The Unexpected Cosmology

Missing Curvature: Bob Knodel Vs 8 Inches Per Mile Squared - ONE DAY IN THE SPRING OF 2015, 55-YEAR-OLD Bob Knodel got to thinking. Firstly, he thought about his training as a pilot—and then gyroscopes. He thought about space and satellite imagery too. Something didn’t add up right.  “I was always, for the last 25 plus years—I guess you could kind of call me a conspiracy […]

In the House of the Forest People with Karen B - 1 THE TALL, DARK, AND HANDSOME standing on her doorstep was the very tall, dark, and handsome from her dream—quite literally. To put it in slightly other terms, she had dreamed of this very scenario earlier that morning. Even his clothes were indistinguishable. Karen was going through a divorce when the man whom she’d met […]

Space Forensics: How Flat Earth Ruined Star Wars for Paul On The Plane - 1 THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM and mainstream propaganda had already taken its toll on forty-three year-old Paul Lindberg by the time he sat down one evening with his wife for dinner—which, on both accounts, is often how these things go. Between this and that, attending public school and catching a screening of The Empire Strikes […]

Remember Building 7: September 11 was a Wake-Up Call for Truth - SEPTEMBER | Rick Hummer   IF THE MEDIA has its way, and believe me, they’ll try, then the end of the world will be met with sensationalism. Tuesday was a practice run. As the sun dawned over America’s eastern shoreline on the eleventh of September, 2001, New York City was in a strangely thoughtful mood. […]

SPACE CAMP | Shelley Lewis’ Journey to the Dark Side of the Moon - 1 FROM THAT DAY FORWARD, SHELLEY LEWIS knew exactly what she was going to do with her life. Ronald Reagan was still president when astronaut Alan B. Shepard walked into the room. The thirteen year-old was literally star struck. And she had good reason to be. After all, this was space camp. Everything changed in […]

Flat Earthist Charles Johnson vs. the Late Great Planet Earth - 1 SAMUEL SHENTON WAS DEAD. It was 1972, and as the crew of the Apollo 17 readied to photograph the Blue Marble on NASA’s final moon mission, Lillian was faced with the prospect of what to do with her late husband’s work. Stacks of books and papers and boxes, undoubtedly chaotic with correspondences, remained. Without […]

DARKEST HOUR | Samuel Shenton, Flat Earth, and the Genesis Cloak of Deception - 1 AWAITING COLONEL JOHN GLENN’S RETURN TO EARTH was a handwritten message which simply read: OK, wise guy. Its author was none other than Samuel Shenton, world renowned and globally reviled flat earthist. In light of the three orbits which Glenn is claimed to have completed on the 20th of February 1962, the space race […]

The DEADHEAD & the Great Mystery of God | Travels with Zen Garcia - 1 HE WAS A MARTIAL ARTIST AND A POET, and then finally one day in the spring of 1992 it occurred to twenty-one year old Zen Garcia that he was trapped behind four walls too many, and the view through his window was lacking. After abandoning church as a teenager he tried his hand at […]

The Challenger Explosion was a Psychodrama - 1 SEVERAL CONSIDERATIONS ARE PROBABLY in order as to why I distinctly recall the space shuttle Challenger disaster in real time—specifically the manner in which its memory has always been recollected. It’s literally burned into my mind. On the 28th of January, 1986 I was only five years old, and wouldn’t even graduate from kindergarten […]

JESUS TAPE | The Night Robbie Davidson Discovered God - 1   “I DIDN’T CHOOSE THIS LIFE,” ROBBIE DAVIDSON INSISTED over the phone. “God intervened. He chose it. It was as if God was telling me, I have a plan. I have a purpose. You’re coming.” Davidson is undoubtedly referring to his former life in the Edmonton bar and club scene, a segment he refers […]