumn of 2019 or the whereabouts, before the Great televised Scan-demic of 2020, that I contacted and interviewed the very individual who...
Mud Fossils: The Dragon of North Africa
MY original intent was to include this as part of my Genesis Reset investigation. It’s the idea that Genesis 1:1 was in actuality a recreation event rather than the first go-around. But then evidence involving a dragon of the fire breathing variety came along, and I...
Pipe Organs, Fireplaces, and Chimneys of the Millennial Kingdom
AT an earlier moment I showed you the sounds of silence as they pertain to the cymatics of sacred spaces, but in reality, the kings and priests of the kingdom knew how to lob a sound grenade into a cathedral with the mighty pipe organ. Have you ever sat and listened...
There Were No Toilets in the Millennial Kingdom
INDOOR plumbing was a Roman pastime. The Romans designed entire aqueducts necessary for the transportation of water into bathhouses and public toilets, sometimes from 100 kilometers away. They were so adept at the toilet game that they’d line entire rooms full of them...
Château de Chambord and the Double-Helix Stairway to Heaven
SOMETIMES we hear someone say something and we almost fall out of our chair. This was sort of like that. Only it wasn’t a chair that I almost fell out of—but a staircase. Two of them. The staircase duo in question can be found at Château de Chambord in the Loire...
The Columbian Exposition Hoax: Examining the Construction Photos
EVERY so often somebody sends me a construction photo of the 1893 Chicago Exposition, wondering if I’d seen them, and also, now that I’ve been set straight, won’t this insanity please come to an end? You should know then that there are side effects to my steady red...
Kings and Priests of the Millennial Kingdom: Spires, Domes, Rose Windows, and Baptistries
THE answer you probably weren’t looking for or even expecting is Smaug. But I will tell you about him anyways. The dragon from J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’ lore is how many might imagine themselves staking out their treasures in heaven if they’re being honest with...
Star Cities of the Millennial Kingdom
THE Michelangelo explanation is bonk. Look, if a man named Michelangelo did happen to design the original Bastion Forts, which in turn inspired hundreds of other star fortifications across our realm, then the evidence will show that he ripped off a worldwide Bastion...
The 7000 Year Timeline Deception: 12 Hours of Abraham
IT happened again. I’m always on the lookout for a savory timeline, and so, hopefully you are as excited as I am to learn that another witness has sprung forward. Ever since turning out my synopsis on the 10 weeks of Chanok, many have attempted to pull out the...
The Mud Flood and Jerusalem
THE thing about Jerusalem is that it’s not a Millennial Kingdom city from what I can tell. It’s sitting in ruins, mostly, according to the earliest photographs. The same cannot be stated concerning most other inhabited places of the world. Just yesterday I updated my...
The Mud Flood and Charleston: Destroying a Millennial Kingdom City
WHEN it comes to the mud flood, you too can take a field trip into your own city and catch our Controllers at their game of lies. I just so happen to live in Charleston, and so, I am able to report to you that the mud flood arrived here as well. The city was in fact...
More Maps from the Lost California Island
I just keep finding maps of the California island. There are probably dozens upon dozens of them floating around on the Intel-net like that feather in the Forrest Gump Intel movie. And so, I've added another few pages to my report on Calafia: Queen of California,...
Star Forts of the Millennial Kingdom: Fort Pickens
There is something like 319 bastion forts on our motionless plane and I have a theory on what many to most if not all of them were designed for. Wouldn’t you like to know what it is? Here’s your first hint. Their true purpose happens to be the opposite of war. If the...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Lion and the Unicorn
HOW many updates have I made to my 'Cities of the Millennial Kingdom' paper over the last several days? Well, here is one more update before the week is through. I told you to make a mental note of the unicorn. Bookmark it, even. Were you not given fair warning in...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: Iarbanel and Tea Tephi
HER name was Tea Tephi. In case you were wondering. The Yahudan princess. On first glance, the name doesn’t sound very Hebrew, does it? ‘Teia’ is of Egyptian origin and means princess, which is interesting since her father Tsidqiyahu was the last king of Yahudah and...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Divorce and Remarriage of Israel
THE textbook year in which Yirmeyahu the prophet was born is 650 BC. Not that the year itself matters, mind you. The understanding is that he was the whereabouts of 2 years old when Yahu’ash was born in 648. 10 when he was made king. My entire point is that they were...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: People of the Covenant and the Stone of Scone
AFTER initially publishing my 'Cities of the Millenial Kingdom' paper, I was told by one reader that I had completely missed the bus and bumbled the ball, among other idioms, on the church of Britain situation. Don’t get him wrong, in the game of cold and hot I was...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Church of Britain
THERE is great debate as to who founded the church of merry old England. Mind you, it is not the identities of its founders being contested, but rather, who it was that landed at the cliffs of Dover first. On our last go-around, I purposely left Aristobulus off the...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah: A Clue Given To Us by Papias
THERE have been several updates since first publishing my 'Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah' paper a little over a month ago. But that is only because I keep digging through the books, and there are clues to be found in them. Consder the writings of Papias. Practically...
Wastelands of the Seraphim: The Serpents in the Wilderness Were Angels
WASTELANDS of the Serephim was first published nearly a year ago. There was that second edition about three months back, which landed into my book, 'Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood.' Well, I'm always on the lookout when reading through Scripture, and I've found some...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Church of Rome
THE VATICAN is built directly on top of Kepha’s grave, and isn’t that interesting? They even call the palace where the Pope resides Saint Peter’s Basilica, as if that’s not suspicious. Truly, this is the stuff that keeps me up at night. I lay there on the pillow...
The Kiss, the Bridal Chamber, and Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah
ROMANTIC relationships complicate the workplace. So far as I can tell, the talmidim weren’t always thrilled with the arrangement. And yes, this time we’re going there. To the gnostic gospels. You knew we would eventually get to them though, didn’t you? I mean, the...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah and the Woman Caught in Adultery
BELIEVE it or not, the story regarding Yahusha's betrothed really begins to come together with the story of the woman caught in adultery. It is a story which can only be found in Yochanon, which is interesting, considering the story arch that we are given. I had put...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah and the Song of Solomon Connection
WHAT we are doing here is having a conversation. I put forward what research I have and then you respond, desiring to be helpful. Sometimes, you even grab a shovel and help me dig, so that we might seek further information together. It was just yesterday that I...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah
THE TOPIC before us has been a long time coming. I have often pondered the possibility that Messiah may have taken a wife without ever finding resolution to my inquiry. And then one days I scrambled upon a pice of evidence. No, I'm not talking about the annals of...
The 7000 Year Timeline Deception: 500 Years of the Phoenix
DISCOVERING the role of the Phoenix in the 7,000-year timeline deception came by total accident. I was just sitting around by the poolside and skimming through the pages of the Apostolic Fathers, sipping on some iced tea or something (minding my own business, as...