[NEW 11/28/24]: The Trump Election & the Defeat of WokeJOIN us each week at TUC Discord 7pm EST for an in-depth community discussion. The topics are wide ranging and not censored by the constraints of social media outlets like YouTube. In the episode, the brunt of...
The Unexpected Cosmology
Remembering Rob Skiba: The Death Star Trench Run
The following script derives from my disbanded book anthology series, The Unexpected Cosmology, which sought to chronicle the lives of flat earthists and also those within the Torah community. Hours upon hours of interviews were recorded. It was truly a project of...
Remembering Rob Skiba: Kiss Alabama
The following script derives from my disbanded book anthology series, The Unexpected Cosmology, which sought to chronicle the lives of flat earthists and also those within the Torah community. Hours upon hours of interviews were recorded. It was truly a project of...
News & Updates: Meet the Writers
I KEEP getting asked if I'd consider making YouTube videos again, and while I appreciate these gestures, I know Yahuah has equipped me as a writer and likewise prepared me for the days we live in—as a writer. I get it. Hardly anyone reads anymore. Just about everyone...
Becoming Jeranism: Jeran Campanella’s Journey to the Flat Earth
IMAGINING Jeran Campanella walking the center aisle of his local parish dressed in a white alb with a cincture tied at the waist would be incredibly difficult to do—particularly for those of us who know him now. The personality behind YouTube channels...
Living Down Under on a Flat Earth: Laini Inivale Is Winning One for the Team
3 IF HOUSES could walk, then Laini Inivale would be a tower built of rebar and brick. In a crowded room, he's rather difficult to miss. This is the story about the year we met. On the 26th of October, 2016, nearly 5,000 athletes gathered in Perth, Australia, to...
THE SQUARE and THE COMPASS | Peter Sellers, Albert Pike, and Your Very Last Lesson in Freemasonry
ON THE 21ST OF JULY, 54-YEAR old Peter Sellers checked into the Dorchester hotel in London. At Golders Green Crematorium, he then visited the site of his parent’s ashes for the first time ever. Actually, the purpose of his stay was two-fold, because Sellers had dinner...
They Call Her the Black Dahlia | Secret Societies, Mk-Ultra, Stanley Kubrick, & Hollywood Sex Cults
THE WRITER WITHOUT HANDS GEORGE DEVORE WAS DRIVING through the Mojave Desert, having just completed his latest script, The Big Steal. The successful Hollywood screenwriter was known for such films as Time Cop with Jean-Claude Van Damme and Raw Deal with Arnold...
The Flat Earth Society and Daniel Shenton: Obama’s Wrong Side of History
IN 2009 THE FLAT EARTH SOCIETY was quietly re-established with little to no fanfare. Its founder, a man named Daniel Shenton (no proposed relation whatsoever to Samuel Shenton) claimed succession from the Zetetic astronomers, Samuel Rowbotham, and those under the...
GLOBE PROOF…? | Deep Inside the Rabbit Hole with David Weiss (and the Flat Earth Awakening)
WHEN LISTENERS BEGAN SENDING DAVID WEISS flat earth videos in 2014, he deleted them—every single last one. “I wouldn’t even look at a single minute of video,” he said. Flat earth was bad for business. And besides, flat earthists, it seemed, were derailing the very...
THE SCIENCE NUMBER | Living in Satan’s Backyard (with Chris Van Matre)
THE HOLLOW EARTH THEORY was apparently something to be tinkered with in 2014. Mark Sargent doodled with it. So did Chris Van Matre. Admiral Byrd, check. Flying saucers, check. Wooly Mammoth, check. One thing led to another… Eric Dubay, check…? Van Matre immediately...
Missing Curvature: Bob Knodel Vs 8 Inches Per Mile Squared
ONE DAY IN THE SPRING OF 2015, 55-YEAR-OLD Bob Knodel got to thinking. Firstly, he thought about his training as a pilot—and then gyroscopes. He thought about space and satellite imagery too. Something didn’t add up right. “I was always, for the last 25 plus years—I...
In the House of the Forest People with Karen B
1 THE TALL, DARK, AND HANDSOME standing on her doorstep was the very tall, dark, and handsome from her dream—quite literally. To put it in slightly other terms, she had dreamed of this very scenario earlier that morning. Even his clothes were indistinguishable. Karen...
Space Forensics: How Flat Earth Ruined Star Wars for Paul On The Plane
1 THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM and mainstream propaganda had already taken its toll on forty-three year-old Paul Lindberg by the time he sat down one evening with his wife for dinner—which, on both accounts, is often how these things go. Between this and that, attending...
Remember Building 7: September 11 was a Wake-Up Call for Truth
SEPTEMBER | Rick Hummer IF THE MEDIA has its way, and believe me, they’ll try, then the end of the world will be met with sensationalism. Tuesday was a practice run. As the sun dawned over America’s eastern shoreline on the eleventh of September, 2001, New York...
SPACE CAMP | Shelley Lewis’ Journey to the Dark Side of the Moon
1 FROM THAT DAY FORWARD, SHELLEY LEWIS knew exactly what she was going to do with her life. Ronald Reagan was still president when astronaut Alan B. Shepard walked into the room. The thirteen year-old was literally star struck. And she had good reason to be. After...
Flat Earthist Charles Johnson vs. the Late Great Planet Earth
1 SAMUEL SHENTON WAS DEAD. It was 1972, and as the crew of the Apollo 17 readied to photograph the Blue Marble on NASA’s final moon mission, Lillian was faced with the prospect of what to do with her late husband’s work. Stacks of books and papers and boxes,...
DARKEST HOUR | Samuel Shenton, Flat Earth, and the Genesis Cloak of Deception
1 AWAITING COLONEL JOHN GLENN’S RETURN TO EARTH was a handwritten message which simply read: OK, wise guy. Its author was none other than Samuel Shenton, world renowned and globally reviled flat earthist. In light of the three orbits which Glenn is claimed to have...
The DEADHEAD & the Great Mystery of God | Travels with Zen Garcia
1 HE WAS A MARTIAL ARTIST AND A POET, and then finally one day in the spring of 1992 it occurred to twenty-one year old Zen Garcia that he was trapped behind four walls too many, and the view through his window was lacking. After abandoning church as a teenager he...
The Challenger Explosion was a Psychodrama
1 SEVERAL CONSIDERATIONS ARE PROBABLY in order as to why I distinctly recall the space shuttle Challenger disaster in real time—specifically the manner in which its memory has always been recollected. It’s literally burned into my mind. On the 28th of January, 1986 I...
JESUS TAPE | The Night Robbie Davidson Discovered God
1 “I DIDN’T CHOOSE THIS LIFE,” ROBBIE DAVIDSON INSISTED over the phone. “God intervened. He chose it. It was as if God was telling me, I have a plan. I have a purpose. You’re coming.” Davidson is undoubtedly referring to his former life in the Edmonton bar and...
MR. NELSON’S CLASSROOM | Cleveland’s Hidden World of Geocentricism (with Chris & Liz Bailey)
1 WHEN ASKED, LIZ BAILEY CAN STILL RECITE the date with regimented smoothness, as though she were simply taking a butter knife slathered with raspberry jam to bread. I inquired. June 21, 1996—that’s the occasion in which fifteen year-old Liz Rolen asked the new kid in...
THE UNEXPECTED COSMOLOGY | Trailer, Premiere, and Sale!
IN THE SUMMER OF 2019, FLAT EARTHIST Patricia Steere shocked the very movement which she had helped to nurture, facilitate, and ultimately create, by pulling the plug on her YouTube channel, "Flat Earth & Other Hot Potatoes." Actually, she pulled the plug on...
Everything That Was Beautiful Became Ugly | Escaping Flat Earth with Patricia Steere
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34 17 THE BEGINNING IS THE END I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE. I’ve always wanted to be interviewed by Patricia Steere. Ever since coming over to the flat earth community in its toddler...