The Unexpected Cosmology

Boost Your Immune System 101 - If you are reading this article, then chances are good that you are aware of all the toxins and poisons that we come into contact with on a daily basis. The tap water provided to us contains things such as dissolved pharmaceuticals and poisonous fluoride. The air contains toxic particles from pollution and chemtrails. The […]

Who Really Killed Yahusha HaMashiach: the Romans or the Jews? - STUMBLING upon this little nugget of inofrmation proved to be the most shocking moment of any livesteam I’ve been a part of. That’s when the discovery happened, during our online Sabbath study. Rob, Michael, and I were discussing the Hebrew Gospel of Yochannon (John) chapter 19, which was of course only an English translation of […]

Sin No More - [...] I was covered by grace after all. Doesn’t that mean I can sin as many times as I want and just ask for forgiveness before I die to gain access to my eternal mansion? Looking back, I will admit I was lost. Considering that I believed [...]

Be Fruitful and Multiply - In my first article we explored the importance of the Aleph Tav and how Elohim must have created the word first in order to speak into the water let there be light. IN the beginning Elohiym created את the heavens and את the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was […]

Just Another Lick - Elizabeth was six years old. She liked all sorts of things but she really, really liked ice cream. Rainbow flavored is the best. It really doesn’t taste like rainbows though. She wondered how a rainbow really did taste. She loved dogs too, but thought that rainbow flavored ice cream should win some sort of an […]

The Importance of the Aleph and the Tav - That’s Gen 1:1 in the Hebrew text. Here is the king Jimmy translation. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJV Now you may not have noticed but the two letters I have highlighted in the Hebrew are missing from the King James. In fact they are missing from virtually […]

Prion Conspiracy - Jennifer, my wife had just begun dating me. This was way back, if you don’t know me well enough by now. Yeah, I’ve been married twelve years now, but we first met fourteen years ago. We met at AT&T, we were both IPhone techs. So yeah, for some weird reason we were in New York […]

Yahusha In the Psalms - FROM Pamela, daughter of James, to the scattered tribes of Israel: Dearly beloved, chosen and elect, those precious of ALOHIM, You who are seekers of knowledge, you who worship ALOHIM with a sincere heart: I greet you in the name of YAHUSHA Ha’Mashiach. Before we begin this study, I hope you will understand. This was […]

Dipping the Green - I guess you can call it “dipping.” At least that’s what Master Song Lu calls it. “Dipping.” One’s ability to go down unseen into the subconscious mind of the universe and “see” what goes on underneath. While others talk of the supernatural as if it were something crazy and evil… I was learning the tricks […]

The Feminine Holy Spirit - Introduction: The Antediluvian World This month in one of our book reviews, Joy and I highlighted the two books I released last year, The Pre-Adamites and The Antediluvian World and The Dragon Lords: Antediluvian Kings. These two books form a series based on the biblical concept of their having once existed a prior earth age. […]