The Unexpected Cosmology

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job | #9 The Darkened Council of Job’s Three Friends - IN A WAY, JOB AND HIS THREE FRIENDS were severely handicapped intellectuals. When Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar heard of the evil that had befallen him, they made an appointment together to mourn at his side. We quickly read: “When they lifted up their eyes, afar off, and knew him not, they lifted up their voice, […]

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job | #7 If Job Were Alive, People Would Listen - IT IS NO SECRET THAT JOB, LIKELY WRITTEN centuries before the Law of Moses, is a flat earth book. Geocentricism abounds. But there’s far more to Job than most contemporary connoisseurs of Scripture are willing to admit. Theologians have long noted that Job ascribed to a peculiar belief regarding the afterlife. Mainly, where consciousness is […]

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job |#6 “I Know My Redeemer Lives…” The Gospel of Jesus Christ - WE ARE GIVEN NO INDICATION THAT JOB DISAGREED with Bildad and Zophar’s descriptions of the dead man for the very reason that Job wished to heap such an existence, if we can even define it in such terms, upon himself. Whereas Zophar embossed our minds with imagery of the unfanned flames which shall greet the […]

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job | #5 A People of Dung… Devoured by the Unfanned Flame - IT WAS ZOPHAR THE NAAMATHITE’S TURN TO SPEAK. Though the loftiness of the wicked reaches the heavens, he assured his friends, they are at best delusional, for the limits of the Almighty are as high as the heavens, His measure longer than the earth, and His depths deeper than Sheol. Can any man compare with […]

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job | #4 There Are No Names Among the Street Corners of Fire and Brimstone - IT WAS BILDAD THE SHUHITE’S TURN TO SPEAK. Fire and brimstone mark the former habitation of the wicked, he told the suffering Job. To this we may rightly conclude, where there is fire and brimstone, there are no people. Job and his friends held no persuasion to the doctrine of eternal torment—a necessary component of […]

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job | #2 “From Womb to Tomb…” Sheol, My Home—and Worms Are Its Inhabitants - AFTER DISASTER FELL UPON THE MAN FROM UZ, we quickly read, “Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth (Job 3:1).” Among his few loyal friends, Job wailed: 9 “Let the stars of its twilight be darkened; Let it wait for light but have none, And let it not see the breaking […]

Death, the Afterlife, the Shape of the Earth and Job | #1 Poor Job (An Introduction) - “Oh that my words were written! Oh that they were inscribed in a book!” (Job 19:23) FOR THE MEDIEVAL COMMENTATOR, HE WAS A LEPER, while some modern scholars’ finger scurvy as the culprit. And it has been suggested that no less than fourteen diseases are attributed to him. Poor Job—as the disease laid hold of […]

The Complete Death and Total Destruction of Jesus Christ | #5 Who Raised Jesus from the Grave? - UPON HIS OWN DEATH A MILLENNIA EARLIER, King David would, as he himself wrote, “go down into silence.” It is David who once penned: “for there is no mention of you in death. In Sheol who will give you thanks? (Psalm 6:5).” The writer of 1 Kings records: “So David slept with his fathers, and […]

The Complete Death and Total Destruction of Jesus Christ | #4 He Received Our Punishment in Full Measure (An Insult to the Sinner and the Saved) - IF THE TRUE SACRIFICIAL DEATH OF JESUS IS UNTHINKABLE, it is only because human religion has made it permissible to find dogmatic detours and attain the alternative. That the only begotten Son of God should become flesh, grow and mature as a man, suffer as a man, and die as a man, is stiff doctrine […]

The Complete Death and Total Destruction of Jesus Christ | #3 He “Gave Up the Ghost…” (and Returned to God) - CONFUSION OFTEN SURROUNDS THE DISSIMILARITIES between soul and spirit, and yet the Bible gives us a clear distinction. If the theologian has his way, Christ’s conscious ghost immediately left His body at the cross. Whether He ascended or descended to heaven in the interval between His bodily death and resurrection—or moved, independent of the body, […]